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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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To Scratch an Itch [Public/Saga] Empty To Scratch an Itch [Public/Saga]

Sun Mar 28, 2021 2:02 am

Song: I Wanna Rock With You - By: Michael Jackson

After Shadow Fall receded their holds over Earth, no territory received more attention than the United States--and that was no fun. Malaysia was an absolute cesspool of crime and disorder, something beautiful, really. Europe had some contention between different aspirers, and Vastime who held most immediate proximity and interest in maintaining Europe freshly dealt with more domestic issues, surely to impact their ability to support a broken continent to their north. America, however? Things were being taken care of rather diplomatically between its occupying forces, relatively speaking, and that was absolutely. Supremely unfun and boring, one might even say.

Thankfully, Saga was a benevolent soul, who didn't mind helping the constituency out with discovering what life was like on the edge. A snap, a crackle, and a pop to the skies, and all hell reigned on the coast of Washington. A deafening storm swept in from the Atlantic, aetherically motivated, so natural precursors weren't available. Oncoming rogue waves swept in, ready to consume Seattle. Ghastly winds tore trees straight from the soil and uprooted loose vehicles.

At the top of the Space Needle, Saga was getting groovy. An old pop-tune played in her head, and the chaos being sprung around her was like an instrumental accentuating the whole experience. She slid her feet around, flung her arms, and bopped her head all around.

Of course, a few scary waves and a storm was just a little appetizer. She wanted to rock with Seattle all night long, the whole way through, and she figured it'd take a bit more to really hit those exciting peaks. She filled herself with the aether, felt the Earth communicate to her, and the ground beneath the whole city begun to shake.

Even the appearance of any party poopers wouldn't dissuade Saga from her dancing. Distortions in the air formed around her, indistinct in appearance. A stray bolt of lightning ran straight towards her. From one arm to the other, Saga shot her arm out and offered a flamboyant snap, from her fingers jutting out the lightning to strike straight at the base of a skyscraper.

To Scratch an Itch [Public/Saga] 8Bvy1N8


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Sun Mar 28, 2021 6:13 pm

To Scratch an Itch [Public/Saga] ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

With a wave of her hand, Reishi raced together, forming a thick wall of energy that protected the skyscraper from the falling lightning. Seconds later, and a woman of prestige stood before Saga. Helle Armstrong: member of the Vandenreich and overseer of America’s reformation. Of course, of all days, the one she chose to travel and take a personal look at all her Organization has done for the states, and there just so happens to be a pest meandering about stirring trouble. Normally, she would rely on her subordinates to take charge of the situation, but the rapid buildup of energy atop the Space Needle made it clear that meager foot soldiers would prove but toys for whoever dared harm innocents.

“One warning: take your heinous desires elsewhere. These lands are under Vandenreich’s jurisdiction.”

Why must the city suffer such fate when Shadowfall’s influence is yet still fresh? She cannot still the troubled skies or the angry seas, but she can calm the catalyst, peacefully or violently. She leaves her men to care for the citizens. Saga’s childlike appearance did not sway Helle’s judgement, the armored woman prepared for combat. Ah, it seems it was a mistake to have left her helmet behind. No matter. She has given her first and last warning to the stranger.

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Sun Mar 28, 2021 7:36 pm
To Scratch an Itch [Public/Saga] Wi8Tth1


By every possible metric, this wasn't an area with any real Gotei jurisdiction. She was just an unseated member of Earth Affiliation, and the proper protocol would have been to go tell her superior, let her Captain figure things out. She was just here on an everyday patrol, after all. Didn't that sound a little familiar?

Despite knowing fully what protocol should have been, there was no hesitation in Rukia's mind as she traveled directly toward the epicenter of the devastation. She'd wondered for a long time what role someone like her was supposed to take in the world. They called her a hero, treated her like some sort of superstar, but at the end of the day, she'd just been a girl who did the right thing when she had the chance.

She'd still do the right thing, when she had the chance.

Arriving atop the Space Needle with a flash step, Rukia's gaze was firm, carrying the will of a woman who had certainly seen enough devastation in her time. She heard the Quincy mention warnings, but she simply clasped two hands together and began to speak. They were past the point of warnings, and as she chanted, five golden orbs raised from her hands to the sky above.

"Walls of iron sand, tower of holy construct, fireflies clad in iron. Standing upright, remaining silent forever. Bakudō 75: Gochūtekkan."

Raising her hands only for a moment, Rukia swung them down once more, each of the lights turning now into tremendous metal pillars which crashed down toward Saga. Hopefully, this would be all that she needed. Somehow, she doubted it.


Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Mon Mar 29, 2021 2:26 am

Song: I Wanna Rock With You - By: Michael Jackson

"Yeah, that was the whole point?"

And behold, the party poopers came! Not. If anything, they were just more participants to the party, cause the party wasn't stopping for anyone, and any confrontation only fed into the excitement. Why else would she attack a city in America? The whole point was for someone to come along, preferably angrily, to put a stop to things. It was more fun that way. So when the first responder said something about Vandenreich jurisdiction or whatever, Saga kept on moving her feet to the funky beat playing for no-one but herself.

Right around when the second responder came around, Saga's dancing became more fervent, a jaunty taunt of sorts. Unfortunately, no words from this one. The shinigami, given their attire, just went straight to offense. Booooo. Then again, what a strange choice of spell to dispatch a single target. So boisterous, so large, so overkill. Saga didn't know whether to be impressed, and to admire their tastes in combat, or to be disappointed. She liked it flashy, but she also wanted to maximise the moment.

In tandem with the two pillars falling, the surface beneath her feet collapsed, and Saga fell through inside of the Needle. If the pillars followed after to cage her down, good! The shinigami themselves were now responsible for the destruction of the needle, and that was pretty funny to think about. She'd go so far as to continue breaking through to burrow under the ground itself, into the sewer systems if need be. If they stopped at the top, while not as exciting, at least she avoided the attack. Saga was making things up as she went, no particular plan in play beyond causing mayhem and drawing out the kind folk invested in the well-being of the citizenry. Having a plan was flat-out antithetical to her, anyways.

"Ladies, ladies, have some patience. Learn to the savour the moment, I swear it does wonders for your skin."

Saga's voice echo'd from every part of the elevator, indistinct in location. She had no intentions of coming out or giving off her location either, not until they fished her out forcibly. With little spurts to confuse them, Saga conjured aether energy from herself to blip out in various parts of the elevator shaft, no pattern in particular. She just wanted to see if they'd play whack-a-mole with her.

Meanwhile, the fierce tides of the ocean still battered the docks of the city, beginning to consume any shoreside buildings--and people--whole, with the rains from the clouds turning to fearsome hail, and the winds still tearing small structures apart. As important as it might've been to chase Saga around and stop her, they still needed to find a means to cease the natural disasters, or the casualties were sure to rise regardless of her immediate actions.

To Scratch an Itch [Public/Saga] 8Bvy1N8


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Tue Mar 30, 2021 11:19 am

To Scratch an Itch [Public/Saga] ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

“Then, we have passed the point of reconciliation.” Helle did not express anger nor sadness. Her voice was toneless, neutral of feeling. If this stranger wished to stir up the masses, she shall find no satisfaction from Helle.

However, Helle was not allowed first action in this debacle. A Shinigami? Here of all places? Her thoughts on the matter would have to wait for a better time. There are more important issues present, like the destruction of the Space Needle. It is not its immediate ruination that bothers her, but the fact that it's collapsing would prove as beneficial as the tidal waves devouring the coastline. There are far too many citizens at risk. Luckily, members of the Vandenreich are busy evacuating the city, but Helle knows that saving everyone is an impossibility, especially with the catalyst still present.

As the pillars struck the needle, Helle herself did not know if they would continue chasing after their burrowing target or cease to exist after missing. It doesn’t matter. Her emerald eyes take on a powerful glow as she raises her hands, Reishi gathering around the Space Needle, coating the elevator. She won’t be a pawn in these games and instead shall cleanse the Needle in its entirety all at once. Wherever her advisory pops up, the Reishi in that area would immediately grow aggravated and attempt to bash or impale her. One mishap in her opponent’s movements, and Helle is sure to land a sure hit.

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God of Love
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Wed Mar 31, 2021 5:14 am
To Scratch an Itch [Public/Saga] Wi8Tth1


Like she'd expected, the kido hadn't been especially effective. The five pillars dissipated at Rukia's command, her attention already on the Quincy still accompanying her here. There was a decent chance of success with this sort of help.

"Keep her there as long as you can. I'm going to the bottom. If I can get into the shaft, I should be able to force her out."

Looking down off the top of the Needle, Rukia stepped into the air, allowing herself to simply fall for now. She began a chant and brought forward her hands as if to send forward a Byakurai, but stopped herself midway through. Not because she had suddenly realized that she couldn't feasibly hit the enemy, however, as she'd known that long before she began the spell. It was just a good plan to make an opponent assume she was less competent than she was.

Touching the ground quite gracefully, Rukia unsheathed her zanpakuto, and held it in front of her long enough to rotate it, speaking the release quickly, but with purpose. There wasn't time to delay this, but she frankly wished at times like these that her zanpakuto were a little less ritualistic.

"Dance, Sode no Shirayuki."

The moment it was finished, she shot forward into the elevator shaft, and the moment she reached it, she spoke once more, already preparing herself to take action as quickly as she was able. This whole ordeal was a matter of speed, she knew, or she'd just be putting herself into a bad position.

"First Dance, White Moon."

As quickly as possible, Rukia drew a circle around herself, covering as much of the floor as was possible at this speed and with her admittedly less-than-stellar reach. The moment it was completed, it glowed for only a moment, before fully activating and freezing everything within, all the way through the shaft. This included, of course, Rukia herself, but that didn't really matter much to her. After all, she was just as cold.


Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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To Scratch an Itch [Public/Saga] Empty Re: To Scratch an Itch [Public/Saga]

Sat Apr 10, 2021 8:53 pm

Song: I Wanna Rock With You - By: Michael Jackson

The response was a bit disappointing. She was hoping a more rowdy, perhaps forceful opponent to respond. One that went along with the whole "whatever it takes" sort of philosophy, casualties more or less out of consideration. These two were a bit more methodical; Saga sensed an energy coating the building like a net, waiting for her to pop out for a catch. And, with as methodical as they were, surely they had some sort of strategy to go off of. What, was it one plays zone control, the other invades the zone?

Oh, yup, exactly that. As soon as a flux in energy appeared just atop the Needle, and the shinigami chanted out, Saga gave a little love tap with her palm to a wall beside her. Aether energy accumulated around the tapped area. Saga wasn't sure what was coming, but she didn't concern herself with potentialities either. She just stayed intent on her own idea, and anything that came to obstruct, she'd just barrel through. This went for the spread of reishi consuming the whole Space Needle as well, freezing every bit of it in a flash.

As the ice spread, as far as the energy accumulated at the tapped area was concerned, it became part of the building. Just as the ice finally reached Saga's location, the aether energy exploded outward to course through every bit of the Needle and ice. The spread of aether should in turn counter-act the coating of reishi that sat waiting for Saga to pop out.

As Destructive Palm does, the aether energy started breaking it all apart, spreading out like a wave. If the two party-poopers didn't want to break Saga's little mole hill, she'd do it herself.

Saga's pupils tightened horizontally, and through the falling debris made from the collapse of the building as cover, Saga shot up towards the shinigami above. Her speed wasn't the most impressive, but the aether energy that coarsed through and destroyed the Needle similarly acted as a cover, hopefully masking her opponents' senses from distinguishing Saga from the chaotic energy around her.

To Scratch an Itch [Public/Saga] 8Bvy1N8


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To Scratch an Itch [Public/Saga] Empty Re: To Scratch an Itch [Public/Saga]

Tue Apr 13, 2021 2:23 pm

To Scratch an Itch [Public/Saga] ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

Destruction and even more destruction. Must the Shinigami prove as haphazard as their shared enemy? Ice is not as troublesome as the energies wielded by Saga, but it threatens the stability of the Needle. Quickly, however, it would not matter what is done to the elevator. The next second, her hold on the Reishi around the structure collapsed as the Needle exploded. The sudden chaos pushed her back through the air, but she is quick to recover with her arms before her eyes. This isn’t good.

Despite the worry for the Shinigami inside the elevator, her aim is not to run to her aid immediately. Reaching outwards once more, her emerald eyes glowed brilliantly, taking hold of the Reishi around once more. Closing her fingers into fists, the falling debris is plucked from the air and held steady by the particles of energy. Allowing the building to fall without acting would just cause needless destruction, but she cannot allow for the adversary to escape. The rampant energy about makes it hard to detect anything however.

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To Scratch an Itch [Public/Saga] Empty Re: To Scratch an Itch [Public/Saga]

Tue Apr 20, 2021 1:55 am
To Scratch an Itch [Public/Saga] Wi8Tth1


That was unfortunate. Rukia couldn't say that she'd necessarily expected this foe to go down that easily, but it would have been nice if things had been over with that quickly. The whole of the Needle was about to go down, even if the Quincy had stopped it for now. And all that was to say nothing of the energy that coursed through the place. Staying here wasn't exactly the ideal circumstance, and so she moved to leave the elevator shaft once more, leaping onto the grounds surrounding it with a single flash step.

Or, at least, she would have done so. The issue, however, was the reishi which still remained around the Space Needle, firmly within Helle's control and preventing any exist. This wasn't ideal, but then, nothing about the situation was. Then again, maybe it was exactly what she needed. If they were trapped in here together, then Rukia could see only one reasonable course of action. Better to do it now, in the chaos of the moment.


The whole of the area, already held in place by Helle's own manipulation, grew all the more still as Rukia released her Bankai. The whole of the air above her froze solid in a moment, and the ground beneath her feet reached such temperatures that it began to quake and split. Nowhere was safe in this deep freeze, everything rapidly plummeting to nearly absolute zero. Everything would shatter at but a touch, at such temperatures--everything, of course, except for Rukia herself, the coldest thing of all in this place.


Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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To Scratch an Itch [Public/Saga] Empty Re: To Scratch an Itch [Public/Saga]

Tue Apr 20, 2021 3:25 am

Song: I Wanna Rock With You - By: Michael Jackson

Ironically, the cover of aether energy masking Saga's presence worked the other way around as well. Her ascent towards the intended target was fruitless; as the Needle collapsed, the shinigami went towards the ground, switching their vertical positions. What clued the Iramasha in on this movement was the sudden burst in spiritual pressure exuding beneath her. It was dense, sudden, and absolutely chilling. Enough to be sensed straight through the aetheric cloud around her. It practically felt like the aether itself was seized and frozen.

It was a fortunate boon that Saga preemptively entered her Dragon Sense when she rose to attack the shinigami to begin with. Her endurance towards spiritual and magical effects and pressures rose many times over, such that just the atmospheric temperature change wouldn't be enough to immediately disable her.

Still, there were two opponents to face, and now that the Needle was gone, Saga had no physical cover. Then again, she lacked physical restrictions as well, and that meant she was in her element.

"Curious. I thought the States were under Vandenreich jurisdiction, and yet the quincy are taking the backseat to the operation here? I guess the shinigami still have their heels on your head, hm?"

Saga didn't wait for any response to her provocation. She went straight for the quincy right after, bulleting towards her with aether gathering around her arms. As usual, her speed wasn't stellar, but quick enough to give no room for a relaxed reaction. So far, their offenses seemed to with great area of force. What she was really curious about was whether they'd still carry on those types of attacks if it meant the other getting caught in the crossfire?

To Scratch an Itch [Public/Saga] 8Bvy1N8


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