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Training with Fives Empty Training with Fives

Tue Jul 06, 2021 5:56 pm

Training with Fives 6EdIfMt


Artist: Tokyo Ghoul - Song: Glassy Sky

A person was coming from the Stealth Force Division. He didn't know who they were. He didn't ask, and his friends had signed him up again. They were pushing him away from this life he was living. He remained at the Academy despite accomplishing Shikai while here. He didn't want to go away from them, the relationships he'd finally gotten. His mother's influence in his life was over so many things. These friends were the only act of rebellion he'd taken in his life. Finding people who weren't high nobility or of some way.

He walked among a crowd of gathered students, a couple waiting for the arrival of the special gust. Koyo tried to keep some distance from them. He didn't enjoy being surrounded by people. Even touching or being touched made him flinch. So it was something of a problem he was working on. A real fear of being corrected or worse by his mother was conditioned into him. So it branched out further to other people. But still, he did what his friends asked of him, trying to please them. Despite his own feelings about it all being up in knots.

He felt a familiar hand on his shoulder, causing his body to flinch ever so slightly. It was almost instantly he noticed his Zanapkuto standing there. Not visible to the others, just him. He brought both hands up, patting both shoulders of Koyo. Not to distract him, merely to help him relax. That was something he wanted to investigate and delve further into. His Zanpakuto and the knowledge that waited within. His eyes looked back from the figure to the circle and the kids waiting. He was one of the older students here. But he never saw himself as the elder or anything of that nature.

Squad Five, the Stealth Force, what lesson would emerge from one of its members?

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Training with Fives Empty Re: Training with Fives

Tue Jul 06, 2021 10:34 pm

Training with Fives Ce443110

Furukawa Asami | Officer of the 5th

It was always an honour to be invited to the Academy to host a special lecture or training session. A subtle mark of recognition for one's talents and a rare chance to see firsthand what the newest generation was capable of. Likely they would have preferred an even higher ranking member of the 5th to attend, but Asami was a seated officer and the Captain's time was already ever so precious so they would have to make do with her.

The students had been told to gather in one of the practice areas and await her arrival, though Asami had no idea how many would sign up for the extracurricular lesson. A few dozen was a satisfactory amount, enough that she would easily have time to observe each student in turn at some point during the class.

Making a show of entering, Asami towered over many of the shorter students and stood on level ground with all but the tallest. She crossed the room quickly, sparing only one glance from side to side before taking her position at the forefront and waiting for all eyes to fall upon her. She did not wear her Zanapkuto today, for it was not going to be needed, but was still easily identifiable by the red fascinator that pulled her raven-black hair up into a single long ponytail.

With the echoing click of her heel against the floor, she called the room to silence and began.

"My name is Asami Furukawa. I am a Seated Officer in the Gotei United 5th Division, otherwise known as the Stealth Force. You may address me as Miss Furukawa."

"Your instructors have organised this optional Hakuda class as a chance for all of you to practice your skills under the watchful gaze of one with experience in the field. Divide yourselves into pairs."

There was a pause that followed Asami's introduction, during which she took the time to scan the recruits with a little more focus than a passing glimpse. None were given more than a second until her eyes found Koyo's, towards whom she paused long enough to raise an eyebrow in pleasant surprise before continuing on to the next person.

The Red Lady | END POST

Last edited by Locke on Wed Jul 07, 2021 3:10 am; edited 1 time in total

Training with Fives Empty Re: Training with Fives

Tue Jul 06, 2021 11:09 pm

Training with Fives 6EdIfMt


Artist: Tokyo Ghoul - Song: Glassy Sky

His eyes recognized the woman who appeared before them. He'd seen her among the others at the Combat Division. His presence having been requested there some nights prior. His eyes followed her, taking hold of her person, her clothing, and each article about her. He wore traditional red and white Shino academy garments. These did cause some clashing with his hair, but nobody spoke about it. As she called for groups to break up, something relatively common happened.

Koyo was left by himself since his friends didn't sign up for this class. It happened so often he seemed unphased by the occurrence. He trained at night and did put a large sum of effort in. In his friends noticed that but did notice his failings as well. He wasn't a powerful Hakuda user in any situation; his mother's conditioning covered Kido, Hoho, and of course, Zanjutsu. Swordsmanship did play a role obviously in his development. But everything he did was for those friends not present now, the ones who he'd finally gotten. He gave a soft sigh before looking upwards at the clouds now, considering how he'd pushed them away at first, driving a distance between them and himself. But they remained persistent and pushy about it not letting him run. The fact of the matter was, he feared his mother and what she may do. It never dawned on him to try and get stronger to protect them.

He did fear her, though, in his very being, fear had been conditioned from a young age. She made it clear what his path and duty were to her. His eyes closed for a moment before returning to the teacher of this course. Raising his anxieties about his mother wouldn't help here. He had to push it outside of his mind. Performing like a joke here would damage the Kuchiki reputation. That wasn't allowed; he had to perform adequately here. Even satisfactory performance was acceptable, anything but a failing of this optional class.

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Training with Fives Empty Re: Training with Fives

Wed Jul 07, 2021 4:53 am

Training with Fives Ce443110

Furukawa Asami | Officer of the 5th

She noted the look of recognition from Koyo but, more particularly, took note of the fact that he was not really moving as the rest of the class split up into the requested pairs. A sign of resignation, perhaps, but the student did not seem surprised or dejected by the outcome that left him partner-less. There had always been students like that, either too shy or nervous or something else that held them back from interacting with their fellows. That made things easier for Asami, and so a slight smile spread across lips that had previously been locked in a passive frown.

""Very well."

She raised a hand in Koyo's direction, beckoning him forward to join her at the front of the class. It was not meant to be a cruel gesture, hopefully he understood that, but for now he would have to withstand the watchful gaze of all his peers. At least he was a noble son, pressure would not be as unfamiliar to him as it was to most.

"You will spar with me, Kuchiki. Everyone else, pay close attention to our movements and then break up into your pairs. Take turns by alternating between offence and defence, but remember that this is training. Do not overexert yourselves, as it will endanger both you and your partner."

Waiting patiently as the class gathered round into a loose semicircle, Asami took a few moments to study her would-be opponent. She had a half-foot advantage in height, likely that translated into a similar reach advantage, but he was certainly agile. This might just be a little fun. He did not exude the same air of confidence that she could sense from several of the other students, but personal experience told her never to judge a book by its cover.

"You may begin your attack when ready. I will do my best to block your blows and demonstrate the most effective methods of counterattack."

The smile from before began to fade from Asami's features once more as her expression turned to one of focus. Taking one long breath, she dropped into a lower stance and waited to see what exactly Koyo would bring out.

The Red Lady | END POST

Training with Fives Empty Re: Training with Fives

Wed Jul 07, 2021 7:53 pm

Training with Fives 6EdIfMt


Artist: Tokyo Ghoul - Song: Glassy Sky

Koyo walked towards the front of the class; he expected this to happen. He didn't smile or show a sense of satisfaction. But since he knew her from an encounter prior, this was less nerve-racking. As he arrived at the front of the classroom, he took a moment to block out things. When Koyo fought, he made it a point to erase a particular area from focus. He removed the students using his mental deduction to conclude they'd fight likely here. He couldn't show a wrong move as he slowly brought one foot backward and another forward. Turning his body sideways to provide fewer targets.

Her stance was low; she'd have a good center of gravity and could deliver powerful blows. Running simulations of the fight provided no answer. She was going to be more skilled at Hakuda than him. From the purest standpoint, he didn't have much of a chance. His size provided some agility which could be blended well with footwork. His hands rested in front of him open; he'd not closed them. He was evaluating the risks and which angle to go at. A passing grade was what he desired here, to not dishonor his family despite a lack of capability in this field itself.

He decided he would focus on her body's upper torso as his attack area, with another sent at her leg. He couldn't say if this would work or not. As he came in, he threw a right hook towards her ribcage. He could spin this out into a leg kick if he got the chance. But he didn't know how she would answer him in kind. It dawned on him as he swung if this was proper. His mother never educated him on Gender equality or gentlemen's behavior towards a girl.

His Zanpakuto provided a mental chiding that she'd bodyslam him if he didn't focus. Pulling punches at this junction would only upset the teacher. So it was best to fight her and try to get that passing grade.

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Training with Fives Empty Re: Training with Fives

Wed Jul 07, 2021 9:19 pm

Training with Fives Ce443110

Furukawa Asami | Officer of the 5th

Unlike her opponent, who was likely tuning out all of the other students to keep himself focused upon this match, Asami took careful note of how much room she had to work with before they came to blows. Such was the duty of the instructor.

She had settled herself into an even guard, ready to cover high or low should Koyo choose to be particularly acrobatic, but instead he came straight for her core. A brazen strategy, and one that was revealed to be even more so when his first punch came higher than she had assumed and shot straight for her comparatively exposed décolleté.

This was, fortunately, not the first time an opponent had attempted to throw her off by targeting an unseemly area. In fact, she had to respect the audacity of Koyo to start a fight with his teacher like that though her features did not show much appreciation yet. Instead of flinching, as many a woman might have done in the face of such a blow, Asami twisted her body sideways, just as he had done, to reduce her available profile before planting her feet firmly in a wide gait and waiting to receive the attack.

She met the hook with a swipe from her left forearm, letting his momentum carry them both back a few paces, before inverting her stance to catch his following kick with a flat block using her right forearm. No more ground was given as she planted her feet once more, but there was no counterattack to Koyo's moves yet either. This was his chance to show off his offence, and she did not wish to put him down after a single strike.

The Red Lady | END POST

Training with Fives Empty Re: Training with Fives

Wed Jul 07, 2021 9:37 pm

Training with Fives 6EdIfMt


Artist: Tokyo Ghoul - Song: Glassy Sky

The first and follow up were designated as failures; he needed to change tactics. Or was the tactical application meaningless in this sense? His brain worked through multiple ideas and avenues he could take. Straight was obviously not the best course of action. She'd not offered an offensive counter yet as he stood for a moment. Not sure what the next flurry should be. His first assault was blocked and swatted away expertly. He could feign doing the same thing once more and maybe get her by surprise.

He inhaled a breath, controlling that aspect of himself carefully. He had acknowledged his first attempt wasn't solid. Some of the kids likely thought they could do better against her. Overconfidence was a nasty blade to be cut by; Koyo learned this at a young age. His more petite frame allowed for more acrobatic fighting, making him unpredictable. If he was using his sword, he would be attacking from all angles. So he needed to treat this as the same almost. He shot forward, this time using his agile form to begin. Kicking with his left leg on the ground, he rose up, throwing a punch at her head.

Meanwhile, as his fist moved forward, he'd launched a knee that would extend into a kick pushing off her for distance. He was using more acrobatic fighting now, realizing his failure from the first time. A passing grade was necessary, even if it was just satisfactory. He didn't know how to fight with his hands or his body all the way. The teachers typically took a sideway stance, so he did. That was a natural deduction, but attacking and opening with the offense. He just couldn't find an effective way to succeed as a Hand hand combatant.

Not as a purest anyways, he would have to use his Zanpakutos sealed power if he wished to contend with her. That was not in the lesson, so he would abstain from that. His eyes stared at her, not showing signs of anything in them. His facial expression, even during this, kept a blank and emptiness to it. His nerves and other anxieties weren't expressed openly. It simply wasn't how a noble was meant to behave.

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Training with Fives Empty Re: Training with Fives

Thu Jul 08, 2021 5:59 am

Training with Fives Ce443110

Furukawa Asami | Officer of the 5th

Asami could tell that Koyo was already reassessing his position, but too much thinking was almost as bad as not thinking at all. In her mind, perfect Hakuda was the fusion of thought and instinct into one seamless display where it became indistinguishable from constant movement. Though even she was not capable of such yet, so it would be crass to judge a student harshly for attempting such.

He had failed in a frontal assault, either he kept pushing her centre based on some perceived weakness in her guard or he attempted to go around it. The latter was the more natural choice and, as she saw him coming in low, the slightest hint of a smile finally cracked across her face again.

She coiled up backwards, taking the first kick with her right leg as it rose to defend her and deflecting the following punch with her right forearm again. This time, though, there was no waiting for a reset. The right foot that had just been raised to block Koyo's first strike slammed back to the ground and Asami began to twirl forward by using it as an anchor point. Spinning her whole body back around to revert stances, she sent her left leg up and around in an extended sweeping attack that shot out in front of her.

His knee strike landed squarely against her side, as her left arm was unable to both guard and pivot, though that was a small price to pay. She rapidly processed the angle at which he had struck to better angle her own kick as it came chasing after Koyo, threatening him if he was too slow to retreat. She was holding back on both speed and power, especially the power, as this was meant to be an educational experience rather than a thrashing. But it was still a hefty kick that had the momentum of her turn packed into it.

The Red Lady | END POST

Training with Fives Empty Re: Training with Fives

Thu Jul 08, 2021 1:32 pm

Training with Fives 6EdIfMt


Artist: Tokyo Ghoul - Song: Glassy Sky

Koyo had taken too long to evaluate the position and act on it. His offensive flurry didn't bring about a successful hit until the knee. But due to the posture he was in, and avoidance wasn't possible. Defending the strike was but not by much; the impact would land, sending him back a couple of feet. The blow had landed square into his chest's center. He felt a sting and throb of pain as his hand came upwards. That plan was risky for so many reasons. In terms of punishment, he wasn't able to endure too much either. Getting back to his feet, he gauged the amount of effort spent.

He'd lost track of the other students in this shuffle. The spar between both parties favored her heavily. But she was an educator, so that was expected as he thought about it. His Zanpakuto's spirit came behind him, touching his shoulders. Insight into maybe using its power to fight with her. But sealed powers weren't playing a part in this trade-off. Koyo simply wasn't sure what to do from here as he walked forward. This time he didn't engage quickly; he took his time.

He slowed the pace down and went with a more surgical approach, believing his previous attempts caused problems. One got him nowhere, and the other, while a hit landed, with her traded one attack. Ordinarily, at this point, he would have imbued his fists with Zanpakuto's water-based attacks. But he stopped looking at her; she was two arms reach away. He was considering letting his reiatsu and spiritual pressure out. For the first time since the battle began, his eyes went around the room. He was checking if those around him could handle his spiritual pressure.

Not for ego or a reason like that, but he didn't want to cause them pain or trouble. He came to the conclusion they couldn't handle it. So he wouldn't be using that either; he'd landed a hit that was good enough to be satisfactory, perhaps. He had one last idea in his mind, but it would require some movement on his part. He went forward, closing the distance quickly. Bringing his arm back, he made it like he was going to punch her from above. Before, at the last moment, he slammed it into the ground. Using the ground as a springboard, he shot his legs out in a dropkick.

Trying to score a hit around her midsection, his plan didn't end here, however. He was predicting a block or a counter of some sort. When she went to block, he would attempt to grapple her into a chokehold. By diverting himself after impact to come around her. Though if she just decided to dodge it, he would be left wide open.

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Training with Fives Empty Re: Training with Fives

Thu Jul 08, 2021 3:47 pm

Training with Fives Ce443110

Furukawa Asami | Officer of the 5th

Her foot had landed firmly against Koyo's chest and Asami's first reaction was to make sure that her opponent had not been debilitated by the blow, so she gave him plenty of room to right himself and refind his stance. Were this a true fight she could easily have rushed in for the finish but, instead, she gave him all the time he might need to focus on what he had learned from the first two exchanges. She watched him steal glances at his periphery, planning out the space he had to work with, before finally coming to some form of conclusion and moving to engage once more.

Expecting something flashy after his last two combinations, it was a little surprising to see Koyo's arm already curling back in preparation for an arcing swing. He was sharp enough to know that such a technique wouldn't work, but perhaps equally wise enough to gambit her calling his bluff. She could simply step back and evade, but this was a lesson so she had better educate her class. Switching into a broad stance, she faced Koyo down head-on as he went about his plan.

Knowing the overhead might be coming was only one factor in her own plan, as she prepared to guard herself against attacks from above whilst shielding her core, and her caution was naturally rewarded. His blow fell short, slamming down into the ground in front of her, but that only served to bring his feet into the action as a double-kick shot toward her midriff. But Asami's arms were already in position, his attack would flounder against her defence and she would go for a grapple to finish the altercation.

Koyo had one more trick, it seemed, as he took the impact against her arms and used his sudden burst of speed to swing around her body in an attempt to get control of the back and put her in some form of hold. Asami was not about to let him have such an advantage without fighting for it, though, and flung her own body backwards by using the very same momentum that he had given her. Landing on her hands, not in a dissimilar position to the one Koyo had recently used, she attempted to kick upward and clear her opponent away so that she could stand once again.

The Red Lady | END POST
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