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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Something smells Fishy Empty Something smells Fishy

Mon May 30, 2022 9:56 am


Fights in Heuco Mundo were common. Hollows against Hollows, some trapped Shinigami, Demon loyalists still holding out, and more esoteric combatants. It was a wild place that everyone expected to be in ruckus, but sometimes things exploded beyond the norm. Today, was one of those days. The explosions of power were felt far and wild, and the fight ended with a dramatic Cero that took out the floor into the Forest Of Menos, the shockwave of the power traveling for miles and telling all who were even remotely near what was going on.

Approaching the area, the victor could be seen standing on an reiatsu platform over the massive hole she had just carved. Profusely bleeding, with a mangled arm and beautiful white boots that were slowly dissolving, the woman was still beautiful beyond measure, still had the grace of a powerful being about her, and wasn't going to let sweat, blood, and exhaustion get in the way of that. As out of it as she was, she still projected power and control, and was absolutely not something to try and take advantage of in her weakened state.


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Something smells Fishy Empty Re: Something smells Fishy

Tue May 31, 2022 4:46 am
(‘Something smells Fishy UGCeMSJ

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

Stepping onto the scene, Tier did not bother using any ability to sense out anyone or anything. She simply held no fear of what she's soon to discover. It is not uncommon for scenes of this nature to randomly appear every now and then, but this one in particular was brought to her attention by a minor Hollow. It was mostly brought to her because it involved a certain individual who had caused issues on Earth with his existence. It did not take Tier long to discover that he no longer exists. One look upwards, and Tier instantly understood. Though, she did not make herself known to the mangled woman overhead. She only moved forward and looked around for any remnant of a survivor. Arrancar and Hollow can sometimes prove deceitful and such when it comes to matters of this nature. Despite her lack of care, she, herself, has a somewhat personal grudge to handle if possible.

END POST | Former Tercera Espada
Mirja Eeola
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Something smells Fishy Empty Re: Something smells Fishy

Tue May 31, 2022 5:53 am


Not having the sheer potency of what she had when she was in Ulv, Hvit couldn't just snap her arm back into place instantly in her current state of exhaustion. That kind of regeneration took a lot of energy, however efficient you thought you were with it. But she could, and did, stop the bleeding, wiping away the blood with a handkerchief and throwing it into the hole.

The circus seemed to attract a person, which was nice, so she'd head over with a gentle smile. Dying with a cute audience was always better than being eaten by mindless hollows.

"I'm sorry. Was he a friend?" Hvit asked, as she seemed to be looking around for a survivor. Hvit had hit him with Ragnorak after beating his Hierro to breaking point, so there was no way even a mote of dust left of the bastard.


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Something smells Fishy Empty Re: Something smells Fishy

Tue May 31, 2022 7:18 am
(‘Something smells Fishy UGCeMSJ

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

“If he was, but that’s no longer applicable.”

He is gone, and that is that. The sole fact Tier has not etched the edge of her blade into this woman’s soul is enough for anyone to understand the meaning of her words. Whatever he was to her meant nothing, for she feels nothing. If it were any other she had labeled a friend, Tier would have dropped a raging storm a top the other. This scene is nothing more that a drop of rain in this dry desert.

Tier turned her lazed gaze towards the woman, now that she has been noticed and approached. It is hard to exactly place the stranger. They both seem to lack knowledge of one another, and Tier could not quite place the sensation washing over her, this feeling of a Hollow but also that feeling of something more. It edged her curiosity and narrowed her gaze ever so slightly. Someone of acquaintance with the known faces of Hueco Mundo, but also a stranger. It’s enough to pose a simple question.

“Who are you?”

END POST | Former Tercera Espada
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Something smells Fishy Empty Re: Something smells Fishy

Wed Jun 01, 2022 4:25 am


"Well, I shall apologise just in case. The man and I had some personal business that I needed to attend to" Hvit would reply, slowly recovering the shattered arm. It was totally undignified to meet someone in this state, but she could hardly just snap everything back into place after a fight like that. This woman had clearly climbed up the ranks of power through her sheer will, if that look on her face was any indication. It was like everything had been seen and experienced.

"I am Hvit Auber, Ulv's other half in a rather literal fashion. I found myself outside of my friend after her departure, and so now I am cleaning up some messes that never had the right opportunity for us"


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Something smells Fishy Empty Re: Something smells Fishy

Fri Jun 03, 2022 4:35 pm
(‘Something smells Fishy UGCeMSJ

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

Tier knew not who this Ulv is, and to the same extent, knew nothing of Hvit Auber. Four hundred years of solitude allowed for one to easily escape the rumors and gossip of certain individuals, especially those who had only begun their existence but three years ago. However, that did not leave Tier ignorant to the meaning of what Hvit proposed. Vizards are something she know of, and she has learned of their evolutions through time, may it be by their habit of interrupting her travels or from her recent escapades on Earth. Keeping it simple, Hvit is but an Inner Hollow without an owner, and without an owner, she is now only a Hollow.

"As long as your personal business doesn't cause a major ruckus. I do not fancy having to deal with unwanted attention."

She'd then turn, her cape simply making her movements more lavish. With her back to Hvit, Tier looked up, her senses tingling. Others are on their way, maybe lulled forth by the death of such a huge player in Hueco Mundo, maybe hoping to find a weakened snack. This seems the best of times to actually commit to her recent decisions and act the role she now feels the need to fulfill.

"It would be wise to come with me. I think you'd fancy having to deal with vultures even less."

And, with that, Tier starts moving, her heels barely disturbing the sand beneath them.

END POST | Former Tercera Espada
Mirja Eeola
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Something smells Fishy Empty Re: Something smells Fishy

Sat Jun 04, 2022 8:24 am


Hvit would look at the huge gaping hole in the ground, where Menos looked up in confusion and seemed to try and walk upwards, with predictable success.

"I'd hate to see what you consider a major ruckus" she'd comment drily. Still, the offer of coming with her was one she considered. Pride warred with Practicality, and while she lacked Ulv's soothing touch these days, she was not a child anymore. So would, after a few seconds, walk off after Tier.

"So, generally it is courteous to introduce yourself when another does so. I would like to know your name, Miss, if it is not a super spooky high profile one like Tier Harribel or something that would cause the ruckus you so wish to avoid"


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Something smells Fishy Empty Re: Something smells Fishy

Wed Jun 08, 2022 3:07 pm
(‘Something smells Fishy UGCeMSJ

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

"Do not be ignorant to the ability of our kind to harp over simple matters such as capturing weakened prey. One may come, be defeated, but then that one is followed by another and another, each one waiting and watching, hoping to satisfy their hunger. Detestable, in a way."

Guiding further and further away from the hole, Tier guided Hvit to a formation of white trees far enough away from the destroyed area to hopefully avoid any interruptions. From here, she situated herself against the trunk of one of them and eyed Hvit further with an impartial gaze. It is somewhat humorous to be known without actually being known. She dislikes her name being so easily available, but since it is her legacy that continues to plague Hueco Mundo, such is unavoidable. The Espada should have died with Aizen, but fools trying to keep face continued to let it simmer. Now, it's too late to ever be known as anything more without any action.

"My name is Tier Harribel, shockingly enough."

END POST | Former Tercera Espada
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Something smells Fishy Empty Re: Something smells Fishy

Thu Jun 09, 2022 5:45 am


"In a way. But hunger has always been a great motivator, be you human or hollow. I don't blame them for having eclipsing needs beyond all else. Not everyone is lucky enough to have ascended that" Hvit replied, following her new friend to the little alcove out of the way. Here Hvit finished fixing her body and just settled in to relax and recover her reiryoku.

Though, the woman here was quite delightful. Hvit gave a grin as she spoke her name, and nodded.

"I'm quite a fan of her myself. But to go so far as to change your name to match hers is quite a leap even I have not made. Though I am very proud of my name so I wouldn't change it for anything. It is my True Name, after all, I draw from it"

Taking a seat, Hvit would lean back. Not often one to showcase such casual attitude, right now she was a touch too tired to care about how she appeared.

"So how did you meet the guy I just shuffled off?"


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Something smells Fishy Empty Re: Something smells Fishy

Thu Jun 09, 2022 6:27 am
(‘Something smells Fishy UGCeMSJ

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

A fake? Now, that would be an interesting take on the matter. Though, Tier is secure of her own existence, and what better way to showcase such than to simply not respond to the suggestion about her identity. Besides, as serious of a take as if could be, it is also something humorous. A Hollow that has lived among humans for so long would have a knack for such, correct?

“His infamy is simply that. As much as people know of Tier, they know of him too. His recent endeavors have proven enough to make talk of him more relevant, but I digress. I know him in name alone. Yaksha approached me once about his trials and tribulations revolving around certain individuals, but let’s just say that he was a hit too preachy for my tastes.”

END POST | Former Tercera Espada
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