Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 4 Left_bar_bleue0/0Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 4 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 4 Empty Re: Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie]

Mon Sep 27, 2021 7:33 pm
Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 4 2ErbFt1


Alastair could not say that he was also familiar with this position, balanced as he was atop Sophie with only one arm supporting his weight. She also did not answer his question, though he reasoned that actions spoke louder than words and there were a whole lot of actions that spoke to the affirmative. Still, he felt her writhe against his kisses and thought for a moment that he should back up before a firmer hand than he had expected pressed his head back into her neck.

Breaking for a moment, he ran his hand through her hair as she was struggling to free it from her face and helped her to pull it back before reaching around to tug at it in a similar manner she played with his own hair. Glancing down at his other arm, which was quickly proving to be far more of a hindrance than an injured arm usually would be, he looked back at Sophie with an eyebrow raised perplexedly.

"I suppose it is getting in the way, but only if it is not any trouble for you."

He stayed there, leaning back now, and waited to see what she had in store for him next.

One Eternity Later | END POST

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Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 4 Left_bar_bleue999999/999999Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 4 Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 4 Empty Re: Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie]

Mon Sep 27, 2021 7:42 pm
Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 4 Header3


"Alright. Just one sec."

She negotiated while trying to slide away just enough to extend herself away from the couch and reach for one of the draws underneath her coffee table. A fumbling hand searching through its contents before she finally grasped a canister filled with reiryoku between her fingers and brought the ginto back. It was a little awkward to try and crawl back up to the couch.

There was that slight worry that she might fall. She didn't really want him to see that she hadn't bothered to put underwear on under her dress but she never expected it to take this turn today.

"Alright. Sling off."

She commanded while pouring the liquid energy into her palm and once she had an exposed arm her dainty hands rubbed it into his skin and she cast a basic spell that would take the sting out temporarily though the feeling would come back to it later and he'd still need to nurse it. Something more permanent would take longer than she wanted to commit to it at the moment.

"How's that?"

The question hung in the air while Sophie wrapped her legs around his waist and awaited the results of her work. A breather was good but she'd be a liar if she wasn't missing it already. It was so exciting after all.


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Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 4 Empty Re: Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie]

Mon Sep 27, 2021 8:08 pm
Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 4 2ErbFt1


"Alright, if I can just.."

He tried to help her as she attempted to manoeuvre beneath him, or rather he tried to get out of her way so that she could go about it in as unimpeded a manner as possible. It did not quite work to perfection, but his gaze was far more focused upon her own than with thoughts of venturing southward.

At her command, the sling came off, and, seeing that she needed his whole arm exposed to work, so too did the jacket that he had worn underneath his coat. He did wince as the now-revealed arm hung loosely at his side before she took it in her hands and began to massage it into his pale skin. It was a soothing sensation that he was all too familiar with, having been on the wrong side of more than one scrape in his time with the Vandenreich, but it did the trick as he suddenly found that sharp pain subsiding. There was still something there that even the numbness could not take away but, as he flexed his fingers one-by-one, it appeared he had far more control than before.

"It feels like I can move it again."

Suddenly reaching forward, he grabbed both sides of her face and pulled her in for another kiss. Even though their lips had been separated for at most a couple of minutes, Alastair had certainly been missing it just as much as she was. He felt her legs wrapping tighter around his waist and only wanted this to continue.

One Eternity Later | END POST
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Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 4 Left_bar_bleue999999/999999Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 4 Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 4 Empty Re: Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie]

Mon Sep 27, 2021 8:20 pm
Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 4 Header3


"You're welcome."

She mischeviously said to have the last word before he was back to kissing her. Enthusiastic to remain with this nice little reprieve from work though it did make her feel a slight twang of regret at the fact she felt like she was procrastinating work that she needed to do for a bit of selfish enjoyment. Well, she thougbt it was selfish but she hoped he was getting as much out of it as she was.

It was a little annoying itch at the back of her mind which she tried to ignore, just focusing on him for the moment. She could pull an all-nighter to get it done, right? The ginger did think that was a little impractical but it felt like what she was going to end up doing.

"I'm a really awful hostess, I forgot about the drink I offered you."

She said after breaking their kiss and trying to emulate what he had done earlier to her neck when it came back to her mind as just another thing that had been pushed out of her head. The more she found herself doing the more that she wondered just how far he wanted to go in the heat of the moment. Was it too fast? Maybe she was being too pushy she wondered despite his own enthusiasm towards her.


Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 4 Gamma_Signature
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Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 4 Left_bar_bleue0/0Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 4 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 4 Empty Re: Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie]

Mon Sep 27, 2021 8:53 pm
Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 4 2ErbFt1


As she shifted her attention from his lips to his neck, Alastair's hands moved from her face to pursue different paths. One crept further around her head to pull at the back of the scalp, whilst the other moved down her back and further until it was clutching onto her thigh. He leaned his head away from her, exposing more of the neck in the process, and if there was any clearer hint that he was enjoying it then he did not know what it was.

"I think you have been... a pretty great hostess so far... all things considered."

That was certainly the truth, he had already forgotten about that drink from the second that their lips had touched. Just as he had almost everything else that was not deathly important. Everything about him was very much caught up in the heat of the moment, not that he had any real indication on where exactly they were going with this, but right now he was just keeping pace with her as best he could. His hand on her thigh had different ideas though, as it crept back upward but instead made its way towards her behind.

It was not that he particularly wanted to rush this, frankly, he could have things stay just as they were and it would already be a far better night than he had dared to imagine. But that did not stop his mind from wondering what exactly she wanted out of this too. They had both taken turns being so forward, it was hard to keep up.

One Eternity Later | END POST

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Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 4 Left_bar_bleue999999/999999Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 4 Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 4 Empty Re: Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie]

Mon Sep 27, 2021 9:10 pm
Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 4 Header3


"I'm gla- eep."

Her voice cut off at the surprise from the hand on her rear, a sudden jolt to her momentum which slowed her down and made those reservations even more in her mind. Did she want to do this now? What about tomorrow? Would it be super awkward? She knew that she was overthinking it but it was the first time and she had also just made a small eep sound which she wondered how well she could try and shake off and gaslight him into thinking she did. It wasn't malicious of course, just embarassing.

"Could we take it a bit slower? I know it's just.. the first time and this is really sudden but I really like it and we can stay like this and uh, um. You're not mad are you?"

It was a the whole disorienation she was that made her feel so embarrassed and like she was being mean to apply the breaks a little to the situation. Though in hindsight she probably would become pretty indignant that she was completely justified in wanting to take things slow and any attempt to pressure her would sour her mood but he wasn't like that. She thought, hoped. Well, she thought she knew him so she was pretty confident.

"You don't have to leave yet though. It's nice like this."


Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 4 Gamma_Signature
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Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 4 Empty Re: Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie]

Mon Sep 27, 2021 9:37 pm
Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 4 2ErbFt1


And just like that the bubble burst. His hand retreating sheepishly, having established boundaries and lived to tell the tale.

Yet, as everything cooled down, Alastair only felt a sense of relief. Everything had been moving so fast, and he had liked it, but Soph was right. This was not exactly how he had expected things to go, even after what had been said, and the last thing he wanted to do was ruin a good thing by moving too quickly. Avoiding the offending hand, which had been relegated to almost being sat on, his other hand made to cup one side of her face. Though there had been a moment of shock, he now wore a narrow smile as tried to lock eyes with her.

"I am sorry, it was all so sudden, and I really like you too, but I did not want to screw things up by being too held back. I... We can take things at whatever pace you want to, but I could not be further from mad at you, Sophie."

Pulling her in for a kiss felt like a silly idea right now so, instead, he tried to pull her in for a hug. Nothing too over the top anymore, just something to show her that he understood and that he also did not want to leave her.

"You are right, it is nice like this."

One Eternity Later | END POST

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Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 4 Empty Re: Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie]

Tue Sep 28, 2021 6:11 am
Feels like Forever [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 4 Header3


She was incredibly glad that he was understanding like that, it really had her a bit nervous since she didn't want to stop but she also did. It was a strange tug of war between desire and her more rational side. Sure she was naturally hot-headed and had a bit of an inclination to get indignant from her familial traits but she kept that underwraps unlike her brothers who were always threw reason to the wind and just went with their instincts.

Ugh, so annoying.

She did want to dial it down a little and maybe it was a little bad to send mixed signals like that but that didn't mean she wanted him to feel like he couldn't make any moves on her. Sophie took the hug and pulled back just a little bit to kiss him again. Just once, a little one. Then another one. One more.

Eventually she was just kissing him again like before but felt a bit more comfortable since they both knew where they were until she had him on his back and rested her head in his chest. He could stay a little longer, maybe until the sun went down. Until then she wanted him to stay here and be all her's and to be all his.


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