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God of Love
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If I Was a Rich Girl [Claudia, Saisei] Left_bar_bleue16000/1If I Was a Rich Girl [Claudia, Saisei] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

If I Was a Rich Girl [Claudia, Saisei] Empty If I Was a Rich Girl [Claudia, Saisei]

Fri Mar 05, 2021 4:04 pm
If I Was a Rich Girl [Claudia, Saisei] R88oDbU


Claudia loved it here in America.

Oh, not for any reason related to their culture, of course. She did admire the capitalistic spirit they possessed, admittedly, but anyone who held such an outlook was just an enemy for her own interests. No, it was simply the current state of affairs in America which made even such a bitter old woman feel like a young girl again.

The collapse of infrastructure, the veritable anarchy loosely held together by foreign powers, all ofit reminded Claudia so very much of the worlds she had always longed to see. The worlds after the fall of the Soviet Union, after the end of the third World War, those times when all had been in complete disarray. By contrast, so much of the present was hardly worth living in. Stability, security, prosperity for all-- where was there a place to find profit there? What good was it for her to see others happy?

Yes, this place where all was on the verge of collapsing was a beautiful place, in Claudia's eyes. A place where she might dig her talons in and simply never let go, where her business might become absolutely crucial and create wealth beyond compare.

But, one thing at a time. For now, she would simply enjoy a cup of coffee by the Chesapeake Bay, pen in one hand as she idly ran numbers on a napkin. What a pleasant way to spend one's day.


The Hybrid King
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If I Was a Rich Girl [Claudia, Saisei] Empty Re: If I Was a Rich Girl [Claudia, Saisei]

Fri Mar 05, 2021 8:03 pm
If I Was a Rich Girl [Claudia, Saisei] WHdevDs

Saisei | The Vandenreich Frontline

Of course. As with nearly everything in his life, Saisei found himself at water's edge. First the City of Light and now, America.

While it was relatively bright outside, the boy found himself completely enraptured by the Chesapeake Bay's gentle waters. Finding himself once again in America's grasps, Saisei was out making sure Vandenreich ties continued to hold strong among those the organization hoped to help. Despite having a clear cut job under his belt, one could still find him 'accidentally' ignoring his duties. He was still but a child when it came to such things, after all.

Vandenreich operations had been underway for what felt forever now. Town after town, person after person, the organization found themselves helping pave the way to help those in need. Alongside such work however was a violent act every so often. With straggling demons and feral hollows in certain parts of the continental U.S., it was only expected that the quincy organization found itself deterring any real serious problems.

Nevertheless, the water had the boy's full attention. Holding himself relatively close, the boy shook his outercoat to free his skin a bit. Tight and warm, the boy sneezed and wiped it along is sleeve. He was entirely lost at sea, metaphorically. If found on the water itself, things could soon end up just as his little Europe adventure did. Letting the seconds waft by, he turned from it's beauty and sighed.

"I work too much."

That was a lie. Well, not entirely. Saisei was what one could call a jack of all trades, master of none when it came to work. Parcel delivery, Vandenreich paperwork, humanitarian aid. There was never an end to his antics. That wouldn't stop him from finding even more to, however. One could never have their hands too full, he thought.

As he turned, his vision filled with... well, frankly, a wonderful sight. The beautiful, soul-piercing blue shades of one's eyes with the ever so gentle bright whites of one's hair just couldn't be matched. The only sight that ever made Saisei felt so strong would be a woman who's features resembled Yugiri. After all, a woman of tanned skin and bright hair was unrivaled. Unrivaled by all but love itself.

Huffing his way towards the figure, Saisei gently wiped his hands against his overcoat and attempted his best throat clearing routine possible.

"Don't see many folks enjoying themselves with reckless abandon. Not... that you're doing that. America has just seen a lot recently. I've helped more than my fair share to expect things to return back to normal so quickly. Here you are, though. Normal as normal could be."

The boy smiled, his infectious ways worming itself into the world around him.

"I'm Saisei."

Foward as always, the boy reached his hand out in hopes of a respectful return. Strangers were only strangers until they decided otherwise, that was boy's motto.

END POST | America's Line Of Defense

If I Was a Rich Girl [Claudia, Saisei] FXpoQxJ
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God of Love
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If I Was a Rich Girl [Claudia, Saisei] Empty Re: If I Was a Rich Girl [Claudia, Saisei]

Sat Mar 06, 2021 4:24 am
If I Was a Rich Girl [Claudia, Saisei] R88oDbU


It wasn't hugely uncommon for Claudia to interact with others in public, despite her lofty positions in the world. She would not particularly wish to change her life simply because people might hunt her down. She had bodyguards for such a thing, after all, but she doubted that the men she kept around the neighborhood would be necessary. She was, generally speaking, a remarkable judge of character, and the pink-haired young man before her seemed quite genuine in his intentions, pure and kind.

How sickening.

"I am here on business. Normalcy is simply good practice for the purposes of success, wouldn't you say?"

Shaking the young man's hand, it only occurred to her where she had seen him after his name had been given. He was with the Vandenreich, their recent prodigy of sorts. How fortuitous.

"Claudia Duvalier."

Her voice carried only the faintest hint of an accent to indicate her French heritage as she spoke, in no small part because she had worked quite hard to remove it. Gesturing to the seat across from hers, Claudia took another sip of her coffee before folding the napkin she'd been writing on and tucking it into her coat pocket. She would return to that later, if she felt they were pertinent.


The Hybrid King
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If I Was a Rich Girl [Claudia, Saisei] Empty Re: If I Was a Rich Girl [Claudia, Saisei]

Mon Mar 08, 2021 5:17 pm
If I Was a Rich Girl [Claudia, Saisei] WHdevDs

Saisei | The Vandenreich Frontline

"There's a difference in feigning normalcy and being truly normal. I'd say, at least."

Many could infer that his words carried with them a rather harsh tone. To him, however, Saisei was just being true to his character. When it came to the craziness of the world, feigning normal made it rather easy to not get lost. Saisei rarely found himself feeling that however, his self assuredness was something many couldn't contest with in regards to self image. Despite his failings, Saisei was still Saisei. Being truest to himself mattered most.

After shaking his hand, the woman came clean about her identity. Claudia Duvalier, didn't ring a name to him. Rude as it may be, Saisei actually struggled with remembering anyone or anything of famous stature. Whether that was the case in regards to Ms. Duvalier meant very little, she was clearly a woman of some importance at the very least. Something you'd expect to encounter walking into the office of a brand CEO.

"What kind of business? I can't say I'm here for something so interesting. Restoration efforts are the name of my game. I'm what you would call a... 'lackey'."

The young man chuckled, the term was far more harsh than others would give him. Saisei did his best to help the people of America as the Vandenreich saw fit. If nothing else, he knew his job was one of importance. Taking her offer to sit, he plopped down across from Claudia and tapped away at the table they occupied.

"I imagine there's a lot of opportunity here after everything that has happened recently, right? A lot of people have eased up since my last visit. I figure people are more prone to conversation now, huh?"

He didn't live in America nor did he intend to stay for long periods of time. This is the third visit he's made in recent months and the people of the land have already felt more homely than ever before. America made Saisei feel at home. As striking as Claudia was, he couldn't help but feel right at home at the bay's edge.

END POST | America's Line Of Defense

If I Was a Rich Girl [Claudia, Saisei] FXpoQxJ
If I Was a Rich Girl [Claudia, Saisei] 2Y9rqGk

God of Love
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If I Was a Rich Girl [Claudia, Saisei] Empty Re: If I Was a Rich Girl [Claudia, Saisei]

Thu Mar 11, 2021 9:57 am
If I Was a Rich Girl [Claudia, Saisei] R88oDbU


"Normalcy is whatever you choose it to be. Those who do not adapt to the state of things will find they are quickly overwhelmed."

Despite how harsh her words were, Claudia's tone did not shift. Her stance on these things was quite plain, and though she might have wished for many things, she had a job to do, businesses she needed to maintain. Keeping up the illusion of caring was, perhaps unfortunately, simply par for the course.

"I have a handful of business ventures I believe will be tremendously valuable to the people of America in their reconstruction efforts. Grocery, medical technologies, construction, and of course shipping. This country has lost a good deal of infrastructure with Shadow Fall's departure, and I intend to fill that void."

Self-admission of being a "lackey" only further cemented Claudia's view of the young man before her, though really, it didn't surprise her. These do-gooder sorts were always so malleable if you gave them something they could think of as a good case. It was almost comedic.

"I have no particular illusions that every venture I pursue here in America will be successful, given there are likely a great many others who will seek to be the lowest bidder. I, however, would be willing to take a bit of a loss to my bottom line for a short while if it meant assuring economic stability here."


The Hybrid King
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If I Was a Rich Girl [Claudia, Saisei] Empty Re: If I Was a Rich Girl [Claudia, Saisei]

Mon Mar 22, 2021 1:20 am
If I Was a Rich Girl [Claudia, Saisei] WHdevDs

Saisei | The Vandenreich Frontline

Claudia wasn't wrong, Saisei knew that well enough to accept the circumstances of life. Failing to adapt in this world left you with very little to live for. He was free to believe in what he wished to, that wouldn't change the fact that she was right. Claudia's statements only rung true with what the world presented others. To Saisei, that was the type of world he would like to avoid being a part of. Nevertheless, he couldn't escape such vices. Life was life, after all.

"I appreciate you trying to fill that void. As long as its with the intentions of helping, there's nothin' wrong with makin' a buck. I figure if you've already got things planned then you must also be in talks with The Vandenreich? I can't imagine Ms. Armstrong or Cyrus would let such opportunities escape them."

He was wrapped around The Vandenreich's finger, for better or for worse. If it weren't for The Vandenreich, Saisei would have never found himself interacting with folks like Claudia. She was clearly savvy and knew her stuff, the last thing Saisei needed to do was ruin a potential avenue for aid.

Turning towards the shoreline, he tapped away at the table they occupied. It never got easier, he thought. Interacting with people like this wasn't unenjoyable, it just meant logistics came with conversation. Saisei wasn't used to the logistics of things. he went with the flow. It was in his nature to do so, Claudia was someone who opposed that nature.

"If that's the case, I can't help but beg a favor from you. I'm not in the position to be makin' deals but I gotta ask, if you aren't talkin' with us, would you be willing? Helping the people of America get back on their feet is pretty important to me and the rest of The Vandenreich. Can't imagine you're against helpin' people when they're in need, right?"

While blunt, Saisei's words were filled with an eerie sense of acceptance. No matter the case, dealing with all sorts of types was necessary when it came to helping Earth's citizens. Claudia seemed like a well adjusted woman, one that would be more than willing to help. That was his judge of character, at least. Sadly for Saisei, everyone had the potential to be a good person.

"Have any people in mind that you'd like to sell to already?"

END POST | America's Line Of Defense

If I Was a Rich Girl [Claudia, Saisei] FXpoQxJ
If I Was a Rich Girl [Claudia, Saisei] 2Y9rqGk

God of Love
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If I Was a Rich Girl [Claudia, Saisei] Empty Re: If I Was a Rich Girl [Claudia, Saisei]

Sat Apr 03, 2021 2:19 pm
If I Was a Rich Girl [Claudia, Saisei] R88oDbU


Oh, and there it was. How tremendously convenient that the matter had been brought up by the Vandenreich's own poster boy. Why, Claudia would never have envisioned that speaking with him in this sort of way would push him in this direction.

Like leading a dog with a toy.

"I have yet to speak with the Vandenreich regarding my ventures here, nor have I had the opportunity to reach out regarding any investiture in the City of Lights and its people. It is my understanding that the Vandenreich prefers to operate in a quite solitary manner when possible, and I am not one to focus my attentions toward what would presumably be a lost cause. If you believe it to be worth the effort, however, I may reconsider."

Of course, that was mostly a lie. She simply hadn't ever particularly considered the Vandenreich or the City of Lights to be significant enough economic players that they would merit her efforts beyond the occasional request for updates from her secretaries. However, if the opportunity to seem necessary was present, then that could certainly shift the profit to be gained.

"I am certainly not against helping those in need, no. After all, I would not place such a vast amount of my fortune into such fields as medical research were I not willing to assist those in need. As it stands, my primary clientele are the cities which were most immediately impacted by the departure of Shadow Fall. Larger population centers, as well as those former hubs of commerce which have now lost a great deal of their infrastructure. Those are, after all, the places which require aid most, and which will in turn be able to assist others."

More pressingly, of course, they were simply the places which would see the highest degree of growth, and the most potential to spread her influence that much further. Channels for business, both legitimate and otherwise, that would last for years to come.


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