Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Joined : 2016-02-15
Posts : 5810
Age : 24
Location : Good Question.

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Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue999999/999999Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 Empty Re: Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi]

Fri Sep 09, 2022 5:49 pm
Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 Banner2


As Elyss retreated the artist smirked. It wasn't a huge shit-eating grin but faint enough to be noticeable and get the message across. Now that was a little too easy to get the captain off her and spare her from being under the shadow of a tiger who's desire to fuck felt more like killing intent. Perhaps it was just the image of a predator she evoked in Izumi's mind that made her self-preservation kick into play.

"Why didn't you just ask me then rather than assume?"

Tch. Whatever Izumi liked Elyss enough to explain it she guessed, she'll just call it payment for her modelling services and the sex afterwards.

"Close your eyes and give me your hand then."

It wasn't like she hadn't already expressed it recently already. Had she not already explained to Katori what she wanted to accomplish?

Eye for Art | END POST

Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 Gamma_Signature
Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 CHARACTER_LISTRed, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 GRAPHICS_THREADRed, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 TIMELINE_THREAD
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Posts : 3403
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Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue0/0Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 Empty Re: Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi]

Fri Sep 09, 2022 5:55 pm
Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 Unknown

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

Well, the last time Elyss had pondered such, Izumi didn't seem the most thrilled in answering. Then the redhead got drunk and stopped caring as her depressive state left her out of commission for anything logical. Ah, but this just how mental gymnastics work. One tries something, the other responds, and they both end up having ulterior motives behind it. Izumi better give a good answer though, or Elyss is going to give her a whack.

"Alright," She muttered, holding out her hand with closed eyes.


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Joined : 2016-02-15
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Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue999999/999999Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 Empty Re: Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi]

Fri Sep 09, 2022 6:17 pm
Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 Banner2


Once those garnet eyes were closed Izumi reached out to place her hand against Elyss' own, doing nothing but just holding her hand there for a moment. She let the redhead grow accustomed to the feel of her palm and fingers against her own, then she moved Elyss' fingers over her forearm and the soft smooth skin.

"Deprived of sight your other senses are enhanced. I'm not interested in painting something that appeals to the eyes which are blind, I want to paint something that resonates with the soul. I want the brush strokes I do of a woman to capture the feeling of her skin..."

She tried to pull Elyss just a bit closer, now it was her turn to keep her face nice and close, enough that the scent of orchid perfume could fill Elyss' nose.

"I want the fragrance of her perfume and the sound of her voice to echo in your mind. That's why I pursue art Elyss."

Eye for Art | END POST

Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 Gamma_Signature
Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 CHARACTER_LISTRed, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 GRAPHICS_THREADRed, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 TIMELINE_THREAD
Veteran Member
Joined : 2019-02-28
Posts : 3403
Age : 25

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Platinum Points:
Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue0/0Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 Empty Re: Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi]

Fri Sep 09, 2022 7:36 pm
Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 Unknown

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

Oh. So that's what this is. Izumi is simply giving her an example of what it means to want to capture life. Elyss isn't exactly sure how to take this. For one, she feels her fingers, run along Izumi's hand and arm, calloused digits against smooth skin. If she were to explain what it is she's looking for in a way Izumi would... Maybe she would want to say she sees an untrained surface that everyone touches but none penetrates. Lonely, perhaps? All the attention in the world without any true meaning from it.

Then, she's assaulted by a sudden smell as she let herself be moved. Now, this proved something she doesn't care for. This stench was that of one who rarely broke a sweat. Or, maybe it's trying to cover up that sweat. It is unnatural. Elyss never liked perfume, for it always felt like something only used to blind a man to a witch's stench.

"Hmm... I think I may understand you a bit, Izumi."


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Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue999999/999999Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 Empty Re: Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi]

Sat Sep 10, 2022 4:57 pm
Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 Banner2


Once Elyss said she did Izumi rolled back, going limp on the table while she relaxed on it and looked up the ceiling. Maybe she did understand, maybe she didn't, Izumi didn't or she thought she did but the artist couldn't really care either way. Most people just viewed her as an eccentric, herself included.


The reaching hand went back to her collection of art and she opened it to flip through a few of the pieces with critical eyes. Sometimes wondering to herself if she could see them in different light like how people looked at them. Indifference or wonder, people were fickle and until she reached their souls and not their eyes it would continue to be incomplete to her.

Eye for Art | END POST

Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 Gamma_Signature
Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 CHARACTER_LISTRed, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 GRAPHICS_THREADRed, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 TIMELINE_THREAD
Veteran Member
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Posts : 3403
Age : 25

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Platinum Points:
Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue0/0Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 Empty Re: Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi]

Sun Sep 11, 2022 7:24 am
Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 Unknown

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

"I'm no good at art, ya know?"

Talk about statement of the century, but as Elyss opened her eyes, she didn't move them to Izumi. She focused her gaze upwards, a bored expression watching the still ceiling. She let a few thoughts come and go, but none felt the right course for the discussion. Izumi and her simply exist differently, in a sense. Maybe if Elyss dabbled in the arts and Izumi dabbled in martial arts they'd make some headway into something interesting, but that would involve- Ah!

"Hey, Izumi. Let's spar."


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Joined : 2016-02-15
Posts : 5810
Age : 24
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Platinum Points:
Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue999999/999999Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 Empty Re: Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi]

Sun Sep 11, 2022 10:51 am
Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 Banner2



Did she hear that right? She did. Spar? Between them? There were a few things that shot through her head which a lot of that boiled down to why? Not only did the idea of fighting not appeal to her at all but she really didn't wanna fight a captain. That sounded so hard and would probably end up her in getting her butt kicked and tossed around like a ragdoll. People that liked fighting really made no sense to her but they made good pieces she supposed.

"Do we have to? I suck at fighting. Plus your sword is actually you know... a thing. Mine's just kinda here."

She whined at the very thought. Every bone in her body looking for an excuse not to get dragged into it.

Eye for Art | END POST

Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 Gamma_Signature
Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 CHARACTER_LISTRed, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 GRAPHICS_THREADRed, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 TIMELINE_THREAD
Veteran Member
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Posts : 3403
Age : 25

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Platinum Points:
Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue0/0Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 Empty Re: Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi]

Sun Sep 11, 2022 11:59 am
Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 Unknown

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

“We won’t be fighting with swords. Don’t be such a puss.”

She got up from her seat and practically dragged Izumi from her desk. Izumi’s only line of defense is her mouth, and everyone knows that the redhead isn’t the type to be easily swayed from a decision. Besides, this isn’t going to be that bad.

“We’ll keep it here in the office. Just a light session, so go ahead and throw a punch, right here.”

Pointing to her face, Elyss gave Izumi a cheery smile as she waited for the other to respond in kind.


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Joined : 2016-02-15
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Platinum Points:
Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue999999/999999Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 Empty Re: Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi]

Sun Sep 11, 2022 5:51 pm
Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 Banner2



She let out a yelp while she was dragged off the desk and unable to really fight Elyss as she was pulled onto her feet and made to face the redhead. Ugh, no way was she actually going to do this.
"C'mon, why do we have to spar? Can't we just lay around more?"

Izumi whined in protest while standing there. Elyss did seem kinda excited about this, why? It wasn't like the artist would be much of a challenge or a fun fight. Did she just want an excuse to drop her or hurt her? Damn.

Eye for Art | END POST

Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 Gamma_Signature
Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 CHARACTER_LISTRed, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 GRAPHICS_THREADRed, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 TIMELINE_THREAD
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Posts : 3403
Age : 25

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Platinum Points:
Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue0/0Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 Empty Re: Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi]

Tue Sep 13, 2022 6:36 am
Red, Blood Red [Elyss, Izumi] - Page 3 Unknown

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

"Stop complaining and just do it. This is your true payment to me."

She's still waiting for that punch, keeping her guard nonexistent. She's not going to explain herself because that'd ruin the point of why she's asking for this. There's a reason. Izumi just has to follow the one simple direction. Now, hurry up and throw a punch. Elyss does have a short patience at times when she's trying to move at a certain pace.


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