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The Hybrid King
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Sun Nov 14, 2021 7:23 pm
I Left Your Bag At The Door | Semi-Open (Ask) GRxx1qv

Saisei | A Sweet But Short Stay

It was about that time, unfortunately. Saisei's feet kicked at the City Of Light's bricked sidewalk without much interest. It seemed that he had finally returned for his belongings. After all this time away, his prolonged hiatus from The Vandereich surely left a sore spot on his record but things happen. Of those things, disappearing for months on end without a single bit of contact with the outside world happened to be one of them. Nevertheless, his intentions were rather clear when it came to the island visit. In and out, grab your stuff and go. Easier said than done, of course.

The dormitory he used to stay at was the same as always. Only real difference from before was that he didn't occupy his bed space anymore. In place was what he could only guess was a new quincy recruit. A tiny girl in his large cot was a sight that caused quite a lot of confusion. It was what it was, though. When you disappear for the time he did you're lucky enough to not simply be considered AWOL.

"We left your belongings in the front entrance, just so you know. Easier that way, don't you think?"

A larger man towered over Saisei, a kind but stern look lit his face up as he spoke. He knew the man by the name of Jeremy, just another recruit that helped with things during training and keeping the peace within the dormitory. He was a kind man, one Saisei rarely knew despite his attempts at repeated interest with the young man. It never led anywhere of course, Saisei was always busy or just didn't have the time over his training. If he could go back and change his relationship with Jeremy, he would. In a heartbeat, actually.

"Appreciate it. Just wanted to take a look around before I took off for good. Glad to see you and everyone have remained as diligent as always. I'm sure that'll bring quite a number of newbies into the fold when you guys have the time."

He gave Jeremy a simple nod, turning back to the exit of his dormitory and back to the front entrance that was really just a glorified starting point for the mess of men and women that The Vandenreich had recently recruited. It was nice seeing all the faces but it left Saisei with an feeling of unease, like he was intending on throwing away something he had never truly had in life. Family was an interesting concept, as a young man he didn't know what it truly meant. Some within The Vandenreich's ranks taught him blood wasn't all it was chalked up to be.

Scratching at his pocket, the young man tore his I.D. from its depths and tossed it towards Jeremy before giving him a slight wave and picking up the duffle he had originally arrived with so many months ago.

"That's my leave I guess. You keep the place warm for me, got it? Never know if I'll end up showing up at the dormitory doors again."

He gave himself a chuckle before stepping back into the bright light of mid-day that was cast over the City. That about did it for me, with his duffle tossed across his shoulder he tightened his hoodie and shook his pink hair free of whatever concern he came with.

The Vandenreich would eventually just be another memory. He'll wish whatever recruits he finds on his way out a great day, its the right thing to do after all. Tough work was ahead for them.

END POST | Finding A Way Forward

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Mon Nov 15, 2021 12:14 am


Stepping foot into the heralded city of lights, a tall woman with blonde hair and blue eyes, found herself gazing at the citizens as they walked by. As far as the eye could see, there was nothing but peace and serenity. She removed a cellphone from her pocket, confirming with absolute certainty, that this was the location she was meant to be.

According to public information, there was a significant amount of notable quincy that occupied a place in this city, and further research presented her with the opportunity to learn about the Vandenreich, an organization composed of warriors whose aims were to protect this sacred city as well as the realm of earth.

The blue-eyed woman needed a cause to fight for again. Or so, she felt. She had experience, talent to offer, and southern hospitality. She was quite the crafty customer on the battlefield, too. She had a name, too. Natasha Miller. Stretching her arms out, Natasha would walk through the city, observing her surroundings while her eyes surfed through a map on her phone. She utilized Hirenkyaku to hasten her march towards the Vandenreich's base of operations until she spotted a man with pink hair who seemed to be walking through the city, a duffle bag slung over his shoulder.

She took a momentary pause in her stride to go over to the man, hoping he would confirm whether her directions were entirely correct or entirely off the mark.

"Howdy there, darlin'. Sorry to bother ya' on such a fine' day in the sun but do ya' mind lookin' at this phone for me? I need to confirm' whether or not I'm headin' in the right direction. I'd like to apply for a position in the reich'." Natasha sheepishly smiled as she introduced herself to Saisei, offering her hand towards him.

"Excuse my manners, darlin'. I'm in such a rush that I forgot' to introduce myself. Name's Natasha Miller, though you' can call me Nat for short."


Last edited by Iori on Tue Nov 16, 2021 10:32 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Mon Nov 15, 2021 2:53 pm
I Left Your Bag At The Door | Semi-Open (Ask) ZGBwypB


Unbeknownst to Saisei, another set of interested eyes were on him. The young woman had been on her way out after resting from her early morning training, however caught wind of that rather curious conversation someway through, hanging back as she watched the pink-haired man walk out and towards the front doors of the dormitories. She hung back and looked disinterested, just someone who appeared to be going the same way he was, but she was really interested. She had NEVER seen this guy before, yet he obviously was someone who was here and leaving. She had met nearly everyone in this dorm at least once, and she knew she would remember a guy who looked like him - he definitely was new to her.

She tried thinking of who he could be, of if he was ever spoken about, which he had to have been at some point if he were here before... Nothing immediately came to mind, in terms of matching his appearance to a name, so really the only option was to actually speak to the young man. She was walking up to catch him, however stopped when a blonde who appeared to be in way too great a hurry had cut in and asked him about directions and that she wanted to apply. Vee rose an eyebrow - what an entrance, least compared to her overly tired and hungry one, been fresh off a long journey and was skimming on supplies by time she made it to the city.

Oh well, she guessed this was her in,

"I can help you out with getting there," Vee would announce her presence, walking towards the two with a smile on her face, giving a wave of her noticeably scarred hand, "Bien le bonjour."

She'd look over to the young man, "You look like you're on your way out, after all, unless you have time to spare to keep two ladies safe?" She'd chuckle. Of course this city was remarkably safe, at least in her experience, so it was more her prodding to include him in the walk there, especially since she was so curious of him.

"Name's Vivyan. And you are..?" With her gaze and gesturing, she obviously was meaning to ask the young man, as he had yet to do so.

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Mon Nov 15, 2021 4:20 pm
Things in the city of light granted the petite young woman a unique impression. Upon entry, the woman was taken aback by an unusual air that the city of lights presented. If there’s a word that Shio could describe the city, then the word would be “new” and “unordinary.” Unlike a selective few locations that she visited over these past few months, this one is surely a place to remember. Her dim brown eyes grew wide in expression, absorbing every detail about the city while she calmly strides her short tanned legs across the bustling streets. During her time gathering details that makes the city a unique and unordinary place to behold, the woman had nearly forgotten something important that she’s trying to find. But before she could search through her thoughts just what exactly she came here to accomplish, a trio of unidentifiable individuals caught within the eyes of the small woman that could be easily mistaken for a child.

As she examined the trio further, she noticed something strange about the two women hovering over what appears to be a pubescent man, perhaps someone in their late high school year to early college. The woman could obviously tell that the blonde and the red head are much older than the pink haired man. Whether they’re attempting to sneak his phone number in and offer up some special services or looking for something specific is something she’s curious about. However, approaching the trio would make Shio feel like an odd addition due to her size and the fact there’s one guy with a pair of charming woman with complimenting assets. Though not only the woman’s most noticeable feature is her small size, but also a white cloth supporting the tanned females right arm, revealing that she had gotten herself in an accident.

Despite feeling a certain way, Shio nonetheless approached the trio, while simultaneously tucking away her embarrassed expression. Before she would attempt to speak, the petite woman let out a small cough. “I hope I’m not interrupting anything, but I was hoping to know if this is the right place. I’m hoping to get information about this area that I had stumbled upon” She spoke with a timid voice while rising her only functioning arm to rub the back of her head.

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The Hybrid King
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Wed Nov 17, 2021 7:29 pm
I Left Your Bag At The Door | Semi-Open (Ask) GRxx1qv

Saisei | A Sweet But Short Stay

Saisei turned back towards the entrance of the dormitory before giving a light smile and shrug towards Jeremy. He stood by the entrance, holding the door open without much thought. It was clear the two men shared some type of respect for one another, even after the actions Saisei had taken that brought him to this very moment in time. It was what it was, realistically speaking. Like he had thought before, everything will eventually just be a mystery laid to rest within his own mind.

With a final light shrug, he turned back towards the street before coming nearly body first with a rather short blonde woman. Abrupt and forward, she was. It didn't take even a moment before she started exclaiming a need for help and with it followed an introduction. Ah, thought the young man. Of course, yet another recruit. What else did he expect here in front of the dormitories that so many other recruits occupied. It was his job, whether he stayed with the Reich or not, to help those in need.

"Nice to meet you, Nat. Na-"

Before he could introduce himself yet another woman had found her way inching towards the duo. Turning the duo to an odd little trio now, the newcomer was as fresh faced as Nat was in Saisei's eyes. Unlike Nat, she was clearly apart the The Vandenreich given her interest in touring the little lady to her destination whenever she was ready to go. It seemed like everywhere he went, the pink-haired man seemed to have folks flock to him. Finally, her name creeped into conversation, allowing Saisei to respond in kind, no thanks to his own choices of course.

"Saisei. My name is Saisei and yes, as you might imagine I was just about to take leave."

He shuffled the duffle that sat against is back just the tiniest of lengths, looking to Nat and then back to Vivyan. Folks could be so troublesome at times to one's plans.

"I needed to head over and let some folks know of my exit from the Island so sure, I will accompany you guys."

Saisei huffed, turning towards the stretched road behind the girls. Like clockwork, a third had arrived. He closed his eyes and scratched at his forehead, a nervous habit he had picked up while off on his own. Lord could it get any more active here he thought, shaking his head before hearing the girl out. Her tiny and rather frail looking figure was a concern, as was the clear injury she had sustained doing whatever it may be. If it was up to Saisei, he would have been long gone off the Island by now. Of course, things like these were never really up to him. With yet another quick sigh, he turned towards Nat's previously requested direction and swooped his hand forward.

"Clearly no one is gonna leave you stranded lil'missy. Vivyan will lead the way. Let's hurry along if we can not much else for me to do in these parts."

A man of his word through and through, what an annoying way to live life at times.

END POST | Finding A Way Forward

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Thu Nov 18, 2021 5:38 am


"Trust me, s'ugah I can keep myself plenty safe, though it is quite nice to be surrounded by so many guests all o' sudden." Natasha would smirk in Vivyan's general direction as she gazed at the two women who now stood before her and Saisei. Judging from Vivyan's words as she approached them, the Vandenreich member could direct and guide her where she needed to go. Thankful for such fortune, Natasha would certainly be able to apply for a position in the way she desired.

If no one was present at the time to accept her on the spot, she would simply provide a few detailed pages of her battle skill, her background information, and anything else that they required. She turned to the petite little' customer, Shio, and smiled before directing her attention to Saisei.

From his statements during his brief conversation with Viv, he was on his way out, a fact that sparked her curiosity but quickly found itself suppressed out of respect to the young man. That was his own personal business. He was already extending enough of his kindness to engage three women and assist in guiding two of them around the island.

"Pleasure to meet the both of ya', Saisei and Viv'. Allow me to offer my sincerest gratitude for decidin' to help me out in a time a' need."


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Sun Nov 21, 2021 6:28 pm
I Left Your Bag At The Door | Semi-Open (Ask) ZGBwypB


Vee seemed absolutely puzzled by the guy's admittance to actually, fully leaving. Like, just leaving the island, or leaving the Vandenreich? Because.. It did look like he had all his stuff on him, like he was not-coming-back-anytime-soon leaving. She appeared a little surprised - why would he want to leave? Of course Vivyan wasn't blindly enjoying her time here or anything, it was a lot of hard work and learning for her, but she hadn't actually seen anyone leave before. Not to mention, she had never seen this guy anytime before today.. Saisei...

Wait, wasn't he the guy who went missing-

Her thoughts were cut short when she heard the pip of a smaller voice approach them, a much shorter and thinner girl approaching them. She was little and cute enough for Vivyan to honestly be unsure of how old she was, but what really caught her eye was the state her arm was in - bandaged and clearly unable to move it. Her senses burned and she honestly didn't seem concerned about the other two's rather subdued reaction to the new girl, immediately approaching the smaller girl,

"Alright listen - You're in the City of Lights, Vandenreich turf - What happened to your arm?" Her amber eyes glowed with concern as she had reached to touch it, but stopped herself - touching it may hurt her after all. Even if she wasn't sure of how she got here, who she was, or how old she even was, she looked like a vulnerable kid to Vivyan, and that was something that touched a nerve in her big sister heart.

"Scratch that, no, we need to get you to a doctor - it could be infected or broken, or.. Worse." Her tone was surprisingly hushed yet urged compared to the casual demeanor she put on earlier, turning to look at Nat, "Okay your thing is gonna have to wait, this is an emergency. I'll help you after she's seen,"

She then looked to Saisei, gently leading the girl towards him,

"Alright Saisei, one last mission - Carry her, we're getting her to the nearest hospital," Her tone was serious as she referred to him - she honestly didn't care if he was skedaddling, this was more important and she'd figure any self-respecting member, ex or not, would take this up no question, "Just do it in a way that doesn't hurt her arm - she's probably walked enough just getting here."

She then would look to Nat, "You can come along - if you're gonna be living here you might as well get a feel for how to get around and where stuff is."

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Sun Nov 21, 2021 9:21 pm
The tiny woman's marble shaped eyes possess a glimmer of curiosity that beamed at saisei's direction, as if she had seen an alien emerging from his space pod and introduced himself to an audience of surprised looks that swept each of their faces. A thought slizzered in her mind, trying to get a good understanding of saisei's situation. Eyeing the duffle in his hand, she began to speak once again. "Say, by any chance are you a recruit,?" She asked carefully and with a sense of purpose, showing to the pink haired man that he isn't the only individual looking for a thing called destiny.

Even if she isn't certain, at least she can let others know that she seeks the opportunity to grow and hope to get past the barriers that block her path. "I'm only asking since I'm in the middle of finding a path to set my sights on as well" She could have told them her reasons, however, her mind refrained from going to deep as they're still strangers to her. The tiny woman's eyes flicked to the woman called Vivian who answered Shio's question, and shot back a question of her own. However, it became a question that she's forced to lie as her current situation is a matter only of her concern. "Oh, this arm?"

A drop of sweat crept down her round tanned cheeks. "It's from a scientific experiment that ended in an explosion, luckily nobody got harmed and I took most of the damage... Along with a few months worth of research material that got confiscated by the authorities." She explained confidently, followed by a hefty sigh. The woman shuddered before attempting to dismiss Vivian's concern. "No" her voice slashed through the red haired woman's concerns for Shio's arm, as if trying to take down a vicious wolf keen on making the hunter it's dinner. Her eyes narrowed and begin speaking once again. "That won't be necessary and besides, a healer or someone with the skills to provide me with a prosthetic should suffice."

She relaxed her shoulders a little, feeling if her emotions had gotten the best of her then she would have hell to pay in the form of an aggravating pain swelling in her right arm. The petite woman shook her head at the request she made for a healer. "Actually scratch that, I just need a new arm. But my problems can wait for a while." It's been a few weeks since living with an insufficient arm that made maintaining her job as a tea maker and a demon hunter a sure enough tiring chore than she anticipated, but needless to say if she wish to grow strong then she would have to obtain a new arm.

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