Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair) - Page 3 Empty Re: Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair)

Mon Dec 20, 2021 3:51 pm
Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair) - Page 3 EzxrrNE


Initially, Kokuto was surprised that the guy had thrown out Ginto to slow the chain down, before parrying and sending it into the wall. As the needles flew toward him, he made two quick swings of his sword, deflecting the ones aimed at his shoulders and his hip, only for a few stray ones to pierce the shoulder of his sword arm. The demon grunted as small, thin lines of blood trickled down his arm, switching his sword to the other hand. It wasn't necessarily a severe wound, they were only needles, but they were still irritating nonetheless.

He quickly broke the chain off the from the shackle, summoning a new set of chain links, dangling idly by his side. His surprise quickly waned into irritation and annoyance, sighing softly. If this guy was actual Vandenreich personnel and was actually his superior, Kokuto probably would have gotten in trouble a lot sooner. God, this guy was already insufferable. Were he not on the job and had bigger priorities, Kokuto probably would have just walked up and decked the guy in the face.

"Superior, my ass. You're wearing outdated Vandenreich uniforms, makin' up positions and divisions, your boys attacked us, and you're an insufferable cunt."

He turned his head to the Soldat and others behind him, giving a simple order: keep an eye on the restrained, and keep an eye out for the second hostile reported, before taking a few steps forward and lifting his sword to his shoulder. He saw the message out of the corner of his eye, and quickly made a call out.

"Focus reinforcements on Coordinator Eisfluch's position. Most I need right now is just a little backup to ensure a safe extraction of the prisoners. Got eyes on one of the two contacts, and I've got something of an identification: a blonde guy named Falker Oretta. Second one's location is unknown."

His eyes went back to Falker, a soft growl rumbling in his throat.

"Give up now, and make this easy on both of us. I don't got a problem roughin' you up before bringin' you in, so if you don't give up now, don't blame me if you end up with more than a few broken bones."

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Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair) - Page 3 Empty Re: Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair)

Thu Dec 23, 2021 8:28 pm
Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair) - Page 3 HEADER_2165399-t6dragunovprologue02

The declaration was something that put a half-smile on the old man's face, eyes watching curiously as the young man seemed to devote his focus toward him. The Gunner promptly seemed to make an unsure expression, but it only took a moment for him to crouch, tensing up just ever so slightly as he seemed to refocus.

"Official, he says. Surrender, he says." He murmured, not toward Alastair, but to one of the hawks on his shoulders that glared at the other quincy with leering eyes. Watching the release of the sudden Vollstanding with an ....amused gaze. "Not as green as you sound. It's a shame you haven't done as much work-" His gloved hand suddenly shot up, using that Falconer's glove that he used as a bow to block that incoming blade with a loud CLANG as condensed reishi blocked the incoming hit, though cracks promptly snapped across it's surface and that smile widened just a little as the man would WRENCH downward, aiming to rip the blade clean out of Alastair's grip with a monstrous amount of strength and then aiming to slam it straight into the center of Alastair's chest like a bat, intent on launching him away before dropping the weapon as his spirit weapon crumbled off his hand, showing a sizzling portion of his palm where his blut had had to take over, clearly Alastair's weapon far outpaced the man's own thanks to the boost from his Vollstandig.

"-....on your other skills." He murmured, seeming unphased, at least outwardly, from that close call with the blade. There was a soft clinking noise as three Hawks suddenly launched themselves from the man's waist, forming and firing just as quickly, just the barest glint in the air as Alastair might be able to catch sight of slim metal lengths clutched in their talons: Seele Schneider. There was a harsh BSHHHT noise as lengths of glowing reishi extended from the weapons as the Hawks promptly blitzed towards Alastair, aiming to streak straight past him, slashing as they went. All whilst the old man raised a hand above his head, a new glove bursting into existence over his limb.

However, Alastair would hear a sudden spray of gunfire from his right! A sudden spray of bullets from the man in the Gasmask had promptly fired on the incoming hawks, those bullets slowing just before impact, and then the effect seemed to extend to the hawks as well, and suddenly, Alastair would find those Hawks were moving in slow motion rather than the full speed of a fired arrow! It seemed that the man he had been fighting but moments before had decided to choose the lesser of two evils.

All the while, Reishi seemed to be rapidly gathering in the old man's palm, clearly he was preparing something.

Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair) - Page 3 HEADER_3619637f28e0df82b8232be27708bff3

The young man smirked all the wider, looking down his nose at Kokuto and chuckling lightly as he lifted a hand to gently rest on his forehead. "Forgive me, I suppose I should be ashamed, after all, TRULY an Ogre, or whatever you are, would know much more about the Vandenreich than a quincy such as myself~" He sneered, tilting his head ever so slightly at both the orders and the call to .....whatever that little cube thing was. "My my my, someone certainly thinks highly of themselves! You little brat. Oh but don't worry, by the time I'M through with you, you'll be on your knees begging to lick my boots! For I am the right hand of an Himmelritter! The O, the OVERWATCH!" He proclaimed, CLEARLY enjoying the sound of his own voice.

"But, I commend you for maintaining your composure." He hummed, about to raise his hand and point directly at Kokuto, before suddenly the reishi in the room SCREAMED, a loud, shrill noise filling the air before wings burst from the back of the young man's back, sharp and jagged, seeming to have needles instead of feathers as well as a thorny halo hovering over his head, a very STARTLED look showing on the young man's face as he seemed....surprised by the appearance of these features!

"OH! ..... well.... this is embarassing." He hissed, CLEARLy irritated, his pupils entirely gone, replaced by little black points in a ring at the very edges of his sclera. "And here I thought that thug Stelle would have more restraint. Too bad for you~" He grinned, snapping his fingers.

A flurry of little rings of reishi suddenly shot forward from out of his shadow at blinding speed, stopping just below Kokuto and two of the Soldat before enormous needles suddenly punched upward from the rings. The needle beneath Kokuto aiming to skewer him clean through his left hip and shoulder before the tip burst, spreading out and forming a cross as it slammed up through the roof, the needle-like cross managing an impressive size of ten meters in height as it ripped through the section of building above them, potentially with Kokuto skewered on it's length if he failed to evade, seeming to have that very same defense-punching potential as those smaller needles.

One of the Soldat managed to stumble out of the way, by sheer luck the cross needle only managing to rip through his uniform as he fell onto his ass, but the other soldat was not so lucky as the needle, would yell out as that massive needle punched up through his forearm and up into the ceiling, clutching at the limb with gritted teeth! Thankfully it seemed the man's aim toward the soldat had not been as focused as his aim toward Kokuto.

All the same, the captives would immediately begin to struggle and try to wiggle their way toward the exits, a frantic desperation in their eyes as it became abundantly clear they wanted to be as far away from this fight as possible.
"If you could kindly die to my Neytorael please~ I would be ever so grateful." Falker practically cooed.
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Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair) - Page 3 Empty Re: Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair)

Mon Dec 27, 2021 6:43 pm
Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair) - Page 3 BLVLdyZ


The fact that the old man had blocked his empowered strike with only his hand was alarming enough, even given the power he clearly wielded. The monstrous burst of strength that followed was enough to certainly rip Falke from Alastair's grip, but his reactions were sharp enough to let the weapon dissipate back into energy before it slammed back into his own chest. Still, the fist alone crashing into his chest was more than capable of knocking the Sternritter back and bowling him over several times. It might have been enough to cave in his rib cage had his own Blut not already have been active, but instead he staggered back to his feet and prepared to face the next onslaught with a dour look of determination.

"I am engaged with a second contact. He appears to have some ability to conjure avian creatures and detonate them like explosives."

Seeing the birds approaching once more as he spoke about them, though now armed with swords rather than perhaps acting as improvised feathered explosives, Alastair was able to suppress his incredulity at the situation in time to call forth Falke once more. His pupil-less eyes seethed with white heat as another blade formed in his hands, shorter than before but just as incendiary, and he quickly raised it to block an attack that surprisingly never came. Or rather - had been delayed by a considerable margin, as he threw a momentary glance to the gunslinger who had intervened on his behalf before electing to seize what little initiative had been granted by his slowing rounds.

Leaping forwards once more, vibrant wings flared as his feet left the ground, but he did not continue his assault with natural speed alone as he quickly activated Hirenkyaku to burst above the old man in what could well have been the blink of an eye. Plummeting downwards briefly, Alastair had noticed the build up of energy that was accruing in one hand of his opponent and elected to take the most direct solution by chopping down at the arm that the limb was attached to. He was already done playing around, the lives of his team and perhaps all the others were hanging in the balance so this was no time to pull punches.

Such a direct action did certainly leave him open to a counterattack given his proximity but it was rather that than let the imposter play the game at his own speed. Just like when he had sparred with Uriel, his speed was the only apparent advantage and he had to lean on it now.

Der Feuersouverän | END POST
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Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair) - Page 3 Empty Re: Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair)

Thu Dec 30, 2021 12:35 am
Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair) - Page 3 EzxrrNE


"Ogre, huh? That the best you got?"

The only words that Kokuto would be able to get out before Falker continued running his mouth. He found himself chuckling at the dramatic insult, having heard far worse in the immediate aftereffects of World War Four, and the occasional comments thrown his way by others in the Vandenreich. Compared to that, something as dramatic as "ogre" was pretty funny. However, the laughter ceased at Falker's next comment, and the eventual reveal of the name of his power.

While it was a lame as hell name, it did one thing right -- it kept the nature of it hidden. From what he understood, these... "scrifts" as the Quincy called them, often had a name associated with the idea and concept of them, not unlike his own power, Immolation. Something as vague and broad as "Overwatch" could mean a few different things. Hence, Kokuto merely braced himself as the grotesque mimicry of an angel, its aesthetic right in the uncanny valley with how...wrong it looked.

Summoning a new set of chains on his shackles, Kokuto slid a foot back, preparing to evade as his eyes looked down, seeing the rings of energy surging toward him. Slinging his arms back and digging the chains into the ceiling, Kokuto pulled himself backward to avoid the massive needle-like cross. But, in doing so, Kokuto also realized the attack on his comrades, and was too slow to stop it as he watched one of the Soldat's arms impaled and pinned to the ceiling.

Wasting no time, Kokuto kicked off the ground, broke the needle off from the ceiling and helped him to the ground. Setting him down, he tore a chunk of his uniform's sleeve, wrapping it around the wound and knotting it tightly. He was no doctor, so he could only hope that this would let him hold out until help arrived, giving a sharp glare toward the captives trying to escape before making one final call back to his reinforcements.

"Change of plans, I need a medic here. Got one injured. Doesn't look to be too bad, but better safe than sorry."

Standing up as white flames were set alight on his hands, Kokuto bore a single sentence to his comrades, before creating a wall of flames, delicately formed to ensure that the flames wouldn't spread beyond the area of influence he determined, and hot enough to melt any metal that might come that direction.

"Stay put until backup gets here. Keep an eye on those guys, too. I won't let either of ya get hurt again."

He took a deep breath, energy shimmering over his body as he activated Devil Skin, casually walking back over to Falker.

"Y'know, it ain't 'cause I think highly of myself that I did that. I just know that my life ain't as valuable as the other people here. They're Quincy, and I'm a Demon."

But, ultimately, death just didn't scare him. He had lived a long time and had already died once,been through hell -- literally -- and yet, here he was. The only thing he could hope for, if anything, was that, should he die here, it would be dying for something right, instead of some backwater sty in the Demon World. There'd be regrets, of course, but, life can't be lived without a few of those every now and then.

So, taking a deep breath, Kokuto lifted a leg, before stomping down with tremendous strength.

The stomp created fissures in the floor as well as pieces of it being knocked into the air. Immediately, Kokuto kicked a chunk toward Falker with the speed and force of a truck as he ran forward, his hands heating up as, regardless if he deflected, destroyed, or dodged the chunk of terrain, Kokuto would follow him, lifting his hands up and swinging both of them down like a hammer with equal force as his first attack. No matter what happened to him, he would ensure that he did his job.

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Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair) - Page 3 Empty Re: Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair)

Thu Dec 30, 2021 11:47 am
Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair) - Page 3 HEADER_2165399-t6dragunovprologue02

The old man smiled, eyes twinkling a little in amusement as Alastair managed to break down his own sword before he was sent flying, a slight look of annoyance crossing his expression as he noticed the effect of the fullbringer's bullets. The birds slowing as Alastair blitzed past them. However, the man's eyes flicked up, and Alastair would find those eyes already locked onto him the instant that he arrived above the old man, and as that blade streaked down to try and slice into the arm holding that collecting energy, the old man's own arm would blur, that energy finally consolidating mid-slash, such that Alastair would simply see his weapon suddenly no longer exist past the midpoint of it's length, the other end suddenly severed and then sent upward with such force that the other half of his broken weapon would spin and slice straight into his shoulder before it could disappate. Of course at that point it would simply be a question of wether Alastair's offensive might matched his defensive prowess in his own released form for if the blade even managed to scathe him, but in that instant he would also feel a sudden hot rush as a cut would simply form across his chest. Shallow, but still very present. And that mass of spiritual energy would now take complete form. A large forward-curving cleaver made from condensed spiritual energy.

"Down boy." That dull murmur would escape the older man's lips before his form vanished, sudden y speeding past Alastair with his own hirenkyaku and suddenly appearing in the gunner's face, another slash occurring at blinding speed, cleaving through the man's middle as the Gunner would suddenly crumple, clutching his chest and letting out a GRUNT as he crumpled. In the very same instant, Alastair would suddenly see a mass of wings emerging from his chest, sizzling from the heat of his own release, but not enough to stop the sudden growth of several hawks from his chest, the birds screeching as they appeared. He'd have just a brief moment to try and react to their appearance before they promptly detonated in his face, which while not something that would remove him from the fight entirely, he would hardly remain unscathed.

However, the sound of those cubes accompanying Alastair and his Soldat would cause the old man to frown. "Falker, finish up, we need to leave soon."

Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair) - Page 3 HEADER_3619637f28e0df82b8232be27708bff3

In the very same moment that Kokuto took to save his ally, the blonde man smiled, and when okuto went so far as to rip his clothing and start trying to TREAT that wound, he would very suddenly find Falker directly in his personal space, a disappointed look on his features as Kokuto would find a hand with a ring promptly reaching to grab him by his shoulder, and if he didn't stop and abandon his attempt to bandage the soldat, he'd find his very own needle cross erupting to punch clean through his shoulder and the surrounding walls.

"Oh dear, do you perhaps think you might be underestimating me? Ignoring me to tend to these pawns of yours?" He asked, his tone chastising as in that very next moment, he bolted back, distancing himself from Kokuto as if anticipating a counter attack. As powerful as this man was, he didn't seem intent on sticking close to Kokuto for extended lengths of time. His hand flinging up to meet that chunk of floor, a ring forming over his palm before a cross promptly exploded from his palm, ripping clean through that chunk of cement and possibly plowing straight through Kokuto's body as he attempted to follow up, though certainly if the demon decided to TAKE such a grievous wound through his midriff, those fists would surely manage to slam down on the Blonde man and send him straight into the floor with cratering force! Blood would even spurt from the spot as bone broke the skin and Falker would TENSE! All the while, the Soldat saved from that needle cross would drop to the floor, but they as well as their counterpart, would promptly refocus on Kokuto's orders, grabbing their captives and starting to rush deeper into the garage to try and give the demon his space to fight the quincy without having to worry about them or the prisoners! At the very least they could follow orders under pressure!

All the same, whether it was standing on his feet, or sitting in a crater beneath him, Falker would grin menacingly at Kokuto. "You know..... nothing annoys me more than someone trying too hard to be inspiring. My my, I was about to make a joke about your grotesque appearance making you a Paraiah, but by thunder I begin to wonder if you really ARE trying to compensate~" He would sneer, though his expression would...twist into a frown soon afterward, as if in response to being told something. "I'm not going anywhere!"

Reinforcements en route to both squads, ETA Thirty Seconds. Those cubes would sound off, and both Alastair and Kokuto would be able to sense the spiritual signatures of other Vandenreich rapidly approaching. It wouldn't' be long before both men received reinforcement. And a LOT of it!

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Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair) - Page 3 Empty Re: Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair)

Fri Dec 31, 2021 5:46 pm
Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair) - Page 3 BLVLdyZ


That his opponent had tracked his movement so effortlessly quickly alerted Alastair to the futility of his hasty attack, but he was already committed to the motion. He was fast enough to see the preemptive counter coming and yet also powerless to stop it from happening. To answer the question posited, his offensive capabilities were most certainly greater than the defence afforded by his release state, so the top half of Falke's blade flew upwards and slammed into his shoulder with force enough to twist his body around like a corkscrew. That did not stop the rest of his blade from slamming down into the meat of his intended target though - or it would have had the old man not disappeared mere milliseconds before the impact of the flaming blade.

Picking himself up off the ground, he had enough time to dissipate the part of his weapon that had embedded itself in his body before he noted the cut across the chest. It must have happened so fast that he had not even noticed it, and by then it was getting worse as more birds began to burst from the injury. The wound would at least cauterise rather quickly, his white-hot skin bubbling away no sooner had the last of the birds escaped. But then there was another crisis for him to deal with as the birds began to squawk and inflate, threatening further explosions. Contorting his body to minimise the target area, one orange wing wrapped itself around the Sternritter like a makeshift shield. It would absorb most of the blast but even the whole of the additional limb was not enough to completely cover his frame given the time he had to manoeuvre.

It was a miracle in itself that he was still standing after that onslaught, but perhaps it was those few spiteful words that gave him the resolve to stay on his feet. The wing that had absorbed much of the explosion was cracking and dissolving in places, the orange heat slowly beginning to sputter and die, but his eyes still burned with that same incandescent fury.

"You are.. Going.. Nowhere."

It was hardly an outcry from the younger man, perhaps even spoken just to motivate himself rather than as a threat to his opponent, but there was still strength to his words. From the shattered hilt of Falke, fresh bow limbs sprouted once more as the weapon reformed again. He could not keep up with the man in close quarters, that much was clear, but this fight was not over yet. Knocking a Heilig Pfeil, Alastair moved to engage again but this time trying to keep his distance. If he could keep the man reacting to him then at least there was the chance that he could save the other gunslinger from a darker fate.

Der Feuersouverän | END POST
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Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair) - Page 3 Empty Re: Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair)

Mon Jan 03, 2022 7:00 pm
Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair) - Page 3 EzxrrNE


Kokuto only half-expected for Falker to be busy monologuing like a cartoon villain while he tried to quickly take care of his comrade as best he could. But, as he heard him moving and heard the shift in the air, and without a second thought, a torrent of white fire erupted from his back as Falker drew near in attempt to keep him away. Even as Falker met the chunk of the floor with another one of those needle crosses, Kokuto met the attack head-on, taking the hit to the midriff without so much as flinching.

It shattered his Devil Steel and pierced his skin, but thankfully had slowed the momentum, preventing him from being fully ran through. With a quick, simple swipe of his hand, Kokuto smashed the end of the cross off, pulling the object out of him before holding a hand to the wound, flames roaring to life again as he cauterized the wound quickly. It wasn't the best handiwork, but he'd live. The roots of Kokuto's hair had begun to turn white, slowly spreading out after the last burst of heat.

His body had begun heating up as well, with small exudes of steam coming from him, and the demon's breathing was slightly heavier as he stood over Falker. Ignoring his jabs, Kokuto summoned a new set of chains. Without hesitation, Kokuto once again sent them to wrap around Falker, using a hand to also create a wall of fire around the two, caging them in. Even if he didn't succeed in wrapping them around the man, he knew that he wasn't going to give him any leeway. Should he get up and still try to fight, Kokuto would be ready.

Even if there were reinforcements coming in quickly and even if he had suddenly shouted out -- presumably talking to someone else -- that he wasn't going anywhere, he couldn't risk leaving an opening for the guy to escape. He sure loved talking a lot, and loved listening to his own voice, and god, was it annoying.

"Shut up before I break your legs, you little punk."

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Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair) - Page 3 Empty Re: Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair)

Thu Jan 06, 2022 7:06 pm
Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair) - Page 3 HEADER_2165399-t6dragunovprologue02

A pause, eyes shifting from the downed gunner to where Alastair seemed to be standing as best he could, those wings curling slightly before he turned to face the young man in entirety, flicking that cleaver to the side so that the blood splayed across the floor. "Falker, respond, you are to pull back IMMEDIATELY. Ezya PLEASE stay put!" He spoke to the side, his eyes still affixed to Alastair before his brows knitted, clearly not receiving the response he desired from the communications device. A flicker of worry crossed the old man's features. Even as he tracked Alastair's sudden shift to start engaging him from a distance. His eyes shifted to the bow, and then up to the man himself.

"Cease." The man's hand raised up, as if to stop the man in his tracks before a second hand raised up and into the air, almost a gesture of surrender. "By now we are both aware that you are in no position to continue this fight. Reinforcements may be on the way, but if you continue to push yourself, you will be dead far before they arrive. As much as I would love..... to finish off those you have captured, I value the lives of my men far more. I assume those Soldat on the other end of the building and in the secondary location are yours as well. Declare a ceasefire, and we can talk this out. Alternatively, we can fight our way out, or go down taking many of you with us." He noted, his voice calm and diplomatic. But there was a tension now in his voice, as if he didn't like whatever that communications device was feeding into his ear.

Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair) - Page 3 HEADER_3619637f28e0df82b8232be27708bff3

Falker GRINNED, reaching up and flicking his wrists so that twin needles fired out and stabbed into those chains, those pointed lengths rapidly growing and PIERCING the entire length of the corridor, anchoring the chains to the walls and stopping them entirely within their tracks as those needles became like steel bars dug into the surrounding structure and acting as a barrier between himself and Kokuto. His body flickered, zipping out from under the man in a blitz of Hirenkyaku before reappearing just a few meters away.

"MY such vigor! Such tenacity! My dear lad, if you weren't so unlucky as to be my enemy I think you and my Uncle would get along swimmingly! But ahhhhh, about that whole leg breaking thing. I'm afraid that won't be happening. You see-." A pause, his expression changing for just a moment. "What?! What do you mean emergency.... NO WE ARE NOT! EZYA St-....." He stopped himself, his lips pressed into a thin line of barely bridled rage before his attention turned toward Kokuto, and then over his shoulder, as if noticing the incoming spiritual pressures of the reinforcements. All at once, the wind was taken out of his sails, turning his attention back to Kokuto and curling his hands into fists.

"WELL, it seems that some of your are more competent than we anticipated." CLAP! Those hands met together, and a grin spread across the blonde man's features. "Rejoice! It would seem that my objective is no longer in killing you. Now you have two options: Surrender any notion of catching me, surely you know by now that you're quite thoroughly outmatched. Alternatively, you may...force my hand." He chimed, as no less than five rings formed around him, then rotated to point directly at Kokuto. "At which point I shall skewer you, and then slaughter as many of your allies as it takes to get out of here~ By all means, I HIGHLY recommend the second option. Savages such as yourself do so value an honorable death in combat, do they not?~" Clearly attempting to bait Kokuto, making no attempt at trying to run as it seemed he himself was very intent on finishing off the demon, or at the very least seemed intent on provoking him.

Reinforcements will be arriving momentarily. Chimed both men's cubes.
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Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair) - Page 3 Empty Re: Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair)

Fri Jan 07, 2022 8:45 am
Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair) - Page 3 BLVLdyZ


He thought of shooting as soon as his opponent opened his mouth, but that was not the fighter Alastair was even when on the back foot. He straightened himself out, the pain of his wounds fading with every second he could spend focusing his energy upon that rather than fighting. In a way, the old man was playing into his hand by doing nothing.

"You seem to be making a lot of assumptions about me, thus I assume you are now realising you are out of your depth, Sir. Even if you were to overcome me then your men would be dead long before you escaped. Surrender of your own volition, step away from Mr Aquila, and I will do what I can to keep your men alive."

Alastair's voice was still just as calm as it had been for the duration of their short duel. Unflinching even in the face of a man that could certainly overpower him, alluding to the fact that his own fate was far from his primary concern. If he let him get away then how many of his comrades would fall in his stead? Even one was too many.

"If you mean to continue to resist then you only prove yourself to be a liar. Call off your weapons and get on your knees, or I will assume you intend to continue this folly."

Tension hung heavy in the air as the men continued to stare one another down, but Alastair did slowly draw back the spiritual string on Falke until the first Heilig Pfeil was brimming with energy. If he was given even the slightest of reasons that his opponent intended to continue fighting then it would be released and another would follow it in a matter of milliseconds.

Der Feuersouverän | END POST
Joined : 2016-01-20
Posts : 4607
Age : 23

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Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair) - Page 3 Empty Re: Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair)

Sun Jan 09, 2022 3:17 pm
Investigate Anaconda: Breach and Pray (Kokuto/Alastair) - Page 3 EzxrrNE


Stubborn little punk was defiant until the very end, wasn't he? His attempt to pin his chains to the wall had caused his arms to suddenly jerk upward and to the side. Sighing softly, Kokuto quickly broke the chain links off from his wrists, wasting little time in hearing out what Falker had to say. With a single, swift move, Kokuto smashed through the barrier with ease, the flaming cage around them slowly coming closer and closer, shifting the orange flames to a bright white.

Without any hesitation, Kokuto walked through the broken barrier between them, making note of his change in expression as he responded to whatever was talking to him, approaching the man and wasting no time in hurling a punch at his leg before he was even finished speaking. He didn't give a shit about honor -- he had a job to do, and this little shit had already tried stabbing him in the back before. If he wanted to try and run him through before trying to escape through the walls of fire erected behind both men, he had every right to try.

Kokuto held up his fists as white flames roared to life on them, his hair slowly turning the slightest bit more pale. He knew that reinforcements were arriving momentarily, and at the very least, he had to stall for them to get here. So, with him caging the two of them in as best he could, without exhausting himself immediately, Kokuto only spoke briefly in response.

"Come and get it."

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