Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Mon Dec 06, 2021 10:50 pm
Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair) - Page 2 6hcnv4O


His opponent might certainly have been slower in a situation of even footing, but Alastair had barely stuck the landing thanks to his Ginto and was hardly in an optimal stance to receive a blow. Catching a glimpse of the green light, he had enough time to begin to launch himself away so that the knee did connect but only pushed him further back rather than onto his ass.

On the defensive, Alastair was fortunate that he maintained Blut Vene as another volley of bullets hurtled towards him. Still in the air from the attempt to dodge that initial blow, he had enough reaction time to contort his body a little so that he was a smaller target but there was little chance at doing anything else. At least a few found their target, others mitigated by his padded outfit and evasive action, but that was enough to propel the Quincy back further until he was tumbling across the room to land in a heap of dilapidated floorboards.

Staggering back to his feet, flaming red hair now thoroughly dishevelled, Alastair hunched forwards as he attempted to get his bearings in this fight. The strange cowboy was all over him, and certainly a little more spiritually powerful than what the little reconnaissance information had suggested they might encounter. Hopefully, they were the most troublesome individual here, but even still he could not afford to dally any longer than necessary. Clutching his bow tight to his chest, he was ready to draw an arrow but if they wanted to get up in his face again then he would have to deal with matters head on.

Lead by Example | END POST
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Wed Dec 08, 2021 2:28 pm
Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair) - Page 2 EzxrrNE


Keeping the makeshift barrier at his side as the opposition suddenly scattered from behind their own defenses, Kokuto lowered his shield, readying a chain and tossing it forward, wrapping it around the man who had fallen in a panic. But, just as he was about to move forward to ensure that he was detained, the second gunner grabbed another weapon from the wall and started to open fire.

Thinking quick, Kokuto broke off the chain link that connected to the shackle on his wrist, generating a new one and wrapping them around the Soldat with him. In a quick tug, he pulled them behind him and held the shield up again. Despite the armor and bulk of his adversary, Kokuto quickly snuck a chain around the barrier, wrapping it around the enemy's leg and pulling his foot out from under him. Wasting no time, he moved forward, tossing the barrier to the side and ripping the gun out of his hand, snapping it in half with relative ease, before tossing the pieces aside.

He brought the chains back to him, wrapping them around the adversaries, before breaking them off again, heating up the ends of the chain-links, forcing them to stay together with an extremely amateur form of soldering. Kokuto took a deep breath, ordering the Soldat to keep eyes on them and ensure that they didn't have any weapons, or, god forbid, some kind of bombs strapped to them as a last resort. Taking the brief moment of respite as the adrenaline became to die down, Kokuto looked at the discarded, broken gun.

They weren't anything special, not even spiritual enhanced to prevent strain from more powerful forces in the world. The guy was out of shape and slow, and they didn't have any kind of special defenses outside of box-standard barriers and weapons. It was a decently laid trap, but it would be quick to fall off against someone like him, or even some of the stronger and more common Sternritter. Taking a moment to look around the room, at the Soldat, then at the now restrained opposition, Kokuto tapped into his comms to send a brief message to Alastair.

"Alastair, got an update for you. They set a trap down here, but it wasn't somethin' that was meant to stand up against the spiritually powered. They're just regular humans, and the ones up there might be just as ordinary. I'm about to start searchin' the storage area, I'll let you know if I find anythin'."

Taking another deep breath, Kokuto started walking through the storage area, looking at labels, and opening anything that he feasibly could, taking a few moments to look inside, examining whatever might be in there. These guys were so gung-ho about keepin' them out and takin' them down, so, there was bound to be at least something noteworthy or worthy of concern, wouldn't there?

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Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair) - Page 2 Empty Re: Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair)

Wed Dec 08, 2021 7:38 pm
The Man in the mask seemed annoyed with Alastair's ability to evade him! A growl escaping his mask as he watched the man twist and squirrel his way out of those blows! Up above, the Soldat were in the process of detaining the men upstairs! Loud thumping blows sounded in the scuffle, a few errant gunshots, as well at the sound of arrows flying before it seemed that the Soldat were beginning to prevail. At the very least Alastair's allies seemed to be doing their job, even if the sounds indicated there was still something of a general struggle going on up above!

"You Quincy and your damn magic!" He yelled out and then suddenly crackled forward! Once again closing the distance between them and slamming one of his weapons into the hand that was trying to form spiritual weapons, attempting to interrupt Alastair before he flipped the other weapon and caught it beneath his armpit, tucking it under his arm before his now-freed hand ripped the magazine from the gun. There was a loud SHING as a blade sprang out from the ejected magazine! A switchblade built into the mag itself which the man then THRUST! Attempting to slam into Alastair's shoulder, the edge of the blade crackling with that same dull blue fire.

That attempted stab was followed almost immediately by a crackle of green energy, the air around Alastair suddenly growing incredibly thick , making it hard to breathe and a little hard to move even as it would almost feel like something was squeezing him to try and hold him in place!

Kokuto's sudden and aggressive assault would prove considerably effective! Those bullets peppered the shield that he had made from the door and he would hear a dull hissing sound as the bullets slowly burned through the metal, dull blue flames eating its way through the door slowly, but slow enough that he could easily just shift out of their path as they exited the opposite side of the door. But even WITH how potent those bullets were, he still managed to manhandle the two men, armored as they were, binding them in chains and then start talking to Alastair.

However, eavesdropping on the call, one of the man yelled out. "Who are you calling weak?! You weren't supposed to show up yet! You damn quincy. You had better just kill me now! I'm not going to forgive you for taking my daughter from me! Just you wait, we'll be ready next time!" He yelled, LUNGING even with the soldat there to hold him down! The man was aggressively trying to get at Kokuto despite not having nearly enough strength to do so! Even so, the man seemed VERY worked up about the entire situation, even as his companion began to grow more and more nervous, seeming to stare at a few of the soldat that were holding, and then at Kokuto.

"Wait, you're not even a quincy. And your outfits..... who the hell ARE you people?" He asked from behind that armored helmet of his, seeming, bewildered now that he had a chance to look at all of them.

Off in the distance, that familiar hollow roar sounded off, echoing through the area. But this time it was ....different. It went on LONGER. Yowling, roaring out as if it were fighting something, until finally, it stopped abruptly.
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Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair) - Page 2 Empty Re: Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair)

Sun Dec 12, 2021 12:40 pm
Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair) - Page 2 EzxrrNE


Kokuto groaned at the man's retort to them being called weak, turning around to face him, but his expression changed at the mention of a daughter. He held up a hand, another set of chains manifesting from the end of the shackle as the man desperately tried to lunge and crawl toward him. But, Kokuto just made a slight gesture with his hand, and the chain coiled around him, before tugging the man over to a wall, wrapping firmly around a nearby steel beam.

"Just stop strugglin' and keep yer mouth shut, man. There ain't gonna be a next time."

His eyes fell on the man's companion, raising an eyebrow as he finally made the rather obvious realization of him not being a Quincy, to which he merely mumbled under his breath:

"Shocker, the walkin' nightmare ain't a Quincy."

Sighing softly and shaking his head, Kokuto contemplated telling them who they were. But, who knew if they had some kind of contingency plan for the actual Vandenreich. They didn't recognize the modern uniforms, and they were confused as to why a Demon was with them. But, something else that Kokuto remembered hearing the other man say that they weren't supposed to show up yet. It was that word that tipped him off -- something didn't feel right about that specific wording.

He scanned the two men and sighed, turning back around to continue looking through the storage room. Maybe he was just being paranoid. The paranoia quickly returned as the distant cry of the Hollow from before sounded out, louder and longer than before, as if it were in a fight...but, it ended as quick as it came. Whatever was going on out there, he hoped that it was going well -- and if the other two were dealing with it, hopefully they came out unharmed.

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Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair) - Page 2 Empty Re: Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair)

Sun Dec 12, 2021 10:30 pm
Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair) - Page 2 6hcnv4O


The man was not a Quincy then, at least his comment seemed to suggest as such. That was a useful piece of information to learn about these imposters, as the man blurted out his frustrations whilst Alastair struggled to find the space to summon another arrow. He did not respond, of course, his lips only curling slightly in amusement before settling back into a deadpan stare. Even whilst the gunslinger continued to be on top of him, he was able to hold his nerve. The blade from the magazine was an unexpected twist, but therein was a chance to use one of his own surprises.

Rather than attempt to dodge once more, he planted his feet and put faith in his Blut to turn aside the worst of the blow. Whatever heat these attacks were giving off paled in comparison to Uriel's anyway, so his body had certainly felt worse. Switching to gripping the handle of Falke with both hands, he swung forwards with the weapon and let the Reishi from the lower limb of the bow dissipate as the top rapidly reformed itself into that of a sword. A sweeping blow running sideways across the midriff, and might finally be able to drive them backwards. His opponent had been so desperate to press the advantage that perhaps he had assumed Alastair would be more uncomfortable in close combat, that was not quite the case.

His decision did mean that he was enveloped by the green energy, remaining in place as he had done, but rather than retreat Alastair wanted to press forwards. Even if the knife-magazine had connected, his best move was to overpower his opponent now before this gas got out of hand and his injury caught up with him.

Whatever else was going on was quite a blur to him, the cry of that Hollow blending in with the sounds of his comrades suppressing the rest of the men upstairs. He did not have the time to deal with that developing situation, just a quiet hope that it was good news rather than ill.

Lead by Example | END POST
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Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair) - Page 2 Empty Re: Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair)

Mon Dec 13, 2021 6:24 pm
Be Advised: Four Unidentified contacts have arrived and split into groups of 2, en route to Primary and Secondary Objective Locations. The bright ping of that cube companion's voice, or in some cases the dull glow of text notification would bring themselves to the attentions of all operatives.

All the same, the gunner engaged with Alastair jerked backward, a crackle of green energy as that transformed bow slashed down in the midst of that sudden pressure. He would find his slash was slowed, and the man had enough time to suddenly crackle away, the air suddenly returning to normal the moment that the opponent had left his personal space. All the same, when the pistoleer backed off, his middle was already turning red, clutching at his chest! It seemed that even with that power slowing Alastair down and the sudden high speed move backing off, he still had failed to completely eveade the point-blank slash. He staggered, almost falling over, eyes narrowed behind his gas mask as he growled in irritation, seemiong to hesitate as if weighing his odds of winning the fight while cut across his middle.

However, the sound of a footsteps would draw the attention of both combatants as footsteps would be heard making their way into the first floor. Of course, had Alastair been up with his squad, he would have been entirely in the dark about the new arrival. The uniform qould strike a familiar, and yet foreign chord within Alastair, the true authentic version of what these thugs had been emulating.

Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair) - Page 2 HEADER_2165399-t6dragunovprologue02
"Mr. Aquilla. I believe you've been expecting me. I'm afraid I wasn't aware that you already had guests." The tall man murmured as he approached the pair of combatants. Well over 6'2" in height, thin and old-looking. The man had an air of authority about him that practically dripped from him. A bright blue hawk perched on the man's shoulder, glowing with Reishi as it cocked it's head to and fro, watching the pair like it's namesake.
"If you don't mind me asking, my red-haired friend. Would it be too late to ask you to leave peacefully?"

The man struggled as best he could! But the chains were far too strong and durable for him to break free and soon Kokuto easily had the man pinned and suppressed along with the others with the help of his Soldat. The one man however was beginning to panic. " Shit shit shit!" He murmured under his breath, frantically looking around. He seemed largely unalarmed by Kokuto, or his mention of calling himself a walking-nightmare. The other Soldat seemed to grow a little uneasy, and began to look a bit anxiously at Kokuto.

However, the captives would very quickly grow still quite suddenly, their eyes locked in the direction of the door as footsteps were heard emerging from the back entrance where they had entered. An average-build young man walked into view, his uniform the spitting image of what those look-alikes had been based upon. A Vandenreich uniform, an OLD one at that.
Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair) - Page 2 HEADER_3619637f28e0df82b8232be27708bff3
"Well that's........ easier than I thought this was going to be." A sly smirk crossed the young man's lips as his eyes darted between the captives before shifting back to Kokuto and the Soldat. "If it isn't the Divas. Uncle is going to be pissed. WELL! Thanks for the assist boys! I think you've got it all from here!" That sly smile promptly turning into a gleeful grin before the young man spun on his heels and attempted to just waltz right back out the door.
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Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair) - Page 2 Empty Re: Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair)

Tue Dec 14, 2021 2:48 pm
Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair) - Page 2 6hcnv4O


Having switched his cuboid companion into a text output, Alastair was far too engaged to see the message as soon as it popped up. His blade had been artificially slowed as he swung, though it was something that his foe was manually activating in some manner and was thus at a disadvantage given his apparent slower reactions. Still, this kind of resistance was far more than he had expected going in. His squad upstairs might be doing alright but he was worried for them if there were any more individuals at this person's level. He had to finish this quickly before things got out of hand.

Then things got out of hand.

His gaze flicked from the gunslinger to the approaching figure, an eyebrow perking up in surprise. Opposite to their authority, the only thing dripping from Alastair was the blood that slowly seeped from his fresh shoulder wound. Looking from one man to the other, he tightened his grip upon Falke as the sword pulled close. He was not offering much from his expression, being as composed as he could muster, but there was a wince as the adrenaline began to wear off and a dull pain began to set in.

"I recommend you both surrender now, you are outnumbered and outmatched tonight."

Lead by Example | END POST

Last edited by Locke on Thu Dec 16, 2021 5:27 am; edited 1 time in total
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Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair) - Page 2 Empty Re: Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair)

Wed Dec 15, 2021 10:48 pm
Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair) - Page 2 EzxrrNE


As the Hollow's roar died down to nothing, there was an almost uncomfortable stillness that came over the storage area. But, just then a text notification popped up on his little companion, along with the cube's voice coming from one of the other Soldat. With a flick of his wrist, Kokuto summoned a sword to his side, jagged, curved, and a jet-black blade as the notification processed. Four people, unidentified, making their way to the location. Upon summoning his sword, he stopping looking around the storage, turning back to the other Soldat, his raspy voice level, yet serious.

"Weapons up, you two. Remember, incapacitate, don't kill."

The two Soldat gave him a concerned, uncertain look before they readied their weapons, keeping an eye on either side of the area. Given what he had already witnessed from this brief skirmish, he wasn't expecting the two newcomers to be any different. Nevertheless, he knew that it was better to be prepared than to be lax, and risk getting either himself or those with him killed.

His fingers tightened around the sword as he listened intently, his head turning toward the direction where the entering footsteps came from. As the figure came into view, Kokuto's eyebrow rose. He didn't recognize him, but he could tell that the man was allied with the rest of the people here, based on the uniform.

He didn't say anything at first, a length of chain beginning to manifest from the broken end, sliding silently down to the ground, his head tilting at the mention of "Dias". It wasn't a term that was used in the Vandenreich as far as he knew, but, maybe Alastair or some of the older members would know it. As the man smiled and turned to leave, Kokuto threw the chain length toward him in attempt to wrap it around his body, speaking at the same time.

"Hold it, bud, I don't recognize you, and you're wearin' the same shit as the other people here. You ain't slick."

Should the chain have wrapped around the man, Kokuto would immediately pull it back toward him and move to restrain him. He couldn't take any chances, and his gut told him that something wasn't right.

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Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair) - Page 2 Empty Re: Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair)

Sat Dec 18, 2021 9:18 pm

Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair) - Page 2 HEADER_2165399-t6dragunovprologue02

Alastair's sudden terse, regimented response was something that caused both men to glance in his direction, confusion on the Gunner's face, and a slow, sigh of resignation escaping the older man in the uniform as he seemed to almost recognize something.
"Is that right? What an interesting notion. And here I thought I was a man who knew better than to get into a situation he could not win." He murmured, a Hawk that suddenly appeared on his opposite shoulder leaned in, and placed a Cigar into his mouth, as his hand reached up, flicking a lighter to ignite the very end of it. And alastair, if he diverted his gaze from the old man, would suddenly see hawks everywhere. Perched on seemingly every surface that was available around them, they lined the space around them. If Alastair was willing to tear his gaze away from the man, he would count about eighteen or so of the strange living arrows.

"What the hell?!"
A voice from one of the soldat upstairs before there was a sudden loud, shuddering BOOM that rocked the building, bits of wood showering down from above as several of the Hawks suddenly swooped up through that large central space to detonate in the air just in the center of the building, flooring the soldat up above. Alastair would hear a loud whistling noise before a spray of THUNKS. The Bird had been high up enough that the ledge had protected their little group, but he would see not far away, hundreds of feathers buried quill-first into the ground beneath where those birds had gone off. And the yells and groans of soldat and goons alike up above. Alive, but the extent of any injuries would be unknown as the Soldat seemed dazed from the explosion.
"I don't think I'll be surrendering. I understand that your particular....splinter group has been afforded a pleasant amount of Autonomy. The fact that you call yourselves the Vandenreich does not mean much of anything. You will stand down, or you will have to fight me while also trying to keep Mr.Aquilla from Fleeing, as well as maintaining the safety of those up above. Objectives that are tertiary at best, so far as I am concerned." He noted calmly, slipping his hands into his pockets.

"So, young man, what do you have to say to that?"

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When Kokuto threw that chain, rattling loudly through the air. He would see the man half-turn, a manic grin spread across his face as fingers snapped and suddenly the air between the two of them suddenly turned......plush and gray. the chain BUNCHED up as it suddenly slowed down making it's way through that thickened air, and the man spun around and lashed out, a Knife suddenly in his hand. A series of loud PINGS sounding as something shiny bounced off the walls around that lump of Wolke and then ricocheted straight toward Kokuto! Thin needles speeding toward him intent to impact on each shoulder and his left hip. Needles which he would find would not be stopped by simple defenses if he chose to try and block them, set to plow clean through his body before burying themselves in the floor behind him if ignored.

In the very next moment, that Chain would finish plowing through Wolke, upon which, having lost much of it's momentum, it was parried and thrown to the side with a slash from the knife, sending the chain into the wall.
"Whoa whoa whoa now. Should you really be throwing down with a superior? Maybe you haven't heard of me yet so I'll speak slowly and use small words~ My name is Falker Oretta. Lieutenant of the Neuer Zweck Vandenreich's Advance Squad. Feel free to get on your knees and beg for forgiveness." He winked, that Wolke spell starting to fade into nothing as the young man pointed his knife threateningly at Kokuto and the others, the Men that they'd captured were suddenly stock still, very uncomfortable being caught near a fight between two spirituals.

In that very last moment, whether by text or by voice, that familiar tone would pipe up. Evacuations are nearly complete. All teams in need of Reinforcements please respond.
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Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair) - Page 2 Empty Re: Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair)

Sat Dec 18, 2021 10:07 pm
Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair) - Page 2 6hcnv4O


Alastair did indeed divert his gaze from the old man, as he glanced between him and the gunslinger so that neither might be out of his sight for too long, but it did appear that he had at least misread one aspect of this new arrival. They were not aligned, at least not in the immediate sense, and so he began to focus on the older man before the airborne attack commenced. He was clearly the real danger, to both himself and his men, so he quickly decided that keeping him occupied was the best bet he had at keeping his focus away from causing more of those explosions above. A regrettable decision, as he truly had no idea what was occurring up there nor any real method to protect them from further harm, but the old man had already cast that first stone.

"I do not know who you are, or who you work for, but you are not official Vandenreich personnel. Regardless of what delusion you might have to the contrary. You have attacked members of the Sternritter, made threats against their lives, and refused my request to surrender. There is nothing more that needs to be said."

There was a notable uptick in energy as Alastair began to gather up Reishi. His very skin - or at least what parts of it were exposed - began to emit a searing white heat, and that knife wound upon his shoulder almost instantly cauterized to leave behind little more than a passing scar. Falke surged with power too, the sword that he had once held easily in one hand growing in size until it was a weapon that would take both his hands to wield. Rust-coloured eyes shone brighter and brighter until the irises themselves were masked behind a vibrant white light, whilst an orange halo formed atop his head, though he did look down to the cube in time to see the message come through.

"Coordinator Eisfluch requesting immediate support, multiple Soldat down, status unknown."

Alastair's voice echoed now with a particular resonance afforded by the Vollständig state. Similarly to the halo, orange wings emerged from his back, wrapping around him momentarily before splaying out behind him. His grip upon Falke tightened as he dropped low and surged towards the old man. Rushing forwards with all the speed afforded to him by this release, he fully intended to slam the greatsword into his target's midriff and then stay on top of them as best he could. If the gunslinger, or rather Mr Aquilla, made to do anything beyond attack him then there would be no reaction yet.

Lead by Example | END POST
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