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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Wed Apr 27, 2022 4:07 pm
A Will of Vermillion, A Will of Azure(Hime/Elyss)   - Page 4 ZT2s7Qv


Hime was met with silence, though that hardly swayed her from continuing her ministrations, as gentle fingers continued to press and knead into the woman's flesh, infusing her skin with kido to ease the tension in her muscles. It was the only method so far that had yielded any success. If she tried the layman's approach, she would've likely had to apply more force than pressure and that method might well have led to Elyss being worse leaving than she was when she entered. Kneading her flesh, from the hip to the center of her back, Hime would take note of the woman's reaction as she softly chuckled at the woman's visible discomfort. Part of her wondered how it felt to be on the receiving end of a massage from Elyss.

A series of humorous thoughts danced through her mind of Elyss making several attempts at cracking her bones and the inevitable pain she would feel during the process. Or perhaps she'd betray her expectations and actually be quite good with her hands if the roles were reversed. With the her back and shoulders having been properly tended to after ten minutes of attention or so, Hime would remove her hands for a moment before gazing down at the woman's legs. Now, this would be interesting. How would she feel about her hands traveling lower? Would she venture to find out? Of course, she would. Tempting fate was quite amusing.

"For this to be an ideal massage experience, I need to tend to every part of your body that has stress, so I'll be applying Kaido and moving my hands towards your thigh and leg areas."

Her hands would shimmer with a green light once more as she guided her hands around the back of the woman's thigh, using one hand to lift her leg up while she kneaded the other against the upright leg, pressing each finger against taut skin, applying the healing agent as she did so.

"If the roles were reversed, how would you envision a massage wrought by your own hands, Elyss? Would you eliminate all manner of gentleness? Curiosity compels me to ask, though you can remain silent if you've no answers. I'm merely speaking to keep us both entertained."


Last edited by Iori on Fri Apr 29, 2022 8:05 am; edited 1 time in total
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A Will of Vermillion, A Will of Azure(Hime/Elyss)   - Page 4 Empty Re: A Will of Vermillion, A Will of Azure(Hime/Elyss)

Thu Apr 28, 2022 5:54 pm
A Will of Vermillion, A Will of Azure(Hime/Elyss)   - Page 4 Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

Honestly, Elyss didn't care. Not only is Hime allowed to go lower, Elyss would prefer such. Though, the redhead probably would have let Arkin go that far down, simply because she trusts them to not do anything that's deserving of an ass kicking. That still doesn't account for the fact that Elyss views Hime in a special light in general. As much as she trusts the woman to behave, she'd also understand if the woman takes the opportunity to try something. Besides, in Hime's eyes, Elyss has probably made it clear that she wouldn't mind an eventful afternoon, even if them just hanging out is perfectly fine enough.

"That question sounds like it's a matter of what you'd want rather than how I'd treat you. If you want me to be gentle, then I'm gentle. If you want me to fold you like a feeble chair, then..."

She let her words go dry. The fact she didn't even respond to the first thing asked of her should be enough for Hime to know that it's perfectly fine to attend to the redhead's legs. Now, Elyss understands that her words could be taken in more ways than the way Hime was asking, but it's an answer that answers multiple possible questions. It's strange for Elyss to talk in a matter that Ulv would, but it can't be stated enough that only a few will ever get this kind of talk out of her, in a serious manner at least.


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A Will of Vermillion, A Will of Azure(Hime/Elyss)   - Page 4 Empty Re: A Will of Vermillion, A Will of Azure(Hime/Elyss)

Fri Apr 29, 2022 7:05 pm
A Will of Vermillion, A Will of Azure(Hime/Elyss)   - Page 4 ZT2s7Qv


Kneading and pressing at Elyss's thighs, Hime would smile in amusement at the answer she received. It was all a matter of what she desired, hm? She supposed that made sense. Part of her found it difficult to imagine Elyss as the gentle type, as it were truly a difficult thought to imagine. A myth of the mind. An act that would cause the universe to unravel at the seams.

Overdramatic thoughts, to be certain, yet Hime could not help but wonder about how things would be if the roles were reversed. Perhaps she'd find out at the conclusion of her own ministrations. She couldn't quite pinpoint it but the way with which spoke had certainly ignited that glimmer of mischief within the woman's spirits.

What was the nature of their relationship? They had never really shared what one would consider an entirely intimate moment. Well, maybe that one night in bed but then, she couldn't even recall if they slept in the same bed together. She wondered where they stood and so, perhaps, merely to test the waters and sate her curiosity she allowed her hands to go from a form of kneading and pressing to massaging her thighs, in a discreet yet warmly intimate fashion. Of course, it was still done, to some degree, with the thought of easing tension in her muscles overall. It was mostly a power move to gauge reaction.

"Aren't you the generous sort? I expected that you folding me like a feeble chair would be the first option, considering your personality. Perhaps you've changed more than I imagine. Of course, it is an exciting thought to ruminate on. Part of me does genuinely desire to know where I stand in your eyes and if you'd take that next step. Any answer to these questions are free to be answered later but since there's nothing else to speak of in the form of idle chit-chat, it's a fun piece to gloss over, no?"


Last edited by Iori on Fri Apr 29, 2022 8:03 pm; edited 2 times in total
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A Will of Vermillion, A Will of Azure(Hime/Elyss)   - Page 4 Empty Re: A Will of Vermillion, A Will of Azure(Hime/Elyss)

Fri Apr 29, 2022 7:54 pm
A Will of Vermillion, A Will of Azure(Hime/Elyss)   - Page 4 Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

"A fun piece to gloss over, huh? I think something like the next step is worth sitting down and having a serious mull over. Ulv isn't even the type to joke about the next step if it's someone she actually likes."

Elyss found herself moving, whether Hime liked it or not. It didn't take the redhead much effort to yank her legs away and sit up from her spot on the table, eyes staring at Hime with stoic resignation. Questioning her feelings for Hime, Elyss couldn't help but group the woman with others. It's strange to think about a person and realize they're similar to you as another. However, that's when different factors start weighing in, and one finds themselves categorizing individuals until they've discovered something about themself and the people they've come to adore. Staring down Hime, Elyss knows she wouldn't regret her next actions. Though, she also knows she won't be the one answering the question.

"So, tell me, Hime, do you think us a casual thing to talk about?" Elyss questioned, hopping off the table. One foot before the other brought her closer to Hime, practically pushing their bodies close to one another, but the redhead wouldn't stop with just that. Knowing herself stronger, Elyss kept advancing, making it so Hime could only move backwards until finding her back against the wall. Elyss' eyes shifted slightly, more crossed and accusatory as they stared up into the other's eyes. Hands slamming against the wall, trapping the taller woman, and with that, Elyss simply took over the conversation.

"Feeling me up and all that, you probably think you're being really funny, huh? Trying to toy with me, huh? Ask questions of me, huh? Do you like me? Do you want to go out with me? Am I your type? There are better ways to go about making your intentions known outside of hoping I don't break your fingers for laying them on my body."

And there it is, Elyss' way of existing bleeding forth. Reminiscent of their last conversation like this one, Elyss is being pushy, daring Hime to speak her mind openly and without trying to sound suggestive or smarter than the woman actually is. Elyss can sense bullshit a mile away after all. Wouldn't things be so much better if they both simply spoke their mind, but in this game of truth or dare, Elyss will break Hime first. It's never good to challenge someone as outrageous as the Seventh Squad Captain.


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A Will of Vermillion, A Will of Azure(Hime/Elyss)   - Page 4 Empty Re: A Will of Vermillion, A Will of Azure(Hime/Elyss)

Fri Apr 29, 2022 11:21 pm
A Will of Vermillion, A Will of Azure(Hime/Elyss)   - Page 4 ZT2s7Qv


And so, the truer, more familiar nature of Elyss had awakened, like a tiger who had been poked far too many times and now wished to seize the one foolish enough to agitate them. Someone of lesser mettle would've likely felt a sense of tension building within their frame but the tall and elegant Shinigami could offer nothing but a smile. There was a desire to address this. An elephant in the room? Perhaps. It had certainly been on her mind since they entertained the thought months ago.

Their bodies were pressed against one another, with the Tatsumiya woman's back against the wall. Indeed, this was an amusing turn of events. One that she didn't readily find disagreeable. Each question felt as if Hime ought to be within an interrogation room, Elyss her primary interrogator.

Even so, the elegant woman remained relatively unfazed. This position was not unfamiliar territory. Elyss was that type of woman, one who would never beat around the bush to appease anyone. Hime respected that. She always did. It was one of the admirable traits she valued in the crimson-haired Shinigami. Now, for the answers to her questions. Of course, she liked her. There had always been a significant form of interest for some time now, even if she had never entertained the idea of being with a woman before. There was no need to be coy here. No need to back down before the hawklike gaze of the crimson Shinigami.

"To answer your first question might well be as if I was answering your question with another question. In truth, I have been aiming to test the waters between us, where we stand, where I am in your eyes, in your heart. If my feeling you up is what set this into motion, for us to finally speak on where we are, then feel free to break my fingers. You are certainly capable of doing so. To answer everything else, yes. I like you. I've liked you for some time now..."

Hime would maintain her posture, glancing at the crimson-haired woman with a firm gaze peering into the woman's crimson eyes.

"Whether you're my type or not is inconsequential, for indeed, you are one of a kind, something that exceeds a "type." I've always viewed you in a special light, different from anyone else. It has been my desire to see where we stand, to explore whatever this is between us. Perhaps it was not the most acceptable approach. Even so, if it has led us here. I've no regrets. And so I ask of you, what am I to you? Do you envision a future with me? Life is short, even for spirits like ourselves. There is nothing wrong with a leap of faith."


Last edited by Iori on Mon May 02, 2022 5:22 pm; edited 2 times in total
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A Will of Vermillion, A Will of Azure(Hime/Elyss)   - Page 4 Empty Re: A Will of Vermillion, A Will of Azure(Hime/Elyss)

Sun May 01, 2022 7:38 am
A Will of Vermillion, A Will of Azure(Hime/Elyss)   - Page 4 Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

Eyes full of contempt and accusation, focused entirely on the situation at hand, did not stir a second as truths were laid bare and feelings made known. Honestly, Elyss already knew all of this. She'd have to be completely daft to not put any of the puzzle pieces together. In fact, she's known all of this information for a long time now. Ever since that one conversation where she had threatened Hime, scolded the woman for the very idea of having interest in her. That's how Elyss treated everyone who thought her pleasant enough to be their significant other. Back then, people didn't understand, nor did it seem many cared about the lingering dangers inside the redhead. However, that simply forced Elyss to ask herself a question back then.

What next? People see it. She sees it. Elyss knows she's not that same brute from back then. She knows she's become leagues better. In fact, her only issue right now is her Zanpakuto, and once that's settled, what's next? Every reason she pushed people away for would be gone. She'd have nothing to use to keep her friends at an arm's length. There's nothing stopping a lover from chasing after her. She's denied herself a lot, but it's for that reason that Hime's response had sucked the confliction out of her. It was like turning off an engine, the way Elyss' gaze softened before seeming riddled with resigned understanding.

"Okay," Elyss muttered to herself as she backed up and strolled back to the table, sitting on it. First, before anything, she sighed, closing her eyes with her legs swinging idly. Thinking to herself, Elyss let the room go silent, making Hime wait for a response to her own question. Though, Elyss wasn't really thinking of an answer, but that's because she already knows what she wants to say. There's not much to think about in terms of this situation, but Elyss couldn't help but go down memory lane and view everyone in her life one by one, seeing where they are now in life and how she continually let things pass her by. This is the right time to finally slow down and just accept the way things are. There's nothing stopping them from enjoying one another, even if it's not a permanent thing. No one knows what's in store for them in the future really, but that doesn't mean they should let that fear stop them from enjoying the now. Elyss lived her life like that for too long.

"Alright, Hime," The redhead began, eyes reopening. "What are you to me, huh? Guess you're mines for now. If I go off the deep end, I expect you to follow me into the abyss and all that blah blah nonsense."

Well, that's just picking at Hime's prior life with her dead boyfriend that had her thrown in jail for a while. That was a mean jab, yeah, but Elyss couldn't help but share how similar things could have been for the two if it was a version of her from way before now. Her taunting sneer should help the, oh so elegant, woman see the playfulness, hopefully. And, despite everything, one question still remains.

"Anyway, now what?"


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Mon May 02, 2022 12:07 pm
A Will of Vermillion, A Will of Azure(Hime/Elyss)   - Page 4 ZT2s7Qv


"Be careful, the last time I was tasked with following someone into the abyss, I, as you say, "folded like a lawn chair," Hime would quip with a tinge of mirth in her voice, humored by the attempt at teasing her. She didn't particularly regret abandoning her deceased lover, however. Divergent paths would mark the end of their union, conflicting ideologies that could never coexist with each other.

He had chosen his path... and she had chosen her own. Nothing more, nothing less. To be certain, she viewed Elyss in a far more positive light. She was still young. There was time to grow, learn, and adapt. Hime could already perceive the changes within her now, even if they weren't visible to the naked eye.

No doubt, perhaps this was a gamble that might fall apart at the seams but the elegant Shinigami was content with taking a chance. Rolling the dice wasn't her forte but what did it matter? If the dice landed on a pair of snake eyes, she'd lose all her chips. If it landed on a winning seven, she'd stand to gain so much more in return. She was willing to take that gamble. Her cards were on the table, the only thing that stood before them now was the unknown future.

Of course, with the woman having moved her position on the bed, Hime would walk forward to sit beside her and gaze into those crimson orbs. There was a moment or two of deafening silence before Hime neatly crossed her legs and wrapped her arm around the woman's shoulder; contemplating on how she ought to proceed from here, Hime would lean in and curiously tilt her head, challenging the woman one more time, to be certain and absolute about everything.

"Kiss me. Give me something to know that I am yours. Words can only go but so far, no?" It was a playful challenge, to gauge the woman's reaction. She had already tempted fate thus far and succeeded, one more try wouldn't hurt, no~?


Last edited by Iori on Sat Jun 18, 2022 6:07 am; edited 2 times in total
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A Will of Vermillion, A Will of Azure(Hime/Elyss)   - Page 4 Empty Re: A Will of Vermillion, A Will of Azure(Hime/Elyss)

Mon May 02, 2022 7:14 pm
A Will of Vermillion, A Will of Azure(Hime/Elyss)   - Page 4 Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

Hmm? A kiss? Well, that's rather plain. However, Hime is an overly cautious woman, even when trying to seem daring. Elyss couldn't help but give a slightly sultry smirk, her expression seeming far too tempted despite her normally aggressive nature. One would never guess the redhead a smooth type. However, Elyss moved like she had practiced this all before. A hand moved, gripping the fingers that hung from her shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze as she tilted forward, challenging the other woman's challenge. Hime would then notice the hand that brushed up her leg, calloused fingers gentle against her thigh. Knuckles then brushed up Hime's clothing, slow, purposeful. Elyss expression turned a bit cutesy then, a sly sneer forming as they'd both come to understand how innocent neither of them was.

Though, Elyss would then take Hime's other hand, bringing it up, lips pressing against the noble-like woman's knuckles. Then, that's it. With a grunt, Elyss bounced up from her seat and spun away from Hime, stopping a few feet away. Hands went to her sides as she posed herself up with her chest poked out. Smug and dastardly, she winked and began to laugh.

"There's your kiss, Hime. Next time, it's best to just go for it. Asking is such a rookie move."

Ulv would be proud.


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A Will of Vermillion, A Will of Azure(Hime/Elyss)   - Page 4 Empty Re: A Will of Vermillion, A Will of Azure(Hime/Elyss)

Mon May 02, 2022 10:49 pm
A Will of Vermillion, A Will of Azure(Hime/Elyss)   - Page 4 ZT2s7Qv


Ah, it would seem that, for every temptation and tease the noblewoman had employed against Elyss, she had turned the table on her in resounding fashion. Each movement the woman made seemed so smooth, each touch luring her into the illusion that she was going to accept the challenge, only for the crimson-haired Shinigami to mischievously play a trick on her.

She had received a kiss... the only issue was, that the elegant woman hadn't specified where Elyss ought to kiss her and so she chose to kiss her knuckles. It was a playful and clever act. One reminiscent of an action the late Ulv Auber might have pulled at her expense. In a game of chess, though Hime had won the battle, Elyss seemed to win the war.

Crossing her arms with a playful pout in her expression, the elegant Shinigami chuckled softly, sneering at her momentary defeat. Even so, there was some measure of victory to be found here. Her tactics had led to her being able to recognize where she stood and how to proceed from this point forward. It wasn't an entire loss. Still, no kiss on the lips? What an elusive crimson woman.

"Duly Noted. It seems you bested me at my game of tempting fate. A remarkable move, truly," Hime would quip playfully with a chuckle. An entertaining interaction. She'd tilt her head curiously, wondering what they might do next. Elyss was one to grow bored easily if you couldn't hold her attention with something interesting. So, then, what next? She wondered.

"Playful teasing and evading my advances aside, how does your body feel? Did the faux-massage session ease at least some semblance of tension in your bones?"


Last edited by Iori on Sat Jun 18, 2022 6:13 am; edited 1 time in total
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A Will of Vermillion, A Will of Azure(Hime/Elyss)   - Page 4 Empty Re: A Will of Vermillion, A Will of Azure(Hime/Elyss)

Thu May 05, 2022 6:10 pm
A Will of Vermillion, A Will of Azure(Hime/Elyss)   - Page 4 Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

"We should probably get the professionals to finish up here," Elyss muttered, tilting her head a bit with a deadpan stare at Hime. As fun as this is, Elyss has grown bored. The events that occurred may have been nice, but there's no actual substance at all. They're just two women in a room doing nothing but touching each other, and Elyss would rather do something like that at home than here. However, getting the rest of her body smoothed out is still something she wants, just at a quicker pace than what Hime has shown able to do.

"I'll catch'cha outside when it's all over. Then, we can head on over to my office. I got some work to do, and I wouldn't mind the company. After that, to my place for the night."

Dictating their next course, Elyss was quick to walk to the door. She'd leave and request another room for herself while letting Hime keep this one. Though, she did turn her head back, and with a shrug of her shoulders, smirk.

"Don't get too lonely now." And then, gone.


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