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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Mission Briefing: Investigate Anaconda Empty Mission Briefing: Investigate Anaconda

Sat Oct 30, 2021 3:40 pm
Mission Briefing: Investigate Anaconda HEADER_sample_8e257ad7b9cb1f41526cc28a2d8beaec

Notifications would have been handed out, letters of summons to active members of the Vandenreich who found themselves available to show up for the briefing. It wasn't a red alert, it wasn't anything incredibly dangerous. In fact, as Ehefra stood at the head of the room behind her podium, she could not help but feel relief that this was not a more serious occasion. Decked out in her uniform, the woman would wait patiently as a small cube put-putted it's way around her in small orbits, curiously scoping about the room as the little AI-driven block of reishi floated around her. A little thing she'd kept as a memento from her induction into the organization.

However, when she sensed the distant shifts and sounds of approaching colleagues, Ehefra would straighten up and wait patiently for those that had come to take their seats. An array of chairs had been set out in orderly rows to accommodate for full attendance, though she hardly imagined so many would be available, it would all depend on who was not already engaged in other operations. All the same, shed straighten her back and gesture toward the available seats. "Thank you all for coming. If you'll take your seats we can start. My name is Ehefra Kleinmund and I'll be in charge of your Briefing for the operation."

With a gesture over her shoulder, the tiny Cube promptly floated behind her to bump into the white panel behind and just above her head, causing a sudden display to pop up on the screen. A Map of the state of Montana.
God of Love
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Mission Briefing: Investigate Anaconda Empty Re: Mission Briefing: Investigate Anaconda

Sat Oct 30, 2021 4:23 pm
Mission Briefing: Investigate Anaconda UE9X4Dv


Well, much as Reida might've wanted to do things on her own, she did still know the US better than a lot of other people in the Vandenreich. That was a good enough reason in her book to come by this mission, she figured, and as she took a relaxed seat with flask in hand, she rested her chin on one hand and studied the girl doing the briefing.

She was new, wasn't she? Definitely didn't recognize her offhand, at any rate, but that was about all she cared to study. Reida's eye returned to the map of Montana on the screen, and she rubbed a temple absently. Montana, at this time of year?

"Guess we're gonna have to pack for a deep winter, huh?"


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Mission Briefing: Investigate Anaconda Empty Re: Mission Briefing: Investigate Anaconda

Sat Oct 30, 2021 4:57 pm


Mission Briefing: Investigate Anaconda 6EdIfMt

Song: Hip Shop - Artist: SilvaGunner

Despite it not being a terribly serious occasion, Kokuto knew that he had to attend the briefing. It was something he could do to better the world and, at the very least, take another step in the long journey he had for himself. That was enough for him -- so, Kokuto took a seat quietly, resting his cheek against a closed fist. He scanned the room, looking around at those in attendance, noting the woman with a flask and the face at the front of it all.

Neither of them he recognized, assuming either that they joined not long ago, or he had simply not been able to come across them during his adjustment in the City of Lights. His eyes turned to the board behind Ehefra, seeing the map of a state pop up through the use of whatever power she had. While he recognized and acknowledge the location of where this operation was taking place, the girl's powers were a particular point of interest for him.

Perhaps he'd have a chance to speak with her after this was over.

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Mission Briefing: Investigate Anaconda Empty Re: Mission Briefing: Investigate Anaconda

Sat Oct 30, 2021 8:36 pm
Mission Briefing: Investigate Anaconda 6hcnv4O


When the call had come down for Sternritter teams to be assigned to a new mission, it went without saying that Alastair had been one of the first coordinators to request that he be assigned. It helped his cause that he had gained enough renown on the Jefferson mission to throw a little more weight behind his words, and so his efforts had been rewarded with acceptance. Thus he now found himself in the meeting room, alongside his comrades, and took one of the seats towards the very front of the room.

Looking up first as the Albedochiffren in charge, Alastair could not help but throw Ehefra a supportive smile. He had taken note of which division she had been assigned to after recruiting her, and a small part of him had wished that she had come to the Sternritter to serve at his disposal, but he did have to admit that the Albedochiffren was a better fit for her skillset. Was this her first mission? How fitting that he was here at her disposal now.

Casting a glance around, he also threw a more serious nod in the direction of Kokuto before his gaze landed upon Reida and lingered a little longer. It was not that he was surprised to see her here, and her presence was actually a comfort given her experience in combat scenarios, but he had not been expecting to work alongside her. Certainly might make for interesting conversation at breakfast.

Running it back | END POST
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Mission Briefing: Investigate Anaconda Empty Re: Mission Briefing: Investigate Anaconda

Sun Oct 31, 2021 8:16 pm
Mission Briefing: Investigate Anaconda ZGBwypB


Vee was one of the earlier arrivals, as per usual. She always pushed herself to be on time, and she'd be completely crazy if she passed up on, much less squandered an opportunity like this - the chance to go on a real mission! She didn't care if she ended up stuck to someone else or only allowed to do a few things, she was happy to be able to be here period! A chance to actually do field work and see the pros in action, and maybe even make some name for herself, even if it wasn't anything crazy dangerous; Vee was looking to prove herself, not stupid.

She sat politely and quietly in her seat amongst the other attendees, though the look in her eyes and on her face definitely screamed, 'Im a bright eyed, green-as-grass rookie!'. Even if she kept her excitement quelled, a small excited smile was stuck on her face, and there was a noticeable glimmer to her eyes. She paid attention to the girl offering the meeting at hand - huh, she hadn't seen her before, then again she hadn't seen many people before, she was still new around these parts. She wouldn't have any gauge or familiarity for most, but she did see some familiar faces amongst the meeting.

She kept herself sat tight as the projector had shown the subject location - Montana. The states? She'd never been to the states before! For obvious reasons of course, but she was still intrigued, especially with the lady's comment towards a deep winter. She kept her mouth shut, but she had too much energy she was trying to contain. Oh, it was too exciting for her...

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Mission Briefing: Investigate Anaconda Empty Re: Mission Briefing: Investigate Anaconda

Wed Nov 03, 2021 5:58 pm
Mission Briefing: Investigate Anaconda HEADER_sample_8e257ad7b9cb1f41526cc28a2d8beaec

Ehefra was a little surprised at just how many actually showed up for the mission, her eyes scanning those in the seats for just a moment, a lot of unfamiliar faces to be sure, and as soon as she spotted Alastair smiling proudly caused her to clear her throat and tense a little as she felt the briefest little rushes of embarrassment through her body. Good lord it was like seeing her dad in the crowd! FOCUS! She straightened back up, pausing when she made note of Reida's comment, barely restraining herself from asking that questions be held off until the end. Goddammit Ehefra don't tense up so much!

"Yes, well warm clothing won't be all that you'll be packing for this particular excursion." She glanced to Beeps, and the little cube promptly chittered before the projection promptly zoomed in, blitzing in toward a single location! Butte. Before Beeps gave an alarmed little chime and then the zoom quickly scrolled to the side and refocused on the actual target: Anaconda!

"This mission will be taking place in Anaconda, Montana, close to the mountains and as previously mentioned: Quite cold at this time of year." ......Fuck. She realized she had allowed that comment to distract her from the actual key points of the Mission, Winter wear wasn't supposed to be until slide ten! "This mission comes as a result of reports from the Locals themselves, namely a complaint regarding Vandenreich personnel in the area. Several citizens in Anaconda reported members of the Vandenreich showing up at odd hours and searching their homes. No less than Sixteen instances of this were reported in this area alone." A gesture with her hand and Beeps promptly changed the display, a number of small dots showing up on the screen indicating the areas in which the reports had occurred.

"Among these reports were a low-quality mobile device recording which showed one such forced search before the person recording was shoved out of view." She explained, as a very short clip would play. As noted previously, the quality was incredibly low, and it was dark. But it was very clearly someone in what looked like a Vandenreich uniform pushing their way through a door that some small woman was trying to keep closed. Not seconds into the recording, the man turned around and shoved their hand into the lens of the camera, causing the view to swivel and spin wildly before going dark, the phone no doubt having been knocked out of the person's hands, followed by the grunt of the recorder no doubt falling nearby.

"The partial of the man's face was not enough for identification, but it gave a sufficient look at the uniform for us to determine that it is not a current uniform, it seems to be roughly based on older Vandenreich uniforms from around the 1800s. And not a particularly good replica at that. Whoever they are, these Impostors seem to be operating while using the Vandenreich as a cover." She explained, looking over the shoulder as Beeps then changed the display, a large circle forming on the screen, showing the most dense area of reports.

"This is the area in which the most reports have occurred and we have identified a Building which we believe to be their base of operations for this Faux Vandenreich group, verified by the Scout sent to the area. The Primary objective will be to surround the building and bring those within into custody. We have limited information on the number and strength of those involved and there are a large number of civilian buildings nearby so if at all possible we want to apprehend those inside with as little struggle as possible to avoid a fight breaking out that might result in collateral damage, as well as reducing the possibility of alerting those inside and having some escape during the raid."

She hoped her voice sounded firm and confident, at the VERY least she could feel herself hitting her stride. "The Building itself has two points of entry: The front door and a garage designed for supply trucks to bring in materials. Two of you will be responsible, along with some supplementary Soldat, for entering the building at these points and clearing the building. The two who will be assigned tot his task should focus on quickly making your way through the building and ensuring that we clean it out as thoroughly as possible. Any questions so far?" She paused, for one to take her breath, but also because in her notes she had figured this would be where some might speak up. This was, after all, a more delicate mission than many might be used to. Or might be. No harm in asking right?
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Mission Briefing: Investigate Anaconda Empty Re: Mission Briefing: Investigate Anaconda

Sat Nov 06, 2021 12:00 am
Mission Briefing: Investigate Anaconda UE9X4Dv


Given the situation, Reida had been about ready to kick back and drink during this briefing. However, that quickly changed as she noted the actual situation. Even if the girl in charge seemed like amateur hour, this was obviously serious, and any casual air around her seemed to disappear as she considered this situation. Rubbing a temple as she thought about this situation more, Reida looked over the building they were planning to hit.

"Two's pretty risky for a breach n' clear job, 'specially if we don't know exactly how many're gonna be in there. I reckon we'll have to put more'n a few of 'em down just for our own safety, especially with how these things tend to go. If that video's any indication, I don't think these're professionals, and even if that means we might have an easier time, it also means things might get messy. I assume you've got some ideas of what kinda people you want goin' in?"

Her question wasn't really intended to put Ehefra on the spot, though Reida knew it could certainly be seen that way. Ah well, she'd rather do these things right than go in blind.


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Mission Briefing: Investigate Anaconda Empty Re: Mission Briefing: Investigate Anaconda

Sat Nov 06, 2021 8:34 pm


Mission Briefing: Investigate Anaconda 6EdIfMt

Song: Hip Shop - Artist: SilvaGunner

Despite Kokuto's inexperience with this kind of scenario, he still paid closed attention to the briefing. But, it seemed that he wasn't the only one who seemed to have inexperience. He noted the serious nod toward him from Alastair, but as he turned his attention back to Ehefra, he noticed her tensing up for a moment and clear her throat. His gaze flicked over to where the girl had looked for a moment, and a small smile crept over his face, before the screen changed, showing the location for the mission.

As he listened, he noted the mention of the locals reporting supposed members of the Vandenreich making strange searches in their homes at random hours. Given that they were likely being tasked with investigating and apprehending this group, it was already obvious that it was all a crock of shit. He squinted at the low-quality video, spotting the Vandenreich uniform. Even if he hadn't been around during that time of the organization, even he could tell that they were pretty bad recreations of a uniform in general.

However, Kokuto visibly winced at the mention of the large amount of civilians in the vicinity, and the mission being largely a breach-and-clear, both things that really narrowed down his options in terms of approaching the mission, should he be chosen to actually breach and clear. Regardless, Kokuto largely stayed quiet, thinking, and listening. It was his first time doing anything like this, so, he didn't have much to ask. He felt a little awkward in staying silent, but, what can you do?

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Mission Briefing: Investigate Anaconda Empty Re: Mission Briefing: Investigate Anaconda

Sat Nov 06, 2021 8:58 pm
Mission Briefing: Investigate Anaconda 6hcnv4O


“I echo Coordinator Copeland’s concerns. But our top priority once we get boots on the ground should be to protect civilian lives. It would be best to have Soldats focus on keeping non-combatants away from the building and consider even a temporary evacuation, the last thing we need is a hostage situation. Even if it puts our operatives at a greater risk during insertion.”

In a manner similar to Reida, it was like a switch flicked on in Alastair’s head that sent him straight from cordial greetings to cold business. Exhaling as he studied the video footage, his gaze did eventually come to focus on Ehefra again. This was still her mission lead, and he did not want to overshadow her with his own strategy, so perhaps it would have been best to let her finish. Still, he had spoken now, and there was a genuine truth to his words. He had no desire to put anyone at risk, but if someone had to volunteer then he would do so without question.

There was actually something that he did actually desire further insight on though, whether the Albedochiffren could provide it was a different matter entirely.

“Do we have any intel on what these impersonators are attempting to gather from these civilians though? You made mention of materials coming in through the garage, so are we to believe they are constructing something? Or are they just stockpiling for the winter? They may not look professional, but we should also look for evidence as to what caused this sudden bout of looting.”

Running it back | END POST
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Mission Briefing: Investigate Anaconda Empty Re: Mission Briefing: Investigate Anaconda

Sat Nov 06, 2021 10:00 pm
Mission Briefing: Investigate Anaconda ZGBwypB


Vee, in anticipation of the briefing, quietly pulled out a small notebook and pen, trying not to look as eager-eyed as she felt but she couldn't help it! Between actually getting to go, and even the cute little robot guy starting the presentation, she couldn't help but be excited, though thankfully she had enough self control to keep it quiet, listening intently to the presentation and writing down notes as she went along. It didn't feel much different than any lectures she sat for, except obviously this was information towards a problem they were meant to solve.

While she tried to keep her notes light, she found herself tagging a few additional details, especially raising her eyebrow at the video recording. She wrote notes falling along the lines of, 'the absolute worst older age Vandenreich cosplay I have ever laid my eyes on' whilst trying to take note of what it entailed. She looked so visibly taken aback by how bad a replica it was, she was visibly cringing before hastily returning to her notes. Her ancestors as of that period would be barrel-rolling in their graves from the mockery alone, much less defacing the name of the Vandenreich with such petty stupidity like going through some randos' houses in the middle of the night.

"But that's so weird, why make em those practically ancient uniforms? Why not the newer ones, if they were trying to pretend to be members..?" She'd murmur to herself as she continued on listening, and then onto the plan Ehefra had come up with. Quietly doodling about it, before nodding softly and putting the notebook on her lap, she'd perk up when questions were asked of.

She opened her mouth, only for Coordinator Copeland to beat her to it. She settled down, just allowing another chance to speak up to come across her - no interrupting the much more experienced, higher ranked member. Though, she found her accent a little hard to understand and rather unfamiliar, she got the gist. Again, she'd perk up to say something, but before she really got a chance to say anything, Coordinator Alastair asked pretty much the first question she had on her mind. Phooey... She visibly deflated a little, but took her chance to ask something when it finally came, though her energy came out as a rather swift raising of her hand, as if a student in class,

"I-I have a question too!"

Her face instantly felt warm - she didn't quite yell but she didn't quite take a relaxed tone either. Merde.

"Do we have any idea of what they're capable of? Has there been anything about them using some kind of spiritual abilities, or something of that nature? Anything past just, physical force and whatnot?"

Face still a little red, she'd drop her hand that she just noticed was still lingering in the air, "A-also, is there any pattern to these... Individual's, movements and activities? Are they hitting anyone specific, or are they just searching whoever's house at random for.. Whatever they're looking for?"

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