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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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The Hybrid King
Joined : 2011-06-06
Posts : 2654
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I'm Here For The Damn Book, Ma'am (Saisei/Maria) Left_bar_bleue10015/100000I'm Here For The Damn Book, Ma'am (Saisei/Maria) Empty_bar_bleue  (10015/100000)

I'm Here For The Damn Book, Ma'am (Saisei/Maria) Empty I'm Here For The Damn Book, Ma'am (Saisei/Maria)

Mon Mar 01, 2021 7:04 pm
I'm Here For The Damn Book, Ma'am (Saisei/Maria) WHdevDs

Saisei | The Vandenreich Frontline

In comparison to the main hustle and bustle of the city, Helle's residential area was... odd. Almost like a suburb back in Japan, the City seemed to have far more winding roads than it would first let on by a simple glance. Though it wasn't Saisei's first time visiting Helle's residence, he couldn't help but still be surprised by the degree of change the City could undergo.

Shuffling himself along the sidewalk, the boy shielded his eyes from the harsh sun as he made his way to his commander's home. Shaking his head to readjust his sunglasses, Saisei felt uncomfortable with the houses that surrounded him. Though it may seem silly, the idea of living here felt far too... clean? It felt cookie cutter and plain, it took away what he felt was the magic of being one's self. Of course, Helle fit the cookie cutter personality just fine when it came to décor. It made complete sense to her subordinate that she'd want to live somewhere so simple.

Squared away between two homes of similar appearance, Helle's home was as you'd expect from the commander. Simple and clean, it's what made the most sense to her after all. Saisei's interest in visiting for what felt like maybe the third time now was to pick up a book he had left her to read.

The Need Of Man, a book he had by mere chance from his adoptive father back home. It spoke of the trials and tribulations of man throughout time and the focus on how mankind grew throughout time. It was an interesting read, one he held close to heart because of it's meaning. Hopefully, Helle would have found it interesting as well. Like Commander like subordinate, right?

Finally reaching her doorstep, the boy rang Ms. Armstrong's doorbell. Once, then twice, silence filling the endless void that was time. Seconds turned to five minutes, his call for attention entirely unanswered. It was time for Saisei to take things into his own hands. With a few loud knocks, Helle's doorframe shook wildly. Taking very little notice of his excessive force, he sighed and repeated his knocks.

"Ma'am? You've gotta be home right? Surely you wouldn't leave home without giving me my book back. Right? Right?!?!"

Saisei's voice filled with worry. The boy wasn't angry but he surely wasn't pleased with the possibility of losing his prized possession. If Helle wouldn't let him in, well, he'd have to force himself in.

So it began, Saisei fumbled with the doorknob all quietly to himself. Try as he might however, the door stood strong. No luck.

END POST | America's Line Of Defense

I'm Here For The Damn Book, Ma'am (Saisei/Maria) FXpoQxJ
I'm Here For The Damn Book, Ma'am (Saisei/Maria) 2Y9rqGk

Resident Black Woman
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I'm Here For The Damn Book, Ma'am (Saisei/Maria) Empty Re: I'm Here For The Damn Book, Ma'am (Saisei/Maria)

Wed Mar 03, 2021 6:12 pm

Song: DOMOKEN - Steps ft. wetyourappetite - Word Count: --

Helle's apartment was cleaned without a speck of dust in sight, of course this was after Maria had slaved over it. Despite the owner barely being home and practically giving it to her, she still referred to it as "Helle's Place". But that didn't mean she didn't add her own pieces of personality to it. For instance, there was a totally new and fabulous coffee maker in the kitchen now, not to mention the plush and lavish rainbow blankets draped across the couch that looked a little out of place amongst the plain apartment.

And that's where the sueki found herself this lovely, stupid bright evening. Curtains drawn, her plush blankets wrapped around her, and delicious cup of coffee in hand. She sat comfortably curled up on the couch watching some random television show while in her new panda pajama onesie. It was actually the coziest and safest she'd ever felt, Mimi could practically melt right then and there. Who needs men when you had comfy time? Her peace was only broken by the sound of a knock at the door. She paused, contemplating opening the door to see who it was, but decided against it. It wasn't her house, so it wasn't for her.

Calmly, Mimi sipped her coffee and counted down from ten when she heard the knocks continue, steadily getting louder. She really tried to not get angry, but this person was ruining her "me time". Why couldn't he take a damn hint?! Of course, that attempt failed the moment she heard the doorknob rattle. The blonde bolted up out of her seat and stomped towards the door. For someone to have the nerve to pound on Helle's door like that and then try to break in, they better have balls made of steel! When she made it to the door, Maria just about tore the door open like some madwoman, hot coffee poised in front of her like a weapon. The man in front of her may be bigger than her, but she refused to just come into her friend's house for free. Glaring harshly, Mimi sneered at the man.

"Helle isn't here! Who are you and what do you want?!"

The Hybrid King
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I'm Here For The Damn Book, Ma'am (Saisei/Maria) Left_bar_bleue10015/100000I'm Here For The Damn Book, Ma'am (Saisei/Maria) Empty_bar_bleue  (10015/100000)

I'm Here For The Damn Book, Ma'am (Saisei/Maria) Empty Re: I'm Here For The Damn Book, Ma'am (Saisei/Maria)

Fri Mar 05, 2021 8:31 pm
I'm Here For The Damn Book, Ma'am (Saisei/Maria) WHdevDs

Saisei | The Vandenreich Frontline

Jiggle, Jiggle, Jiggle...

Despite his best efforts, Saisei failed at any attempt to brute force his way into the residence. Quite a few things kept him from forcing his way inside, of course. Firstly, Helle would be far angrier than he'd appreciate if he broke her door frame. Secondly, breaking and entering was a lot worse than simply 'opening the door and entering'. One was a crime, the other was... not a crime? For good reason, in a court of law Saisei's logic would fall apart. Good thing now one was around, he'd definitely look like a hoodlum.

Letting out a sigh that could definitely be heard through Helle's door, he turned and paced. The only way to get his book which, surely was in the building, would be to get inside. How would he get inside? Window? Front Door? The roof? No, none of these were serious answers. The only thing he could do is keep trying the knob until it popped off on it's own. Easy enough to replace a knob than it was a frame, wasn't it?

"Alright, let's try this again."

Back to the old grind, he thought. Saisei tackled the doorknob once more, jiggling it far more than any sane person would. That was when it hit him. Not literally, but mentally. As he jiggled, the loud thumping of whatever entity that laid beyond the door's threshold was unleashed upon him. First the thumping, then the door itself.

Normally, Saisei's reflexes were among those of peak human ability. Not just any human, but the best. Standing in front of his commander's home had left him... weak, however. He was comfortable, too comfortable...


The swinging door brought his rather large frame with it. Refusing to let go, Saisei's very being decided it would be best if he was forced inside his commander's home. With one giant swing of the door, everything came crashing down faster than anyone could have expected. Maria's cup of coffee found itself spilled across the boy's hair and shirt, his forehead digging into the linoleum floor at the door's entrance. A knot had already began forming from the force of Maria's pull, Saisei's head spinning wildly with stars.

Looking up from his knelt over position, his jaw nearly dropped to the ground in a comical-like scene. Maria, the woman he knew as a 'rich bitch' as one would say, was everything but that now. Her oversized panda onesie was childish. Cute, but childish. Even more so was the fact that, despite it's oversized nature, her womanly features refused to be hidden. With... assets so large, even an oversized outfit would struggle to hide them. His cheeks flushed red as he tried to clamor his way back up, failing to due to the coffee now covering his hands.

"I-I just wanted my book..."

Though he knew it was Maria, Saisei could barely speak. Maria left him dumbfounded, his coffee-soaked hair and stained clothes only further pained by the knot on his head. If he were to ever grovel to someone of Maria's status, this would be the closest it'd be. By complete accident.

END POST | America's Line Of Defense

I'm Here For The Damn Book, Ma'am (Saisei/Maria) FXpoQxJ
I'm Here For The Damn Book, Ma'am (Saisei/Maria) 2Y9rqGk

Resident Black Woman
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I'm Here For The Damn Book, Ma'am (Saisei/Maria) Empty Re: I'm Here For The Damn Book, Ma'am (Saisei/Maria)

Sun Mar 07, 2021 3:08 pm

Song: DOMOKEN - Steps ft. wetyourappetite - Word Count: --


Everything happened so fast, so unpredictably that Maria could only stand there dumbfounded as the scene unfolded. When her brain finally caught up to the situation Mimi first stared at her now empty cup of joe, then at the pink blob on her floor. Blonde eyebrows furrowed at the mess until recognition finally clicked in her eyes. The sueki squealed in alarm and jumped away from the scene to run back in the apartment to grab two towels, wetting one slightly with water as she waddled her way back to the doorway. What the hell was this kid doing here? Even more important, why was Helle's subordinate trying into her home!? She may be helping him now, but he was definitely not free from her fury after.

She threw the moist towel at Saisei's face and quickly tried to usher him into the room, onto the couch. If he tried to murder her, then at least Helle would sense he'd been there and his DNA would be found. Maria threw the other towel on the ground to grab the extra moisture, then opened a nearby closet door to grab the mop. "Guys always causes issues..." She hated messes, especially big ones like this that wasted her nectar. The mopping was vicious, clearly displaying her anger. Once that was cleaned up Maria checked the door to make sure that damn giant didn't break it. It was good for Saisei so he wouldn't be killed by Chickpea, unfortunately.

Now that everything seemed to be back in order, Maria finally turned her full anger and attention back to the intruder. The sueki stood before the pinky with her hands on her hips, her red eyes glaring harshly at the boy. She may have looked a bit less intimating with her onesie but she didn't let that stop the anger rolling off of her like heat waves. She took a deep breathe to remind herself this was Helle's kid thing she had to babysit before she spoke. "You. What the...Give me a reason right now why I shouldn't call Helle or the police. And don't bullshit me!"

The Hybrid King
Joined : 2011-06-06
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I'm Here For The Damn Book, Ma'am (Saisei/Maria) Empty Re: I'm Here For The Damn Book, Ma'am (Saisei/Maria)

Mon Mar 08, 2021 3:38 pm
I'm Here For The Damn Book, Ma'am (Saisei/Maria) WHdevDs

Saisei | The Vandenreich Frontline

It seemed that the boy was well in over his head this time around. Well, he was both literally and metaphorically over his head. From the ground below, Maria seemed almost giant-like in nature. She wasn't of course, it just seemed as though she grew ten sizes that day. As he tried to struggle back to his feet, Maria made it abundantly clear he wasn't in charge. Her onslaught had sadly begun.

Left and right, the sueki 'princess' clamored about. First back into the apartment's depths, then out once again. When she had returned, the blonde attacker brought with her a set of towels. One for the coffee soaked floor, the other for the coffee soaked boy. Without hesitation, Maria slathered the moist towel all over his face before throwing him into the apartment.

Saisei had visited many times before, just not as blind as he was currently. Despite that, he felt at home. Whenever he and Helle conversed in her home, he didn't feel like a stranger. Rather, he felt like she was almost like a second parent to him. As childish as it may seem, Helle was a rock that the boy held onto for sure footing whenever he felt lost at sea. After all, in a world like this with a mind like his, Saisei was often lost. Sure of himself, but lost.

Maria had her way with the young man, throwing him aside to the couch as she shuffled off once more. If he were to guess, she intended on cleaning up the mess the both of them had made. Wiping down his face with the towel provided, he removed it and shook his now nappy hair dry.


His words were muffled, almost like the boy had been pouting as he spoke. Despite the fact that she was so clearly in the wrong too, Saisei couldn't help but feel it was all his fault after her previous comment. As he watched her viciously mop the mess away, he felt more at ease knowing it wouldn't be a problem for Helle.

That was the last of his issues. As soon as the princess had finished her duties, she was once again on the attack. Standing before him rather menacingly, she shouted and slurred her words in anger. Helle kept scary company, someone so small and blonde being this terrifying was far from what he would call normal.

"Helle told me to come over, on my honor as a Vandenreich member I would never, ever lie."

Saisei wasn't lying but he sure was emphasizing his words. Hoping to cool the hot-headed woman off, he really wanted it to hit home that he was meant to be here.

"I thought maybe she'd keep the door unlocked if she remembered I was coming back. Thought it was jammed or I was just dumb, y'know? Wasn't expecting to run in to little miss 'refuses a tour by the best tour guide in the city' to show up. I didn't know we shared such an important part of our lives together."

He spoke platonically of Helle, almost like she was a mother. If it weren't for her, he wouldn't be here in the City still.

"I'll explain what happened with the coffee with Helle, I'll let her know it was my fault. I was just coming over for a book I had left. Sorry..."

He folded up, a dejected look filling his features as he looked away from Maria.

"Please don't be angry. I really had good intentions..."

END POST | America's Line Of Defense

I'm Here For The Damn Book, Ma'am (Saisei/Maria) FXpoQxJ
I'm Here For The Damn Book, Ma'am (Saisei/Maria) 2Y9rqGk

Resident Black Woman
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I'm Here For The Damn Book, Ma'am (Saisei/Maria) Empty Re: I'm Here For The Damn Book, Ma'am (Saisei/Maria)

Wed Mar 10, 2021 10:51 pm

Song: DOMOKEN - Steps ft. wetyourappetite - Word Count: --


He looked like a kicked puppy, Maria could practically see his ears drooping in shame with the tail between his legs. She worried her bottom lip as she listened to him explain himself and, while he surely meant well, he definitely seemed to be missing a few braincells. While she understood his plight, he really should have thought better than to try to break in. Especially in the City of Lights! Really, what kind of subordinates did Helle keep around? Next thing you know, she's gonna see another sueki in the streets! What an awful thing to imagine.

Mimi scrunched up her nose in distaste at the look of dejection on Saisei's face. Her mind debated on digging into some more, or just letting it go. She had to turn away from his face to actually think, cute kids were always her weak point, even if they were giants. What's with the Vandenreich and giants anyway?! That was an awful thing to think because Uriel immiediately popped to mind. It didn't help Saisei also had pretty, pretty blue eyes. But, whatever, she shook her head to get back on track. He was coming in here for something of his, and he did say Helle told him to come over to get it. The sueki's chest heaved with the heavy sigh she released, finally giving in. Besides, she felt a little bad the coffee got everywhere, she hadn't intended for it to be thrown, just as a little defense weapon of sorts.

"Alright, alright. I'll trust you. But no funny business! Your DNA is now all over the apartment, if you kill me people will know it was you.", Maria threatened. glaring at Saisei for a bit before waddling off to the kitchen area, she definitely needed a new cup now. And this guy better like coffee or he's a deadman. "Most of the books Helle brings in are on that bookshelf by the TV, feel free to search.", She shouted behind her, before disappearing behind the wall that separated the living room and kitchen. Her last cup was sitting in the sink, looking dejected. The woman made kissy noises at it, as if to soothe its 'pain'. She lovingly washed the mug out and grabbed Helle's mug for Saisei, steadily pouring the both of them a hot, steaming cup of joe. A quick sip of her own made her feel good, but not as blissful as usual. She noticed it in her earlier cup too, there was nothing wrong iwth the coffee, but her body just didn't get the energy like usual. That sent warning signals in her head, but she hesitantly brushed it off. She knew that since she left Romania the only thing sustaining her was coffee, and not human blood like it was meant to be. Maria quickly shook her head to disperse such thoughts, she didn't want to confront those demons right now.

Sauntering back into the living room to check on her 'guest', Mimi held up the two mugs for the pinkette to notice. "Take this as a token of my apology, for the whole coffee spill mess. That totally wouldn't have happened if you weren't tryna break in, but details are shmetails." She sipped her own cup as if the heat didn't bug her, as she gracefully plopped herself onto the couch and put Saisei's cup on the coffee table. "So, did ya find your book, nerd?"

The Hybrid King
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I'm Here For The Damn Book, Ma'am (Saisei/Maria) Empty Re: I'm Here For The Damn Book, Ma'am (Saisei/Maria)

Wed Mar 10, 2021 11:29 pm
I'm Here For The Damn Book, Ma'am (Saisei/Maria) WHdevDs

Saisei | The Vandenreich Frontline

Though he may be a young adult, Saisei couldn't help but resemble a child at the moment. The demeanor in which he spoke, the pout that so clearly sat on his face. If it weren't for his size, most would see him as nothing but a small boy. Clearly, Saisei was far more than that. His relatively toned and strengthened muscles alongside his height made it clear he was more like an adult.

Of course, such a thing mattered little in the sight of someone who was clearly contemplating their next move. Saisei's eyes shifted to the corner of his sockets, trying their best to weigh in on what Maria was thinking. He may be at fault but going to such lengths wasn't necessary. It was far worse, after all. Coffee stained his clothes and his hair, Saisei was a mess and a half. Maria was required to take responsibility. If she didn't, who would?

Before he really had any chance to defend himself any longer, Maria spoke. Finally, the woman came to a conclusion. It was one of... concern, frankly. As soon as the comment about his DNA came about, Saisei couldn't help but burst out laughing. Him, murder someone? No matter how pretty a woman was, respect was all he'd ever offer. He was taught right, after all. Leaning forward, he finally turned to face the woman before smiling.

"Alright, alright. I won't murder you, not that I would, but you made it so clear everyone would know. So, I won't. I'll offer you my best protection, Maria."

Placing a hand over his coffee-soaked heart, the Vandenreich's star pupil made his stance clear. Maria was under the protection of the young man, no questions asked. Watching as she swayed herself to the kitchen, Saisei stood and took it upon himself to start inspecting the nearby bookshelf. Pfft, Maria spoke as if he wasn't already a regular guest. Silly Maria, he probably knew this little place far better than she did.

"Gotcha. Not my first rodeo here, just so you know. This is like a second home to me so it's surprising seeing someone like yourself here. I didn't know we shared Helle in common. Surprised to see you in the City still."

Flicking through the shelving, Saisei spoke freely and promptly with the woman. He wasn't Mr. Tour Guide anymore, he was simply Saisei. Saisei did as he pleased and always looked for more knowledge. Maria was a woman of clear stature, to him at least, such a woman could bring him quite the birth of knowledge.

Before long, he was quickly overtaken by the platinum blonde without notice. She brushed a coffee mug against his back, alarming him to her presence once again. Taking the clear gift and sipping away, the young man smiled at his assailant. The bookshelf seemed devoid of his book, he could simply ask Maria in the rare case she knew.

"I didn't. And you're right, I should have thought better about my choices. To be fair though, I was expecting Helle Armstrong. Instead, I got little Ms. "Too Good For The Best Tour Around"."

Saisei chuckled to himself, taking another drink before he sat his wet-self back on the couch nearby. Whether Maria sat with him didn't matter, if she felt uncomfortable it was best she didn't.

"Maybe you know where the book is? Besides, I'm interested in why you're still here. Not many people choose to stick around in the City if they don't have business. N-Not that people wouldn't enjoy your company, I'm just surprised. Really surprised."

His azure eyes bore needles into Maria's very soul. If she would allow it, Saisei's very will would impose itself on her. She would recognize that he was far greater than his outward appearance would show, his infectious smile almost alluding to a greater power. If Maria would accept him, Saisei would allow her to feel his own depths. The depths of emotion that refused to ever dry out.

"I clearly don't know much but I know enough to assume you're good company. Helle wouldn't accept someone troublesome. I-I think, at least."

He thought back to his meeting with Ninsianna. Maybe Helle did keep terrible company. What an idiot.

"But yeah, my book?"

END POST | America's Line Of Defense

I'm Here For The Damn Book, Ma'am (Saisei/Maria) FXpoQxJ
I'm Here For The Damn Book, Ma'am (Saisei/Maria) 2Y9rqGk

Resident Black Woman
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I'm Here For The Damn Book, Ma'am (Saisei/Maria) Empty Re: I'm Here For The Damn Book, Ma'am (Saisei/Maria)

Tue Mar 16, 2021 5:47 pm

Song: DOMOKEN - Steps ft. wetyourappetite - Word Count: --

"Are all Vandenreich members this overbearing..?"

Maria shook her head at the pinky, gulping down more of the coffee to avoid looking at him. His eyes were pretty, but they kind of freaked her out. Like they were looking at her soul. Helle's eyes did that sometimes too, but they were more beautiful than any blue eyes she'd ever met, and matched her more than this creepy stare down. Putting the coffee mug on the table, Mimi sighed to herself and gave the boy a side eyed glare. "I'd already gotten a tour, don't push your luck kiddo." The blonde huffed and yanked her rainbow blanket down from the back of the couch to cover her upper body. The onesie was warm, but Maria still felt oddly cold today. She already didn't feel well, and this pink blob wasn't helping, he was gonna get more coffee in his hair if he kept this up. And she totes didn't feel like cleaning that up again.

"Besides, the only other place Helle could keep books would be in her room, and no one is allowed in there without her consent, don't care who you are."

She ignored his other question, that wasn't his business. Even if his words about her seeming like a nice person made her feel good, he wasn't slipping by that fast. It was more so Maria being stubborn and just wanting to not like the boy on the basis of him being so polite, muttering under her breathe that polite boys are how they trick you. Uriel was already one fuck up, can't do another so quickly. Shifting on the couch to slightly distance herself from Saisei, for her own personal health, Mimi hummed in response. She really didn't know where no book like that was, she didn't wanna go to Helle's room either. That's just too far into her privacy. She squinted in thought, "Uh...maybe try her office?"

I'm Here For The Damn Book, Ma'am (Saisei/Maria) 1qVEv1a I'm Here For The Damn Book, Ma'am (Saisei/Maria) SIhKoY9 I'm Here For The Damn Book, Ma'am (Saisei/Maria) TM2tm1A
The Hybrid King
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I'm Here For The Damn Book, Ma'am (Saisei/Maria) Empty Re: I'm Here For The Damn Book, Ma'am (Saisei/Maria)

Mon Mar 22, 2021 1:10 am
I'm Here For The Damn Book, Ma'am (Saisei/Maria) WHdevDs

Saisei | The Vandenreich Frontline

"Hey, I'm not sayin' you didn't get a tour before. I'm just sayin' that my tours are something to behold. Ask Helle herself, you don't know a tour until you get a Saisei-patented tour. Money back guarantee, even if it's free. Hell, I could have even paid you for the time."

He nodded, affirming his statement with a swig from his cup. Saisei's tours were famous, Maria didn't know what she was missing out on. Nevertheless, that time had quickly gone and passed with how long ago it was now. If Maria wanted a tour now, he'd expect something in exchange for it. Everyone only gets one chance, that's the rules.

Watching her cover herself up, Saisei couldn't help but take note of her pale skin. She was pale the first time they met, this was an almost sickly pale. The tone was entirely off, such a woman would never let herself leave the house looking like paste. Something was definitely off, the young man knew that. They rarely knew each other, it would be overstepping his bounds if he mentioned it. Instead, he stood up from the couch and listened with an unnecessary amount of intensity.

"Right, smart idea."

He kept himself short, Maria's clear uncomfortableness was showing. Saisei knew better than to encroach on someone's territory when they didn't want it. Even if he was rather outgoing, he wouldn't bring harm to those that wished to be left alone. Let sleeping dogs lie, as one would say.

Saisei knew where the office was, he had seen it quite a few times. Down the hall, second door on the left. Placing his mug on the living room table, he went about his business without another word. Looking the office up and down had left him empty handed. Questioning Helle's motive for inviting him over, the boy returned to the living room without his reward.

Looking from the television to Maria, the young man grabbed his coffee mug and took another swig. It was good. Normally, he never had something like this. Coffee was for prude adults, he wasn't what you'd consider a prude adult. Staring the sueki down with his ridiculous eyes once more, Saisei smiled and spoke.

"Looks like I'll be on my way empty-handed, whenever that may be. Is there anything I can do to make up for the door situation? I know it was rude, I'd rather not leave with a bad impression. Besides, I figure you could use the assistance."

There it was, his lack of boundaries. Saisei pried where he shouldn't have, gesturing towards her rather weak-looking appearance. He was concerned, even if he didn't know the woman that well. It wasn't like him to leave someone hanging by a thread and not at least offering to help. He turned towards the kitchenette and speaking up once again.

"Could I make you somethin' to eat? I've used the stove here enough to work my way around. I really can't help but want to repay you for the towels and understanding. Anything'll work for me. I just wanna offer."

The young man smiled that infectious smile yet again, turning back towards the sueki. Saisei really didn't understand common social boundaries, it seemed.

END POST | America's Line Of Defense

I'm Here For The Damn Book, Ma'am (Saisei/Maria) FXpoQxJ
I'm Here For The Damn Book, Ma'am (Saisei/Maria) 2Y9rqGk

Resident Black Woman
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I'm Here For The Damn Book, Ma'am (Saisei/Maria) Empty Re: I'm Here For The Damn Book, Ma'am (Saisei/Maria)

Tue Mar 23, 2021 12:17 am

Song: DOMOKEN - Steps ft. wetyourappetite - Word Count: --

Her mouth felt dry, despite having drank her coffee not too long ago. Fangs protruded more than usual, almost pricking the skin on her lips. That sent Maria into a panic, bringing the blanket to cover up half her face when the man stood up to go to Helle's office. She didn't care if his butt was just sitting there, the sueki woman practically threw herself onto the couch. She snuggled into the blankets without much thought, worry settling deep in her gut. Her own body felt foreign to her, with a bone chilling coldness that seemed to seep deeper into her with every passing second. Her brow creased as she fought through the uncomfortableness to listen to Saisei rummaging around Helle's office. Even if he was trusted, and didn't seem like a bad guy, she couldn't help being protective of her friend's stuff. When she finally heard him exit, the blonde relaxed and curled herself into a ball, as if to attempt to block out reality.

No, stomach, don't lurch like that.

Mimi could barely feel herself acknowledge the pinky when he returned, waving a disinterested hand at whatever he said, everything just felt like it was spinning. She closed her eyes to try and center her reality for a moment, trying to remember how everything was perfectly aligned and not swirling in a spiral of doom. When she just started to gain some semblance of control again, she could hear the quincy's offer. Maria blinked in a moment of surprise, and then after a beat, she burst out giggling. What was that, offering to make her food like some husband? Or maybe that was more like a concerned sibling? She couldn't help the snort that escaped her, shaking her head like he said the world's worse joke. "Thanks, but food wouldn't do anything for me." While that was nice of him to offer to help her, regular human food didn't do anything for her.

If anything, him being here was bad enough and fucking with her already hungry senses. That thought made her pause and frown heavily, what if that meant she couldn't be around Helle? She knew she couldn't hurt the other woman, she was much weaker, but the thought of attempting to attack the blonde was enough to make her sick. It just reminded her that she wasn't human, she wasn't natural and pure, but instead a cursed object that didn't deserve life. Her expression turned from amusement into despair, instead opting to turn away from Saisei and hide back under her blanket. She didn't want help. She didn't deserve it.

"Honestly...It'd probably be better if you just left. Sorry about your book."

I'm Here For The Damn Book, Ma'am (Saisei/Maria) 1qVEv1a I'm Here For The Damn Book, Ma'am (Saisei/Maria) SIhKoY9 I'm Here For The Damn Book, Ma'am (Saisei/Maria) TM2tm1A
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