Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
Posts : 7111
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Vague Ambition [Bambietta, Alastor] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Vague Ambition [Bambietta, Alastor] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Vague Ambition [Bambietta, Alastor] Empty Vague Ambition [Bambietta, Alastor]

Tue Aug 16, 2022 2:32 pm
Vague Ambition [Bambietta, Alastor] ByQF9mn


Perhaps it was telling that the 2nd division's resident substitute found herself spending more time with people outside her own division, but really, what else was Bambietta supposed to do? She got along well enough with plenty of people sure, but there was still a sense that she didn't quite belong yet. She'd get there in time, sure, but for now, she had someone else she tended to get along with far better that she hadn't seen in a while. Knocking on the door to a yurt in the 7th division's grounds, Bambietta called out to its resident in a way she knew well would identify her better than simply saying her name.

"Bonjour, mon cherie~!"

There was only one person in Soul Society with whom Bambietta spoke in her native language, and as much as she'd abandoned that part of her life, she'd also be lying if she said it wasn't the easiest thing for her to communicate in, even now. Sure, her thick Parisian accent had subsided over the years, but that was probably a good thing. Nobody liked a Parisian, not even her.

Of course, she also knew that such a term could probably give the wrong impression to anyone listening in, but she doubted anyone around here would even pick up on what she'd said. Besides, it was just a fun little way to speak with him, nothing serious.


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Vague Ambition [Bambietta, Alastor] Empty Re: Vague Ambition [Bambietta, Alastor]

Tue Aug 16, 2022 3:08 pm
Vague Ambition [Bambietta, Alastor] Header2


Days off were great weren't they? The kind of days you spend with the girlfriend or the boys, unfortunately the boys were absent and the babe was busy so what was a guy to do but lounge around? Were he a younger man and not matured by the commited relationship towards Murasaki then maybe he'd have jumped at the sound of a French girl being all over him.

Alas he just dragged himself off his bed and pulled the door open with a puzzled look.

"You know you really ought to get yourself a boyfriend."

It was hard to discern if it was said in a joking manner or if it was serious due to the fact he said it with a mostly straight face. What could he say, he just felt completely different with women a lot more than he used to if he had to guess he'd probably put it down to settling with a girlfriend.

Scarlet Red Vermilion | END POST

Vague Ambition [Bambietta, Alastor] Gamma_Signature
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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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Vague Ambition [Bambietta, Alastor] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Vague Ambition [Bambietta, Alastor] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Vague Ambition [Bambietta, Alastor] Empty Re: Vague Ambition [Bambietta, Alastor]

Tue Aug 16, 2022 3:57 pm
Vague Ambition [Bambietta, Alastor] ByQF9mn


Bambietta couldn't entirely help but be a little caught off guard by that immediate response, even if it was pretty much on brand for him. A boyfriend, huh? Well, she'd be lying if she said the idea sounded unappealing, but it wasn't exactly something on her radar, either. She had other things to deal with.

"A boyfriend, huh? I'm sure the guys around here are just waiting for the right time to strike, you'll see me with a guy on each arm before long."

She didn't believe that for a second, and even if her lips were still smiling, her eyes weren't. Still, he wasn't necessarily mad at her bud over that, and she shook it off like she shook off plenty of other things.

"Come on, let's get some drinks. We haven't caught up in a while."

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Vague Ambition [Bambietta, Alastor] Empty Re: Vague Ambition [Bambietta, Alastor]

Tue Aug 16, 2022 5:36 pm
Vague Ambition [Bambietta, Alastor] Header2



He finished, the doubt very evident in both expression and tone at her boistrous way of trying to declare that she was actually quite the catch and supposedly living on the edge of having multiple guys all over her. Well, too each their own he guessed. A few years ago he probably would've been one of them but it sure would've been a pretty meaningless thing. The ol' smash then pass routine you know.

"Uh. Right now?"

Well this was a little sudden, wasn't it? When was the last time they even caught up?

Scarlet Red Vermilion | END POST

Vague Ambition [Bambietta, Alastor] Gamma_Signature
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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
Posts : 7111
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Vague Ambition [Bambietta, Alastor] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Vague Ambition [Bambietta, Alastor] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Vague Ambition [Bambietta, Alastor] Empty Re: Vague Ambition [Bambietta, Alastor]

Tue Aug 16, 2022 6:22 pm
Vague Ambition [Bambietta, Alastor] ByQF9mn


That definitely wasn't the response that Bambietta would have been hoping for, but she kept up her cheery bravado despite the faint disappointment that was starting to loom in the back of her mind. It was no big deal, obviously. He had other stuff going on in his life and all that.

"That was the plan, if you're free. I don't have anything going on for the rest of the day, though I do have some studying I could probably get started on. I've been thinking of trying to go for a seated officer spot."

Of course, that wasn't really what she'd been planning to do today, but it would be a good way to fill the time if this didn't work out.

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Vague Ambition [Bambietta, Alastor] Empty Re: Vague Ambition [Bambietta, Alastor]

Tue Aug 16, 2022 6:27 pm
Vague Ambition [Bambietta, Alastor] Header2


There was a lot more thought into this than he would've expected, now if she were one of the dudes it'd be an easy yes and go from there. Nothing else to think on but this was drinks with a chick, one that he wasn't even that close with and was still uncertain if this was some weird attempt to hit on him. Still even he kind of sighed and shook his head at the end of it.

Maybe it was that dejected look that she seemed to have, jeez. Didn't she have her own friends, and now he was getting roped along. It was like kicking a puppy which had already gotten roughed up by a bigger dog, a guy had a limit you know.

"Whatever. Just don't get any ideas."

About what, no idea but it felt like something he ought to clarify to her. Apparently brains don't always come in a package deal with maturity.

Scarlet Red Vermilion | END POST

Vague Ambition [Bambietta, Alastor] Gamma_Signature
Vague Ambition [Bambietta, Alastor] CHARACTER_LISTVague Ambition [Bambietta, Alastor] GRAPHICS_THREADVague Ambition [Bambietta, Alastor] TIMELINE_THREAD
God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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Vague Ambition [Bambietta, Alastor] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Vague Ambition [Bambietta, Alastor] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Vague Ambition [Bambietta, Alastor] Empty Re: Vague Ambition [Bambietta, Alastor]

Tue Aug 16, 2022 6:50 pm
Vague Ambition [Bambietta, Alastor] ByQF9mn


"Ideas, huh? Sorry, Alastor, but you're not quite my type. Besides, I don't like the idea of hitting on a taken man, that's weird."

Most people might have been a little taken aback at the thought that he might've expected that from her, but honestly, Bambietta was used to that, so it wasn't too big a deal. Besides, considering how she'd been until just recently, it hadn't even been unfounded. She just took it in stride, more as just banter than anything else.

"What're you in the mood for? Izakaya? Something more traditional? I've been wanting a good beer for a while now, honestly. The sake up here is nice and all but it gets a little old."

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Vague Ambition [Bambietta, Alastor] Empty Re: Vague Ambition [Bambietta, Alastor]

Thu Aug 18, 2022 3:55 am
Vague Ambition [Bambietta, Alastor] Header2


"Well, that's reassuring."

It was honestly at both of what she said, the fact he was not her type and that she respected the fact he wasn't single and looking to smash. At least that made two of them, clingy girls definitely weren't his type and this one well... she was a bit on the clingier side.

"Eh, I don't really care what I drink. If it gets me light-headed it's doing the job well."

He was a country boy, did she really think he was picky with half the crap he ate or drink? If it did the job he was satisfied.

Scarlet Red Vermilion | END POST

Vague Ambition [Bambietta, Alastor] Gamma_Signature
Vague Ambition [Bambietta, Alastor] CHARACTER_LISTVague Ambition [Bambietta, Alastor] GRAPHICS_THREADVague Ambition [Bambietta, Alastor] TIMELINE_THREAD
God of Love
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Vague Ambition [Bambietta, Alastor] Empty Re: Vague Ambition [Bambietta, Alastor]

Thu Aug 18, 2022 4:29 am
Vague Ambition [Bambietta, Alastor] ByQF9mn


"Reassuring? You're lucky we're friends, or I might be insulted."

Of course, her wide grin didn't suggest she took it as anything other than banter, and Alastor's lack of any particular preferences meant her grin only grew wider, the thought of yakitori and a good beer already running through her mind.

"Low-maintenance, huh? Not that that's a bad thing, of course. I know some girls like to practically babysit their man, but that's always seemed weird to me. You'd obviously want someone self-sufficient, right?"

It was a sentence that almost certainly came off as impressively lacking in self-awareness, but the reality was that Bambietta was all too aware it didn't apply to her.

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Vague Ambition [Bambietta, Alastor] Empty Re: Vague Ambition [Bambietta, Alastor]

Thu Aug 18, 2022 4:40 am
Vague Ambition [Bambietta, Alastor] Header2


He paused in thought while looking at her face, any indication where she was doing that thing women did. You know, where they say it totally doesn't bother them but it's a god-damn lie and you're supposed to know that because of this implication. Yeah, was she trying to say she was insulted or not?

Eh. Not his problem, what was she going to do if it was insulting? Whine and have him roll his eyes.

"I guess so. I dunno, if she's good she's good I guess."

That one was kind of a head scratcher. What was she looking for from him? Telling her what she wanted to hear or something?

Scarlet Red Vermilion | END POST

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