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For Once [ Ehefra/Micaiah] - Page 2 Empty Re: For Once [ Ehefra/Micaiah]

Sun Feb 20, 2022 8:52 pm
For Once [ Ehefra/Micaiah] - Page 2 HEADER_CXaN6XIUEAA7QPb

Ehefra paused for a moment and ....considered the very notion. Was ICE sculpting a party trick? She didn't think so, but hey maybe if someone had ice powers. All the same she supposed she understood the crux of what was being laid out. She supposed she COULD devise some......trick or whatever. But honestly she had no talent with like...showmanship. She was about getting results not looking cool. "Fair enough..." She'd concede to that point.

All the more, she couldn't help but smirk just a little at Micaiah. Ah how very adorably naive. "I'm afraid that sure ain't the way my story tells. The only men I see mostly are at work. Well, the only ones that give me a second glance at least." She murmured, briefly wondering if she simply let off an unapproachable aura? No she was .... so ....NICE! And Gentle! and Friendly! She didn't let ANY of that crazy shit that went on in her head get out. She went through a TREMENDOUS amount of effort to TRY and ...put up this .....facade. Of normalcy. Of regularity. Of a nice....friendly girl. And for what? Apparently nothing.

The helping hand from Micaiah certainly helped her collect herself just a little, offering a sheepish smile and a chuckle as the woman asked about THAT sort of consideration. "No. No nonononononono. No you see, I don't live that sort of Dangerous you know. This.....vandenreich thing. Savy?" She blinked....what the fuck was that accent? She cleared her throat. "The only sort of relationship I'll ever maintain is the barrel that one day stares me in the face. You wouldn't believe the sort of shit that goes on these days. Thugs. Murderers. Maniacs of all kinds." She started to laugh, chuckling ever so gently.

"And I would....what? Give some guy or girl a shit partner to begin with? I can't. commMIT or ....anything like that. I'vuh very poor impulse control aszit were and drinking shertailny doesn't elp with any of that, old chap. So this already getting this .....dysfunctional litle thing. And gets attached. And then I go...die in....fucking....Russia or some shit. And they just never know what happened to me?" She giggled, smiling as she shook her head at the very idea. " should see me ...fight hollows. I....ahah....they're....POISONOUS to me....djyou know that? And I just....ahah..I ...FIGHT them...with my bare hands!" She giggled, holding her side for a moment as she took a brief instant to admire the absurdity of her life.

"No. No I think casual is the way to go for me. And what've yourshelf? Surely a ....spunky girl such as you must have no end to suitors and the like hm?" What fucking french english slurring was going on? Get a hold of yourself Ehefra! She straightened up a little and cleared her throat. Right. Refocuse. Look Micaiah in the eyes. Wait for words from her face.
Lord of the Understream
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For Once [ Ehefra/Micaiah] - Page 2 Empty Re: For Once [ Ehefra/Micaiah]

Sun Feb 20, 2022 9:14 pm


Micaiah lifted her face in pride. Fair enough was right, as Micaiah tended to be. Though, what Ehefra said next seemed to defy that. Eh, nah, that wouldn't be the case. There was a way to affirm it a little, too. She scooched in close, downed the shot in her hand and set it down for a moment, and put her hand up to Ehefra's head, meaning to gently pull her bangs back. Hmm... yes. Micaiah nodded to what she had confirmed; Ehefra's face wasn't bad at all.

"Well, why do you figure the boys don't come flocking towards you? I don't think it's your face, and when you approached me you seemed more than friendly enough, so it's gotta be something. What do you reckon that is?"

Maybe it was her smell? Micaiah took in a whiff, but she confirmed that it wasn't anything odd. Smelling badly was definitely a huge deterrent. That's why Micaiah always took care to smell immaculate, not just for other people, but for herself. That, and if she let herself stay a mess for too long, then pesky old demon king would make a racket in her head about propriety or something. No thanks.

"Well, I'll tell ya what, life's way too much of a struggle to be missing out on that sort of stuff. If you have any interest in a person, romantically or even just sexually, you should pursue that. Finding ways to fulfill yourself is critical, trust me--go on too long without it, and existence becomes a crushing force that burrows you into the dirt. And then, you find yourself asking at that point, 'what's the point of living at all?' You're better of not going that route.

Don't let something inconsequential like murderers and maniacs deter you. You got coworkers, right? It's the same for them, and I betcha they got their own relationships goin' on in the background."

For a second, Micaiah had to internally recognise the wisdom in her words. Truly, a mind larger than life. She gave herself a mental nod of self-appreciation.

"Ehhh, Russia probably won't be where you die. Some place out in the wastelands is more likely--I know a guy up there, he ain't the fondest of lettin' people die willy nilly here and there, even though I bet he's made his own fair share of graves, ahahaha!"

Man, talking this much had her own throat drying up a little. Whoop, another shot in. This was the kind of talk that was maybe better off having only one person being drunk. It was too interesting of a conversation for Micaiah to let herself get drunk for anyways.

"Lissen, gurl, lemme tell ye somethin'. Ain't nobody you've ever met is put together. Everyone's got something going on. C'mere."

Micaiah leaned in closer and put her arm around Ehefra, pulling her head in to lean on her shoulder. A lotta people out there really didn't appreciate how nice some physical comfort was.

"All ya gotta do is keep movin' forward. Figure out the parts of yourself you're chillin with, and don't mind the rest. Heck, you can even have other people tidy up the rest of you. That's why it's important to have friends, people who got your back. They'll fix you up even when you don't want them to. With how many messed up people there are out there, it's not the kind of stuff you needa sweat. Take is sloooow. You get me?"

The blonde didn't respond to that last part. It was much more interesting for her to talk about Ehefra's ruminations than give out details about herself.


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For Once [ Ehefra/Micaiah] - Page 2 Empty Re: For Once [ Ehefra/Micaiah]

Sun Feb 20, 2022 9:40 pm
For Once [ Ehefra/Micaiah] - Page 2 HEADER_CXaN6XIUEAA7QPb

Ehefra blinked, breif confusion crossing her features as her eyes darted to almost wince in the briefest motions of disgust she might have ACTUALLY displayed tonight. Not at the other woman growing close... but at her own self being...inspected. A surge of instantanious self-doubt hit her like a truck. She hated it, she didn't like being looked at this closely, and even though it wasn't enough to not let Micaiah get a good look, there was still the slight, almost-snarl on Ehefra's face as she mentally imagined the plainness there. she was ....alright. But pretty? No. She didn't think so. Not the way that those....fucking......blonde....foreign...HUSSIES could be. Helle was a stellar example of such. A Strong, mature....maternal face. The very thought of it made her dig her nails into her own pants for just an instant.

She glanced back to Micaiah. A youthful face as well, that made her feel better. She could at least look mature by comparison. "That's certainly all well and nice to SAY. But doing it is something else entehn...entirely." She assured her, seeming to just sortof....acclimate to ..WHATEVER it was Micaiah was doing. Sniffing her? She just let it happen she suppose, losing herself in her own mental landscape of dreary. "What is a kiss? When all is told...what is it? An oath takhen a little closer, a promise more exact. A wish that longs to be confirmhmed. A rozy circle drawn around the word 'to love'. A kiss is a secret that takes the lips for the ear, a moment of infinity humming like a bee. A communion tasting of flowers. A way of breathing in a little of the heart and tasting a little of the soul one the edge of the lips." She recited, eyes drifting to a close as she raised her glass, lips thinning as she held such bitterness in its recitation. Briefly, her inebriation seeming to evaporate to say the words that she held so close.

Only for her eyes to flutter open when she felt.... Oh no. Her mask of dreary broke and showed a brief hinting of despair. Her eyes scrunching tight. "My ugly is on the inside. They can smell it in my sss whrords. The things I say, it's all out there... on the table. Instinct I figure.... and they get the scent of danger that makes hairs prickhle and the pupils prick like pins. Hatred. If you fear hate it. Slow....Why should I take it slow? Hm?" She giggled, painful little fluttering of a laugh in her throat.

"Wether you shovel in heapshz orh just....flick with a little...diggy...brush. It's still a comppost heap yer digging up..." She grunted. She paused....eyes refocusing, sobering up just.... a tiny bit in response to what was coming out of her own mouth. She sipped the tiniest sip. As if THAT would help. "Your shivalry is ...appreciated. You're a good girl. I can tell that." She notted and tapped her temple with her free hand, as if to emphesize her wisdom. "Girl like you? You'll make a fine wife. Once you find the right one. Make em happy as can be, you will. They're gonna love every bit of you. From your Yo's to your No's."
Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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For Once [ Ehefra/Micaiah] - Page 2 Empty Re: For Once [ Ehefra/Micaiah]

Sun Feb 20, 2022 10:08 pm


Hmmm. She sure did say a lot in that one go. Not all of being the stuff Micaiah agreed with, necessarily. The ugly on the inside was something she could relate too, though. Could people smell it? Micaiah lifted her arm and took a sniff of her pits. Maybe she'd ask Maujuda later, he was the only person who really knew her well enough to have an informed judgement call to make.

That aside, the part of the kiss. Micaiah nearly applauded herself; young Ehefra truly did seem like a flower waiting to bloom. How adorable.

"Well, is that really what a kiss is? The action, I figure, isn't really what determines the feelings and the meanings. There's different kinds of kisses, too. Like, here, for example:"

With her hand on Ehefra's far side, Micaiah pushed the lass's chin towards her and gave her a smooch on the lips.

"What about that?"


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For Once [ Ehefra/Micaiah] - Page 2 Empty Re: For Once [ Ehefra/Micaiah]

Sun Feb 20, 2022 10:26 pm
For Once [ Ehefra/Micaiah] - Page 2 HEADER_CXaN6XIUEAA7QPb

Ehefra smiled just a little to herself. Even drunk out her ass, she recognized the expression that Micaiah had when she recited such a thing. Ah yes she DID love her quotes, at least from certain sources. Unaware of whatever...... kinship that this Northern god might have to her words of self deprecation. Was that not how everyone felt? But wasn't it so very different with them? Weren't they just THAT much more fucked up?

Different kinds? She was about to reply when she felt her chin turn, and then their lips met. Briefly, she fizzled, her drunk-out brain was ready to make lemon into lemonade, and this bitch just handed it an aged wine. What was she supposed to do with this? She could still vaguely remember Micaiah saying she was straight, no she JUSt said moments ago that was her preference, and she couldn't help but smile and chuckle.

"So far as they go. It certainly felt more like a point than a poem." She noted before she ....chuckled and raised her hand. As if to bar any further motions. "You're Drunk Miccy. Don't let sad girls get you handing out pity kisses. Save THOSE for the sad boys hm?" She smiled just a bit wider. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh what self loathing. She had enjoyed that. Oh yes she had enjoyed it, Ehefra you gay little homo idiot. She closed her eyes, brief as it had been it still made her have to take a moment. "Myour turn. I can tell you've something to say. Pity isn't just a know.....throw...thing. You did that because you see me ...doing... a mirror." She chuckled. "That's alright. We can both be sad drunk girls. MH! The closet!" She declared, pointing her finger up in the air as if getting a brilliant idea! Oh no. "Mh, no I said I wouldn't. Plus I think I locked the door. That's fine though, you still look nice. Oof, look at you. God you have nice taste in clothes. This JACKET is fantastic! Look at all the pockets." She chuckled.
Lord of the Understream
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For Once [ Ehefra/Micaiah] - Page 2 Empty Re: For Once [ Ehefra/Micaiah]

Sun Mar 13, 2022 7:04 pm


Micaiah wasn't really drunk, but correcting Ehefra wasn't really in the right vibe, so to speak; going along with the moment was more fun anyways. It was also interesting to see the girl go from reflectively depressive to absently enjoying herself.

"Hm? Me? Nah, nothing too much to say, but, uh, here, you should drink some of this."

Card, to light, to bottle of water. Micaiah handed it to the girl, though if it looked like she wasn't too capable of doing it herself, Micaiah would put the bottle to Ehefra's lips and tilt it up for her.

That aside, maybe Ehefra had a point. The guy from Russia she knew was a sad boy himself, and the first time they met, Micaiah had her tongue in his mouth. Wait a minute, did Micaiah have... a type? She shook her head to dismiss the thought--surely this wasn't the case.

"Pockets? Oh, yeah, it does have a lot of those! Pockets are kind of redundant for me, so I don't really notice my clothes having much of them."


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For Once [ Ehefra/Micaiah] - Page 2 Empty Re: For Once [ Ehefra/Micaiah]

Sun Mar 13, 2022 7:23 pm
For Once [ Ehefra/Micaiah] - Page 2 HEADER_CXaN6XIUEAA7QPb

Ehefra giggled softly at that, smile amusing itself across her lips as she let her head cant to the side to watch Mic as they produced something, clapping lightly and shaking her head. "Brahvo mah bruh! Oh thats so fuckin cool! Howshit work? Iszzit like ...does it encode what is being stored? Fuck I wanna scan it sho bad." She giggled, admiring the bottle of water that had been offered and opening the bottle. Yep, it was very good that Micaiah was right there to help since ehefra promptly missed her mouth and poured water onto her own shoulder with a "Whoops!" Blinking rapidly before she let out a noise as Micaiah started trying to help her drink it. Briefly she seemed disgruntled, but ultimately allowed herself to be guided to gulping some of the water down, coughing for a brief moment.

"Excellent! AHAH! Cheers! To cute straight girls!" she declared, smiling from ear to ear as she promptly took another drink from her glass, promptly obliterating any good the water might have done. Mic would probably have to get that glass away from her. All the same, she grunted and peeled her shirt off. No secondary thought, she just tore it off, ripping the fabric with her own sheer strength and tossing the sopping bit aside, leaving her in the onyx embrace of her bra. "Lookit you go. Helping sad gay girls out. Shit I ....I du...ahahahah." She grinned, shaking her head. "I don't even fucking...don't get me started on....whatever my straight shit is. Fuckin...been a wild few months I'll tellyha that." She shook her head before pausing, peering a bit at Micaiah and then smiling crookedly.

"You ever think about how yer gonna die? Boysh it somethin.... you just....SEE someone almost die and suddenly you just.... " She waved both hands on either side of her head, as if to pantomime a wind rushing past her. "Thought I was shtraight. Whole-ass life! Fuckin LOVE me a good handsome man. HAted any bitch that looked like competishin. God I wanted to be pretty like them.... so much I fuckin hated em. And then?" She raised both hands, smiling from ear to ear. "Two of em'n like....fortytwen..twenty......two days." She shook her head and giggled. "FUCKIT cuz what... Mjust ....SAD about my own fuckin looks forever? Hate girls likehyou for bein pretty and blonde? If yahcant beat em, FUCK em!" She giggled and shook her head, seeming entirely amused that she had gone to such envy to being enamored with the very focus of her own despise. "Whaddaya think that says about me, hm? You and your pockets. You got a there that can esplain that?" She rested her head against the back of the couch. "Mh. how about you? Who do YOU hate? Cmon don't be shy."
Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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For Once [ Ehefra/Micaiah] - Page 2 Empty Re: For Once [ Ehefra/Micaiah]

Wed Mar 16, 2022 5:08 am


"Howsit work? Uhh, I don't actually know too well. It's just, well, 'magic'. Believe me, I've had my efforts in trying to understand how 'magic' works, and to be honest, it's kinda just nonsense."

Micaiah shrugged and continued demonstrating the faculties of the Akshaya Patra while feeding Ehefra her water. Cards summoned, rotated around in mid-air, turned into various items, and turned back into cards consumed into the gourd. The golden light illuminated the room and gave an ephemeral sense of warmth, though no actual heat was generated.

She was more than willing to allow Ehefra to do her scans over the gourd, but a voice in her head cautioned against it. While Micaiah wasn't prone to really listening, the tone conveyed seemed serious enough for her to refrain. Micaiah also refrained from putting a stop to her new friend's antics; no need to stop the party now, yeah?

Hm. Ehefra's bra choice was respectable, if not bold. Micaiah nodded her head in approval and reciprocated the cheers, gulping her own glass down and thinking about what the girl said.

"Well, I died once, and it turned out pretty good. So, I ain't all too concerned about how I'm gonna die and stuff. Shit happens, we go next. Can't worry too much about the small stuff like dying, you know?"

There were much scarier things out there in the world--and sometimes inside yourself--than something like dying. Of that, Micaiah was very sure.

"Well, girl, I think it says you got some PROBLEMS! Hahaha, that sure is a weird fuckin' way of thinking, but you know what, it's pretty funny. Should probably work on that or something. Or don't! It's really up to you."

There was a lot Ehefra was saying, and Micaiah figured some of it was rhetorical. She just enjoyed unraveling the mind of this girl, and boy oh boy was she unraveling.

"Hm.... who do I hate... nobody, really. Well..."

This girl was pretty drunk. The kind of drunk that, while they spilled out their heart and soul, it kinda encouraged others no matter how sober to be very 'sharing'.

"Myself, I guess. That's where I can relate to you? Got things I hate about myself, stuff that sometimes feels like there ain't no fixing cause, like, that's just me. You know?"


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For Once [ Ehefra/Micaiah] - Page 2 Empty Re: For Once [ Ehefra/Micaiah]

Wed Mar 16, 2022 6:08 am
For Once [ Ehefra/Micaiah] - Page 2 HEADER_CXaN6XIUEAA7QPb

Ehefra WOULD have snorted a bit at the woman's apparent lack of interest in how that thing worked were it not for the woman cycling through and showing over and over how it worked, Ehefra smiling from ear to ear as she watched it with a clear fascination, slumping a little on the back of the sofa and chuckling to herself as she watched that strange thing occur before her very face.

"Gosh its fuckin nice. So cool.... FUCK you're cool. The chesst, fuck did you REALLY only learn that shit today? Bananas..." She murmured, briefly recalling the girl's apparent little hot streak in playing chess, which frankly she STILL would be incredulous about if she weren't fuckass drunk.

So fuckass drunk in fact that she blinked, peering a little at Micaiah when she talked about death, entirely forgetting what she herself had been talking about moments before. Though the part about her having problams only brought a grin to Ehefra's lips, giving Mic the fingerguns as she clicked her teeth. "Damn right I got problems." She giggled, but that's when the giggling stopped. A brief almost sober look of surprise crossing her features when Micaiah let that one drop. If Ehefra had been ....even vaguely sober. She might have held her tongue a bit on the matter, what with her having JUST spilled her own guts about her own ..... mess going on. She might have done a little more work on unpacking just WHAT it was about her she was talking about. But she wasn't, and she didn't.

"Oh sweetie..." she murmured in slurred tone, giving Mic her own pitying look before she reached out and promptly almost fell over as she reached over, missing serveral times before she finally put her hands on the girl's shoulders and attempted to turn their head so they were looking her in the eye, Ehefra herself now practically only staying upright because she was holding onto her.

"Just....because you ..hate your own ....fssstuff... Doesn't mean it'strue. Yourh brain....fuck...onh...okay nmaybe it's a little true. But you can't care about that shit. Don' ...ANY ....of the ...the shits. Cuz gues what? Every duck...fuckin....every fucker out there's just as fffuckin fucked up as you'n me. You wouldn't ffffuckin bahLEEV how many .... just..." She almost fell over, a little wOOP escaping her as she clung a bit to the blonde, who thankfully was far sturdier in her stature than her.

"What...whatwasItalkin about? OH! You...girl. You're fine. Give yourself... a ...little bit of slack. I did! And look where I am." She giggled, smiling from ear to ear and slumping to her side, now all but crumpled against the back of the Sofa, her grip more or less gone as she chuckled to herself. "Fuckin...hangin out with... a magic...northern... thundergod...twin headed thunder dragon...! So. Guess I'm doin somethin right." She chuckled in simplistic reasoning. Definitely having lost herself a little in whatever point she was trying to make. But seeming to be satisfied with what she THOUGHT she'd been making.
Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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For Once [ Ehefra/Micaiah] - Page 2 Empty Re: For Once [ Ehefra/Micaiah]

Sun Mar 20, 2022 9:00 pm


Having her shoulders seized caught Micaiah by surprise, but she didn't put up much resistance. Still, to be, well, comforted verbally like this--that was a first, to be honest. It was... weird. Like a mushiness sort of feeling. What Ehefra said was stuff she never really heard before--but opening up like that wasn't really Micaiah's thing to begin with, and even then it was the kinda thing you'd laugh about at the tavern and gloss over. Guess it depended on the setting. It was weird, but it was also kind of nice, new as it was.

"Well, you're pretty cute yourself." Micaiah put her hand over to Ehefra's head to pat it, before moving both her hands to Ehefra's back to give her a hug.

"Same goes to you. Don't sweat the others so much. You said it yourself--look where you are now!"


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