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Supremacy, Sonority, Tranquility [Makoto, Shishiyuki] - Page 9 Empty Re: Supremacy, Sonority, Tranquility [Makoto, Shishiyuki]

Sun May 09, 2021 10:23 pm
Supremacy, Sonority, Tranquility [Makoto, Shishiyuki] - Page 9 Header2



Makoto didn't really know how it seemed to startle her. She imagined she wasn't the first ever, right? Maybe the first in a long time. Though she had asked for just this and Makoto was happy to provide she was a bit of an overachiever when it came to trying to go above and beyond, she was also a lot more emboldened after the act of playing with the dark cluster of hair.

"One sec."

She tried to peel herself away and break out of her nice comfortable spot for a moment to readjust her position to try and be the hugger over the hugged while resuming the hair stroking. It was a little awkward, when she was younger she was always the one receiving comfort over giving it but she wanted to try in this situation, for this woman.


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God of Love
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Supremacy, Sonority, Tranquility [Makoto, Shishiyuki] - Page 9 Empty Re: Supremacy, Sonority, Tranquility [Makoto, Shishiyuki]

Sun May 09, 2021 11:19 pm
Supremacy, Sonority, Tranquility [Makoto, Shishiyuki] - Page 9 QBAyyTL


"Ah-- You needn't go so...out of your way, you know."

It was quite good that it was only the two of them in this place, seeing as Shishiyuki would have been thorughly unhappy if anyone other than Makoto were to see her in such a state as this. But, as it was, there was no particular reason to deny the truth of the situation, which was that she found such a gesture very calming, pleasant in a way she would not have anticipated it to be.

"You are quite good at this..."

Of course, Shishiyuki had no frame of reference for stating that, but she felt fairly confident that it was true, if only on account of how remarkable the sensation was.


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Supremacy, Sonority, Tranquility [Makoto, Shishiyuki] - Page 9 Empty Re: Supremacy, Sonority, Tranquility [Makoto, Shishiyuki]

Sun May 09, 2021 11:27 pm
Supremacy, Sonority, Tranquility [Makoto, Shishiyuki] - Page 9 Header2


"I suppose, I don't need to but I want to."

Now it was her turn, it felt a little different. It surprised her that Shishiyuki felt so relaxed in her arms, it was nice to give rather than receive sometimes. It made her blush at the compliment, it didn't really strike her how to respond like if she should retort that it wasn't that good compared to her, boast pridefully about it. No, instead she just silently smiled to herself for a bit and kept up her routine to think.

"If you insist, I will take your word. I've never done it to anyone though."

While Shishiyuki's heart was nice and even when she listened to it, Makoto's felt a lot faster. It wasn't that she wasn't relaxed but there was a sensation of stress and pressure to do it right and not mess up after she had taken such a bold move to end up like this. It might've also been beating for other reasons but they were still in their little box out of the way labelled 'denial'.


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God of Love
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Supremacy, Sonority, Tranquility [Makoto, Shishiyuki] - Page 9 Empty Re: Supremacy, Sonority, Tranquility [Makoto, Shishiyuki]

Sun May 09, 2021 11:36 pm
Supremacy, Sonority, Tranquility [Makoto, Shishiyuki] - Page 9 QBAyyTL


"You certainly could have fooled me on that matter..."

It was almost embarrassing to be in such a situation, but of course, there was nothing embarrassing about it. After all, this was not a romantic situation. Neither of them found women appealing, and even if they had, that was not the nature of their relationship. Still, Shishiyuki found this very pleasant. She supposed she would not mind if it went on for quite a while.

"I think I will quite miss this when you are on your assignment."

Of course, it wasn't as though there was any particular guarantee that this would even be happening again, but Shishiyuki wouldn't have minded if it did. And, of course, what she had said was true. She supposed she would simply need to enjoy it now.


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Supremacy, Sonority, Tranquility [Makoto, Shishiyuki] - Page 9 Empty Re: Supremacy, Sonority, Tranquility [Makoto, Shishiyuki]

Sun May 09, 2021 11:42 pm
Supremacy, Sonority, Tranquility [Makoto, Shishiyuki] - Page 9 Header2


"Aha, thank you."

She smiled at the praise, it really was coming from her and she trusted Shishiyuki's intuition. There was a lot of wisdom going on up there, she always thought. What was going on in her head comparatively? She didn't really want to think too much about it.

"That's okay, I'll give you something to remember me by."

There was not an iota of realisation as to what she had just said and the implications of it. She had just handed it off as giving Shishiyuki something of her's as a memento until she got back from her assignment. If she thought a little more on it then maybe she'd have realised the connotations it had which one might say to a lover, that's not what they were though.


Supremacy, Sonority, Tranquility [Makoto, Shishiyuki] - Page 9 Gamma_Signature
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God of Love
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Supremacy, Sonority, Tranquility [Makoto, Shishiyuki] - Page 9 Empty Re: Supremacy, Sonority, Tranquility [Makoto, Shishiyuki]

Mon May 10, 2021 1:47 am
Supremacy, Sonority, Tranquility [Makoto, Shishiyuki] - Page 9 QBAyyTL


Fortunately, Shishiyuki also had not quite realized the full implications of what Makoto had said. If she had, the situation might well have taken a rather different turn, but she was a woman with little grasp on those matters. Instead, she simply nodded in affirmation.

"I doubt that I could ever forget you, Makoto, but I would never decline such a gesture."

She was certainly loosening up at this point, and even Shishiyuki, in her many years, knew that she had begun to loosen up perhaps more than she really ought to have. Still...this was not something she wished to end any time soon. Instead, she simply stayed where she was.

"I suppose I ought to return home soon, hm? I would not want to deprive you of a night well rested before you go off on your duties."


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Supremacy, Sonority, Tranquility [Makoto, Shishiyuki] - Page 9 Empty Re: Supremacy, Sonority, Tranquility [Makoto, Shishiyuki]

Mon May 10, 2021 3:42 am
Supremacy, Sonority, Tranquility [Makoto, Shishiyuki] - Page 9 Header2


Well? What was she meant to give her then? Makoto looked around, nothing spectacular. Even articles of clothing were bland, so what did she gift the woman in her arms? The memory of letting her hair down came to mind, she did have that red ribbon that she wore out of choice and had worn in all their sessions. It had been suggested to her because it matched her eyes and while she didn't think that much about it.

She guessed it did kind of carry some sentimentality to her with how much she'd worn it but it wouldn't matter much to her. She'd just replace it if it got lost, now if Shishiyuki held onto it for her? That might make her care a lot more about it.

"You can have my ribbon that I pull up my hair with. It's not much I guess but it's been with me a while. Just give it back to me when I return, okay?"

Right. It was getting late. Makoto kind of let time get away from her. This had drawn out much longer than intended but it was also something she could happily stay in longer.

"Well... If you must, you could stay here if you wanted to. I don't mind sleeping on the floor and you can have the bed. I'm used to sleeping on it so it doesn't bother me."

Beds were a luxury she lost when her parents died, so the years she spent before getting a decent situation were still conditioned. No way would they sleep in the same bed though that'd be a little too much, although that did sound really nice and comfortable.


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God of Love
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Supremacy, Sonority, Tranquility [Makoto, Shishiyuki] - Page 9 Empty Re: Supremacy, Sonority, Tranquility [Makoto, Shishiyuki]

Mon May 10, 2021 1:17 pm
Supremacy, Sonority, Tranquility [Makoto, Shishiyuki] - Page 9 QBAyyTL


"I will keep it perfectly safe until you return, you may rest assured."

Shishiyuki was rather touched at the gesture, even if to Makoto it wasn't too terribly important of an item. It was still, certainly, something to remember her by, and it was an object so decidedly entwined with Makoto's general image that it certainly fit the mark well.

"Oh, I would not wish to make you sleep on the floor, Makoto. There is certainly room for us both, yes? I understand if it might make you feel uncomfortable, but I do not think there would be anything wrong with it."

She was definitely aware of the connotations of this situation normally, even in her naivete, but that was all the more reason for Shishiyuki to assure her that this was nothing of that sort at all. She simply knew that there was little chance that either of them would allow the other to sleep on the floor.


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Supremacy, Sonority, Tranquility [Makoto, Shishiyuki] - Page 9 Empty Re: Supremacy, Sonority, Tranquility [Makoto, Shishiyuki]

Mon May 10, 2021 5:26 pm
Supremacy, Sonority, Tranquility [Makoto, Shishiyuki] - Page 9 Header2


That settled that. It was seeming to her that she was going to have her hair out a lot on her mission tomorrow rather than it normally being tied back, maybe she'd get a temporary binding for her hair for the duration of it but that was something to consider later and the logistics of how her hair will look onwards from tomorrow really didn't hold a lot of weight for priority in her head.

"O- okay. If you insist then."

It wasn't something she'd done in a long time and she was nervous, maybe excited in this situation, about it. Sleeping in a bad with someone else? No, especially since she recalled as a kid the rest of the group would say she would cling and hug someone throughout the night on the floor, or she'd just be restless and thrash around in a nightmare.

She hoped she wouldn't do anything super weird in her sleep.

"Are you tired now?"

Makoto thought it best to actually check that and see how on the horizon going to bed might seem.


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God of Love
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Supremacy, Sonority, Tranquility [Makoto, Shishiyuki] - Page 9 Empty Re: Supremacy, Sonority, Tranquility [Makoto, Shishiyuki]

Mon May 10, 2021 10:22 pm
Supremacy, Sonority, Tranquility [Makoto, Shishiyuki] - Page 9 QBAyyTL


Shishiyuki thought for a moment to simply say that she was not particularly tired, given she was quite adept at operating without much in the way of sleep. However, that would have only served to keep Makoto awake for longer, and that was something that she felt she really ought not do. Besides, perhaps it would be good to allow herself a full night's rest for once.

"I think I would be perfectly ready to sleep for the night, if you are."

That wasn't really a lie, was it? It answered the greater intent of the question, and that was what was important. Still, even misleading Makoto in such a way felt a bit uncomfortable to Shishiyuki. Not in the sense that she had done something against her principles, for she would certainly lie to anyone with little hesitation. It just felt a bit unfortunate, after the transparency the night had been built on.


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