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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Two Blades, Two Reasons [Asami, Murasaki] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue0/0Two Blades, Two Reasons [Asami, Murasaki] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Two Blades, Two Reasons [Asami, Murasaki] - Page 2 Empty Re: Two Blades, Two Reasons [Asami, Murasaki]

Fri Oct 22, 2021 10:13 am

Two Blades, Two Reasons [Asami, Murasaki] - Page 2 NDk4h9o

Furukawa Asami | Officer of the 5th

"I did imagine as such but I figured it was worth asking you personally. You can keep the document for your own records, I have already had it replicated."

Asami smiled politely, a guarded little expression that did its best to mask her frustration that Murasaki did not have any further information for her. It was not that she thought the Captain was holding anything back from her, even if she was, but rather she believed her to be forthcoming with anything useful and was focused more on hiding her own emotions than picking apart Murasaki's own.

"I have a few other lines of enquiry that I can pull on, but honestly, I was hoping you would have some knowledge of the matter. Clearly, an unfortunate oversight on my part. Thank you anyway, Captain. I hope you do not mind my confiding in you."

Taking another sip of tea, she did begin to contemplate exactly what her next move was. In an ideal world, perhaps she could travel down to Earth and actually try to track down one of the mercenaries. Murasaki would probably have to be involved in that, as the head of Earth Affiliation Divison, and it might be able to slip under the radar of the Captain-Commander if they did so. Though Asami had at least confirmed that this was a mission orchestrated by the Captain-Commander in some capacity, and now she was unquestionably trying to justify undermining the greatest authority in the Gotei. That was a lot for her to process.

The Red Lady | END POST
God of Love
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Two Blades, Two Reasons [Asami, Murasaki] - Page 2 Empty Re: Two Blades, Two Reasons [Asami, Murasaki]

Sat Oct 23, 2021 11:37 am
Two Blades, Two Reasons [Asami, Murasaki] - Page 2 NsOqTkn


"I wouldn't worry about it. Not 'cause I think you're not onto somethin' or anything like that, but there's only so much you n' I can actually get done. If she wants to keep somethin' under wraps, then, like, the odds're pretty good they'll stay that way."

Opening the bottom drawer of her desk, Murasaki pulled out two small sake dishes and filled both with her usual plum sake, not actually bothering to ask Asami if she wanted a drink. If she didn't want it, Murasaki would just drink it herself. The tea was all well and good, but she was a little past that at this point in the conversation.

"I totes don't mind. Honestly, I'm glad somebody actually came to me about it for once. Lotta the time people just sorta do whatever it is she needs done. I'm not gonna pretend she's not good at her job or anything, I guess I just don't like how she handles things."

Of course, the thought had already occurred to Murasaki that maybe this woman was just being sent by the Captain Commander to gauge her opinion, and all this was just a little test. It wasn't like she'd said anything actionable, though. If Abalia wanted to send someone after her just for not approving of how she handled things, then Murasaki would only feel more justified in her disapproval.


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Two Blades, Two Reasons [Asami, Murasaki] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue0/0Two Blades, Two Reasons [Asami, Murasaki] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Two Blades, Two Reasons [Asami, Murasaki] - Page 2 Empty Re: Two Blades, Two Reasons [Asami, Murasaki]

Sun Oct 24, 2021 10:07 am

Two Blades, Two Reasons [Asami, Murasaki] - Page 2 NDk4h9o

Furukawa Asami | Officer of the 5th

That sudden wave of... Defeatism? Took Asami by surprise. She hadn't expected Murasaki to be so quick to tell her to back off. To be wary was perhaps to be expected, but an outright request to avoid looking into the issue was uniquely offputting. The Captain-Commander did command a certain level of respect, and undermining that respect by trying to work out exactly what she pulling behind the scenes was probably going to shave years off anyone's life.

"Honestly, I'm just glad I did come to you about the report. Even just a second opinion on all this is welcome, means I know I am not going crazy overthinking things. But I suppose you are right, I'm pulling on a thread and the Captain-Commander is holding the other end."

Sighing softly, she plucked the sake dish up and acknowledged that they had strayed beyond the confines of simple tea. Asami wasn't one to drink much, but sometimes the situation called for it. If there was a way to continue her investigation in a less direct manner then perhaps she would continue, but, for now, sleeping dogs should probably be left to lie.

"I also have something more personal that I could discuss, but I would not wish to colour a productive conversation with everyday matters if that might bore you? You have offered me wisdom, but I would not wish to overstay my welcome if that is too much."

A hand dropped to her side, resting upon the paired swords that hung at her hip. A suggestion that lacked much of her former subtlety about what else she had on her mind. The nature of her Zanpakuto did not exactly align itself with camaraderie, but it was either this or heading out by herself.

The Red Lady | END POST
God of Love
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Two Blades, Two Reasons [Asami, Murasaki] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue16000/1Two Blades, Two Reasons [Asami, Murasaki] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Two Blades, Two Reasons [Asami, Murasaki] - Page 2 Empty Re: Two Blades, Two Reasons [Asami, Murasaki]

Mon Oct 25, 2021 7:48 am
Two Blades, Two Reasons [Asami, Murasaki] - Page 2 NsOqTkn


"I'd sure like to just go in there and tell her she can't keep doing all this secretive nonsense, but I don't know if I'd have much of a leg to stand on besides the moral high ground of bein' honest. Ya know?"

It wasn't necessarily defeatism in Murasaki's tone, but simply an understanding that this wasn't a matter she could solve with any one blow. She'd have to take a whole lot of time, build up a really big case. And, realistically, she'd still have to get her hands dirty when that day actually came. That was gonna suck.

"She's dangerous. Don't know who she's got in her pocket, who she's got keepin' an eye on things for her. You hear about the 4th division's captain? I'm keepin' my ear to the ground about that. I think if you've got the chance, you oughta try and get any info you can on that investigation. Captains don't just get taken out with nobody around."

Sighing before she emptied her sake dish, Murasaki simply refilled it, this amount of sake hardly enough to be called much of an issue for her. She'd had far more to drink in far less dire circumstances, after all, and this was the first time in a while she'd had someone to talk to. If anything, this was a somber sort of celebration. 'Bout time someone agreed with her about the Captain Commander.

"What else ya wanna talk about? I'm not super busy, so hit me with whatever."


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Two Blades, Two Reasons [Asami, Murasaki] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue0/0Two Blades, Two Reasons [Asami, Murasaki] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Two Blades, Two Reasons [Asami, Murasaki] - Page 2 Empty Re: Two Blades, Two Reasons [Asami, Murasaki]

Mon Oct 25, 2021 5:21 pm

Two Blades, Two Reasons [Asami, Murasaki] - Page 2 NDk4h9o

Furukawa Asami | Officer of the 5th

"Or rather that the secretive business was conducted by those within the Gotei who were trained to do such."

Asami twirled a strand of black hair in between her fingers, offering the thought openly even if it likely did not align with Murasaki's own train of thought on the matter. Still, it was easier just being honest with the woman. They had a Stealth Force for a reason, why not use it?

"Plenty of people in the organisation are dangerous, though, Captain. I did hear about Captain Kobayashi, though I had assumed it was simply the nature of the Combat Division that they change captains like the rest of us change smallclothes. Still, I have some associates in the 4th. I could shake a few trees and see what emerges, quietly of course."

And suddenly she was taking orders from the Captain. I mean, in a general sense, that was the correct order of things; but Murasaki was not her direct superior. Still, she had done more for her in five minutes than her own Captain had in a month. Perhaps that was a mean spirited thing to say but, as Asami knocked back the second sake, she decided she was able to be honest with herself too.

From her hip, Asami produced the paired weapons that formed Musai Kyoutei. Presenting them before the Captain sheathed, Asami let a hand rest upon the katana.

"I have been able to communicate with my Zanpakutô Spirit for many years, they are an enigmatic individual but I thought I understood them. But I have begun to notice a recurring pattern when I visit my Inner World, a second figure that bears a similarity to my Musai Kyoutei. Suddenly, I find myself doubting how well I actually know my weapons. Forgive me for stating it, but you are something of an expert on the matter so I did wonder if you could offer me any counsel?"

The Red Lady | END POST
God of Love
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Two Blades, Two Reasons [Asami, Murasaki] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue16000/1Two Blades, Two Reasons [Asami, Murasaki] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Two Blades, Two Reasons [Asami, Murasaki] - Page 2 Empty Re: Two Blades, Two Reasons [Asami, Murasaki]

Mon Oct 25, 2021 7:22 pm
Two Blades, Two Reasons [Asami, Murasaki] - Page 2 NsOqTkn


"Well, that's true too. I don't think a lotta people really respect that approach to things, but my mom was Onmitsukido, so I know you guys are handling stuff that's gotta get done one way or another. I'd rather you guys be doing it than whoever else."

Despite the seriousness of the conversation, Murasaki couldn't entirely stifle a small giggle at the way Asami spoke about the combat division. It wasn't an unfair assumption, and it wasn't as if Murasaki thought highly of violence for its own sake. Still, she nodded at the suggestion, refilling Asami's cup before taking a small sip from hers.

"If you wanna, I'd be glad to hear what comes up. Don't feel like you've gotta go too far though. I'm a Captain, I can probably get away with sticking my neck out more than you can."

Of course, once the paired zanpakuto were placed onto her desk, Murasaki's eyes moved directly to them, her whole gaze studious and sharp as she listened to Asami's explanation of the situation. Naturally, it already stuck out to her that this was a pretty abnormal situation. Zanpakuto taking a paired form like this was already pretty unusual, but a second figure in the inner world was a much bigger deal.

"Well it could be a few things, just off the top of my head. Normally, I'd say you might wanna go get checked out to see if you've got any inner hollow stuff goin' on in there, but I'm not so sure that'd be it. Ya got anything that you think might be causin' a second zanpakuto spirit entirely?"


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Two Blades, Two Reasons [Asami, Murasaki] - Page 2 Empty Re: Two Blades, Two Reasons [Asami, Murasaki]

Tue Oct 26, 2021 9:38 am

Two Blades, Two Reasons [Asami, Murasaki] - Page 2 NDk4h9o

Furukawa Asami | Officer of the 5th

"Of course, that was the Onmitsukido way. I regret that I was a few decades too late to serve alongside Lady Koizumi, but I still did my fair time in the organisation. So I can handle a few brutes from the 4th if it comes down to interrogation, though I don't think I'll need to get anywhere near that serious."

It was a peculiar matter to discuss nonchalantly, but Asami wore an easy smile as her cup was refilled again. She was not yet rosy-cheeked but the alcohol did linger in the back of her mind. It would do her no good to be overly friendly. She didn't want Murasaki to think that she was an unprofessional sort, that would be a disaster. But seeing her companion take a more modest sip, she breathed a quiet sigh of relief and followed suit at a similarly steady pace.

"I do not know if it's a second spirit entirely or just a different side of the original that I have not noticed before. I have never seen the two together, and yet they inhabit the same inner world as best I can tell."

Walking her hand up the length of the katana, she mused on the concept of infection. She wanted to believe her soul was pure, unblemished, but it was not entirely unreasonable. She had not faced many hollows given her unique skillset, though there was always the possibility. From what she understood of inner hollows, though, they tended to look like the shinigami rather than the spirit. Not that she was particularly well educated on the matter, it was something lightly touched upon in classes long since forgotten from her mind.

"Beyond that, I'm rather stumped. It could be that the Spirit is maturing, but the change is a not consistent one. I can communicate with my Musai Kyoutei easily enough, whilst the other Spirit is shrouded in mystery."

The Red Lady | END POST
God of Love
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Two Blades, Two Reasons [Asami, Murasaki] - Page 2 Empty Re: Two Blades, Two Reasons [Asami, Murasaki]

Tue Oct 26, 2021 10:37 am
Two Blades, Two Reasons [Asami, Murasaki] - Page 2 NsOqTkn


"Hm... Well, that's possible too. Ya definitely see some zanpakuto go through some pretty crazy changes, but usually that comes along with kinda catalyst. You been trainin' with it extra lately? Anything big goin' on in your life that'd cause some big change? I'm totes not trying to pry or anything, just wanna help figure things out."

Honestly, the last thing Murasaki wanted to be doing was just digging into Asami's personal life, but it was sort of important for figuring out zanpakuto stuff. It was a pretty personal weapon, after all.

"Well normally I'd ask if you wanted me to try and have a chat with it, but I dunno if that's as helpful if you're already talkin' with your zanpakuto normally. Mmmm..."

Twirling a lock of her hair around a finger as she thought about the situation, Murasaki's furrowed brow made it rather apparent this was something she was deeply contemplating. It was rare that anything really happened regarding zanpakuto that she didn't have answers for, so something like this was pretty new.

"Sometimes ya might want to get a little more forceful. Maybe ask your spirit to help ya out? If it's not willin' to talk about the whole thing, that could be somethin' more confusing. Worst comes to worst, hm... Well, if that happens, I might be able to see if my mom can help ya out. She knows a thing or two about zanpakuto, obvs."


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Two Blades, Two Reasons [Asami, Murasaki] - Page 2 Empty Re: Two Blades, Two Reasons [Asami, Murasaki]

Wed Oct 27, 2021 11:28 am

Two Blades, Two Reasons [Asami, Murasaki] - Page 2 NDk4h9o

Furukawa Asami | Officer of the 5th

"No, no. You're quite alright to inquire, I brought this to you so I am not incapable of sharing any relevant information. But I do not know what this catalyst might have been. Beyond this little investigation, I have scarcely strayed from the same training regime that I have used since joining the 5th Divison. As for my personal life..." She paused to take the quickest of sips from her sake dish, "It had been as mundane as ever. Busier of late, perhaps, given the state of the 5th as a Division and how quickly my work seems to blend into my free time, but nothing particularly special."

Asami laughed briefly at that self-deprecating comment, not that it was too serious an insult against herself. It was hardly a secret that she had a quiet life away from the Gotei, often spent cooped up in her family's library. Not that anyone was ever interested in her personal life anyway.

"But I'd be happy for you to talk to them if that's something you recommend. Is there a process that you need to go through or can you just.. do that? Do forgive me for my ignorance on the matter."

The Red Lady | END POST
God of Love
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Two Blades, Two Reasons [Asami, Murasaki] - Page 2 Empty Re: Two Blades, Two Reasons [Asami, Murasaki]

Thu Oct 28, 2021 10:20 pm
Two Blades, Two Reasons [Asami, Murasaki] - Page 2 NsOqTkn


"Hmmmm... Well, I dunno if it'd be anything in your life then, if ya don't have anything goin' on. I knew a girl once whose whole zanpakuto started developing just 'cause she fell super in love with some guy. They're weird, never can be sure what they'll do."

Nodding sagely, as if what she'd said had been anything beyond an interesting anecdote, Murasaki set aside her sake dish and studied the blades again, resting her chin on her hands in a remarkably girlish manner. She was well aware she didn't act her age, of course, but she was pretty sure age up here was something nobody actually had a handle on.

"Nah, not really any special process. Long as you don't mind me doin' it, I can just take 'em and try to chat. Can't force 'em or anything though, I'm not quite that incredible."


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