Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue0/0Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 3 Empty Re: Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie]

Mon Sep 27, 2021 12:54 pm
Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 3 2ErbFt1


Did Sophie's smile mean that she just wanted to comfort him, or did it mean that she was glad he was here. He could see it out of the corner of his eye, how her lips curled just a little bit as she looked at him.

"I suppose there is a simple truth to that. I have been luckier than most of late, in more ways than one."

He shifted a little closer on the sofa, pulling his head up as she averted her gaze. Amber hewn eyes studied her features carefully as her skin flushed with red, now what was he to make of that? Perhaps she was waiting for him to take the initiative, some kind of subtle hint, he had made it this far by risking it all but was it really worth losing what they had for the sake of expediting the process.

Slowly, nervously, Alastair's hand moved from around her embrace to reach for the side of her face. He liked it when she averted her gaze, but right now he wanted to look her in the eyes. Just to be sure.

"Sophie, I... There is something I should say."

One Eternity Later | END POST

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Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 3 Empty Re: Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie]

Mon Sep 27, 2021 1:16 pm
Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 3 Header2


"Uh huh..."

She stuttered and went bright red when he was holding onto her cheeks. This was really sudden, it caught her off guard and it made it so much harder to process all this. She remained tense while her bright golden eyes stared at him in anticipation.

Some dreaded idea that he might want to say something completely different than what she wanted to hear. It wasn't like she was always the most forward with things like this, it was just that she had no real idea how to go about stuff like this. How many boys was she hanging around with anyway? Besides Domino but she didn't think that he counted.

"Ahaha. This is so intense."

It was a nervous laugh after she blurted it out and felt herself go even more red. Gosh that was so stupid, why'd she say something stupid like that?


Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 3 Gamma_Signature
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Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 3 Empty Re: Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie]

Mon Sep 27, 2021 2:07 pm
Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 3 2ErbFt1


Oh god, she had not batted his hand away as he had half expected her to. Nor had she thrown it back in his face like the half baked effort it could have been seen as. He was really doing this then. Their gazes locked upon each other, vibrant gold against muted orange, but he resolved to hold his ground. His lip went to quiver from anticipation, but, rather than let him show that weakness, he just went for it.

"I came to your apartment tonight because you..."

It was her laugh that caused him to stop in his tracks, his own face now turning a shade of red that quickly shot up to match Sophie's own colour. Should he stop? Change course to something totally off topic that would deflect them from this awkwardness.

No. Stay the course.

"I came here because I realised something when I was not sure I would see you again. That I wanted to keep seeing you again, that you mean something to me."

One Eternity Later | END POST

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Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue999999/999999Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 3 Empty Re: Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie]

Mon Sep 27, 2021 2:24 pm
Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 3 Header2


There it was. She blinked a few times at him while she processed how she should react. He wanted to keep seeing her. Did that mean he liked her? Really liked her? Did he just like her company or did he like her? Ugh, all this lovey dovey stuff was so hard!

Should she say something? It would probably do better than sitting here like a gazelle in headlights but she couldn't figure out how to react to his words.

"Me too!"

Is that all she had? It did come out a little bit enthusiastic and chirpy but Sophie didn't feel satisfied with it. It frustrated her a little bit though maybe that's because she wanted him to be more daring and forward and so that was a little frustrating. Well, who said she had to wait for him to make the move?

Sophie didn't wait for him to respond to her poor excuse of an answer, instead she reached up and grabbed his cheeks like he did to her's and pulled him into kiss her. It was a lot more janky than she imagined, she wasn't very good at kissing but she tried. Wondering how long she should or could hold this kiss for.


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Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 3 Empty Re: Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie]

Mon Sep 27, 2021 2:52 pm
Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 3 2ErbFt1


His throat felt bone dry the moment the words left his lips, like a pit had just opened up between them and he did not know what she would say. How long would this silence go on? Would it ever even end? This was harder than he had thought it would be. Or perhaps he had not even thought about it enough. He had spoken too soon, of course. It all made so much sense, oh what a fool he--

"Me too!"

He would have pulled her into a kiss himself had his soul not almost left his body. Her answer was all that he needed to hear, and it stunned him to even hear those words. Butterflies fluttered up in his stomach as he felt every single hair on his body stand on end but, before he could even get ahold of himself, he felt her hands cling onto his cheeks. As she pulled him forwards, he tightened his grip upon her own face before moving down to the side of her neck as they drew closer together.

"Sophie, I--"

The rest of his words were lost as their lips collided. To call it an elegant gesture would probably be a little generous, for he was as experienced in this as Sophie was. A matter that they had both so tacitly avoided discussing truthfully. That did not stop him from enjoying it though, from wanting to hold her there forever, as his spare hand wrapped around her waist and pulled on her midriff tightly.

One Eternity Later | END POST

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Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue999999/999999Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 3 Empty Re: Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie]

Mon Sep 27, 2021 5:42 pm
Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 3 Header2


This was fine. It was all that went through her mind while she kissed him more assertively than she felt. She was compensating her nerves with trying to be a lot more confident which translated to trying to take the lead. Though she did kind of want to be kissed rather than the kisser here, then she wouldn't be the one feeling all vulnerable about whether or not she was performing well.

Her legs moved to try and get more comfortable by sitting on his lap, it was a bit hard to make it work while kissing him but she made do with it until she nice and cozy against him. Was she meant to ask him for permission? Well he was kissing her back so she assumed that she didn't make a mistake. He wanted to see her again and came all the way here of his own volition.

He was definitely into her.


Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 3 Gamma_Signature
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Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 3 Empty Re: Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie]

Mon Sep 27, 2021 6:24 pm
Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 3 2ErbFt1


That arm he slung around her waist should have helped to pull her on top of him, or it would have done if a shock had not shot up his arm as he remembered the sling now hanging empty around his neck. This would have been a terribly painful experience, were his mind not in an entirely different universe.

His good arm still caressed her neck as they continued to kiss unrelentingly, but as she moved on top of him it slowly moved down her back until it was resting on her hip. He did wonder if he should be doing more to take charge of the situation. He had not been the one to initiate this whole thing though and he regretted that mental lapse, the last thing that he wanted was for her to doubt his resolve.

Making to shift her legs again, this time from his lap so that she was almost straddling him instead. With that done, he pulled her body closer to his own. The only thing separating their chests from touching being the injured arm that was now clutched to his own body again. He had been worried he would not see her again, but now she was here, she was in his arms, and he wanted tonight to actually matter.

One Eternity Later | END POST

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Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 3 Empty Re: Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie]

Mon Sep 27, 2021 6:34 pm
Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 3 Header2


The second shift of position had her a little surprised, this was going really fast she thought to herself. Well, if she remembered the second date was the making out wasn't it? Why didn't she have more girlfriends to discuss this stuff with. Making the hermit-like reclusive nature of her own was biting her like that. A small whine while she receded a little and pulled away to stare at him with rosy cheeks. The product of breathlessness and embarrassment with a little sheepishness there to.

"...This is not exactly the second date I envisaged."

She finally said with an impish smile. Personally, she thought it was kind of smooth but she was also a dork that didn't really know how that might actually go down with someone. She hoped it was funny in a good way. Not a bad way, that'd be awful. Her hands shifted from his neck and ran through his long red locks a much richer red than her own shade of orange.

Her body might've been leaning back to lay down on the couch but she hoped her eyes properly conveyed the really straightforward message to him.

Keep kissing me.


Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 3 Gamma_Signature
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Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 3 Empty Re: Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie]

Mon Sep 27, 2021 6:59 pm
Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 3 2ErbFt1


He stole a few pants of his own as they broke away, his breathing ragged, though her whine was enough to cause his own cheeks to flush red. To Alastair, Sophie could hardly get any hotter than she was right now but that next comment landed perfectly. She was teasing him a little, pulling at his strings like he were a marionette doll, but he did not mind in the slightest. His lips curled into a smile all of his own as he stared at her in a mixture of wonder and admiration.

"I hope... this is a little better... than what you had in mind."

There was a moment in which he flashed a wry grin before his body was moving to follow Sophie as she was laying back down across the couch. It only took a little adjusting and awkward movement for him to be on top of her, now firmly in control of the situation if that was what she was still looking for. But he did not quite make it to her lips before he started kissing her again, instead placing one upon her shoulder, then her collarbone, before stopping at the side of her neck to nuzzle into her with a sudden burst of passion.

He knew that this felt good for him, but he had to trust that this was what she also wanted. He was both in control and also putty in the palm of Sophie's hand.

One Eternity Later | END POST

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Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 3 Empty Re: Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie]

Mon Sep 27, 2021 7:11 pm
Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 3 Header2


The weight was a little alien, she couldn't really say that she was experienced with the feeling of another human's weight on top of her but it was nice. Even if she was feeling trapped againt the soft cushions of her couch and Alastair, maybe she did like the experience but that'd be way to embarrassing to ever admit to anyone. Then he was attacking places other than her lips and Sophie was hit with the sudden feeling of ticklishness at his lips at her neck and getting her to squirm underneath him with a giggle.


Her voice did protest but she also kept her hand firmly on his back and the other in his thick mane of hair. She did not particularly want him to stop despite the suddenness of the whole thing.

"If that arm hurts, you know I could work some magic and help it recover a little."

She said softly through her shallow racing breathes and shook her head a bit to get the mop of hair that she had out of her eyes and try to flick it backwards.


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