Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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God of Love
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Little Wonder [Rukia, Shiro] Empty Little Wonder [Rukia, Shiro]

Sun Jun 20, 2021 5:04 am
Little Wonder [Rukia, Shiro] EBtDgNS


There were a lot of things that one could call "embarrassing," but having to request a relationship disclosure form somehow managed to be one of the most generally discomforting things Rukia had ever done in her life. People obviously wanted to know more, and Rukia sure wasn't going to tell them. It wasn't any of their business and, well, they'd know soon enough anyway.

With a sigh, she simply returned to her office at Shino Academy, sending out a few memos to some of her students that needed her attention. Most of them just needed actual academic assistance, or just a commendation for their hard work. Only one them was being invited for a third reason.

Said invitee was, perhaps to her chagrin, her boyfriend. But there wasn't much to do now besides wait for him to come by.


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Little Wonder [Rukia, Shiro] Empty Re: Little Wonder [Rukia, Shiro]

Sun Jun 20, 2021 6:51 am
Little Wonder [Rukia, Shiro] HufbTT0

Shiro | White and Grey

This shake is pretty neat. As a basic man, of course it’s just plain vanilla, but it’s a high quality vanilla. He’s not all that big on stylizing his beverages with chocolate drizzle or caramel. Sometimes less is best, and while thinking about less, he couldn’t help but think about Teach. She’s a good example of less being best, as if he’d ever say something like that to her face. Wonder what kind of shake she’d enjoy, probably something a bit more loud than his own. Miss Kuchiki seems the type to go overboard with stuff as simple as a shake. As with clothing and anything she particularly enjoys, she sucks at hiding her excitement revolving to it.

Anyway, enough thinking about shakes and the size of his girlfriend, he made sure to get a large shake, he has business to attend to. Particularly, he has been summoned by a particular woman. Poking his head through the door of the room, a loud slurp of his drink proved enough to announce his presence in the mostly vacant area. What? He’s not going to stop enjoying his shake just to actually greet her. Besides, he could probably guess what this is all about. The last few days had him sitting in her classroom, but he already knows that’s about to change, much to his discomfort with it. It makes sense, though. It is kind of unfair for him to be in her class with an obvious bias between them.

So, with that, he’s ready for her to kick him out. He’s already ready to get kicked out and drag her with him. She has to get one of these shakes. He should have brought her one, but what if she hates vanilla? Nah. Gotta get them deets first. ‘Yo. Yo.’ Wait. He’s still slurping. He can’t talk. Well, hopefully, she doesn’t mind him walking up and looking down at her paperwork all nosily.


God of Love
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Little Wonder [Rukia, Shiro] Empty Re: Little Wonder [Rukia, Shiro]

Sun Jun 20, 2021 8:00 am
Little Wonder [Rukia, Shiro] EBtDgNS


Yep. That was certainly Shiro. She might have actually greeted him with something resembling a bit of cheer, had he not just come right in and started peering over her shoulder while he drank his milkshake so loudly. Maybe it wasn't too late to return this paperwork...

"If you're done getting my shoulder wet from all the condensation dripping off your cup, would you mind signing this paperwork so I can get it handed in?"

Looking up at him, Rukia's expression seemed fairly mixed, a combination of modest annoyance at how he'd entered and some obvious happiness to see him here. Despite herself, and despite his behavior, it was hard for one's mood not to brighten when your significant other showed up, wasn't it?"

"The faster you get it done, the faster you can brag about dating me. I'm sure you're looking forward to that, right?"


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Little Wonder [Rukia, Shiro] Empty Re: Little Wonder [Rukia, Shiro]

Sun Jun 20, 2021 9:14 am
Little Wonder [Rukia, Shiro] HufbTT0

Shiro | White and Grey

Now he has to stop sipping. Can’t let her little quip go without any countermeasure. Besides, he wouldn’t want to get her shoulder too moist with his condensation. What a big word she used there. Hopefully, she doesn’t bite her tongue with all that condescension.

“If you want a sip, you just have to ask. It’s rather good. Would have gotten you one, but I don’t know what flavored you’d have preferred. It’s vanilla, by the way.”

Of course, he accompanies his words by holding out the shake for her. He even shook it a bit as an emphasis. He doesn’t even seem to acknowledge her mixed facial expression that much. Why should he? It’s not like she’s going to hurt his feelings just because he’s enjoying a good drink. Though, he does wonder if she’s annoyed by something other than him. Is it the paperwork? Hmm… He can imagine having to ask for a document, so you’re not teaching your boyfriend. Now, that’s actually funny, but he should get something straight between the two of them.

“And, you know… Us dating isn’t anyone’s business. You’re not, like, a trophy wife or something. I’m just looking forward to hanging out more, in all honesty. Now, let’s see here… Just sign this, right?”

The dotted lines? Snatching a pen, he put his name down. Shiro. Just Shiro. Writing his name down is kind of lame at times since he doesn’t have a last name, but he can’t do anything about that. And, with that done, he’s back to slurping his shake whether she took a sip or not.


God of Love
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Little Wonder [Rukia, Shiro] Empty Re: Little Wonder [Rukia, Shiro]

Sun Jun 20, 2021 1:12 pm
Little Wonder [Rukia, Shiro] EBtDgNS


"I'd have liked peach more than vanilla, personally."

Rukia didn't take a sip from his milkshake, mostly because she just wasn't really in the mood for one at the moment than anything else. She didn't have a ton of issue drinking after people, much less someone she'd already kissed. Watching as he signed the paperwork, she made sure everything was finished before slipping it all into a plain folder.

"Well, all that's left is to go hand this into First Division and they'll handle the rest. You probably ought to start getting ready to be in someone else's class, you know. I doubt they'll believe me if I tell them I'll grade your test even harsher now."

She grinned a bit at that, and stood from her desk to give him a proper embrace. Nothing too amazing or deeply affectionate or anything, just a normal hug. But it was something.

"I'm looking forward to it too."


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Little Wonder [Rukia, Shiro] Empty Re: Little Wonder [Rukia, Shiro]

Sun Jun 20, 2021 7:36 pm
Little Wonder [Rukia, Shiro] HufbTT0

Shiro | White and Grey

Peach? Well, that’s another bit of information to store. Thinking about it, her head’s kind of shaped like a peach. Hmm? Should he be thinking that? Probably not. He doesn’t want to think about anything else, though. What? Excitement isn’t something he shows casually, and he’s definitely not going to express much about changing classes. If anything, he’d have believed her word on how she’d grade him. Knowing her a bit, she would grade him harshly just because they’re dating. Of course, he’s already proven he can keep up and even surpass expectations when he wants to, so it’s all just whatever.

“I guess, if anything, I have a good tutor to run to if I ever need to.”

He spoke with the straw still in his mouth, but it didn’t impede him much. Her hug did impede him a bit. Not wanting to be too mellow, though, he made sure to wrap his one free arm around her neck a bit. She’s short, and he doesn’t want to bend down to actually hug her.

“So. We heading to the first real quick, and then to do who knows what, who knows where?”

Sounds like a plan to him.


God of Love
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Little Wonder [Rukia, Shiro] Empty Re: Little Wonder [Rukia, Shiro]

Tue Jun 22, 2021 6:16 am
Little Wonder [Rukia, Shiro] EBtDgNS


"As long as you don't have me doing all your homework for you."

Part of Rukia was annoyed that the hug she got in return was so negligible, but she couldn't say it was all that surprising from him, so she didn't mind much. Maybe she was just being lenient though.

"Glad you've got the whole day planned out for us."

It was just in her nature to give him a bit of lighthearted ribbing whenever he gave her the chance, and it wasn't as if he didn't do the exact same thing to her. That was sort of just how the two interacted, wasn't it? It was fun, in a way.

"I definitely didn't have anything in mind, though, so we can just spend the day around. I'm not doing anything else until tomorrow, so we've got some time."


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Little Wonder [Rukia, Shiro] Empty Re: Little Wonder [Rukia, Shiro]

Tue Jun 22, 2021 7:38 am
Little Wonder [Rukia, Shiro] HufbTT0

Shiro | White and Grey

“Oi. I’m not that lazy. Besides, if I do plan something, I’m not telling you about it, dummy.”

Thinking about it, it’s only been a few days. They may be together, but it’s a bit early for anything grandiose. Shiro likes Rukia, but he’s not entirely sure what all he’s supposed to do with that information. Nothing feels wrong, but he can’t shake the nervous feeling he gets when thinking about this stuff, like it’s a bit surreal. He wouldn’t be surprised if he woke up chained to a bed, still a killer and a slave. Suddenly, his arm tightened around Rukia, rather protectively at that. His expression, despite a straw in his mouth, had hardened slightly as he stared off a bit. She could ponder and question, but he wouldn’t answer, not until he’d ignore everything to speak his mind.

“I know this is rather sudden, but thanks. I know you know about my past since you’re a teacher and all that. I’ve been given a chance by everyone, but it always felt like none of them thought I’d make it. You, however, even before this, approached me like I was a normal person despite knowing… I guess, it’s the same with you being a Noble, huh? Having things burdening your shoulders... It’s why I didn’t care about any of that stuff. Yeah, it’s a bit weird being from two different worlds, but… Ah… Nah… Never mind… I’m not the mushy type. Let’s get going, Rukia.”

Snapping out of his train of thought, his arm around her didn’t change from being around her. He just moved himself, so he’s next to her. Yeah. He said them being together isn’t anyone’s business, but that doesn’t mean he’s not going to treat her as his significant other while out and about. His friends are totally going to lose their minds, but whatever. Just to avoid her questioning him, and his sudden seriousness, he’d start ushering her towards the door because he’d rather they get business done before having a back and forth about this. Wonder how long he can dance around the subject...


God of Love
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Little Wonder [Rukia, Shiro] Empty Re: Little Wonder [Rukia, Shiro]

Wed Jun 23, 2021 4:22 am
Little Wonder [Rukia, Shiro] EBtDgNS


"Maybe I don't want you to tell me, idiot."

Rukia's grin grew at first, though the seriousness of his voice and his expression gave her a bit of pause. This was clearly very important to him, but as he spoke, she could see why. It was true that she did know Shiro's past, given the records the Academy had informed her of when he'd been assigned to her class. Honestly, she had expected that he might end up being a headache, but she wasn't the sort to just give up on someone before she met them.

"I think it would be hypocritical of me not to give someone a fair chance after they've been put into a bad spot. You were just a student, nothing more. Treating you differently because of your circumstances wouldn't help anyone, and I don't think I'd like it much."

Leaning into his embrace a bit as they walked, Rukia thought about her own upbringing. She couldn't say she thought much of the way the nobility had turned out over the years, really. There was a lot of burden for not all that much benefit anymore, and the benefit there had been was always at the expense of others.


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Little Wonder [Rukia, Shiro] Empty Re: Little Wonder [Rukia, Shiro]

Wed Jun 23, 2021 5:15 am
Little Wonder [Rukia, Shiro] HufbTT0

Shiro | White and Grey

Alright. Alright. Alright. That's enough of that. Anymore and he might actually shed a tear. The past is the past, even if it keeps finding a way to rear its ugly head into the present. The fact it's become a nuisance rather than an actual issue means that he's moved on. He has more immediate things to worry about, like keeping pace with Rukia's tiny feet and getting used to people looking at them. Damn. Some people obviously don't care, but others could use some binoculars to see them better with.

"Eh... That test was pretty hard, Rukia. The one a few days ago. Really punished my pals. Go easy on them when I'm moved, alright?"

It's just small talk with no real meaning behind it, a change of topic. His friends finding a test hard is their own fault for slacking off. He slacked off too, but he at least spared a day and a few hours, cramming a bit, of course. Laziness doesn't just vanish that easily. He passed though, not with a perfect score, but he passed. And here they are going to change his class, as if she'd let him off that easily.


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