Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Sat Aug 21, 2021 7:14 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

“Did ya hear?”

“Yeah? Somewhere around the Fourth Division’s barracks, right?”

“Mhmm. Should we tell Captain or..?”

“Nah. Let her be. I wouldn’t want to piss her off anyway.”

Rumors began to race from division to division. A certain redhead, who had been missing for a couple of days, seems to be stirring up some commotion. What has she done this time? Well, it’s not much, but it’s enough that everyone’s wondering how it’ll go. An invitation to brawl. It’s that simple, yet, everyone knows about the spectacle that is Elyss. A simple fight with her involved has the potential to shake the Gotei United. Some might find that a problem, but most people seem to want to watch and witness this. Of course, a lot of them are conscious about the fact that someone will have to accept this open challenge. Who would do such a thing though? Elyss’ infamous strength and attitude is enough to scare away most opponents, and only the most frightening would dare to step up to her. That just makes this sudden event more exciting though.

It’s no wonder that a crowd had begun congregating around the arena that Elyss had chosen. The redhead is doing nothing but sitting down and relaxing, ignoring everyone who has come. None of them have stepped into the ring yet, so they’re of no importance to her. Only when someone dares approach her will she even open her eyes. For right now, she’s comfortable where she is, even as whispers begin to reach her ears. Someone will come. She knows it.




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Sun Aug 22, 2021 1:13 pm
The situation at Squad Four had reached the halls of Shino Academy. So students being curious did go to see what was going on. Koyo was dragged along with his friends to witness the gathering. Elyss Kishimoto, Squad Sevens Seated officer, was regarded with some fear by some. Koyo didn't know the reason why or what lay behind it. His expressionless stare looked at the circle considering the gap. His mother would likely not approve of him fighting in the streets. Though this was Squad Fours territory, Captain Kobayashi probably wouldn't hold it against them.

His thoughts were broken as a hand slapped him in the back, shoving him forward. Through the lines of people and gathered crowds. He went ahead, stumbling into the circle. His frame leaned a bit upwards; glancing back, it had taken him off guard. Who would have pushed him to the front in such a way? His friends surely knew not to force things upon him.

His eyes scanned the crowd looking for someone; unable to spot anyone, his eyes shifted towards Elyss. She was dangerous, and it didn't take a history test or a scholar to figure that out. Koyo had to consider his options carefully when engaging her. She was no doubt faster, stronger, and better trained. His training as a child had begun to feel like a moot point. Taking in a breath, he brought his hand down towards his Zanpakuto. Kido and Zanjutsu were his skills of note. They'd have to be his weapons.

Swallowing, the Kuchiki prepared himself for whatever came silently.
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Mon Aug 30, 2021 11:02 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Eh? It seems no one wants to go a round or two. What a shame. She even made sure to host it around the most violent of squads. Is she really that known that no one wants to take a shot? With a sigh, she felt like getting up and going on her way. Well, until she heard someone. With just a tilt of her head, she’s looking at some shrimp. She doesn’t even bother getting up.

“Ya lost? The Academy’s a bit off from here.”

She’s taunting him, teasing his uniform. Mostly, she’s showing disdain for the only person with balls to walk towards her. What kind of challenge is she supposed to get from this guy? God. Ya finally feel like fighting someone, and all you get is this? She might still walk away, but whatever. He deserves a chance to at least explain himself. People came to watch a fight, not a murder.




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Mon Aug 30, 2021 4:29 pm
Excuses wouldn't cut it here, couldn't explain someone pushed him. Pride and honor of a Kuchiki would be diminished. But even as one of that family, he knew that winning was off the table. Survival or a respectable performance was all he could hope for. He remained quiet, not drawn in by the taunts of his clothing or outfit. His mint-colored eyes locked with hers and tried to formulate a plan. What would be a suitable answer to her? Fighting her as he was without Shikai wasn't possible.

But he had to try and fight her since he wound up in this spot. "Excuses matter not at this moment." His clothing began to wave as a white glow came around his body now. The power he had accumulated from his years of conditioning and effort. He would need to fight her with everything he had. But hesitation to drawing his Zanpakuto and releasing the power it held just yet.

Kido and Zanjutsu were what his confidence if any existed in. Koyo drew his sword slowly accepting that he wouldn't be walking away. The pain was a familiar mistress, during his lessons from his mother. He came accustomed to broken bones and various other injuries. Accept pain as a familiar friend on the battlefield.
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Sat Sep 04, 2021 10:08 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Well, well, well…

She’s annoyed. There’s nothing here for her but a bothersome pest. It reminds her of herself, but this is obviously something different. She can’t put her finger on it, but this guy doesn’t seem the type to wander into trouble aimlessly. He’s not that passionate of a person. Maybe she’s just reading too much into him. As the only one to unsheathe his blade, humouring him will have to do for now. With a sigh, she moved to get up, rolling her shoulders as she did so.

“Whatever… I don’t care if you cry or beg, I won’t quit until I’ve had my fill. Hell, you might even die.”

Her stoney eyes focused on him, her gaze sharp and penetrating. She already sees multiple ways of breaking him, some quick, some slow. Annoyed by that fact, she scoffed and spat on the ground next to her before sliding her hands into her pocket, her foot tapping.

“Come on. Make a move. I’ll letcha go first.”



Last edited by Siegharty on Tue Sep 07, 2021 2:44 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Sat Sep 04, 2021 7:43 pm

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Artist: Tokyo Ghoul - Song: Glassy Sky

He wondered how many times he'd come close to that. The years in the conditioning with his mother were difficult. What kind of angle could he take when dealing with her. All the signs were pointing towards the danger of reprisal. He examined his sword considering options again. Time was up, he would have to go with that and be hopeful.

His frame bent forward as he took a step using Hoho, not his goal in this. He'd have to push his power to the limits. The only choice was to land Sokatsui, he knew the incantation. But the timing and everything else had to be perfect. It wasn't going to be something he could do multiple times. Maybe twice if he was pushing it with a misfire entirely possible.

When his foot landed on the ground near her, water began leaking upwards. He brought his sword to the side, from here he could use the hilt and strike her if need be. But it also left him with other options. He sensed a trip back was going to be a painful ride.

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Wed Sep 08, 2021 5:29 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Is that so? His attack’s lame. Even as water rose from the ground, all she had to do was take a few steps back. Such a simple maneuver even allowed her to dodge his horizontal slash. Her hands still in her pocket, she bounced her feet on the ground, twice on the left, twice on the right, repeatedly. Hmm… Yeah. That should do…

Her left foot bounced twice, but her right foot didn’t. After the first bounce, she stomped down hard, the pressure enough to crack the ground around her in a yard diameter. Then, her left came down, and this time, the cracked ground exploded upward around her. With her focus seemingly on the ground, she spun, crashing the back of her right foot into the floating rubble. With frightening accuracy, she kicked the uptorn arena at Koyo, the debris shot like a shotgun, spreading out as it raced towards him.

Dodging isn’t hard, but it does send the crowd into a panic, as the debris sailed towards them. Some dodged, some got hit. However, the redhead seemed unperturbed by any of it, seemingly uninterested in the whole situation.




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Wed Sep 08, 2021 7:30 pm

Open Challenge (Open) 6EdIfMt


Artist: Tokyo Ghoul - Song: Glassy Sky

The debris of earth struck him in multiple locations, some causing lacerations and others cuts along his body. Koyo had little to react to her raw power and couldn't form a shield. His academy uniform looked ripped, his body was in pain across several areas. He could hear his mother's words running through his mind. Withdrawl is a dishonorable thing for a Kuchiki. Could he release his Zanpakuto in this situation safely without causing problems? His right arm raised feeling some pain while doing so.

He'd been moved back two meters by that attack of hers. Bringing his Zanpakuto upwards he made a choice on tactic now though it was a destructive one. He performed a full 360 slash where he was sending out water drips and successfully covering the ground in the liquid.

Hopefully getting Elyss wet in the process, his body hurt from those impacts but his face didn't show it. Showing pain was disgraceful, so making a face would upset his mother. He had to be unmoving as ice with his emotions. A crackling orange light formed around his right hand's middle and index fingers.

"Bakudo 9 Horin," He said as the rope launched forward crawling towards Elyss. His strategy was in place and would harm him as well. If plan A failed and he could reasonably get past it to his next part. He needed to get this binding Kido first before anything else happened. His initial projects had her closer, it showed a failure to anticipate power. That was his failing in this entire endeavor with the woman.

Whatever the pain or beating he couldn't release his Zanpakuto, not here it would cause trouble for the Kuchiki. His mother forbids that outcome so he'd have to struggle and accept what came.

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Sat Sep 18, 2021 5:27 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Her foot tapped the ground, her stance retaken. Well, what little of a stance she had in the first place. With her hands in her pockets, she seemed too relaxed. The only thing that portrayed her deadliness was the look in her eyes. Despite her calm expression, there’s a focus in her gaze that’s seeing things far ahead than actually necessary. Her mind is working, hypothesizing, and adapting to the situation. She knows little about this person besides that their sword spouts warm water. However, he has a Shikai. That much is clear. Eh… Whatever he does, she’ll just crush it and him, like the fly he’s starting to buzz about like.

When he moved, she made no attempt in dodging. She simply allowed for water to splash against her person, dampening her clothing. Obviously he’s planning something that requires some sort of setup. Is his power as simple as controlling water? What shape does it take? Ah. She doesn’t have the time to continue guessing as she took note of the sudden incantation. Yet, again, she didn’t budge as her arms were tightened against her sides by the restrictive energy. Captured, she stood there, motionless, yet, her eyes always on him. What’s next?




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Sat Sep 18, 2021 5:45 pm

Open Challenge (Open) 6EdIfMt


Artist: Tokyo Ghoul - Song: Glassy Sky

She had taken the hit from the rope, a momentary sense of accomplishment. But his mother's conditioning had kicked in within a second. Bringing his sword down, he touched the water before speaking the next spell. "Hadō 11, Tsuzuri Raiden." An electrical current charged through his hand and into the sword before surging through the water towards the woman. Her being wet would allow her to conduct it with more effectiveness. Bringing his sword up, he inhaled, knowing that likely wouldn't buy him much time. "Emerge Asashio." With that, a small wet cloth unfolded from the bottom of his Zanpakuto. A current of hot water swirled around the blade.

He had one shot at this next move; he sliced the ground with a strike in front of him. a geyser of scorching water shot towards Elyss now. Having used his first wave on her to buy himself time, everything was time with him. His body flinched for a moment, previous injuries preventing seamless movement. The rocks had broken ribs and bruised his body.

"Ye lord! Mask of flesh and bone, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Truth and temperance, upon this sinless wall of dreams, unleash but slightly the wrath of your claws. Hadō 33 Sokatsui!" He felt the discharge coming into his palm. Slight burning emerged on his palm and his body. He'd taken damage from his Kido, showing signs of a backfire. Though the blue inferno emitted from his left hand's palm shot towards Elyss with explosive force. His frame fell to his knee's smoke traveling from his body in multiple areas.

Was it enough? Did that satisfy her? His chest rose and fell as he felt the pain through his being. The sensation and smell of burnt flesh filling his nose. This pain was familiar. It felt like home.

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