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Colourful Mist [Kasha, Shishiyuki] Empty Colourful Mist [Kasha, Shishiyuki]

Mon Aug 22, 2022 12:27 am
Colourful Mist [Kasha, Shishiyuki] Header2


This whole romance situation was complicated and frustrating, it was a pebble which disturbed the pond and that led to two ends. He was faintly curious to see which one it was but it felt like a test of character in his own way, it was the kind of situation which he felt inclined to seek counsel on and given his own habit of offerring some pespective to Shishiyuki on this subject, it was time for him to have the favour returned.

"Shishiyuki, is it too early for tea this afternoon?"

He asked while dressed in the kimono, quite casual for him where he had opted to wearing the shihakusho more often since he had taken up his role.


Colourful Mist [Kasha, Shishiyuki] Gamma_Signature
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God of Love
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Colourful Mist [Kasha, Shishiyuki] Empty Re: Colourful Mist [Kasha, Shishiyuki]

Mon Aug 22, 2022 12:31 am
Colourful Mist [Kasha, Shishiyuki] XLovKtD


"Hm? No, certainly not. By all means, come in, Kasha."

Shishiyuki hadn't necessarily been expecting any company, but she always welcomed it from any of her family. The younger Kasha, in particular, was a face she'd grown quite used to seeing. Despite his youth, he was quite bright. Given the fact that he didn't tend to come so suddenly, however, and the way that he clearly wished for tea sooner rather than later, she suspected something was afoot. But, of course, she wouldn't pry. If he needed something, she expected he would ask.

"Please, take a seat, and rest assured I'm listening to everything you say. What would you care for? Something more bracing, or a mild blend?"

It was, in a sense, a way of feeling out where the conversation would be going.


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Colourful Mist [Kasha, Shishiyuki] Empty Re: Colourful Mist [Kasha, Shishiyuki]

Mon Aug 22, 2022 12:38 am
Colourful Mist [Kasha, Shishiyuki] Header2


"Something mild ideally."

He was not fond of strong flavours which was probably a trend carrying over from the dichotomy of their characters despite the sharing of a name. Kasha loathed the way that his teacher disgustingly would only eat things which were disgustingly strong, it was like her tastebuds had been burnt off and she could no longer taste anything except the most absurd of flavours.

"If I may inquire, how goes your relationship?"

It was intrusive but they had since disregarded the pretense of dancing around topics with formalities and the way that their family would dance around things with pretty talk and lies.


Colourful Mist [Kasha, Shishiyuki] Gamma_Signature
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God of Love
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Colourful Mist [Kasha, Shishiyuki] Empty Re: Colourful Mist [Kasha, Shishiyuki]

Mon Aug 22, 2022 12:50 am
Colourful Mist [Kasha, Shishiyuki] XLovKtD


And so Shishiyuki went to making tea, a bit surprised by the forwardness of the question. Well, she didn't necessarily mind speaking about herself and Makoto. If anything, it was quite pleasant to actually be open about her life for once.

"Quite well. I think that she and I have grown a bit more comfortable around one another. There is a sense of assuredness to it, that I feel as though I can be confident in knowing how to make her happy and the like."

Honestly, it really was pleasant. She even briefly prepared to mention the two's little exchange of words of love, but no, that was a little more personal than she wished to share.

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Colourful Mist [Kasha, Shishiyuki] Empty Re: Colourful Mist [Kasha, Shishiyuki]

Mon Aug 22, 2022 1:07 am
Colourful Mist [Kasha, Shishiyuki] Header2


"I'm glad to hear that, you had refrained from talking about it of late and I had feared that you had stagnated or worse."

Kasha kept up his seiza position, tucking his hands in the large sleeves to settle for the afternoon. He had a bit to wonder but he did want to avoid rushing to his own problems, he would loath to imagine that he was taking from Shishiyuki without showing an interest in her. Such a relationship was just one-sided and no way to treat another, especially not your esteemed family member.

"I had quite the interaction today, I have been requested for a date by a girl though as she and I have spent some time together over the last couple of months I feel it would be rude to deny her. I thought it a bit curious after all, noblewomen are rare to take the initiative I observe but she is no noble. I felt our roles were backwards a little in the exchange and I wondered how you fared in that front though if all is going well I'm sure you've settled nicely."

He said with a small nod. Surely Shishiyuki would understand given how plain he had voiced his thoughts.


Colourful Mist [Kasha, Shishiyuki] Gamma_Signature
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God of Love
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Colourful Mist [Kasha, Shishiyuki] Empty Re: Colourful Mist [Kasha, Shishiyuki]

Mon Aug 22, 2022 1:25 am
Colourful Mist [Kasha, Shishiyuki] XLovKtD


Well, that was certainly surprising, and while Shishiyuki was typically not one to show her surprise too openly, she didn't tend to guard herself near as much when interacting with Kasha. The fact that he had come to her on this sort of advice was, admittedly, a nice thought, and she thought deeply on the matter before she spoke in reply.

"Are you simply agreeing to the date as a matter of obligation? Or are you genuinely interested in her?"

That was the most important thing to ask, she felt. After all, it would be rather cruel to agree to something like that simply because it was expected. And, while she knew Kasha didn't much care for all the facades of nobility, she also knew that he preferred to avoid conflict. She could imagine outright turning a girl down would be somewhat difficult for him.

"As for the question of how I fared on the matter of initiative, I suppose I ought to a bit more. I know that it would do well in our relationship, though I worry Makoto may not necessarily appreciate it."

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Colourful Mist [Kasha, Shishiyuki] Empty Re: Colourful Mist [Kasha, Shishiyuki]

Mon Aug 22, 2022 1:38 am
Colourful Mist [Kasha, Shishiyuki] Header2


"Hmm, it leans towards the former though I confess I did not immediately agree and voiced my uncertainty. She proposed it as there being no harm to try, and if it doesn't work out then move on, after all I am quite inexperienced in these matters."

For all his behaviour of being willing to do it out of obligation it was not out of interest to dissuade conflict, he had rejected many advances like this from fellow students of both sexs prior. None of them actually had a relationship with him though beforehand like Ira did.

"Is that so? Well, Ira is quite forward it's quite interesting to be honest. I would have to say she's almost alien by the way that she's so honest and forthcoming, not forceful or brash but still assertive. I must admit, it's a little surprising to hear you say that you think you're lacking in that front."

The air of Shishiyuki as the family head makes it difficult for him to imagine her being hesitant in things. It was a little amusing and brought a smile to his lips, though he thought it was a little cute.


Colourful Mist [Kasha, Shishiyuki] Gamma_Signature
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God of Love
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Colourful Mist [Kasha, Shishiyuki] Empty Re: Colourful Mist [Kasha, Shishiyuki]

Mon Aug 22, 2022 8:14 am
Colourful Mist [Kasha, Shishiyuki] XLovKtD


"Mm... I see. Well, if I may, Kasha. If Makoto were to tell me that she had first agreed to attempt a relationship with me out of obligation, I would feel a touch insulted. While it is certainly true that there is no harm in trying, I imagine that asking such a thing of you was still something of an effort on her behalf to be open with her feelings. That, I know, is something our household tends not to teach the value of."

Shishiyuki didn't necessarily want to dissuade Kasha, of course. Frankly, she found the idea of him dating to he rather endearing, in a sense. He was a bright young man, certainly, but was still very much a product of their house. Introducing an outside variable into his life would certainly do him good, she felt.

"You seem to value that forwardness. I, personally, have always reserved such behavior for when it is most required. After all, the Koizumi do not make waves. But I think we both ought to perhaps think on the importance of such assertive behavior. Do you find that an attractive quality in her?"

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Colourful Mist [Kasha, Shishiyuki] Empty Re: Colourful Mist [Kasha, Shishiyuki]

Mon Aug 22, 2022 8:38 pm
Colourful Mist [Kasha, Shishiyuki] Header2


Hmm. Was it attractive? Kasha had to ponder that, what was attractive to him. He admittedly didn't think about it much if ever. He appreciated things but attraction felt like it went hand in hand with bewitchment. Being enchanted by something was something he had never really expected to deal with.

"I don't really know how I feel about it at the moment."

He explained while letting out a sigh. Kasha had always appreciated the simplicity of things whereas his teacher caused trouble. The constant disruptions she caused to his peaceful water were a headache and he had yet to really make up his mind in regards as to how this scenario sat with him.


Colourful Mist [Kasha, Shishiyuki] Gamma_Signature
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God of Love
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Colourful Mist [Kasha, Shishiyuki] Empty Re: Colourful Mist [Kasha, Shishiyuki]

Mon Aug 22, 2022 10:59 pm
Colourful Mist [Kasha, Shishiyuki] XLovKtD


Kasha's pause before he gave an answer told Shishiyuki a good deal, she felt. If he were assured in how he felt on the matter, it would have been a fairly simple thing to reply quickly.

"I understand. Don't feel as though you need to have a definitive understanding of your feelings right away."

Shishiyuki took a brief sip of her tea, thinking of how best to convey this point, before continuing on, still sure and mature in her tone. This was, after all, the sort of head she wished to be for the family, not simply some distant and detached matriarch.

"It was your advice to me that allowed me to open myself to Makoto. Part of the romantic process is being made vulnerable now and again. Ultimately, it is a question of how willing you are to let that happen."

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