Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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God of Love
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This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue16000/1This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] - Page 3 Empty Re: This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri]

Sat Feb 27, 2021 8:38 pm
This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] - Page 3 XGtVjsG


Thinking about her response for a moment or two, his eyes looked her over very carefully. Physically speaking, he doubted she had any trouble holding a blade in itself. If anything, he would have certainly said that her body was leagues above most. A fusion of practicality and aesthetic, very impressive.

"Well, if the issue comes in using the blade itself, we ought to consider what it is about the sword that gives you pause."

Sheathing his blade, Fuuen more closely studied Yugiri's hold on her zanpakuto, every minute detail of her hand on its hilt factored into his considerations. He may have known very little, but about this, he knew quite a bit.

"Is it the balance of the blade? Its weight in your hands? Is this a question of the spiritual or the physical?"

Despite his poor memory, the questions of the sword were ones that never quite seemed to leave his mind. It was a blessing, he supposed, particularly in moments such as this.


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This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] - Page 3 Empty Re: This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri]

Mon Mar 01, 2021 5:09 am
This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] - Page 3 Yugiri-header-template3


It was definitely spiritual. The sword itself was fine. Almost too fine, really. Perfectly ready for killing and hurting people. She couldn't even tell if it was out of hatred or just nature, wow she really didn't get Hitokiri at all. One would guess calling it that nickname probably didn't make her feel any better either.

"It's a spiritual thing. My sword and I.. it's complicated, I guess."

Yugiri had trouble explaining her relationship with it. Aside from the fact it was very clearly awful. Did this guy have a spirit inside that thing? Did it reflect the being inside his soul? How particular that would be.

"Hey, do you have shikai or know the name of your sword?"


This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] - Page 3 Gamma_Signature
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God of Love
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This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue16000/1This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] - Page 3 Empty Re: This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri]

Mon Mar 01, 2021 5:29 am
This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] - Page 3 XGtVjsG


"Ah, if it is a spiritual matter, then simple practice and refinement of your grip likely would not help matters too much."

Crossing his arms as he thought about the situation, Fuuen moved his gaze from Yugiri's hands to the zanpakuto held in them. He knew very little about the relationship between a shinigami and their blade, which in fairness was now his own fault. He really ought to have actually accepted a zanpakuto, hm?

"I have no shikai, at least so far as I am aware. My sword, however, is called the Yuudachi, if the print upon its blade is any indication."

A simple name, for an equally simple sword. In a way, it was all too fitting for it to be used by a Plus. He thought about that often, but had never come up with any particular answer.


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This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] - Page 3 Empty Re: This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri]

Mon Mar 01, 2021 8:23 am
This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] - Page 3 Yugiri-header-template3


She waited for him to analyse the situation, he was clearly more versed in the blade than she was. In the same manner she was likely far above him in every other field from a quick glance of trying to read him and gauge Fuuen as a whole. It was hard but he seemed really cool, she liked that.

"The Yuudachi? What a weird name. So does it have any true form or kind of expression, you should try. Hey, write that down so you don't forget... Anyway, so what do you think I should do? Should I try and meditate on it and deal with my problems that way or should I try and be more reserved? I feel like she'd get angry with me if I just waltzed in there like I owned the place."

It didn't help her inner world was like a big black ocean. The water barely moved and was sometimes so still you could walk on it. The place seemed like it was trapped in time. She didn't like it at all.


This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] - Page 3 Gamma_Signature
This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] - Page 3 CHARACTER_LISTThis Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] - Page 3 GRAPHICS_THREADThis Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] - Page 3 TIMELINE_THREAD
God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue16000/1This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] - Page 3 Empty Re: This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri]

Mon Mar 01, 2021 8:40 am
This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] - Page 3 XGtVjsG


"Not to my knowledge. I suppose I ought to look into that, shouldn't I?"

Despite the fact that it might've been a fruitless endeavor in the end, Fuuen did in fact write down what Yugiri had suggested to him. It didn't hurt to try new avenues of study, after all.

"It is important when dealing with the blade to understand its place in one's hand. You cannot simply force it to do as you wish, no matter how much you may try. I suppose it may not be precisely the same when dealing with the spirit of a blade, but at the same time, I imagine the same principle would apply. One must be confident and purposeful, not not domineering."

Fuuen really didn't know much of anything about this zanpakuto business, which was really becoming all the more apparent the longer he spoke on this topic. Then again, was a zanpakuto anything more complex than a very well-developed sword?


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This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] - Page 3 Empty Re: This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri]

Mon Mar 01, 2021 8:51 am
This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] - Page 3 Yugiri-header-template3


"Yeah. It'd be pretty nice if you just developed something so unique."

Unique naturally entailed something so super cool and awesome. His one of a kind sword with a one of a kind release. Yugiri gave him a really strong gaze while thinking about his words. Yeah, this required some more time. Maybe then she could learn from him. She was not ready yet.

"I see, I see. In that case I must improve more and then I'll seek you out when I am ready.... I must ask now, what's your number?"

After a dramatic pause she pulled out her phone, ready to take note of his details. Surely he had a phone for communication purposes?


This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] - Page 3 Gamma_Signature
This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] - Page 3 CHARACTER_LISTThis Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] - Page 3 GRAPHICS_THREADThis Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] - Page 3 TIMELINE_THREAD
God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] - Page 3 Empty Re: This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri]

Mon Mar 01, 2021 8:56 am
This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] - Page 3 XGtVjsG


"I would certainly have to agree, though I would like to hope that even if I fail to, my current developments would already count as sufficiently unique. I have quite a few more, after all."

There was a certain obvious degree of pride as he said that, even if it was a rather far cry from Yugiri's usual confidence in her self-made abilities. Even if, realistically, his pride in them was more a different sort of confidence, rather than necessarily any less confidence.

"Certainly. I will do my best to refine my own techniques, as well as to discern how I might properly teach them to you the next time we meet."

Fuuen admittedly had to actually pull out his phone to remember what his number even was, but sure enough, he had remembered to bring said phone to begin with. That was progress, right?


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