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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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God of Love
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Fri Jun 18, 2021 11:32 pm
Shingyo Style Secrets [Shishiyuki, Makoto] - Page 3 QBAyyTL


Shishiyuki found it rather difficult to actively slow her own reactions, considering the degree to which mastery of hakuda was mere muscle memory and instinct. Still, she did her utmost, and Makoto's strategy found success not only by merit of this lessened edge on Shishiyui's behalf, but also because, frankly, she had not especially considered that this approach might be made.

"Very good, Makoto."

Considering Makoto had been the one to make this situation, there was not much that Shishiyuki could do to resolve it without simply forcefully removing herself from Makoto's hold. She could have done so, of course, but she saw no particular need to do so.

"Would you wish to continue? Or do you feel you have a satisfactory grasp of it?"


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Fri Jun 18, 2021 11:41 pm
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It was a lot of stress and thought, so much so that she was sweating from everything her head was trying to consider when making the assault. It still felt like Shishiyuki could've reacted if she wanted to but if she had to guess, it was because of the same reason that she was allowed to succeed before.

"I'm... good. I think."

Makoto didn't immediately move due to being tired, she probably should move. Shouldn't she? It wasn't good to just stay in this position like this and possibly inconvenience her by using Shishiyuki as a support.


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God of Love
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Shingyo Style Secrets [Shishiyuki, Makoto] - Page 3 Empty Re: Shingyo Style Secrets [Shishiyuki, Makoto]

Sat Jun 19, 2021 12:23 am
Shingyo Style Secrets [Shishiyuki, Makoto] - Page 3 QBAyyTL



Shishiyuki might have assumed that Makoto would release her by now, but she supposed that the exertion of a new technique at this level was likely a bit exhausting. It followed that she might take a moment or two to compose herself, and Shishiyuki offered a hand of support on her shoulder.

"You ought to relax after training of this degree. Your body is not intended to go to such extremes from nothing so quickly. A warm bath should do you good, yes? Particularly if you are to return to work after this."


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Sat Jun 19, 2021 7:56 am
Shingyo Style Secrets [Shishiyuki, Makoto] - Page 3 Header2


"I guess you're right."

Makoto did agree with that logic, she was all sweaty and while her hakuda had improved as well as her physical condition she had to concede that trying to do some of these techniques was like trying to swim up a waterfall. It didn't come naturally to do it but she felt like she picked things up quickly.

As far manipulating her reiatsu in her palm, it was still kind of new. She had stuck to using her fingers and trying to prioritise that specific application before moving forward to play around with applying it elsewhere.

She didn't actually ask for clarification if she meant a shared bath, Makoto honestly expected it to not be that way. They were still student and teacher after all.


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God of Love
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Shingyo Style Secrets [Shishiyuki, Makoto] - Page 3 Empty Re: Shingyo Style Secrets [Shishiyuki, Makoto]

Sat Jun 19, 2021 11:18 am
Shingyo Style Secrets [Shishiyuki, Makoto] - Page 3 QBAyyTL


It surprised Shishiyuki a bit that Makoto was still tired enough to feel the need to lean upon her, but she did not mind offering her whatever support was necessary. After all, that was the nature of this relationship, was it not? Of a teacher and her student.

"Then let us be on our way, to ensure there is time for you to properly relax yourself and recover."

Shishiyuki finally removed herself from Makoto's hold, though her hand remained supportively on her shoulder as she led the way to the estate's onsen. It was naturally a large affair, both spacious and with many rooms. After all, while an immense spring to support the family was appropriately prestigious for a Great Noble House,would it not have been strange for them to only accomodate a communal bath?

"Do make yourself feel at home, Makoto. This hospitality is only fair, given that which you have shown me."

After showing Makoto to one of the annexes, with a small branch of the hot spring running through the classical architecture, Shishiyuki informed the servants to ready accomodations for two. After all, it was not as though they had brought towels or the like.


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Sat Jun 19, 2021 11:31 am
Shingyo Style Secrets [Shishiyuki, Makoto] - Page 3 Header2


Right. She was still leaning on Shishiyuki, the thought hadn't really passed through her mind to move. It was comfortable like this and she assumed that it'd be broken by Shishiyuki anyway. Which it was, exactly as she thought. Maybe she didn't expect it to outstandingly be as long as it was.


Thinking about it, there was a substantial gap between when she had baths or even just sat in hot springs. Makoto was a busy person and frankly, baths felt like she was sitting in her own filth if she ever considered anything beyond that but it had been alright when she sat in the hot springs with Abalia and Elyss. That was a bit more uncomfortable though.

"Aha. It was nothing, it's- Really... Big."

Staring at the scene left her a little dumbstruck. It was big and all that but she never really considered how nobility lived, even though it didn't reflect Shishiyuki it didn't change the fact that she thought it was excessive.


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God of Love
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Shingyo Style Secrets [Shishiyuki, Makoto] - Page 3 Empty Re: Shingyo Style Secrets [Shishiyuki, Makoto]

Sat Jun 19, 2021 11:48 am
Shingyo Style Secrets [Shishiyuki, Makoto] - Page 3 QBAyyTL


"Ah, it is rather spacious, yes. I do hope this smaller room is more to your liking. Towels and the like are being brought, but do feel free to wash off before they arrive."

Shishiyuki, naturally, began to undress as well, not at all bothered by the idea of sharing a bath with her student. Why should she be? After all, it was much more convenient to have someone you trusted who could wash one's back, and the soaking afterward was far more pleasant with someone to speak with.

"Much as I wish to ask regarding your mission's progress, I naturally will not pry into your affairs. I am aware that the Gotei prioritizes secrecy, and I respect this."

It did not take long for her to ready for the bath, and Shishiyuki drew two buckets of water to wash with before starting with her hair. That did seem reasonable, did it not?


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Shingyo Style Secrets [Shishiyuki, Makoto] - Page 3 Empty Re: Shingyo Style Secrets [Shishiyuki, Makoto]

Sat Jun 19, 2021 12:02 pm
Shingyo Style Secrets [Shishiyuki, Makoto] - Page 3 Header2


"O- Aha. Alright."

Makoto stood there like a doe in headlights while considering the situation, it wasn't like she hadn't been in situations like this before. She wasn't a prude or anything and knew what people looked like underneath their clothing you know? It was no big deal.

Though this particular time she felt really uncomfortable and uncertain about the whole deal. It took her a few moments to undress in her hesitation and then take a spot near Shishiyuki but subtly trying to face away a bit.

"It's fine. It's going quite slowly, it's too early to gauge much beyond that."

Even if she wanted to, Makoto didn't know what she'd tell. They had only discerned a starting point. She could not be so sure how it would develop after the current situation.


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God of Love
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Shingyo Style Secrets [Shishiyuki, Makoto] - Page 3 Empty Re: Shingyo Style Secrets [Shishiyuki, Makoto]

Sat Jun 19, 2021 12:22 pm
Shingyo Style Secrets [Shishiyuki, Makoto] - Page 3 QBAyyTL


"So long as progress is being made, I imagine that is the most important consideration, yes? I know I put this offer forward before your departure, but if there is anything that I may offer to assist you in this assignment, do not be afraid to ask it of me."

Shishiyuki naturally handed over the second bucket of water to Makoto, far less reserved about the situation. After all, there was nothing particularly strange about it, and she considered this sort of thing a good bonding experience. Rinsing off her hair after a moment, she turned to Makoto, soap still in hand.

"Would you like me to wash your back, Makoto?"


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Shingyo Style Secrets [Shishiyuki, Makoto] - Page 3 Empty Re: Shingyo Style Secrets [Shishiyuki, Makoto]

Sat Jun 19, 2021 12:33 pm
Shingyo Style Secrets [Shishiyuki, Makoto] - Page 3 Header2


Her face felt the same shade as her eyes when she heard the question. Wash her back? It seemed really simple and straight forward of a question, that's probably what caught her off guard by the suddeness of it no, the simplicity that seemed to be conveyed with it.


It felt alien to even consider letting someone do it considering the only memory she could think of about it was when she was a child and her mother would do it before she got sick and bedridden. Though at the same time it was only due to the fact that it was Shishiyuki that she turned around to face away from the woman and pull her silvery wet hair over her shoulder.

Maybe it was also to hide the more particular parts of herself away as well that she was willing to let it happen.

"S-sure. You can do it."

Makoto opted to sit there and wait a little tense with anticipation for when the touch would finally come.


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