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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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God of Love
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Thu Jun 17, 2021 4:10 am
Shingyo Style Secrets [Shishiyuki, Makoto] QBAyyTL


One might have thought, given the disappearance of her favored pupil, that Shishiyuki had been a bit despondent, or out of sorts, but this was far from accurate. After all, she was a woman of a thousand years, and to let herself become lax simply on account of a single student was far from the sort of woman that Shishiyuki was.

"Very good, class. That will be all for the day. Our next meeting will be wholly on theory, and there will be a short test on the matter of reishi flow. Please study appropriately."

Giving her students a bow in farewell, Shishiyuki gathered up her things and departed. Before she did, she made sure to tie up her hair, though it took her a touch longer than normal. She had used the same ribbon for centuries, but the red one now in her hair brought Shishiyuki a certain bit of...peace, for lack of a better word.

As she walked through the Seireitei, however, she did find that there was a certain degree of idleness in her that was not typically present. She supposed she would normally have been preparing for an evening with Makoto, but such was not the case, it seemed.


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Thu Jun 17, 2021 4:41 am
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"And make sure the resources that the vice-captain requested are transported discreetly. Yes?"

There was a pause before a curt nod. It wasn't like anyone wanted to argue with the fourth seated officer. She had forgotten that she looked different, it was why her subordinates took a moment to get their bearings. The switch from tied back hair with ribbon was now just her hair tucked away behind a foreign headband.

"Ugh. Why did he spare us additional hours? It took barely any time at all. Should I report to Abalia? It's barely been any time though. Damn."


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God of Love
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Thu Jun 17, 2021 6:37 am
Shingyo Style Secrets [Shishiyuki, Makoto] QBAyyTL


For a moment, Shishiyuki did not realize who it was that she had noticed leaving the Gotei's grounds. After all, one tended not to expect to see one's own hairstyle on another, even moreso when it contrasted with what she had usually worn her hair in. However, Shishiyuki founds herself smiling a touch as she made her way toward Makoto, giving a small bow of greeting as she approached.

"Back so soon from your assignment, Makoto?"

There was no sense of teasing nor prying in Shishiyuki's tone as she asked the question of her dear pupil, only a bit of lightheartedness with which to greet her. Surely that was acceptable, yes?


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Thu Jun 17, 2021 6:44 am
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"Hey, can't you see I'm bu- Shishi...yuki."

The young woman was not exactly expecting to see Shishiyuki, it had briefly crossed her mind when she returned to go see her but it would probably only get in the way. Not only that but Makoto did say she'd be gone for quite a while on her assignment and so appearing so abruptly in return only felt like it would make her feel a bit awkward.

Not as awkward as this though when she felt like fainting. It was like when she didn't check to see who was bothering her at the park that one time and it turned out to be her former captain. How she wished that she paid more attention before she decided to speak, it'd save her a lot of trouble in the future she thought rather than repeating the same mistakes.

"Uhm. I'm only here for a few hours, I needed to ensure some supplies would be delivered promptly and properly. I... Hmm."

She went quiet while thinking, how did she approach this encounter that she was not at all expecting. Then there was the fact that the last she had saw her was...


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God of Love
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Thu Jun 17, 2021 6:59 am
Shingyo Style Secrets [Shishiyuki, Makoto] QBAyyTL


Makoto's terse reaction was actually rather endearing, and Shishiyuki couldn't help but giggle quietly to herself as Makoto caught herself halfway. She didn't particularly mind if Makoto had spoken to her in such a way, given how busy she seemed to be.

"I see. Well, it is quite fortunate that I've run into you during your time here, then. I don't suppose you've the time for a brief lesson? If you are still engaged down on Earth, I would naturally like to assist in your endeavors. And, of course, it is simply pleasant to have your company again."

Perhaps most would have thought to not add that last bit to the statement, but Shishiyuki saw no reason to hide that particular truth.


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Thu Jun 17, 2021 7:05 am
Shingyo Style Secrets [Shishiyuki, Makoto] Header2


Makoto was expecting that Shishiyuki might've wanted to talk about what happened but she didn't. It caught her off guard when she asked about a lesson which made her get a bit flustered inside, not outside though. The woman didn't seem to be caught up or awkward about it, it made her wonder if it was all just a dream for everything to feel so normal.

It wasn't though, Makoto wasn't delusional or one to lose touch with reality to know what was real and not. She was just that composed which made her smile faintly and look away sheepishly.

"I suppose that a brief lesson wouldn't hurt, I'm sorry I don't have a lot of time though. I'd hate to keep you from soemthing or make you rush a training session."


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God of Love
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Thu Jun 17, 2021 7:44 am
Shingyo Style Secrets [Shishiyuki, Makoto] QBAyyTL


"Oh, no, you are not keeping me from anything. This time of the day would typically be taken by our lessons regardless, would it not? I think there is much I could convey even in a very short amount of time. But we ought not idle here if we only have a short while. Come, come."

Were it someone else, Shishiyuki might have grabbed them by the wrist and pulled them along, but she had enough respect for Makoto not to do such a thing. Instead, she simply moved quickly and with purpose, expecting her student to follow. She did not move toward the Academy, however, but toward the Koizumi estate. It was neither especially far from the Gotei grounds, not particularly grandiose-- in fact, it was likely Makoto had passed by it in her duties without even realizing what it was.

"The Koizumi dojo should be empty at this time of day, so we will not be interrupting anything."

Despite having brought Makoto into her home, there was no fanfare about the matter, no effort to show her around. Shishiyuki simply led the way into the dojo, a large and ornate building with enough room to house many of the Koizumi's records and, of course, a large 182 tatami training floor. Such a building was perfect for impressing outsiders, and that of course was why it was not the dojo used for purely familial training. Removing her shoes before stepping onto the mat, Shishiyuki thought for a bit as to what she could teach quickly, but efficiently.

"Have you been keeping up sufficiently with practicing the flow of energy through your hands?"


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Thu Jun 17, 2021 7:53 am
Shingyo Style Secrets [Shishiyuki, Makoto] Header2



It wasn't that she shouted but Makoto did resound much louder than she would normally do out of surprise, she was really hasty about this impromtu lesson and the shinigami did have to pace a bit quicker to keep up with her. The short stroll did make her reflect and think about how Shishiyuki said this time of day would be spent on their lesson usually, she had always thought her lessons would probably keep her from something else and the dialogue did make her question if it was always empty before they started spending time together or Shishiyuki had grown used to it.


She'd never considered ever going to the Koizumi's place, whether for training or even socially. The idea was an alien one to her and something that would be considered foreign to ever occur if it wasn'tfor the fact that she was actually here and in the moment.

"Ahaha, you're really hasty today."

Makoto laughed a little to hide her nervousness before nodding. Of course she'd kept up her practicing, she wasn't a slacker.


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God of Love
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Thu Jun 17, 2021 8:18 am
Shingyo Style Secrets [Shishiyuki, Makoto] QBAyyTL


"I wish to teach you thoroughly, and I would be very disappointed with myself if I kept you from this simply by becoming distracted."

Makoto's apparent enthusiasm for the lesson was slightly infectious, and there was clearly a bit more pep in Shishiyuki's voice than was typical as she took up her usual stance. A deep breath to center herself, and then she was deathly serious.

"This technique is called the ryusha hakken. Rotate the reishi in the palm of your hand quickly, to whatever your comfortable upper limit is. This rotation should run parallel with your palm, rather than perpendicular. Extend this rotation only the slightest bit outward from your palm, and then make a firm palm strike forward, like so."

Shishiyuki demonstrated once for Makoto, then turned to watch her, a bit expectant in her gaze. It was quite simple, and she would not go into her typical explanations of the technique's history or usages until she was certain that Makoto had properly grasped it.


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Shingyo Style Secrets [Shishiyuki, Makoto] Empty Re: Shingyo Style Secrets [Shishiyuki, Makoto]

Thu Jun 17, 2021 8:26 am
Shingyo Style Secrets [Shishiyuki, Makoto] Header2


If Makoto was more of a people person than she actually was, she might've questioned the dedication and thoroughness of Shishiyuki's willingness to teach her and the implications. No other teacher was ever this dedicated to their student that she had picked up on. For better or worse though, she was not a person that really tried to understand people like that and so it flew over her head.

There was a curt nod to acknowledge that she had understood what was needed and she replicated the instructions. It wasn't bad for her first go, she'd never say she was satisfied with a half-done result though. There was a wince from her when she did it and tried to pretend it didn't happen. Makoto did take pride in how stoic she could be and pretend there wasn't traces of pain in her palm.

"I'm sorry, I'll do it right this time."


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