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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Sun Apr 10, 2022 1:24 am
A Will of Vermillion, A Will of Azure(Hime/Elyss)   - Page 2 ZT2s7Qv


"Wonderful. Let us enjoy our meals first and then I'll handle the rest from there."

The elegant woman found Elyss's answer to be amusing, expecting resistance from the crimson-haired woman at her proposition. There was beauty to be found in taking a moment to honor one's own well-being. One can only uphold their duty so much before their body yearns for care. There were some who scoffed at the thought of learning to relax and take days off; men and women who would rather chose to bury themselves within their work than find a moment of repose. Thankful that Elyss was not one who harbored such thoughts, Hime could construct the events of their day without worry.

To be certain, another part of her desired to spend time with the woman, finding her presence to be pleasant more so than anyone else. Odd, wasn't it? For two who seemed as though they were polar opposites in nature, they got along surprisingly well. Opposites attract, was it? Ruminating on her plans, the shopkeeper would announce that their order was ready as she passed along two bowls. Hime take both of them within her hands as she walked to a bench somewhere in the clearing, beckoning Elyss to follow suit.

The clearing was suited towards those who wished to enjoy themselves in peace during their meals. Though neither were suited to idle conversation, Hime was reticent towards the woman if she aimed to know about what Hime had been up to - during their time apart, of course.


Last edited by Iori on Tue Apr 12, 2022 7:15 am; edited 1 time in total
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Tue Apr 12, 2022 1:31 am
A Will of Vermillion, A Will of Azure(Hime/Elyss)   - Page 2 Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

Well, if Hime's going to handle everything, Elyss sees no reason to complain. She's not the type to plan anything like this for herself, but Elyss has yet to ever turn down someone inviting her somewhere. Maybe it's the fact that she doesn't have to think about it that she's able to accept the situation so easily. Elyss definitely isn't the type to put aside work for fun on her own. That's why someone like Hime is nice to have around. Them being opposites works out when it comes to this kind of stuff.

Though, Elyss is more focused on the food. It came to them, and she can already feel her mouth start to water as a response. She almost took the bowl from Hime just because, but she kept some manners and simply followed after the woman over to the bench. Of course, she stole a seat next to Hime, her eyes interested in the bowl over anything else. There wasn't much in Elyss' head when it came to actually conversing, but that quickly change when she actually started to eat. The noodles had to be slurped up first though, and Elyss made sure to eat at least half the bowl before actually saying anything.

"So! What'cha been doing, eh? Seem a bit chipper."

Is chipper the right word? Maybe. Hime just has this relaxed air about her now that wasn't there before. It's like the shackles that used to hold her down had finally been unlocked, and that's not referring to Abalia letting the woman free from her prison.


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Tue Apr 12, 2022 11:47 am
A Will of Vermillion, A Will of Azure(Hime/Elyss)   - Page 2 ZT2s7Qv


Hime would blink softly, processing that question as she pondered on an answer. Chipper? An odd word to describe a mood, to be certain, yet Hime could understand the meaning behind it nonetheless. She supposed the reason for her mood was that she had simply reached closure on one aspect that had always felt like a curse hanging over her shoulders - that ardent desire for validation. The origin of her ruin seemed like a relic of the past now. There had been so many people she viewed as foolish for believing she deserved redemption, yet now, it was she who appeared to be the fool.

From her perspective, she supposed that she had finally learned to appreciate the life others found meaning in other than her. She had resolved almost all that she had strive to resolve. Even so, her journey was far from over. Sighing softly, she would let her bowl of ramen cool down ever so slightly before using her chopsticks to guide some of the pieces of beef towards her mouth, taking a modest chew before directing her attention back towards her crimson-haired companion.

"Chipper is a humorous term to describe one's mood but... I'm glad you notice. I suppose I'm finally learning to enjoy life now. I haven't done anything different from what you've known me for, though my duties have somewhat changed as a result of my commander's retirement. I've simply been enjoying my time and meeting others when the opportunity has presented itself. Nothing too eventful, truth be told." Hime would smile at the crimson-haired woman, making note of her own change in demeanor and appearance.

"You seem different, too. You retain a lot of what I'm fond of I'm about you... yet you seem more relaxed. Something about you feels... more at peace, so to speak. I can't quite place it into words."


Last edited by Iori on Thu Apr 14, 2022 4:41 am; edited 1 time in total
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Wed Apr 13, 2022 5:04 pm
A Will of Vermillion, A Will of Azure(Hime/Elyss)   - Page 2 Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

Maybe it's the acceptance of death. Ah. Well, accepting the inevitable would probably put some at ease. Elyss just understands that she has to do what she has to do, even if it kills her. Though, she is aiming to win. There's too much on the line if she loses, and if she keeps psyching herself out, she's only setting herself up for failure. Maybe that's why she's relaxed right now. The idea of having her possible last days be filled with sadness just doesn't sit right. She'd rather have everyone remember her for her smile than her frown.

"Well, being here with you ought'a make me feel better, yeah? Couldn't say I actually like ya if I feel nothing but anxious. Though, guess for some, being anxious is a sign that you like someone."

She shrugged, slurping more noodles into her mouth as she did so. As if she'd bother Hime with impending dread. The woman may want to be there, but it's just how it is sometimes. Even couples keep secrets from one another.


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A Will of Vermillion, A Will of Azure(Hime/Elyss)   - Page 2 Empty Re: A Will of Vermillion, A Will of Azure(Hime/Elyss)

Thu Apr 14, 2022 4:56 am
A Will of Vermillion, A Will of Azure(Hime/Elyss)   - Page 2 ZT2s7Qv


It was pleasant to hear that Hime's presence made Elyss feel better. Hime had always possessed a profound fondness for the woman, too. On the other hand, she'd always wonder about the other things that laid beyond the woman's mind. Her fears. Her doubts. Anything that caused her discomfort. Elyss would always reveal what she felt the woman ought to know. She never showed her entire hand and Hime never demanded her to, either. The elegant woman felt that she was better suited to operate at her own pace. Bringing more of her own meal towards her mouth, Hime would cast a gentle gaze towards the woman.

"True. Being here with you has brightened my day as well. If I were to be somewhat bold, I like ya' too," she'd quip playfully, adopting Elyss's form of speech for but a moment. For a woman whose speech was often considered elegant and grandiose... it was fun to make the attempt to speak a little' differently than she was accustomed to.


Last edited by Iori on Thu Apr 14, 2022 5:48 am; edited 1 time in total
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Thu Apr 14, 2022 5:45 am
A Will of Vermillion, A Will of Azure(Hime/Elyss)   - Page 2 Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

It seems Elyss has found another thing that'll piss her off. Though, she'd call her sudden shift in mood more of a anxious tick. Ah! There's that anxiety. Guess Elyss was actually feeling a bit nervous, and Hime mocking her speech quirks seemed a good way to bring it out. It wasn't a huge shift, but anyone would notice Elyss' sudden discomfort and lost of appetite, followed by the woman's eyes slowly drifting to the side as her cheeks betrayed her embarrassment, and to top it all off, Elyss couldnt stop herself from scoffing.

"...Whatever," The redhead grumbled, obviously trying to lessen the impact of what just happened by acting like her usual uncaring self. Honestly, truthfully, Elyss didn't hate what just happened. It was actually kind of endearing, a new way of hearing Hime talk that left her actually wanting to hear the woman speak in canny ways. However, Elyss would prefer if it wasn't done just to poke at her. This is her first time having someone do that, and Hime gets a pass because of obvious reasons. Anyone else would have felt the redhead's ire.

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Thu Apr 14, 2022 6:11 am
A Will of Vermillion, A Will of Azure(Hime/Elyss)   - Page 2 ZT2s7Qv


Hime was no mind reader, though she could certainly tell she may have said something wrong. Gazing closely at the woman's face, she could perceive a tinge of annoyance. She wondered if she had offended her or said something out of term. Moving besides ever so quietly, Hime would cast her gaze towards the woman as she set her bowl down.

She was unable to discern whether or not her words had struck a nerve or if the attempt at mimicking the woman had upset her. Proper social cues seem to elude her every time. Even so, there is nothing against offering an apology. She views the crimson-haired woman in far to grand a light to see her upset. The elegant woman's hand would brush against her head, moving the crimson locks of hair away from her eyes. She'd plant a small kiss on her cheek before ruminating on her next words.

"I do not believe I said anything of particular note to upset you. When I mimicked your speech pattern just now, did I strike a nerve of some sort? Know that it was meant only as an act of curiosity... to adapt to the way you speak. I find it endearing... far more than my archaic way of speech. "


Last edited by Iori on Thu Apr 14, 2022 5:20 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Thu Apr 14, 2022 5:17 pm
A Will of Vermillion, A Will of Azure(Hime/Elyss)   - Page 2 Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

Elyss jumped. What was she supposed to do, eh? She wasn't expecting that. Even if she didn't mind it, with her thoughts focused on something in an irritating manner, the last thing she was prepared for was a kiss to her cheek. The act of brushing her hair just felt like some manner of trying to abate Elyss' mood. The act of putting lips on her face just has the redhead snapping towards Hime with a distressfully pouty expression. Though, anything that could have spewed from Elyss' mouth never came. It'd be unreasonable to try and get angry about something so inconsequential. In fact, Elyss wasn't even that mad in the first place, and her words are proof of that, in a way.

"But I think the way you talk is nice. It's proper and sounds smart."

Though, speaking clearly, one could almost sense a slight murmur about Elyss, as if complimenting Hime proved difficult. In a way, it was, but that's only because of how brazen the taller woman had gotten a few moments ago. Maybe Elyss is only feeling somewhat challenged by that kiss, a sense that she has to come up with something better burning her blood. It was easy to keep her competitiveness down, but it simply made her seem far more on edge than she actually is.

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Thu Apr 14, 2022 7:23 pm
A Will of Vermillion, A Will of Azure(Hime/Elyss)   - Page 2 ZT2s7Qv


The distressfully pouty expression formed in the woman's countenance was something that brought the woman a sort of joy, filling her spirit with a nostalgic humor as she recalled the many times in the past where Elyss was always accustomed to making these expressions. It was a sign that oft indicated that she felt annoyed in some way but not enough to reside in the territory of ire. Perhaps it was a bold act to invade the woman's personal space, yet Elyss never particularly any heed to her own. Why not take advantage in the moment of vulnerability?

Musing with a smile, she'd offer her bowl to one of the passerby civilians. She hadn't really consumed much of it and to be certain, there was no immediate hunger to be found. Hime had initially visited the shopkeeper to share and offer recipe suggestions. To be within Elyss company was enough and besides... the day was still young. She promised to treat the woman to a pleasant day off. She would honor that promise.

"I suppose. I speak proper to maintain an image and maintain a certain level of etiquette and composure. When I'm around you, however, I feel far more relaxed, as though there is no image to uphold. In any case..."

Hime would rise from the seat in the clearing they occupied, wrapping her arm around Elyss shoulder as she swiftly pulled the woman from the seat, walking forward with a sense of direction. Where would they go first? The spa seemed like the next plausible place to go next.

"It seems as we've both finished our meals. It's time to show you a fine day on the town."


Last edited by Iori on Fri Apr 15, 2022 5:52 am; edited 1 time in total
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A Will of Vermillion, A Will of Azure(Hime/Elyss)   - Page 2 Empty Re: A Will of Vermillion, A Will of Azure(Hime/Elyss)

Thu Apr 14, 2022 11:23 pm
A Will of Vermillion, A Will of Azure(Hime/Elyss)   - Page 2 Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

Eh? Wait?! What's going on? Her ramen! She isn't even finished! Who does Hime think she is?! Elyss is shocked. She literally finished giving this woman praise for being proper, and Hime repaid her by literally pulling her out of her seat. Now, again, Elyss probably would have gotten a bit nasty if someone randomly decided to manhandle her, and, again, Hime gets a pass because of who she is. Interrupting Elyss' meal almost bypassed the Hime factor though.

"Finished my ass... Don't get too brazen, woman."

Pissed for a whole minute it seems, Elyss couldn't help but wear a bit of a disgruntled expression as she's escorted. This doesn't feel right. Why is Hime the one holding onto her in this fashion? Now Elyss not only hates her mannerisms, but her height is feeling some of her ire. Though, despite her outer appearance, it's obvious that she's fine with this. No attempts to escape are being made, and Elyss stuck next to Hime as they walked. She just had her arms folded and scared away the other people walking around with her general bitchy redhead face.

"We better be going somewhere cool," Elyss added randomly, throwing a sideways glance at her companion.

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