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Omlette du Frommage? [Tier/Lily] Empty Omlette du Frommage? [Tier/Lily]

Mon Jan 31, 2022 1:25 pm
Omlette du Frommage? [Tier/Lily] HEADA_Lilynette_06

Europe certainly was a place. Staring out into the broad countryside, Lilynette couldn't help but eye the place as the sun started to set off in the horizon, the glimmer of sunlight reflecting off so many windows and buidlings was something to see to be sure. All the while, she turned and looked around. A menagerie of broken and repaired roads leading to and from the large city. Some of them no doubt destroyed in old wars, others just put back together as best one could. It was something that intrigued her to say the least. The ruins of Las Noches certainly were a rare thing, b ut finding these ruins all over earth was so .....different. Off in the distance, she could sense her wolves spread out. Sniffing around, exploring the ruined area while Lilynette herself relaxed.

Some small part of her wondered if she aught to try bringing Ichigo and Ignacio to a place like this. Would they even care? Ignacio perhaps..... but only perhaps. It really did seem like they were fixated on other stuff.... she couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed at that. Especially with Ichigo. At times, the looks she saw on his face, she wondered how it was that he had made it so far and so long. It wasn't a thought she enjoyed having. All the same....she sighed, pulling out her phone and clicking. Music crackling as a Song began to emit from her phone, turning her attention back to the horizon.

She smiled. Heh, what a gaylord this guy sounded like.
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Omlette du Frommage? [Tier/Lily] Empty Re: Omlette du Frommage? [Tier/Lily]

Mon Jan 31, 2022 8:53 pm
Omlette du Frommage? [Tier/Lily] Ds0HV3y

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

There’s a glow about Earth that one wouldn’t find in Hueco Mundo. The cycle that exists; day to night, night to day, Tier found it interesting. She’s seen it before, but thinking about it as a constant boggled her mind. Though, it felt silly for something like that to amaze her so much. She’s spent so long in an endless nightmare that being able to dream and wake up felt entirely foriegn. Still, this fact of Earth isn’t enough to sway her heart. All it did was make it ache.

She’s not here to watch the setting sun, so she continued on her way. The fields seem peaceful enough despite the ruined road she followed. France is what Ichigo called this area. If she kept on, she would eventually reach Paris, but the city isn’t what she’s looking for exactly. Tier could feel her, his half. It’s been so long since she’s seen another Espada. Ichigo’s already filled her in on the situation that Lilynette is in, and it’s morbidly humorous to think that they all share that one important trait with one another. Loneliness really does bring together the unlikely few.

She ran into one of the smaller Arrancar’s wolves before reaching the actual woman. Though, not knowing how to approach exactly left her there, standing motionlessly. She knows she’ll be noticed, surely, and if these wolves are what she expects them to be, Lilynette knows of her presence. It’s probably best to just wait for something to happen, so that is what Tier does, finding her gaze watching the sun continue to set as the sky darkened and stars began to blink into existence. Beautiful, if one cared to wonder her thoughts.

END POST | Former Tercera Espada

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Omlette du Frommage? [Tier/Lily] Empty Re: Omlette du Frommage? [Tier/Lily]

Mon Jan 31, 2022 9:10 pm
Omlette du Frommage? [Tier/Lily] HEADA_Lilynette_06

Lilynette had sensed the woman's presence. Her own passive ability to sense souls was fairly high as it were, and even moreso the wolves certainly noticed Tier as she made her way over toward the ex-Primera. Several of them promptly making their way over to the woman, one of them even swooping in and pushing its head under her hand, walking past so that it slid along it's skull in a fascimile of being petted. All of them were wagging their tails as they looked up expectantly at her, all of them mostly infront of her with a few occassionaly circling behind her to sniff her hakama or her sandals.

It took just a moment before Lilynette looked over her shoulder and spotted the tall beauty directly, a sly smirk forming on her face as she noticed the gloomy flower of Hueco Mundo, blossoming in the world of the living at last. "Well well well, look what the shark dragged in. Sup Tier. Wanna pop a squat?" She asked with a gesture to the spot beside her as her phone continued to play the song to it's conclusion. She didn't bother queueing up another song just yet, after all now she had a whole other thing to entertain her. And boy was she .....curious what had brought the woman down here.

She knew what Tier was doing. Two people searching the desert didn't just NOT run into eachother. They had met plenty of times since the old war. Mostly just ...spotting one another in passing. Once or twice she'd said hello, but it had been quite a while since she'd seen the woman.
"You're just in time. Sun's about to crack down over the horizon soon. All that gold's about to turn to like...purple and shit soon. And whew, just wait till it hits the glass." She noted with a warm hum in her voice. She loved shit like this she found down in these dumpy places. So much more interesting than Hueco Mundo.
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Omlette du Frommage? [Tier/Lily] Empty Re: Omlette du Frommage? [Tier/Lily]

Tue Feb 01, 2022 4:46 am
Omlette du Frommage? [Tier/Lily] Ds0HV3y

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

Snarky as ever. Hearing her voice again, Tier couldn’t help but point out the similarities to her Fraccion and Santa. Most people she seems to enjoy having around tend to have a bit of a boisterous nature about them. Though, without Starrk’s temper to keep Lilynette at bay, Tier had always found her a bit much. It was just her way of speaking, that hip speech of hers that always left the shark confused. Santa spoke the same, and, to be honest, left Tier just as befuddled.

However, she didn’t show much irritation, and, instead, she found herself keen on showing the wolves around her as much attention as they asked for. She knows they’re just Lilynette acting like a toddler, but with everything that’s happened, Tier didn’t mind the amount of affection they asked for. Besides, she always thought of Lilynette as a kid or puppy. Seeing her aged up, even without her other half, filled Tier with a bit of… pride?

“The human world’s sky is fascinating, I suppose. There's satisfaction from watching it shift as it does. If only Hueco Mundo cared for such aesthetics.”

…She actually neared the other and sat down beside her, her stature bent over as her arms resting on her thighs. Her eyes gazed out, a sigh escaping from her lips. With her mask showing, the only thing that really gave away her thoughts were her eyes, and they showed a bit of sadness in them.

“It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Seems we’ve both been swept into the antics of Ichigo Kurosaki.”

She cares not to speak about his current state.

END POST | Former Tercera Espada

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Omlette du Frommage? [Tier/Lily] Empty Re: Omlette du Frommage? [Tier/Lily]

Tue Feb 01, 2022 2:16 pm
Omlette du Frommage? [Tier/Lily] HEADA_Lilynette_06

Lilynette paused, perking up just a little and smiling when she noticed Tier promptly paying a generous amount of attention to the wolves that swarmed around her. As soon as she began petting them they all began to compete for attention, some of themfusing together so that there wasn't any of them getting left out, all happily wagging their tails. She was well aware that on some level she annoyed Tier. Which WAS very satisfying, but all the same she was glad that their relationship wasn't tarnished by that as well. Looking over her shoulder, she chuckled softly and tilted her head. "If only getting a friggin sun in our sky was as simple as caring about it. Heh, I'm sure some idiot hollow would try to shoot it down or some stupid shit." She noted with a smile, turning her attention back to the horizon.

When Tier actually sat beside her Lilynette actually was ....surprised, shocked even to see Tier's mask out and in the open, as the busty waterqueen settled beside her and let out that exasperated sigh in regards to their mutual She smiled, a chuckle escaping her for a moment. "Guess we have. Him and his little boyfriend Ignacio certainly seem to have their own little thing going on. " She mused lightly.

But...... as the both of them stared out to the sunset. Some small part of her .....let that smile on her face die out just a little. And ....just slightly.... Lilynette allowed that joyous, bright attitude of hers to fade for a moment as she stared off into the distance, as the wolves promptly settled on either side of Tier and Lilynette, the girl lightly petting one of their heads as she watched the sky. "You're wearing your mask out. Always thought it looked really cool........" She noted quietly.

"You've always been pretty cool in general. Me'n Starrk appreciated that."
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Omlette du Frommage? [Tier/Lily] Empty Re: Omlette du Frommage? [Tier/Lily]

Tue Feb 01, 2022 4:05 pm
Omlette du Frommage? [Tier/Lily] Ds0HV3y

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

“Rather vulgar.”

She means both Lilynette’s language and the idea of a Hollow deliberately trying to blow up a star. Though, the thought amused her. Their race is known for many things, vile things, but, at least, they all shared a commitment to chase after what they want. If only the chase did not involve such horrifics.

“Hey. Someone else thought it was cool too.”

Ah. She didn’t really mean to blurt that out, but it’s still weird to hear compliments like that. She would have blushed a bit because of how she deflected from having to say thank you or something, but she’s not going to let this munchkin see her face any shade other than its norm. Guess that’s just another way in which her mask is cool.

“...I always thought of you and Starrk as… friends… Even if I never showed it, you two were the few that I would have liked to have gotten to know with or without Aizen.”

Tier is drastically different from her norm. Her mask is out, she’s being so sentimental, and one could even see a bit of happiness in her gaze. Though, the solemn reality they live in kept her gaze more of a mournful glee than one of pure happiness. She wishes Starrk was here, not only to converse with, but to make Lilynette whole. Making new friends is great and all, but there’s just something about those special irreplaceable few. So, she didn’t mind reaching out and placing a hand atop the other’s head. What’s better than petting wolves? Well, probably this.

END POST | Former Tercera Espada

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Omlette du Frommage? [Tier/Lily] Empty Re: Omlette du Frommage? [Tier/Lily]

Tue Feb 01, 2022 4:31 pm
Omlette du Frommage? [Tier/Lily] HEADA_Lilynette_06
She laughed just a little at that comment, grinning from ear to ear as she glanced at the woman. "Vulgar doesn't make it not true."

Lilynette paused for a moment at that and quirked a brow, smirking just a bit and chuckling softly. Pleased to hear that someone else had joined the Chomper Enjoyment club. "'It's a pretty fantastic mask. I think if you showed it more often you'd find plenty of people thought so. Well....along with a buncha horny humans who wished it wasn't in the way. Fuck they are somethin else. It's almost cute sometimes. You should see this little shinigami that's been following me like a puppy." She hummed.

And then the past was brought up... and she fell..... a little quieter for a moment. Staring off into the distance and then closing her eye as she thought back to the past. "We felt the same way. I still do. I think he'd be happy to see you coming out of your shell a little. Starrk had that problem bad.... but he always kept his eyes open when I told him about all the other arrancar I'd run into out in Lac Noches." A cheeky grin spreading across her face. "He wanted to be out there so bad....." That smile slowly faded. "I think.......that's why I was.....the way I was. Our power was so much. I think he was afraid of killing you guys too. He took all of our power for I could go out and be with everyone without having to worry." She closed her good eye.

And was ....surprised when she felt that hand ontop of her head. Glancing over to the woman and closing her eyes. If it were anyone else....she'd have bit them or worse. But....for Tier....she let the woman gently pet her head directly. Something she abundantly enjoyed. Something often only enjoyed through her wolves. She closed her eyes and leaned a bit into the woman, staring off into the sunset as she did.

"This is pretty gay."
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Omlette du Frommage? [Tier/Lily] Empty Re: Omlette du Frommage? [Tier/Lily]

Wed Feb 02, 2022 5:02 pm
Omlette du Frommage? [Tier/Lily] Ds0HV3y

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

“I read somewhere that gay is just another term for happy.”

Why, was that her own little zinger? However, despite how solemn things have grown between the two, even as they ruminate on the past, Tier could not deny how warm it is to be able to simply sit beside a familiar face. She will always quietly pray for those that have perished, always wish they could be here, but she won’t allow those feelings to drown out the happiness one feels at times like this.

“Don’t ever change, Lilynette. When you’re reunited with Starrk, make sure he can remember you. You better call him gay and everything under the sun and moon for leaving you alone for so long.”

She could feel her own words sting her like piranha swarming her bleeding corpse. All she could see for a moment were the words she threw at everyone she had met before, the hatred, the disdain, the sickening feeling of being asked to move on. For a second, her hand atop Lilynette’s head quivered, those fingers pressing down. It is not like Tier to show emotion, especially something as raw as fear or sadness, but she could not help but feel the heavy weight of a salty sea threaten to choke her, pull her under, and spill from her emerald eyes. For a moment, her body trembled, but, pulling herself together, she simply sighed and looked out at the world before the two Arrancar.


END POST | Former Tercera Espada

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Omlette du Frommage? [Tier/Lily] Empty Re: Omlette du Frommage? [Tier/Lily]

Wed Feb 02, 2022 5:38 pm
Omlette du Frommage? [Tier/Lily] HEADA_Lilynette_06

Lilynette ACTUALLY barked out laughing in response to that little chuckle, and if it were anyone else she might have added in a little threat like 'well you better be careful or I'm gonna 'happy' the fuck out of you. But she was far too surprised by Tier making an ACTUAL joke to actually think of something clever like that.

And all the more....she paused, looking back to the horizon as Tier asked her to stay the way she was, a little.....fond smile crossing her lips as she thought about all the stuff she'd yell at Starrk for when she actually found him. And then she ...felt it. The unsteadiness that came from Tier when that hand seemed to waver on her head. She looked over her shoulder, and saw the faintest ...glimmer in the woman's eyes using her wolves. Tier's sake. She didn't turn her actual head. She ....pretended not to see Tier like that.

Instead, she gently reached out, and slipped her arms around the woman's waist, pulling her into a hold and leaning against her as she looked out to the skies as that brilliant orange sky began to shift and turn purple around it's edges. The sun....finally starting to set. And once it did....she looked straight up. And watched as the sky overhead slowly darkened.....and those first brilliant shards of starlight broke through the atmosphere.'d never find those in Hueco Mundo.

"Least we got eachother in the meantime right? And Little Ichigo to look after." She noted softly. And ......fell quiet for .... a few seconds. [color=dodgerblue]"I've......been avoiding something....for a long time now. but I....I don't think I can really avoid it any longer.
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Omlette du Frommage? [Tier/Lily] Empty Re: Omlette du Frommage? [Tier/Lily]

Thu Feb 03, 2022 4:32 am
Omlette du Frommage? [Tier/Lily] Ds0HV3y

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

“If it is something you wish to relay to me, I am here to listen.”

She’s not going to push Lilynette to speak about something she may be uncomfortable sharing. Tier understands. She doesn't mind sitting here, staring up at the night sky with silence between the two women. Though, it’s probably hard for anything to fit between them right now. It is mostly Lilynette keeping their personal space shattered, but Tier shows no notion of wanting the other gone from her side. She may not seem as earnest to return to said actions, but she is not so heartless as to not feel comfortable with them.

In fact, there’s nothing to really talk about anymore, considering. It is Lilynette’s space to speak if she wishes, and Tier has nothing to add to their moment together without the other’s say. The night sky is simply too beautiful to disturb it with casual talk. Things aren’t casual between them right now.

END POST | Former Tercera Espada

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