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Stoicism Versus Benevolence Empty Stoicism Versus Benevolence

Sat Apr 23, 2022 7:36 pm


The concept of a day off to a duty-bound woman such as Freyja Solheim was one so foreign as to be nonexistent. Or perhaps that is always what she thought. Day by day, she had slowly but surely learned to unravel the layers that have prevented her from enjoying herself. To be certain, she doubted that her social skills would ever match those of her comparatively charismatic peers.

Nevertheless, there was progress and Freyja certainly believed that one step at a time would be an essential piece to learning to value something other than her pride as a quincy. The Solheim had arranged a flight for her to spend a day - as that is all Freyja desired - away from the City Of Lights.

It was a relatively short trip that led her to the state of California, landing somewhere near the Sierra Mountains. Two soldat would serve as her tour guides as she exited the private jet, lightly striding around the area as she observed the scenery, camera in hand. She had grown quite fond of taking pictures, truth be told...


Last edited by Iori on Sun Apr 24, 2022 5:40 am; edited 1 time in total
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Stoicism Versus Benevolence Empty Re: Stoicism Versus Benevolence

Sat Apr 23, 2022 9:11 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Arianda did quite love where she lived now. Her new home, being a gift from her late daughter, was positioned within the Sierra mountains, and it allowed the demon quite a great deal of sites; and very little visitors to her particular section of the mountain. Luckily, an unassuming, bigger on the inside, house on the mountain didn't garner much attention. However, the demon still had to venture out a bit to get groceries and to explore!

Such reasons were why Arianda was not enjoying her usual solitude, exploring a nearby town that appeared to have recently gained a rather important visitor; arriving on a private jet. Arianda had decided that it may be fun to take a quick look while trying to not gain attention. Albeit, her crimson-red cloak wasn't exactly on the "blends-in" list. Regardless, the demon came a bit closer to the airport, taking a cursory look towards the airport before the demon once more resumed her shopping. Despite how Arianda already drew enough attention with her rather stand out-ish attire, she still was doing her best to get groceries taken care of without a scene developing. However, for anyone who knew what she was, it would very likely draw the unwanted attention she was attempting to avoid. Then again, perhaps she would have a good time instead; only time will tell!

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Stoicism Versus Benevolence Empty Re: Stoicism Versus Benevolence

Sun Apr 24, 2022 5:57 am


Walking side by side with two soldat accompanying her, Freyja would continue to observe the scenery of the airport as they traveled around. Of course, before they could leave the airport entirely to travel to another destination, the female soldat beside her had found her eyes locked towards the benevolent demon within her red cloak. She stood out like a sore thumb and immediately became a person of suspicion in the young woman's eyes. Turning towards Freyja, she would tap at the woman's shoulder.

"Sorry to disturb you, Lady Freyja, but... I feel something is amiss here. Namely, that woman in the cloak. I know not of her race but I'd like to check it out all the same."

"Oh? Very well, then. I shall accompany you, Amelia."

Freyja and her soldat would inform the male of their plane, directing him to stand guard should the situation escalate. The two women would approach Arianda, Freyja with her spirit weapon slowly forming in one hand, with her expensive camera in the other. Amelia with her spirit gun, held at her side.

"May I know your name and purpose for being here, miss?" Freyja would inquire.


Last edited by Iori on Mon Apr 25, 2022 8:17 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Stoicism Versus Benevolence Empty Re: Stoicism Versus Benevolence

Mon Apr 25, 2022 8:15 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Apparently, Arianda should have chosen her black cloak today. Her red cloak helped her stick out like a sore thumb. The demon could keenly feel a pair of eyes, and then two, on her as she was moving around to do her shopping. Just from a cursory look, she could tell it was the Quincy who arrived in the mountain town. The demon held back a groan as she felt their eyes continue to follow her as she shopped around. It was just what Arianda did not want to happen. However, running away right now would simply cause vague suspicion to turn into certain conviction. So, instead, Arianda waited calmly until the women approached her, calmly going about her shopping until she was approached.

As the two woman approach, Arianda casually turned her vision to meet that of the two woman who approached her; with weapons less than subtly drawn. One woman, who Arianda thought was absolutely positively beautiful despite her obvious slightly battle-ready appearance, had some form of weapon in one hand, and what appeared to be a camera in the other, and the other woman had some form of gun in her hand. Arianda didn't feel intimidated, but she did feel mildly irritated. Must they really threaten? For all they knew, Arianda was just a kind woman who was out to get her shopping done. Sure, that kind woman was a demon and an ex shadowfall Archduchess, but those were small details.

As the women approached, Arianda faced them calmly and gave the two women a warm smile as she casually pulled her hood down. Her cloak still majorly hid the rest of her body, but the shopping basket in her left hand was quite hard to ignore. She looked at the woman who posed a question to her like she was some sort of police force. However, the demon did understand that Ari probably looked suspicious enough to warrant such questions. Simply, Arianda gave a small, warm smile despite how bad this situation could become.

"I would say this is random, but red kinda sticks out, huh? I'm Arianda Vael. And as you can see, I'm getting my groceries. Albeit, I believe I might have gotten a basket that is slightly too small."

While speaking, Arianda rose her almost overfilled basket, filled with all manner of meats, vegetables, chocolate, and many other types of things that would be purchased for one living far away from such a city as the one they were currently in. The entire time Ari spoke, however, she kept her hands in full view. She knew how this worked, and taking a calm approach was her best bet in not getting stabbed by such a beautiful woman that was the Blonde Valkyrie in front of her.

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Mon Apr 25, 2022 9:12 pm


The two women would look between one another as they studied the woman with an observant gaze. Amelia would step a little closer to inspect the groceries before she gave Arianda cursory nod, bowing apologetically before turning at her side. Freyja would gaze at her out of curiosity as she kept spirit weapon held at her hip. From what both of the women gleamed, there was nothing amiss. As such, they could continue on with their day and leave the woman to her devices, or so they would have if the soldat hadn't paused to gaze back at Arianda, observing the woman with curious eyes.

Of course, with her revealing her name, Amelia would display a projection screen from the watch on her wrist, to ascertain why the name held so much familiarity. Arianda Vael. A woman who once served within Shadowfall. A demon. She would keep her gun poised as she gazed at the woman with pointed stare. Freyja would quickly ascertain the information herself as she, too, directed her azure eyes onto Arianda.

"It is odd for a demon to be living so casually amongst humans, to say nothing of a former member of Shadowfall. Far be it from to uproot your day, but as it is my duty, I am curious to know what brings you here... in America, no less."


Last edited by Iori on Mon Apr 25, 2022 10:31 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Stoicism Versus Benevolence Empty Re: Stoicism Versus Benevolence

Mon Apr 25, 2022 10:25 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Arianda frowned when the two women, who had inspected her, turned around to leave. It was... odd. However, one of the two women turned around to stare back at Arianda, pulling up something upon her wrist; which clearly displayed Arianda's name, and her previous position in Shadowfall. The demon visibly slouched with a small groan. Just what she needed, being recognized. Sure, she was asking for it by giving her name, but that didn't mean Ari had briefly hoped for the chance of being able to just go about her day. Instead, the two woman approached again, with Freyja posing the very thing that proved Ari's concerns.

It was indeed odd for a demon to be living with humans. However, Arianda was not living with humans, she was living with what little family she still had left, in an isolated house on top of the Sierra mountains. She smiled gently and shrugged at Freyja, sliding her cloak around her body to reveal her small frame; and also reveal the lack of visible weapons. Of course, she had her scissors hidden in her pocket, but the two women didn't need to know that.

"Perhaps. However, you'd be surprised how much demons used to live amongst humans thousands of years ago. Regardless, I do not live amongst them. I live far away from them, mostly because I quite enjoy the privacy. I was only here to get groceries, as I said before. This town is where I visit regularly. If you wish to check, my late daughter, Calypso Vael, albeit she may be known as Calypso Asthavon in your database, secured my house for me legally. And, if I may ask, what is your name, madam? I sadly do not know it like you both now know mine."

Arianda smiled softly, a bit more of her silky smooth nature bleeding out as she accidentally turned on a tiny bit of the charm. What could she say? The last blonde quincy she met she almost got very intimate with. Perhaps she had a thing for the type? Well, aside from being attractive, this Quincy woman was likely not one to play with. Not just yet, not in that way. After a short bit, Arianda gave a small smile and carefully gestured to Freyja's camera.

"If I may, you don't exactly look on duty. Are you here to look around? If you like, I can show you some of the views from certain heights and some tourist spots. Much better to have a somewhat local guide rather than nothing, right?"

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Tue Apr 26, 2022 12:21 am


The two women gazed between one another yet again before Freyja nodded. Amelia was familiar with Calypso's file. Her history was well-documented under the Asthavon name. Everything seemed to check out and neither woman found any particular reason to impede on her freedom or cause her any more discomfort. The two seemed prepared to leave for good this time, yet Arianda offered to be a tour guide when she gazed at the woman's camera. Their respective weapons dissipated into waves of reishi as Freyja tilted her head in curious confusion.

She wondered if anyone else would've felt comfortable with the idea of guiding someone around after interrogating them out of nowhere. She had never crossed paths with a demon; there was no metric or prior experience to rely on here. Freyja turned her eyes towards Amelia, who was as visibly confused as she was but didn't particularly find the idea revolting. Odd? Yes. An issue? Not at all.

"My name is Freyja Solheim and the women beside me is Amelia Baxter. Ahem... Well... I suppose a guide who is familiar with the locale would be a welcomed addition on my trip. Of course, my soldats will naturally be keeping their eye on me, and by extension... you. As long as you are fine with that, I don't particularly find anything wrong with your offer."


Last edited by Iori on Mon Oct 17, 2022 10:14 am; edited 1 time in total
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Stoicism Versus Benevolence Empty Re: Stoicism Versus Benevolence

Mon Oct 17, 2022 1:16 am

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Indeed, anyone else would have wanted to leave after being interrogated randomly by people you don’t know. However, Arianda couldn’t help but find Freyja attractive and… well, at the very least, it was nice to have a dependable friend. Ari didn’t want to go out and date someone too soon, after all… regardless, the demon smiled warmly at Freyja.

“I don’t mind. As long as they don’t do anything to me without honest due reason~! But, I’m probably the safest being here! … relatively speaking in terms of meaning harm.”

Arianda hummed softly as she, extremely casually, paid for her groceries with surprising speed, and then shoved the bags through a small portal, gently setting her groceries down on her counter for later, and then turned all her attention to Freyja.

“Well, it’s nice to meet you both. I would introduce myself as well, buuuut we’ve already covered that. Is there any place you’d like to visit, Freyja? Anything you’d like to get? If not, I can certainly show you to the nice places that aren’t tourist traps. I’ll be glad to show you around as long as you’d like~”

Last edited by darkfunnel on Thu Oct 20, 2022 7:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Stoicism Versus Benevolence Empty Re: Stoicism Versus Benevolence

Mon Oct 17, 2022 10:25 am


"Neither me nor my soldat will lay a finger on you. Provided, of course, you don't show any ill-intent towards us."

Her tone was precise, her reply equally so. There was no particular warmth to her tone, no particular coldness either. An ideal neutrality. Freyja turned towards Amelia, waving for the woman to keep a distance as she approached and stood beside the benevolent demon. Her azure eyes curiously gazed around, hues of soft blue quietly looking through the map in her mobile device. Placing the phone in her pocket, Freyja would cast that gaze towards Arianda, pointing her finger forwards, a curious tilt of the head. Inquiring...

"I wish to see what the cuisine here tastes like. Are you familiar with any restaurants that might leave a fine impression?"

Freyja desired a fine meal at the moment. It wasn't as if she was demanding the kind woman take her to the finest establishment in town, yet she held no desire towards consuming something that did not satisfy her pallet. Picky eater? Perhaps.


Last edited by Iori on Mon Oct 17, 2022 6:51 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Stoicism Versus Benevolence Empty Re: Stoicism Versus Benevolence

Mon Oct 17, 2022 6:44 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

“I mean… you can touch me if ya want. I’m not poisonous or anything. Besides, I have no intention of doing anything other than showing you a good time in a nice city.”

Another smile for Freyja before the demon noted to herself how odd it seemed that Freyja was so… matter of fact. For that matter, she didn’t gather much emotion from the woman. Perhaps an underlying layer of a few specks here and there, but mostly there seemed to be an ironclad neutrality. Which Freyja displayed quite easily with her speech. It was quite interesting to Ari how the woman carried herself. But… it was undeniable to Ari that Freyja was very attractive… and Ari couldn’t help but want to break through that shell into Freyja’s true emotions.

However, that was for later. Frankly speaking, even if Ari was slowly realizing she may have a thing for blonde Quincy, this was about showing Freyja around; not about wooing her. So, as Arianda quietly studied Freyja, waiting for her request of where to go, likely feeling the piercing gaze of Freyja’s soldat, she quietly thought of ways to figure out how to 1. Convince Freyja she was a kind soul despite her precious reputation and 2. Where to show the woman around in Sierra.

Eventually, Freyja voiced her desire to eat something. Arianda couldn’t help but grin a bit. Even if she lived alone, she couldn’t help but have come to Sierra, Nevada, instead of staying up in her house, and peruse the finer meals and points of the area. However, instead of overwhelming Freyja with extravagance, she thought of something more simple; but very tasty nonetheless.

”I think I know of a place. It’s called Jackelope's Bar and Grill. I think a Jackelope is some kind of rabbit or something like that. It’s a nice little place… But I hope the food they have will be pleasing to your palate. There is a good deal on the menu, but their specialty is steaks and burgers.”

The demon smiled again, slightly tempted to extend her arm for Freyja to take it… but thought better of herself. After a small moment she pointed down a street in a general direction.

“Well, shall we~? And everything is on me, I refuse to let you pay a cent~”

Arianda smiled once again before setting off at an even pace that would likely be very easy for Freyja to keep up with and even stay by Ari’s side if she wished. Of course, Ari would lead them to the restaurant with all speed, it was best not to keep a hungry lady waiting; but there was more than enough time for Freyja to talk and ask questions if she so desired.

Last edited by darkfunnel on Mon Oct 17, 2022 9:59 pm; edited 1 time in total
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