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Gone with the wind [Division 4, open] Empty Gone with the wind [Division 4, open]

Wed Oct 13, 2021 12:59 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

Gone with the wind [Division 4, open] 6EdIfMt

There had been a lot of strange days since she joined the Gotei. A lot of strange days since she (re-)joined the Fighting Fourth. But this day surely took the crown.

It had started fairly normal. She woke up, got ready and went to her office. Checking for messages that came in during her off-hours, reviewing schedules for the day, brewing a pot of tea. So far so normal.

The strange began to creep in later, when the morning slowly passed and turned into midday and she hadn't seen her Captain yet. That per se wasn't so unusual. Only that the Captain normally sent word when he wasn't coming in.

With furrowed brows Hanako left her office and walked down the few paces to the next door, opened it and walked in. It was Captain Kobayashi's office. The place was dark and empty, no one there.

With her hands on her hips she stood there a few minutes. Finally she turned around and left the office again with a dissatisfied grunt. At that moment her main concern was that most of the exasperating administration work would be hers to do now. She went back to her own desk, sent a message to the Captain and dove back into the day's work.

A few hours later her message was still unanswered, unread even, and the Captain's office was still empty. Strange...this time for real. This had never happened before.
For a moment Hanako closed her eyes and tried to sense him. He wasn't anywhere close by.

Okay, this was definitely unusual. And something in Hanako's guts told her this wasn't just a short hiatus.

She turned to her terminal again and sent messages to the Kobayashi estate, asking for information on the Captain's whereabouts, as well as to the Gotei Command, meaning the command of First Division, informing them of the situation. After only a moment's hesitation she sent messages to a few division members, asking them to see her in her office. No reason given, she wanted to avoid any gossiping among the ranks as long as she could. But something was amiss here.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Blood Knight
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Thu Oct 14, 2021 7:38 pm
If heaven was weird then this was it. It was official, either he was really in purgatory or heaven was really up to date on its shit. Amon Breach had been working on a privacy fence around his yard since he was paranoid about people looking into his house or at what he was doing. It took a few days but Amon was close to finished between that and trying to come up with a sword style of fighting since his previous encounter with one Hanako. Still since that spar Amon has been trying to find ways to deal with his anger as well as practice more on his sword art and how to manipulate his spiritual pressure. It was a work in progress, bit if he wasn't practicing then it was off to building.

Recently Amon discovered that simply doing manual labor let it be working out or doing... Something outside, allowed him to expell his negatives emotions, however it doesn't last normally. His anger seemed to just refuel itself in a way he can't explain, but keeping his mind occupied seemed to help out a lot more. Metaphorically he felt empty almost split in two, everything from before was gone and now he was starting anew... Except it didn't feel that way. Instead Amon was still figuring out the whole, "Social life," ordeal and how to become more active amongst the community. Though the only person he's trying that with was Hanako it was something, and it helped bolster his self confidence in one way or another.

That was not the case right now. Instead Amon was wiping sweat from his forehead using a cold damp rag staring at the screen. It was warm enough to work up a good sweat and wear light gun shorts and a tank top, his scars were revealed all along his arms and his neck, as well as the potion of his chest that was showing. He caught a few glimpses of some ladies looking while Amon worked on the fence, sone gawking at his form and others giggling or ignoring him completely. That too helped motivate Amon and his thought about himself. Thank God he had a decent body and wasn't an ugly little shit!

About a day ago Amon received a computer, not a laptop, but a fucking old-school late 90's monitor set, complete with speakers, a router, and of course the tower and mouse and keyboard. He had followed instructions to setting up and despite the appearance and age it was updated with everything a modern day system would have. He didn't even know that Soul Society had a decent signal let alone technology! But right now he was looking at an email sent by Hanako from the Fourth Division inquiring a meeting .

After showering and getting done decent clothes on, a pair of blue jeans, a black t-shirt and a blank black ballcap that he wore backward; Amon left his house and to the Fourth Division. He wondered what exactly the lady needed, maybe a little motivation speech? Maybe they were on an actual budget and needed to discuss payroll and shit, or perhaps they were choosing the employee of the month? Amon's thoughts wonder even further until he finally said, "An 8ball and hooker's sound good for a company picnic."

That statement caught the attention of some passerbys who quickly looked away, chuckled, or were just appalled by it. Amon thought it was funny but didn't mean to say it out loud. After minutes of walking he finally reached the Fourth Division building and entered it nonchalantly. Right now he walked with confidence, unafraid of the outside world, clean and ready for work thanks to Tampax- Gaddamnit! Amon had the Tampax Ultra Soft commercial stuck in his head. Damn you cheap $10 Television! That shit was normally clogged to the brim with ads about medical shit, and when he was in that orphanage that's all he could hear next to Judge Clarkson Day Court on Channel 12 and cooking shows. The cooking shows he learned a lot from.

Finally entering Hanako's workspace, Amon had his hands in his pockets and stood around the desk, "Soo... what's the haps? Are we here to discuss the budget and spending of the Fourth Division?"
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Gone with the wind [Division 4, open] Empty Re: Gone with the wind [Division 4, open]

Sun Oct 17, 2021 3:35 am
Gone with the wind [Division 4, open] XaNsDFO


Through the halls of the Fourth Division, the clicking of heeled boots quietly echoed, and despite the unremarkable stature of the woman wearing them, her presence was thoroughly unmistakeable. The Captain Commander, Abalia Kyoraku-Hayden had come to discuss a matter that, frankly, could not be avoided. She might have normally assembled any paperwork for it, or sent out official memos. But, as it stood, she had brought only a single small file that lay closed in one hand.

Though she had the authority to simply enter without warning, Abalia nevertheless knocked on the door to the Fourth Division Vice Captain's office first. It was simply polite, after all. As she entered, her gaze, which was no less cold and emotionless as it always was, moved over the current occupants, before she spoke in her ordered, professional tone.

"Vice Captain Yamada. Good morning, though I do wish that my visit came with better tidings. I quite appreciate your having taken the time to inform Command of your Captain's disappearance as quickly as you have. The matter is something of a sudden one, and as such we have not yet had the time to formally make any announcements, but I will do my best to make it brief."

Opening the file she'd brought to the office with her, she laid out the full dossier on the late Captain Kobayashi, or rather, the late Jaeden Crow. It was quite detailed, at least in regard to his life. On the matter of his death, it was rather lacking.

"Captain Kobayashi has been slain in a duel for the position of his captaincy. At this time, his responsibilities will lay on you, until the First Division has finished its full inquiry into the matter of the duel itself. Seeing as this is the traditional method of succession in the Combat division, we will uphold the validity of the challenge should it prove to be legitimate. I understand this is quite sudden, and I will naturally do what I may to assist you until this is resolved."


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Mon Oct 18, 2021 12:09 am
Saera frowned as she listened to the echoing sound of her footsteps as she walked through the halls, making her way towards Hanako's office. The alert she'd gotten that asked her to go to the Vice-captain's office was extremely vague, and that didn't sit well with her. Hanako didn't really seem like the type to be trying to hide things, but at the same time she hadn't seemed the type to do anything without a good reason, which left her feeling uneasy. Something clearly wasn't right.

Saera came up to the door just in time to hear someone begin speaking through the paper door, and instead of interrupting she simply chose to listen, waiting until they finished to open the door and enter the room. Apparently the captain was dead, in a duel over the captaincy? That was...well it was bad, through and through. After the woman who had been speaking finished Saera opened the door and stepped through, her frown having grown deeper at what she heard.

"Kobayashi's dead? At the hands of another o' our own? Now, Ah may not know all the old laws n'such, but it seems mighty stupid ta me ta require the removal of our heavy hitters to get new 'uns. Not tah mention, if'n it was legitimate an' there's laws on this, wouldn't there've been paths the challenger'd had to've taken ta make this official in the first place?"

Saera looked at the person who'd spoken, belatedly realizing that she'd just talked out at the captain commander.

Ah shit. "Beggin' yer pardon Captain Commander, Ah don' mean ta be rude, but Ah only caught the tail end o' that while makin' it here per Hanako's instructions."

Saera took a moment to nod towards Hanako when she mentioned her, and towards Amon as well in greeting, before moving to stand at attention after closing the door behind her.
Ame no ko
Ame no ko
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Gone with the wind [Division 4, open] Empty Re: Gone with the wind [Division 4, open]

Mon Oct 18, 2021 6:18 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

Gone with the wind [Division 4, open] 6EdIfMt

When Amon entered her office Hanakon was sitting behind her desk. She stood up and gave her usual, reduced smile. She couldn't recite the whole duty roster from the top of her head but it was kind of obvious that Amon had been off duty when her message reached him. Hanako felt a little bit guilty, but was pleased that he came anyway.

"I wish it was something that simple." She said in response to his question.

"It is something more...delicate. I just want to wait a bit before I talk about that. There are more coming. Anyway, if you're interested in budget calculations, I might have a job for you later."

Despite the circumstances there was a flicker of hope someone who actually liked the job might help out with the budget.

But her thoughts were interrupted when one person entered who Hanako would have never expected to see here. Instantly the presence of the woman filled the room.
With a few quick steps Hanako came out from behind her desk and bowed deep, to show respect for the leader of the Gotei.

"Captain Commander. It is an honour that you come personally."

It kind of shocked her. She had no idea if other Shinigami, especially women, felt as she did. But Abalia Kyoraku-Hayden was who she wanted to be someday. Not in a literal sense, of course, that would be...strange. but it was said that the Captain Commander wielded no actual spiritual power, in the sense her second in command did. Yet despite it she was highly respected, even feared, and held the highest seat in all of the Gotei, commanding all it's might.

Hanako was pleased that the Captain Commander complimented her actions in this manner. But the news she brought were like a hammer blow.

"The Captain? Dead?"

It took Hanako a second to compose herself again. A storm of emotions bore down on her in an instant. She owed Captain Kobayashi much. And she had at least some idea of his powers. Him being slain in a duel…

When Saera came in it was obvious that she had heard most of the important parts of the conversation but it took her a while to realise who the bearer of the news was.

"Saera." Hanako said in a quiet tone, meant to calm down the woman.

Then she looked at the Captain Commander again. Her face was without much expression. Inside, however, she wanted to smash something. Or somebody. Even if it might have been against protocol to address the Captain Commander the way she did, Hanako felt like Saera. How could it be that duels to the death were still tolerated. Yes, they were part of the Combat Divisions history and law for centuries. Hanako knew that, she had to in her function as Lieutenant. Yet what Saera had said remained true: Killing off one of the Gotei's strongest fighters to get to his captaincy was just plain stupid. However, she couldn't show any of it in the presence of Abalia. She had to show that she was worth the Gotei's, and especially that woman's, trust in her.

"Of course I will perform all duties to the best of my abilities, Captain Commander. I have insight into most of the workings of our division since the Captain and I worked closely together to bring the Fourth back to working order. But if there is anything only a Captain would know…"

Then, turned towards her division members, she said:
"When I called you all here, all I knew was that Captain Kobayashi hadn't come in all day, wasn't at his family's estate and had sent no message. It was unusual and I informed Command of my concerns. In fact...why I called you specifically here was to help me look for the Captain discreetly, without causing rumors among the ranks. I wanted to act fast, when it became apparent that something was amiss. Still too slow, it seems."

A thought came to Hanako's mind. She hesitated a moment before she addressed the Captain Commander again.


For the first time Hanako used Abalia's name.

"Can you tell us at least who it was? Who might be our new Captain? Or where it was? I think a battle between Captain-level fighters should have been felt all over Seireitei. I have not felt even a trace of Captain Kobayashi's spiritual pressure all day."

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
Blood Knight
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Gone with the wind [Division 4, open] Empty Re: Gone with the wind [Division 4, open]

Mon Oct 18, 2021 7:03 am
Amon smiled and shrugged and replied, "Eh... I could take a crack at it later. Just been practicing a lot, so it could give me someth-"

And then a woman, a nice looking one at that, walked in. The hell is this broad? Then the woman introduced herself, and that's when Amon made a face that could read, 'Oh. He gave a bow just after Hanako, shit still felt weird, in America you normally gave the higher-ups a hand shake of recognition or some shit, these people go the whole mile in bowing and showing their assholes. It didn't bother him to an extreme, Amon would rather the handshake than a bow, a bow seemed more submissive... But they were his employers, and unfortunately they pay him to bow.

With that out of the way Amon could only listen to the startling news... Startling to Hanako and apparently another 4th Division member who he'd forgot her name. He's met Kobayashi once and that was in a meeting, he addressed Amon and that was it. It sucked, but Amon didn't really know the guy, still best not to say anything. The news was grave to 'Saera' and Hanako so it only seemed right that emotions might flare high, but it looks as though either of the two chicks had it on lockdown mostly.

'I'm just saying, if these chick's end up killing the next Captain, I ain't no snitch.' Amon thought as Hanako addressed the Captain Commander by her real name. She asked about who the new 4th Captain was gonna be, and he waits in anticipation for that name. Probably some douchebag from a fuckin' royal family, of so, Amon has a really bad habit of fucking with people like that.
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Gone with the wind [Division 4, open] Empty Re: Gone with the wind [Division 4, open]

Mon Oct 18, 2021 7:35 am
Gone with the wind [Division 4, open] XaNsDFO


"It is quite alright, Miss Kirin. Your candid outlook on the matter is appreciated."

Abalia had no particular personal investment in the death of Captain Kobayashi, but his death was admittedly inconvenient for her. He had been a source of at least some degree of information regarding the noble families, and she certainly did not maintain a stable of other options for that role. It was unfortunate, but there was only so much that she could do on the matter, particularly while Elyss was still involved in her current assignment.

"Assuming the investigation deems that the matter was legitimate, the duel was held between your Captain and the 7th Division's Elyss Kishimoto. Even we are not currently aware of the purpose of the duel, nor who initiated it. There are a small handful of witnesses, and we are currently examining statements from them all."

The tension in the room was nearly palpable, and that did not surprise her in the slightest. This was a serious matter, and she had not had to deal with a matter of succession like this in her tenure as Captain Commander thus far. Still, it was not as if it was an impossible topic. If anything, for Abalia it was simply one more thing that needed to be handled for the Gotei's efficiency.

"At this time, it would seem that the duel was initiated by your Captain. It seems to have been preceded by a relatively typical bout between Miss Kishimoto and Koyo Kuchiki, and at some point your Captain stepped in to challenge her. The reasoning is still being discerned."


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Wed Nov 03, 2021 9:26 pm

Now it seemed that Kobayashi had initiated the fight himself. Outwardly Saera's face was calm, 'appreciated' or not she doubted she would get away with mouthing off to the Captain Commander a second time. Inwardly though she was seething. She'd only really interacted with the captain a few times, but those times he'd shown himself to be completely deserving of her respect and everything she thought a captain should be, and now she was expected to believe he just decided to waltz up to someone, who was apparently capable of killing him, challenged them to a duel, wagered his captaincy, and then was suicidal enough not to escape when it became clear he was going to die? And now she was going to be expected to follow a woman who couldn't show the damn restraint not to kill her partner in a match between allies?

Saera didn't think that the Captain Commander was lying to them per se, the headache this had to be causing the first had to be immense, but she was fairly certain there were things that had yet to come to light about the situation. Unfortunately though, she couldn't do anything about it, at least for now, and this conversation was technically between the officers in the room, so while she did her best to keep her temper under control, Saera continued to watch Hanako, waiting for her lead in how to proceed.
Ame no ko
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Thu Nov 04, 2021 3:30 am
The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

Gone with the wind [Division 4, open] 6EdIfMt

"Koyo?" Hanako asked, doubt in her voice.
"I know him. Last time I saw him he was still an academy student. What was he doing dueling with Elyss?"

She turned away from the Captain Commander and slowly started pacing in front of her desk. It maybe wasn't the most polite way to behave in front of the most powerful woman in the Gotei, but in fact Hanako was feeling pretty much the same inside as Saera. She really wanted to smash someone or something. Preferably Elyss' face for killing a man that had helped and supported Hanako a lot. On the other hand, if Elyss was able to defeat a Captain…
Something didn't feel right here.

Hanako's gaze fell on a pot of tea she had brewed recently. That per se was nothing unusual. When she was present there was also always fresh and hot tea. It was jasmine tea, her favourite. She had made it to calm her nerves when she realised that something definitely was amiss. She took two steps and was at the table with the tea. She couldn't lose her temper in front of her squadmates or Abalia, so this had to be the next best thing.

With quick movements, forged by countless repetitions, she poured cups for everyone.

"Tea?" She asked in a muted tone, directed at the whole room. She hoped it would calm minds down a bit, especially her own.

After a few moments Hanako had calmed down a bit again. It would be showing on the outside, except for maybe a hint of red on her cheeks and neck. In her mind Hanako could feel Bakumusha's amusement. Not too long ago the anger inside her was so strong and loud that she couldn't even hear his voice. Now she had enough self control to not only keep her temper in check, but even feel her soul companion at any given time, even if her Zanpakuto wasn't at her hip.

"Sir…" she said, addressing the Captain Commander again.

"I am not completely sure about it, since I never intended to challenge Captain Kobayashi...but doesn't the rule about the trial by combat say that it has to be witnessed by more than just a handful...and fron the division of the Captain that has been challenged? To my knowledge no one of the Fourth has been present."

At least Hanako hoped so. Because if anyone had been present without alerting her at once, so help her…

"Also...if not even the purpose of the duel is currently known and with Captain Kobayashi stepping in and challenging doesn't seem to conform to any of the rules of trial by combat, as far as I remember."

Hanako hoped she wasn't assuming too much. She had to brush up on these rules as soon as she could. It was maybe barbaric, stupid and antiquated, but the trial by combat was a traditional part of any combat division the Gotei ever had. That much she knew for certain. Everything else was a bit hazy, but it still just didn't sit right with her. Maybe there was also a personal aversion to her former friend becoming her new Captain.

Despite the wholesome effect of the tea, she still wanted to smash something. However, while she still sought to control the rising anger, she also began to think about the Division. Her Division. Together with the Captain she had put countless hours into rebuilding it. She had changed so much so fast, learned so much so fast, that the person she now was felt such a deep connection with her Fighting Fourth that she couldn't imagine letting it fall into disarray again. But would she be able to do her work under a Captain Kishimoto, if that were to happen? For that matter, would Elyss even want to keep her as Lieutenant?

Thoughts roared through her mind and she was looking forward as well as dreading hearing her colleagues honest and unfiltered opinion, as soon as the Captain Commander had left.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Blood Knight
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Gone with the wind [Division 4, open] Empty Re: Gone with the wind [Division 4, open]

Thu Nov 04, 2021 1:14 pm
"Well..." Amon started sheepishly outwardly, his expression was that of a child trying to figure out a puzzle, and in the seconds of silence after Hanako offered tea he said, "Fuck."

True Amon was vulgar and shown no attempts to hide it at all. He had no connections to anyone in the room save for Hanako who he seen as a sparring partner, and also one Saiko who he could no find at all. He'd only met the Captain of Squad Four once or twice but overall he had no superficial affections, the guy wasn't a second cousin nor an acquaintance and more or less was simply a boss Amon hadn't known. Or taken the time to know. The only real times Amon attempted to get to know people was with Saiko and Hanako.

Now with his arms crossed, Amon didn't go for the tea lest anyone else did. There was tension between everyone and Amon was merely there for the ride. He was new and didn't have those connections like everyone else only except he knows exactly how that feels. But right now he wasn't reminiscing on his own past, he was focused on the task at hand which Hanako would be temporary leader until another comes in to officially fill the spot, whether any of these people liked it or not. This was messy business.

And then the slew of questions came. It was clear blood was traditional to Soul Society's Gotei, so much so that matters regarding it didn't seem to matter to the big wigs. At least that was Amon's thought. What of they lost a powerful Shinigami or Vizard to some jackass and they needed said individual? It could fuck up that system, it could endanger more people and lessen the chances of victory. More to it than that, but Amon just watched along and listened. It wasn't that he didn't care, it was he didn't have deep feelings for anyone, kind of like getting your boss fired at a job you recently got.
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