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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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The Hybrid King
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Enna's Little Savior [Saisei x Isabella] Left_bar_bleue10015/100000Enna's Little Savior [Saisei x Isabella] Empty_bar_bleue  (10015/100000)

Enna's Little Savior [Saisei x Isabella] Empty Enna's Little Savior [Saisei x Isabella]

Tue Mar 22, 2022 9:45 pm
Enna's Little Savior [Saisei x Isabella] TZOwHr3

Saisei Satō | A Dream Realized

Yet another day passed in Enna, yet another day Saisei found himself at the mercy of its people. The early morning sun crested a nearby hill, basking the young man and the people of Enna in its gentle glow. Today, of all days, was a planned venture of sorts. The townsfolk had requested Saisei from the Vanetti for a day out, a day where he'd help each and every person that felt they needed it. Of course, Saisei couldn't say no to the lovely people. Even if he tried, they'd drag him along one way or another.

The first task of the day, the one he was looking forward to the most, was menial labor. The town hall was in need of renovations, the windows and shutters were in poor condition, the inside needed quite a cleaning and, in general, the building had seen better days. Saisei was tasked with a deep cleaning and even deeper repairing to the outside of the building. On the plus side, this was his area of expertise. Dirty work as they'd say.

"So, that all you need for the day?"

A gentle smile crossed his face as he looked to the nearby man that had led him here. A grandpa most likely, one of the town's oldest elders, had been the one that dragged him along so quickly. He looked about 5'3 and stood with a hunch, in his early years he was surely a handsome man. With a quick nod, he pointed to the entrance and spoke.

"Yes sir. If you'd be so kind as to leave the door locked behind you after you handle your business we'd much appreciate it. If you need help I'm sure some boys will run by at some point today, otherwise I'm sure you'll be fine on your own. Grazie, Saisei."

The old man's smile beamed as he turned away and left with a lazy wave. With that, Saisei was alone with just the sounds of quiet steps and laughing children to fill his mind. The townsfolk were kind, far too kind to someone like him. As a stranger, it left him with a bit of joy that people seemed so keen on taking interest in his own kindness. It was whatever, the man shrugging to himself before getting to work.

"Lets see... Time to get to work, huh?"

With what little time he had he'd be sure to leave this place in better shape than it was when he arrived. At the end of the day, his greatest hope was that with all of this hard work came at least a little change for the Vanetti. Standing in the town hall's doorway, Saisei looked throughout its innards to survey the damage.

"Maybe... this'll be a bigger mess than I thought."

He chuckled, this'll be fun.

END POST | Imelda's Lapdog

Enna's Little Savior [Saisei x Isabella] FXpoQxJ
Enna's Little Savior [Saisei x Isabella] 2Y9rqGk

Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Enna's Little Savior [Saisei x Isabella] Empty Re: Enna's Little Savior [Saisei x Isabella]

Thu Mar 24, 2022 3:46 am

If there was one thing Isabella knew of in this world, it was that there was always more to an excessively kind person. Nevermind the fact that this was some random boy brought home by Imelda from who knows where. Well, not who knows where. Soon as he came into Enna, Isabella knew about it. So did the rest of the family. Hell, Isabella knew about him once Imelda made contact in South America. Love and trust her sister as she did, the family's safety and order preceded their privacy. And, in this family, when you're some boy toy brought home out of nowhere, you get checked out.

"Get at 'im, boys."

She hung up the call, put her phone in her pocket, and leaned back in her chair with her feet propped up on a distant balcony. Binoculars in hand--the kind that came with far-range focused audio too--she kept track of the events from a distance.

Meanwhile, three goons approached Saisei from behind. One was like a hairy porpoise, but his thick arms and handlebar mustache let you know he meant business. To his side was a 6'7 giant that blocked out the sun, so all you could make out in his face were his furled, bushy eyebrows. On the other side was a girl, dainty and petite, in a fitted business suit. She seemed a bit out of place here, but the subtlety of her controlled spiritual pressure let you know she also meant business.

The porpoise man in the middle spoke in a gruff voice. "Oi, ritardato. Empty your pockets."


Enna's Little Savior [Saisei x Isabella] 8Bvy1N8


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The Hybrid King
Joined : 2011-06-06
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Enna's Little Savior [Saisei x Isabella] Left_bar_bleue10015/100000Enna's Little Savior [Saisei x Isabella] Empty_bar_bleue  (10015/100000)

Enna's Little Savior [Saisei x Isabella] Empty Re: Enna's Little Savior [Saisei x Isabella]

Thu Mar 24, 2022 4:07 am
Enna's Little Savior [Saisei x Isabella] TZOwHr3

Saisei Satō | A Dream Realized

Saisei quietly hummed to himself as he surveyed the inside of the town hall. From the looks of things this would be quite a nasty little project that, if he wasn't careful, could keep him busy all day. If anything, it'd be nice for some kids running around to actually take interest in keeping Enna healthy. It was whatever, might as well help when you can with how little there was to do around here.

Before he could get started, a trio of awkward feeling folks approached the man from behind. Awkward feeling in the sense that when Saisei tapped his foot on the ground and sent energy throughout the area around him, each of the three had their own unique signature from one another. Looking over his shoulder without much worry he took in the quite... interesting group.


The word ritardato didn't seem to make much sense. Conversationally, Saisei could speak fluent enough italian to hold a quick conversation. Specific words that meant this or that tended to fly over his head usually, ritardato was not one of those words. Not only did he called him what Saisei could only assume was 'retard' but he also demanded him... empty his pockets? That seemed out of character for the people he's met here in Enna. If anything it was a bit... gross.

"Alright, I'm not sure what you gain from this but whatever."

He shrugged, taking out a handful of nails from his right pocket. Shuffling through his left the only thing Saisei had on him at the time was a his wallet that only contained a picture of his pet dog. Any important documents were left back at the Vanetti home and he didn't really have any interest in carrying around a cellphone or cash when he didn't plan on using either that day. With a dumbfounded look, he looked from the towering man to the woman and the back to the too-heavy to hold his own weight 'leader'.

"I need the nails for the repairs and I figure you won't get much from my wallet. Y'all need anything else?"

Saisei smiled, waiting for the inevitable 'that isn't what we meant'. They didn't seem like the brightest folks, this wouldn't last very long.

END POST | Imelda's Lapdog

Enna's Little Savior [Saisei x Isabella] FXpoQxJ
Enna's Little Savior [Saisei x Isabella] 2Y9rqGk

Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Enna's Little Savior [Saisei x Isabella] Empty Re: Enna's Little Savior [Saisei x Isabella]

Sat Mar 26, 2022 12:56 am

The porpoise man was taken aback. The cronies to his left and right didn't make much of a reaction, though it looked like the larger one was simply too absent-minded to do anything much more than follow instruction and stand there menacingly. The businesswoman remained stoic.

"Uh... No. No, that'll be all."

He pushed the large man forward, telling him to pick up the nails, and hand the wallet to him. In the meanwhile, he whispered to the woman, 'Maybe this kid really is retarded.'

The large man handed the porpoise the wallet, and he rifled through it only to find the picture of the dog...

The trio left the nails and the picture behind, though the porpoise man did take the wallet. It looked nice enough to be worth a decent penny. Still, in the state that Enna was in, troublemakers as they were it wouldn't be appropriate to spread word that the Vanetti family wasn't able to keep random goons in line that would steal, then go back on their word on top of that. The former was bad enough for public images. Thankfully, these were the type of goons that weren't linked to the Vanetti family, so much as Isabella herself, so the trail wouldn't be too messy for the family if anybody wanted to figure anything out.


An hour passed, and this time a duo came walking up. A young lady, maybe in her teen years, carrying what seemed like some groceries. Beside her was an older lady, walking with a cane in one hand and her purse in the other. They walked a good distance away from Saisei, though just close enough to be in earshot distance.

"I had enough, nonna! I'm done! Carry the bags back yourself!"

The girl dropped all the groceries on the floor and stormed off, leaving behind her grandmother with a worried face over how she was to get home with all these bags.


Enna's Little Savior [Saisei x Isabella] 8Bvy1N8


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The Hybrid King
Joined : 2011-06-06
Posts : 2654
Age : 27

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Enna's Little Savior [Saisei x Isabella] Left_bar_bleue10015/100000Enna's Little Savior [Saisei x Isabella] Empty_bar_bleue  (10015/100000)

Enna's Little Savior [Saisei x Isabella] Empty Re: Enna's Little Savior [Saisei x Isabella]

Sat Mar 26, 2022 1:16 am
Enna's Little Savior [Saisei x Isabella] TZOwHr3

Saisei Satō | A Dream Realized


Saisei was pretty nonchalant about the whole 'we're stickin' you up' gig that this little trio had prepared for him. With nothing valuable and no form of currency on his person, the only thing these crooks had any interest in would likely be his wallet. Of course, that wallet as nice as it was was only worth a few bucks back in Uruguay. If they were smarter they would have asked him to strip or something like that, surely his clothing was worth at least a buck or two for their time.

It was whatever, he shrugged and accepted the photo and nails back quickly and turned away from the three.

"Enjoy the wallet."


Back to work. Moving right along, Saisei went about his business for the next hour, hammering away at the outside of the building. It was hard but rewarding work. By the time the hour passed, the outside windows had been entirely removed of any wooden boarding and had a quite pretty little shutters attached to each of them. As of now, Saisei was shirtless and a bit wet from the work. He grabbed his nearby shirt and sighed, wiping away at the sweat of his forehead.

"One task done" he muttered to himself. Stepping further away from the town hall to take in the work he had accomplished, he couldn't help but notice the rather aggressive scream of a nearby girl. Turning away from his pristine work job, he watched as the teen dropped a majority of the bags she carried and stormed off. The cane riddled woman was left stranded only yards away from the town hall. I imagine Lorenzo wouldn't mind if I helped he thought to himself, pulling his shirt over his head as to look modest in front of his elder.

A quick jog left him bent over in front of the woman, his hands scooping up the few bags that there were. Along with that, he scooped the remnants of broken egg shells and yolks back into the egg container that had fallen from one of the bags. Yanking at a carton of milk that somehow survived the fall, he looked at the woman with a cheery smile.

"I'm doin' some work for Lorenzo here" he said, shuffling his hand towards the town hall as he hauled the bags up further on his arms. "Where can I take these lovely lady?"

It was, of course, in his nature to help those in need. If it took away from the time he worked on the town hall then so be it, he wasn't exactly shy of the extra work. He just hoped the elderly lady was capable of being straight to the point with him.

"Also don't worry, after I finish up here I'll go grab another carton of eggs for you, my treat."

What a wholesome young man.

END POST | Imelda's Lapdog

Enna's Little Savior [Saisei x Isabella] FXpoQxJ
Enna's Little Savior [Saisei x Isabella] 2Y9rqGk

Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Enna's Little Savior [Saisei x Isabella] Empty Re: Enna's Little Savior [Saisei x Isabella]

Tue Apr 05, 2022 9:05 am

The old lady appreciated his efforts and waited patiently for Saisei to return with a new carton of eggs. Isabella viewed his actions from a distance, still unsure of his character. Over the course of the day and evening, as the pink haired fellow went to work, more tests were sent his way, to such an extent that the man must've surely had an idea what was going on. Still, he responded well, non-confrontational, and in all manners of being, a boring kid.

Still, she knew there was more to him. He had a record on hand, one that Isabella rifled through thoroughly, and it all told her that there was definitely more to him. If anyone was going to drag it out of him, it'd be her. It had to be something else, however; a better means of measuring a man. As the sun dialed down, she left her spot and started formulating a new idea.


Enna's Little Savior [Saisei x Isabella] 8Bvy1N8


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