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Sick Of This [Calypso/Santa] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sick Of This [Calypso/Santa]

Thu Jun 17, 2021 3:18 pm

Calypso literally, physically stopped with this being's insistence on half-truths and even outright falsehoods, letting her talk as she was slowly getting a better and better impression that maybe this being wasn't on the same page as others would be. The demon couldn't be mad - she could tell blondie was just speaking from a misguided perspective, and wasn't trying to insist she was something she wasn't to be petty or rude. She gently rolled her eyes with a grin.

"Okay, come with me real fast," She grasped the woman's hand, pulling her off into an alleyway, just out of sight of any unfortunate passerby who would get spooked by what she was to do next. Standing face to face with her, she would shut her eyes for a moment, taking a breath, as if focusing,

"Alright, look. First of all, you can get a closer look at me and determine for yourself if I am or am not a demon,"

Placing a hand on her shoulder, suddenly parts of the woman's form drastically shifted. Her arm completely became darker, scaly, and somewhat changed in shape, ending with dark, sharp talons in place of her soft fingers. Her face was probably the most drastically changed, half of it becoming incredibly scaly, her lips drawing farther back on her warped face, multiple eyes staring at the Arrancar as her array of horrifying teeth would be visible.

And in the next instant, she was back to her cute self, as if taking such a shape only took a mere thought in that direction.

"Secondly, lemmie put you in my shoes for a sec - you're telling me that you know more about me than I do. You're insisting a bunch of things that really aren't true, or are only partially true. 'Yokai', 'Diablos', 'Devils', all of those are just funky names humans made for us. I'm quite sure some are touched or tickled by the sentiment, but demons are just... Demons."

She exhaled softly, "And like.. They aren't all evil. Just.. Horrifically misguided. And in terms of the actually 'evil' ones... Well, they aren't too different from evil humans. It's like everyone forgets that even their people have done wrong.. We're just as varied in personality and motive as anyone else."

She leaned up, shrugging softly, "Just.. The stuff you said, like.. Imagine if I was telling you stuff like that? Like, there's no way you could be an Arrancar, because you aren't trying to eat my face right now. All Arrancar are evil, all of them are this, or that, or thus- like that sounds silly! You can't paint everyone with the same brush."

Calypso sighed, pinching her nose bridge, "Sorry, I just.. I feel very strong about that stuff. I just don't feel like generalizing stuff about people is fair."

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Sick Of This [Calypso/Santa] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sick Of This [Calypso/Santa]

Thu Jun 17, 2021 5:15 pm
Sick Of This [Calypso/Santa] - Page 2 HEADER_sample-1defef0c62717200929536130165e9c4

Santa paused for a moment and tilted her head, a bit surprised at the .....vigor with which the woman seemed to respond to her own opinions. Was this a sensitive subject? She had not disrupted the notion that the Oni could CALL themselves demons, she had no real qualm with that, she had simply stated that she did not consider them as such. Even as she was pulled into the alleyway and she watched the woman turn and promptly show off a more dark, monstrous form to her, she tilted her head, her expression not even changing in response to what was...... pretty par for the course by hollow standards.

Why is this Oni so bent out of shape about this? Does she.....perhaps mean to deceive me? What would she have to gain by making Santa think she was a demon? It was certainly puzzling, but seeing the woman get like this she cleared her throat and gently raised a hand. "If you wish to consider yourself a demon that's fine. And ...uh.....I retract my previous statement. You give a lot of convincing reasons." She noted with a light smile, placating the Oni for the time being, despite the fact that showing that monstrous form honestly aided Santa's own definition of the woman as an Oni anyways. The subject was frankly not worth going into. In fact, she didn't even correct the woman that she would NOT object to not being categorized as an arrancar. As frankly she wasn't sure she was. But again, not something she was intent on staying on, topic wise.

"So then, Calypso. Why exactly do you take this human form? Do you have something to gain by spending your time around humans?" She asked, humoring this whole 'demon' angle.
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Sick Of This [Calypso/Santa] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sick Of This [Calypso/Santa]

Thu Jun 17, 2021 5:59 pm

A soft snort left her nostrils, an unamused look on her face as the Arrancar continued to still not put much belief in her simply being a Danava, but at least she listened to something that left her lips. She shook her head softly, clearly communicating she was just going to cease pursuing any bit of convincing.

"Hm? Why do I take it?"

She thought for a moment as she peacefully led them out of the alleyway and back to the store, tapping her chin,

"Nah, I don't do it for something. It's just... Me."

She touched at her chest reflexively, looking up, "Just.. How I look is how I feel, I guess? It just feels natural to me. Like, trust me, I can go crazy animal dragon thing whenever I want, but I kinda just.. Default to human."

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Sick Of This [Calypso/Santa] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sick Of This [Calypso/Santa]

Thu Jun 17, 2021 6:09 pm
Sick Of This [Calypso/Santa] - Page 2 HEADER_sample-1defef0c62717200929536130165e9c4

Santa paused for just a moment at that. She gave Calypso a ...perplexed look. The oni certainly had some strange things to say. This was her? She had several questions in her mind. Small nitpicks about the choice of form. Height. Build. Things like that. Not that she disapproved, but she was more curious as to why she had chosen that specific figure. But another question came to her mind.

"Do you wish you were a human?" She asked lightly at that, her brain ticking away. An Oni claiming to be a demon, but pretending to be a human under the pretense that it was their true self. "You say this is how you feel inside. Do you not feel like you're really a 'demon'?" She inquired, reaching up and lightly touching her fingertip to the very centert of the girl's forehead. "Most change their appearance for the sake of others. But you seem to do it for yourself. When you are in your true form: do you feel wrong?"
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Sick Of This [Calypso/Santa] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sick Of This [Calypso/Santa]

Thu Jun 17, 2021 6:33 pm

The demon blinked at her, tilting her head,

"Why would I want to be something I never was?"

Well, at the very least this one knew how to ask interesting questions, and overall had that sense of curiosity to her. She sensed no malice from her, so she would oblige with a calm look and answers to whatever thing she wished to ask,

"If I were born a human, I wouldn't be me. 'Danava' was something I knew from birth. And well, that's just what I am."

She'd shrug, "I've just rolled with it, just like how a human can be born and just be okay with the idea they're a human. You just.. Are. Not much to change it, and it's part of who I am."

She casually rose a hand, and in an almost tearing motion, it would split in half almost as if it were merely putty to be warped and manipulated to her will, and beneath the surface of her skin was not normal flesh, but rather darkness that bubbled and shimmered with hints of colors, as if every color merged together to form her body,

"I don't feel wrong. I'm me. I'm me no matter what shape I take, and I'm alright with that."

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Sick Of This [Calypso/Santa] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sick Of This [Calypso/Santa]

Thu Jun 17, 2021 6:43 pm
Sick Of This [Calypso/Santa] - Page 2 HEADER_sample-1defef0c62717200929536130165e9c4

Santa chuckled softly as the girl seemed to be .... hmmmm. In an interesting state. She felt most at home in the human form, but not actually BEING human. Perhaps a more apt individual could make more deductions, but she simply smiled at that. "I'm jealous! I envy that sort of happiness with yourself." She noted lightly before her attention shifted to the street they had walked out toward, looking around at the few sparse humans that milled about or went about their business. She lowered herself, as if to sit down, before hands grew from the ground and the brick wall. Flesh, muscle, sinew, gently twisting into existence, gently grasping and supporting herself as she sat up against the wall, watching the humans.

"Ah, you were on your way somewhere before you ran into me. I hope I didn't distract you from your plans. My bad, homie." She offered a sheepish smile to the Oni.
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Sick Of This [Calypso/Santa] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sick Of This [Calypso/Santa]

Thu Jun 17, 2021 6:57 pm

The demon would chuckle, "Believe me, i've been through quite the rollercoaster to feel this way. Didn't pop out loving myself or anything. Just... The idea of being my own person is really important to me."

She smiled back at the blonde Arrancar, blinking with surprise as she realized she may have been taking up Calypso's trip, causing her to gently shake her head,

"Nah, don't be silly. Talking to a funny Arrancar is leagues preferable to whatever my mind's coming up with right now. You're fine - I'm not in a rush."

She would then gently tilt her head to the side, a quizzical gaze on her,

"..Oh, we never introduced ourselves, did we? I'm Calypso. And you are..?"

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Sick Of This [Calypso/Santa] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sick Of This [Calypso/Santa]

Thu Jun 17, 2021 7:04 pm
ForgottenMercy — 06/06/2021
Sick Of This [Calypso/Santa] - Page 2 HEADER_sample-1defef0c62717200929536130165e9c4

Santa looked off to the side, a sheepish look on her face. "Eh, I'm hardly an arrancar. If I were any weaker I probably wouldn't be able to see myself in the mirror." She noted a bit ruefully as the Oni complimented her in being interesting to talk to.. She always did have trouble running into others, but were her kind really so rare? Hm. She paused. Head suddenly turning to the north for a moment. A soft ping would be felt as she used her pesquisa.

A tingle. Nothing quite close. But there was a buildup in the air. Distant reiatsu. She kinda knew that she drew hollows, but she was a bit surprised when she felt them coming so soon. Hm. She slowly stood up. "Ah, my name is Santa Estallar. But you can just call me Santa." She introduced herself, her attention still a bit diverted since it took focus to check her pesquisa.
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Sick Of This [Calypso/Santa] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sick Of This [Calypso/Santa]

Thu Jun 17, 2021 7:21 pm

The demon looked at her knowingly, as if she could catch her feelings of embarrassment - which she very much well was doing, but, not like Santa would know that.

"Oh come on, of course you're an Arrancar. You can't be 'less' of an Arrancar.. You either are or you aren't, and well, you seem very much like you are one. How strong you are has nothing to do with your character."

Though, the woman would stare at Santa as she seemed to do.. Something that required focus it seemed? She rose an eyebrow, though didn't make it entirely apparent she noticed her - didn't want to give her more things to feel awkward about.

"Nice to meet you, Santa," She'd smile warmly once more, "Are you feeling alright? Want water or something? I was on the way to the store."

Last edited by Lillian on Fri Jun 18, 2021 1:35 pm; edited 5 times in total
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Sick Of This [Calypso/Santa] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sick Of This [Calypso/Santa]

Fri Jun 18, 2021 12:03 pm
Sick Of This [Calypso/Santa] - Page 2 HEADER_sample-1defef0c62717200929536130165e9c4

Santa glanced back toward the oni for a moment and couldn't help but smile just a little. She remained silent, simply accepting the words of assurance at face value as she ran her hand through her hair, brushing it out of her face, giving Calypso a small brief flash of the hollow hole through the center of her forehead. "Ah, it's nothing. We should just probably..... I should probably get going soon. They're starting to notice, and it won't be long before this place gets swarmed." She noted, her voice almost rueful as she rubbed at her eyelids for a few seconds. She could feel a few more pings. Dotted specks in the distance, some of them growing a little stronger, but they all seemed to be inching closer.

"It's because of my ability. They can smell the souls coming off me. Bitches all want a piece of my steez." She murmured with a sigh and a shake of her head.
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