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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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Advice for the Younger Generation [Amida, Elyss] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue16000/1Advice for the Younger Generation [Amida, Elyss] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Advice for the Younger Generation [Amida, Elyss] - Page 2 Empty Re: Advice for the Younger Generation [Amida, Elyss]

Fri Apr 02, 2021 12:25 am
Advice for the Younger Generation [Amida, Elyss] - Page 2 Gt5L5p8


"See, this is exactly what I mean. The name used to mean something, people knew about it. Being Kenpachi meant you were the strongest in Soul Society, no question about it."

Downing another glass of sake, Amida thought back to the day she'd actually won the title. Then she realized she didn't actually remember much of it at all. Not who she'd beaten, not when it'd been, nothing. Maybe that sounded anticlimactic, and like she didn't care, but that was sort of just because she really didn't. She'd only ever wanted the title so people would leave her alone.

"There was only one Kenpachi back in those days. If you wanted the name, you took it from whoever had it."


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Advice for the Younger Generation [Amida, Elyss] - Page 2 Empty Re: Advice for the Younger Generation [Amida, Elyss]

Fri Apr 02, 2021 11:08 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

“I see… I hate it.”

The slight way the corner of her lips drooped is enough of an indication that she’s not exactly pleased by the implications of this foundation. It’s basically taking the importance of the name is tarnishing it by letting any run of the muck buffoon who trains hard enough earn it without true merit. If the title is meant to go to the strongest, it should only go to the strongest. What’s the point of working so hard to be the best if what you get is shared by the idiots in second place?

“How did you lose it, the title of strongest?”

Is she really talking to someone who used to be regarded as the strongest individual in Soul Society? A bit anticlimactic, but maybe that’s the point of it. Or, maybe, that just exemplifies how little “Kenpachi” is as a title these days. Helping other people grow is one thing, but going as far as dismantling a tradition like this is a bit much.



God of Love
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Advice for the Younger Generation [Amida, Elyss] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue16000/1Advice for the Younger Generation [Amida, Elyss] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Advice for the Younger Generation [Amida, Elyss] - Page 2 Empty Re: Advice for the Younger Generation [Amida, Elyss]

Sat Apr 03, 2021 4:08 am
Advice for the Younger Generation [Amida, Elyss] - Page 2 Gt5L5p8


"Me? Just got sick of it."

Amida's expression soured as she thought back to those days. Every day some new punk wanted to try you, hoping they were good enough to get the name from you and wear it around to showoff. Maybe she was the idiot for thinking about it differently.

"I never really liked violence, honestly. Just wanted people to give me a little peace and quiet, thought being Kenpachi would tell people 'hey, don't fuck around with me' nice and clearly. So I sucked it up and worked, 'til I got to go by Amida Kenpachi like a big girl. Joke was on me, though. Every idiot with more muscle than brains just wanted to take it from me even more. So I just left after a while. No clue how they picked one after me."

Laughing quietly to herself, Amida downed another glass of sake before giving Elyss a bemused grin.

"So, really, I guess I never lost it. Nobody ever took it from me, after all."


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Advice for the Younger Generation [Amida, Elyss] - Page 2 Empty Re: Advice for the Younger Generation [Amida, Elyss]

Sat Apr 03, 2021 1:50 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Got sick of it? Well, that’s what the woman gets, yeah? Elyss couldn’t help but find it contradicting that someone would take a title that people fight over and think they wouldn’t have to do anything after getting it. If she was the strongest, she’d be prepared for a fight at all times. However, as enticing as the idea of constant warfarin seems, she’d probably grow to hate it. The peace that comes with doing something as meager as bartending has dulled her violent tendencies, not that they’re gone. She just doesn’t care for finding a fight anymore.

“So, you’re really the last Kenpachi despite someone else taking it after you left… Sounds complicated. But, I guess that means if someone wants it they’d have to either make the current holder admit defeat or… kill them…”

Her eyes focus on the woman eerily. It’s obvious that she’s imagining her words in action, the older woman dead underneath someone else’s feet. Well, the idea of being the strongest seems something to aim for, but killing people just for a title sounds stupid. She doubts she’d ever kill someone just so people will acknowledge her. With a sigh, she turns away from the woman and starts putting cleaned dishes away.

“You shouldn’t tell anyone this. Ya look like you’re enjoying being old.”



God of Love
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Advice for the Younger Generation [Amida, Elyss] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue16000/1Advice for the Younger Generation [Amida, Elyss] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Advice for the Younger Generation [Amida, Elyss] - Page 2 Empty Re: Advice for the Younger Generation [Amida, Elyss]

Sat Apr 03, 2021 2:00 pm
Advice for the Younger Generation [Amida, Elyss] - Page 2 Gt5L5p8


"That is true, yeah. But I'm betting nobody's gonna come after little old me just for the title anyway. Been a pretty long time by now, and anybody young and stupid enough to go for it probably hasn't even heard of me. Anyone old enough to remember probably thinks I'm dead. Win win for me, huh?"

Despite that, Amida quite visibly knew that Elyss was entirely correct. She stared into her sake glass, thinking about her life to now. Kids all over the place, husband dead for years now. Not to mention that peaceful little home they'd made basically in shambles after everything on Earth going on. Really running out of options here, eh?

"Being old's okay. I think I liked being middle-aged. By now it's mostly just thinking about the past and waiting around for the end, you get me?"


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Advice for the Younger Generation [Amida, Elyss] - Page 2 Empty Re: Advice for the Younger Generation [Amida, Elyss]

Sat Apr 03, 2021 2:21 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

“Not everyone gets to the point where they have a past to regret or relish.”

With that comes a shrug. Some might find that outlook a bit grim, but it’s just reality. Elyss is a member of the Gotei, an organization that fights Hollows and whatever else threatens the balance of the world. Their lives are full of strife. Some get lucky, some are just too strong to lose, and others are just unfortunate. If one of the people she knows ends up dead one day, what could she do about it? It’s sad to think about, and she works every day to keep it from happening, but in the end, there’s nothing she can do when someone dies. Nobody could do anything when she died.

“... So, I guess what I’m saying is that you being here right now is pretty cool. That means you were just too strong to lose. Me?” She’d show her hand and the scars that litter it. “I guess I’ve lived a fairly eventful life, but I’m not expecting to live that long. I’ve already had too many close calls. No doubt my luck is running out.”

That’s funny. Elyss refers to Amida’s life a result of her skills while demeaning her abilities by calling it all luck. It really goes to show how she feels about everything that’s happened. Oh! Moving quickly, Amida finds her empty cup filled again with more sake.

“I guess I’m just saying you shouldn’t just wait around for the end. We souls live longer than most, so I guess ya probably got a few more hundred years to go.”



God of Love
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Advice for the Younger Generation [Amida, Elyss] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue16000/1Advice for the Younger Generation [Amida, Elyss] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Advice for the Younger Generation [Amida, Elyss] - Page 2 Empty Re: Advice for the Younger Generation [Amida, Elyss]

Sat Apr 03, 2021 2:30 pm
Advice for the Younger Generation [Amida, Elyss] - Page 2 Gt5L5p8


"Hey, some people are probably real lucky that they don't have to think about whatever stupid shit they've done with their life."

It was amusing, more than anything else, to hear Elyss talk about all of this. It wasn't really like listening to herself at all, even if that'd have been pretty poetic or whatever. If anything, it seemed way more like what she probably should have been like when she was younger. More aware, more driven, all that. She basically just laid around and beat people up.

"I've always lived a nice quiet life. Excitement and eventful shit's never been much my style, even if it sure came my way now and again. Feel like you'd have done a lot better in my position than I did, eh?"

Slamming down the glass almost immediately after Elyss had filled it, Amida could definitely tell she'd had a lot more to drink than she probably should have. She honestly hadn't even had much to drink at all in decades. Oops.

"Not much left for me to do at this point. Popping out more kids doesn't sound too fun, and I'm sure as hell not gonna join the Gotei again. That's what happens when you're old."


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Advice for the Younger Generation [Amida, Elyss] - Page 2 Empty Re: Advice for the Younger Generation [Amida, Elyss]

Sat Apr 03, 2021 2:42 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

“The Gotei? More kids? Why any of that nonsense at your age? Just go out and do what seems fun: amusement parks, movies, one-night stands; if you’re not married that is.”

Her brow rose as the drink was slammed down. Guess the woman was done with it. Not everyone wants to get hammered when they go to a bar. Huh, this conversation is still a bit comical. Elyss telling someone to enjoy the rest of their life free from hardships? Funny. For someone as dedicated to working hard as her, one would think she’d push everyone else to do their best. Unfortunately, Elyss is nothing like that. She works hard so that others don’t have to. Why would she tell an old woman to get back to work when the lady doesn’t have to?

“If life is nice and quiet, I don’t see a reason to change it from that. Ya don’t have to fight wars to make memories.”



God of Love
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Advice for the Younger Generation [Amida, Elyss] - Page 2 Empty Re: Advice for the Younger Generation [Amida, Elyss]

Sun Apr 04, 2021 4:33 am
Advice for the Younger Generation [Amida, Elyss] - Page 2 Gt5L5p8


"Really covering all the bases with that list, eh? Not exactly married, but I'm sure trying to meet up with my old man up here would only get more awkward if I started sleeping around."

It actually made Amida just a touch sad, thinking about that one. She obviously knew that most people didn't keep their memories when they came up here. She didn't really have any guarantee that he'd come up here and not to West Branch, did she? But she'd keep looking anyway. Drinking the sake she'd thought better against, she simply studied the bartop for a while.

"I guess you're not wrong."


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Advice for the Younger Generation [Amida, Elyss] - Page 2 Empty Re: Advice for the Younger Generation [Amida, Elyss]

Sun Apr 04, 2021 4:03 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Oh. So whoever she was married to is dead. Elyss knows that dying means forgetting your past life and that she’s abnormal for being able to remember hers. The redhead also learned that this woman married a human based on how she’s afraid of meeting whoever her man was in Soul Society. By putting the details together, Elyss now knows that this woman left Soul Society for the human world, taking her title with her. Then, she probably found a human she liked and settled down, living that peaceful life she’s been chasing after. Something happened and her husband died. Maybe it was natural, maybe it wasn’t, maybe that’s why she’s back in Soul Society after being gone for so long. The chance that her husband might still remember her…

“Well, it was just a suggestion, but be careful out there. Ya don’t look a day over 300 years. Even if you’re able to stick up for yourself, those catcalls do get annoying.”

Elyss is speaking from experience, and her sudden sly grin tells it all. She’s mostly just remembering how she dealt with punks who didn’t know how to keep their mouths shut though. However, seeing that the sake was drunk, Elyss would go back into work mode. Honestly, Elyss isn’t supposed to be sitting her just chatting, but if she keeps refilling her new acquaintance’s cup, she doesn’t have to actually do anything else.

“Would ya like another drink?”



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