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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Sat Nov 06, 2021 11:00 pm
Mission Briefing: Investigate Anaconda - Page 2 HEADER_sample_8e257ad7b9cb1f41526cc28a2d8beaec

Ehefra was starting to feel herself slip into a stride as she heard the chorus of murmurings and observations that came from the group at large. Certainly they were reasonable questions and concerns, and she lightly tapped her fingers on the Podium as she took the time to listen to each and every one of the members and their queries. She cleared her throat, taking a sip of water before she proceeded. Ah.... this would be the harder part of the explanation.

"As Miss Copeland has made note of: This is indeed a dangerous job for simply 2 people. And given the number of active members that have been available, supplementary troops from our Reserve will be brought in to assist. Though I'm afraid that amounts to some soldat (Read: NPCs) to-..." She turned to give a wry look at Beeps' comment, lightly flicking the little cube before turning her attention back to the assembly. "Some soldat to assist as best they can. You will hardly be moving in alone, however those present represent the members who have been determined by our department to have the necessary qualities to lead said soldat through this operation, and as such I am entrusting that you will not ONLY conduct this operation in the best interest of the objective: but the soldat who are assigned to you." Her attention briefly shifted in the direction of Miss Faye, as if to say 'Yes, you too'. While the woman WAS here on more or less Probation, she'd been identified as having a personality within acceptable parameters to lead soldat. And with their depleted numbers.....well things like this came to pass.

"However, in regards to those present, while it is true that operating in pairs of two is dangerous, I'm afraid that also, will not be the case. Only two ouf of the four of you will be assigned to Breach groups. We do not have any intel on our targets: However we HAVE gathered that all of the reported altercations were resolved by purely physical means. Which means that chances are on the favorable side of things that these impostors do not have spiritual powers. Though for your safety: you should operate under the assumption that they do." She paused, glancing down and straightening her notes, turning the page to look over a few things before glancing back up to Kokuto in particular.

"Ah and....before we move on. In regards to your question we ...uh... would prefer if these individuals are taken in a nonlethal manner. However, given how thin our resources are spread, you are authorized to use lethal force as you feel necessary. Though capturing these impostors alive would certainly benefit us." She noted, gesturing up to the map, as a second area promptly lit up. Not in dots, but in a bright green haze of varying brightness on the other side of the town off in the wilderness.

"As I said before: Only two of you present will be on breaching detail. Some of our scouts who conducted some interviews with those who submitted the reports about the incident also noticed a particularly strange accrual of energy in this particular area. The primary reason that these civilians have been so permissive of these 'Vandenreich' personnel is that they have been experiencing a sharp spike in Hollow activity over the past three weeks. So they pretty much have been putting up with it for fear of their own safety. And we believe this to be the cause. What initially simply seemed to be an area dense in spirital energy was in fact identified as a substance deployed by quincy: Hollow Bait. Trace amounts have been found all over the area, but in this zone especially. Based on the concentrations there are likely two possibilities

First, would be that these impostors have gotten their hands on a very large amount of hollow bait.

Second, would be that these impostors are producing hollow bait, and improperly disposing of waste from the process.

Given the sheer amount that seems to be present, the last thing we want is for it to be set off in the midst of this operation. Which is why two of you will be deployed specifically to secure this area."

The picture showed a zoom-in, what seemed to be a garage door carved into the mountain itself. "Securing these Impostors AND this cache of Hollow Bait are of significant importance, as such these operations will need to proceed simultaneously. And similar to the operation in the city, discretion is HIGHLY advised for those securing the Cache to practice restraint such that none of the stored Hollow Bait is disturbed. AS Mr.Eisfluch and Ms.Faye have both pointed out: This is a very unusual set of circumstances." She admitted to the credit of those who brought it up.

" Unusual enough that ANY and all opportunities to detain living members of these vagrants will assist us in finding out more about this situation and how it came to pass. But, I will also ask that you keep your mission in mind.

You will be balancing the lives of yourselves, the lives of your men, the immediate mission at hand, and the long-term effects of any mishaps and loss of potential information that might be garnered from these Impostors. You are all here because the Vandenreich trusts you to make those decisions. Whether by past experience..."

Her eyes shifted to both Alastair and Reida.

"Or the potential that you are believed to have." Her attention then shifted between Kokuto and Vee.

"The transport for the operation is scheduled two hours from now, the necessary time to mobilize supplementary soldat. I wish I could say we had more time, however our Scouts believe that our investigations have not been entirely unnoticed. If you have ANY questions or concerns, including preference for which operation you are assigned to, please voice them now. Once this briefing is finished, I will be informing you as to where you will be deployed." She informed them, her voice stern and firm despite the speed with which her heart was beating. As the timeline no doubt would add another layer of urgency to the already fairly urgent situation.

She wished that they had more time to consider this, or that there was more useful and detailed information about who and that these people were. But as it were, they did not have such luxuries.
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Sun Nov 07, 2021 3:37 pm
Mission Briefing: Investigate Anaconda - Page 2 UE9X4Dv


"Lord above..."

This whole thing seemed like an absolute disaster waiting to happen. Then again, maybe that just made it better that she'd be on this trip, since Reida wasn't actually sure if anyone else she knew in the Vandenreich would be able to get something like this handled. She knew Alastair, of course, but that didn't mean she knew if he was cut out for this kind of job.

"Well, other'n the fact that this sounds like a one way trip to the meat grinder, I guess I ain't got anything to say. I'd rather handle breaching. Figure I probably know urban combat better'n most people in the Vandenreich, think it'd just make the most sense."

Then again, she'd probably also be just as helpful in handling the Hollow Bait. Either way, this was sounding like it might be a real bad time wherever she wasn't. Wasn't that reassuring?


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Wed Nov 10, 2021 8:11 pm
Mission Briefing: Investigate Anaconda - Page 2 6hcnv4O


Only two hours from the green light. This was not going to end well.

"We know the main building is going to be protected, if not fortified. But there is a chance this cache of Hollow Bait might just be a waste pile, even though I suppose that is just the optimistic choice. "

Alastair's brow furrowed, a hand massaging his temple as he tried to consider the options they had in such a dire situation as this. Understaffed, underequipped, uninformed. It was just like Jefferson come again. Still, that was why he was here - to save innocent lives - so he would offer up his own life willingly. He counted on Reida and Kokuto to do the same, Vivyan was untested. This was going to be hard on her either way, but there was no time for hand-holding so it would be a trial by fire.

"I think it is unwise to put both Coordinators on the same detail, to spread out our experience, but I also volunteer to lead the breaching. I am equally capable in close quarters encounters given the nature of my spirit weapon, carried out urban operations across America during the war too. Make the call, Miss Kleinmund, we do not have the time to waste."

Running it back | END POST
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Wed Nov 10, 2021 9:02 pm
Mission Briefing: Investigate Anaconda - Page 2 ZGBwypB


Vee remained vigilant and yearning to write as Kleinmund divulged further on the information in regards to the mission. However, the more was given, the less was really known about these strange perps, and the more she noticed her comrade's reactions. She'd be crazy to not be a little wary towards what they were heading into, it sounded like they were going in practically blind. No idea who these guys are, or what their aim is.. Well, if there was mysteries at hand, then she just had to keep in mind what they didn't know. With a silent yet determined look, she'd write down a few pressing questions in her notes, particularly in what sounded to be the inevitable event of her being placed on securing duty, considering any combat situation with her current abilities would likely end in someone becoming a popsicle, in a mission where they should be capturing people. Not a great outcome.

Especially, why the old, terribly made uniforms for this strange movement? And the hollow bait? What were they trying to do? It sounded less and less like a bunch of low stakes jerks pulling pranks as it went on.

Ohh, though, she was hoping to get paired with Coordinator Eisfluch, but she'd probably have to settle with Coordinator Copeland, whom she didn't really have a chance to get acquainted with yet, or Kokuto, who she found kind of strange but, was alright she supposed - wasn't like she was afraid of him doing anything stupid and making her look bad or something. This wasn't the place to be up on fave pairings, it was a mission, she'd be placed with whoever worked the best, and she just had to deal with it.

"I think it'd be better for me to be on hollow bait duty," She'd accidentally raise her hand again, before awkwardly and gently pulling it back down, "Though uh, whoever I get paired with should be able to back me up if there's any fight since... Don't want to freeze anybody by mistake, and normal weapons can only get me so far."

She'd chuckle nervously, but silently kick herself over that fact. She just had to remember what Giselle taught her, and the more important lessons she held so far - Carefulness, yet confidence in herself.

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Thu Nov 11, 2021 3:36 am
Mission Briefing: Investigate Anaconda - Page 2 HEADER_sample_8e257ad7b9cb1f41526cc28a2d8beaec

Ehefra couldn't help but frown a little on the inside as she listened to those collectively. She considered the situation and turned to look to the map itself while considering the input from those present. She could already tell that they were unhappy with the situation that was unfolding, but it was their jobs. Not only that but she supposed it would make sense that Reida would insist on the breaching duty. However.... Given the data on her powers....she was the least likely to be able to leave any of these impersonators alive if she engaged them. Not only that.... but it was also rather unfortunate that two of the other participants had fire based powers, a large concern in the secondary objective. While it certainly wasn't fantastic in the breaching mission either...

She did not, however, share Alastair's optimistic hope that the hollow bait signature was just a waste pile. No, she would much rather be able to secure a mass of hollow bait, than simply have evidence that a massive ammount of it was out wherever these miscreants had sold or stored it in the region. But she kept that to herself for now. That was a concern if it did indeed turn out to be just refuse.

"As of right now we cannot afford to hope that the cache is merely full of refuse. As such: Miss Copeland, Miss Faye, you will both be assigned to the secondary objective. Mister Eisfluch and Mister Kokuto, you will be on breaching duty for this operation. If you have any further questions or concerns now is the time to voice them. Otherwise you have time to make preparations and request equipment or supplies from the armory for the mission ahead of you. In a little less than an hour supplementary soldat will be arriving and making their own preparations before the operation." She explained as calmly as she could manage. It certainly was a poor situation. Regardless of the configuration, there was ample opportunity for both failure and success, but given the data she'd collected beforehand and the dynamics she saw at work, she felt this was the best course of action for the time being.

Hopefully it turned out to be the right one.
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Sun Nov 14, 2021 4:11 pm


Mission Briefing: Investigate Anaconda - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Song: Hip Shop - Artist: SilvaGunner

He found a bit of relief that he was being paired with Alastair, someone he knew a bit more than others. Even still, there was cause for concern. Four people was not ideal for something that required a delicate touch like this. But, even still, he had his skills. If shit hit the fan, he'd use every last bit of them to try and make sure that everyone got out of there ok, at the very least, and keep the potential casualties of the Vandenreich and the civilians nearby to a minimum.

Christ, this was grim.

Yeah, it was something to take seriously, and the lack of information made it a challenge, but everyone seemed to be treating this entire thing like it was basically a death sentence. Maybe he was just being optimistic. Nevertheless, Kokuto took a deep breath, sighing softly as he leaned forward in his seat, lifting an arm and lightly shaking it as the chain on the shackle jangled quietly as he spoke.

"I can handle both close and long range, but I can restrain people too. I can extend these and use them to hold people down."

He paused for a moment, before turning to look at the others in the room.

"We'll get outta this alive. I'll use every last bit o' my power and ability to make sure of it."

As he paused, only one thought raced through his mind, again and again as if on replay:

'I'll show them that I'm not a monster.'

His attention turned to Ehefra, pointing at the little drone hovering nearby.

"A question for you, though. If you can make stuff like that, do ya got anythin' that could be used for recon? Could have one of those little guys scan the building and at least confirm or deny a few of our questions. Could even use it to distract people and give us an openin' to restrain 'em."

Another pause, scanning the room again.

"Even if we're low on numbers, info, resources, and time, we can still make the most of what we've got. Hope ain't lost just yet, or, at least, I sure as hell don't think so."

He took a deep breath as he finished, holding his tongue on the last thing he wanted to speak on -- refraining because he knew that they didn't have much time until the green light hit. He wanted to figure out what kind of powers they were working with, to see if there was anything he could think of that he could suggest to aid them in this mission. Regardless, he said his piece -- whether or not people agreed was another story entirely.

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Tue Nov 16, 2021 7:11 am
Mission Briefing: Investigate Anaconda - Page 2 6hcnv4O


Alastair was hardly thrilled with the decision, about much as Ehefra was, but it was the best one given the circumstances. His request had been approved, the breaching was his and Kokuto's to handle whilst the others took care of the Hollow Bait area. A blessing and a curse both, but there was no time to further lament the situation. They had some precious few minutes to prepare, and nothing to be wasted.

"It might be wiser to be cautious with the usage of your powers, if we are to keep collateral to a minimum, Kokuto. These people have not yet demonstrated themselves to be a deadly threat, subduing them will remain our priority until that knowledge changes."

He knew the demon meant well, which was in itself a somewhat surprising concept to him, but it was better to lay the land clear now than have it come around to bite him once they were in the field. The last thing they needed was for the whole building to go up in smoke or worse set the whole town alight because they got overzealous.

"We have a map of the town, correct? So we should prioritise planning the evacuation of civilians in the nearby buildings before we go to breach, if they are already expecting us then the element of surprise is hardly ours to lose. They need only be directed to the far side of town, away from both operation zones, perhaps there is a feasible building to direct them to? Additionally, it might be wise to sweep the local area first anyway. There might be members of this group already outside rather than gathered neatly in the main building, we know they are in the business of raiding other houses after all."

Running it back | END POST
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