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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Everyting Fades [Santa/Mana] Empty Everyting Fades [Santa/Mana]

Sat Sep 03, 2022 7:43 pm
Everyting Fades [Santa/Mana] HEADAA_fd8bfaaa721ee6c6a740aefec78a7d2f
Everyting Fades [Santa/Mana] E9uU7neVUAo8QPu
Everyting Fades [Santa/Mana] HEADER-THIN___lusamine_pokemon_and_2_more_drawn_by_katuobushi04__8414397a0d0241d0342797bffe20298f

How long had it been since she'd been....whole?

All in one place?

She had grown to be aware of the others. And after everything that had happened, with Ajora having to rely on Santa to fill in the shift in the world. The awakening of Aina. For the first time in a very long time, Santa was....aware of everything that was happening within her own soul. Looking the other two in the eyes. Verdada. Ajora. The three of them each gathered in the void of Garganta. A place made solid by Santa's reiryoku for the moment, platforms overgrown with her bone, locking it in place as her Garden formed a small platform for the three of them to meet. Her cathedral had become a personal place. And the idea of bringing someone else to the place while Mazda slept there.... no. That place would be for Santa alone to visit now and then. Nobody else. Perhaps at some point she would find another valley of screams to settle on. But for now, she didn't care.

All that mattered, was that she had a place to find answers without being disturbed. For all three of them.

Verdada gently opened her hand, and found that piece of Mana that had been entrusted to her. Pouring her reiryoku into it. And sighing sadly. The woman felt so faint now. She was almost a little worried that it wouldn't work. But even if it only worked partially, it would still be enough for them.

"Mana." The name came gently from Santa's lips. Wondering if it was akin to Mazda.

Calling out to the once-Queen and seeking her audience.
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Everyting Fades [Santa/Mana] Empty Re: Everyting Fades [Santa/Mana]

Sun Sep 04, 2022 2:07 pm


Enter Mana's Post

Aware and unaware, the trails of her existence felt a winding trail scattered about the realms as this godling's essence continued to gnaw on the instabilities of this new world out of the flesh of the world. There was so much of herself to kill, so much of the world to alter and it makes even a goddess weary, tired, and desiring a slumber. Yet, even across different worlds and time, the attachments of a reality that no longer exists continues to brush against the waves of consciousness of The Demon Queen with no kingdom.

Chuckles of children started echoing in the mind of Santa as wisps of emerald energy started to swirl around her body signifying the activation of her conscious gaze upon the visage of the complete being of the Arrancar. The pale feet of the chaotic godling touched the boney platform as her energy gave birth to a manifestation of the entity known as Mana. Now? She was creature that should not exist; holding no attachment to this world and yet possessing the keys to its stability to keep the instability of the old and new from breaking this new dawn. It was a daunting existence, so how could a woman not look dreary? To her, it was akin to waking from a pleasant slumber to the cold, dark embrace of the endless night. As if she were between the twilight of dreams and reality and the ever-distant embrace of the morning sun as she continued to gaze at Santa through this damp, dark void of bones and death.

"Summoning me to such a depressive place after a pleasant slumber? How Cruel of ye, Santa The Tormentor of The Gods. It's rude to disturb an old lady like this."

Yet, even in this complex state of existence, she found herself in, the woman's fangs came to life with a jovial smirk as she still seemed to possess her sarcastic wit and humor among it all.

"Pleasantries aside, I doubt you'd call upon my essence if something was not wrong. So, come forth with your problem and this old goddess will see what she can do for you~"

There was then a bow as the horned devil grabbed the hand of Santa, kissed it, and looked up with a coy smile.

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Everyting Fades [Santa/Mana] WVMWLOu
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Sun Sep 04, 2022 2:25 pm
Everyting Fades [Santa/Mana] HEADA_sample-4e0dc9914d64e85ea332d454dd04e508

The three watched as Mana emerged from her slumber. Santa in particular focused, watching with.....furrowed brows as the demon queen came to become solid before them. The laughter having no impression on the woman's own facial expression as she watched Mana shift from tiremd to coy. The gentle grasp of her hand and the press of lips seeming to have a lacking effect on the woman as she regarded the ghost before her.

"I've summoned you to ask you some questions. Sorry to bother you, but ....there are things I need to know. I've never understood any of this. I've torn myself to pieces...trying to stay sane..." Her eyes tiredly drifted up to glance at Ajora and Verdada, a sigh escaping her before she looked back to Mana herself. With no affect of majesty or titles. Simply put: she looked to Mana as the mother of two of her friends.

"The world is ..... stable as it is. According to Santa, FAR more stable. The work of the late Divine Sun himself. I cannot imagine such a thing happened without your consent and knowledge." Ajora noted. Her voice as calm and calculating as ever. But Mana would feel that placid disaffectedness inside of her. Between the three of them, Ajora was the lest emotionally involved. It felt more a sincere curiosity than anything. And beneath that: a burning insatiable NEED for knowledge.

"And you also know more about Algos and Calypso than you've let on. Maybe not about the nature of their deaths. But .... as dear as they were to us. It's important to know who they were. What they were. You're connected. There's no way someone capable of leaving a piece of yourself with us for contact would not have done the same for your family." Verdada added. Her voice as saturated with conviction as the others.

"The world is more stable. The warm sun has risen over the realms. But that does not mean that sun will never set. I want to make the world a better place. But first I need to understand it better. Which....I understand is a lot to ask. Which is why for now....just the Actions of Mazda... and what you can share about your daughters will suffice." She noted softly. So much more ...tactile. Articulate, than Mana would have otherwise known her. Surely she had known Santa through Algos? Or maybe she hadn't. But all the same, the three pieces of Santa were all looking to the Queen with gentle expectation. There was no rush, after all. They had all the time in the world for now.
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Everyting Fades [Santa/Mana] Empty Re: Everyting Fades [Santa/Mana]

Sun Sep 04, 2022 2:45 pm


Enter Mana's Post

Things certainly must be foul as Mana observed the three's energy. Discontent, cold, convicted, and a hunger for knowledge. Events certainly must have transpired that altered the course of this woman, and The Gem gaze of the godling took note of it as she started to rise.

"While I lack the capacity to see every fabric of reality of our old world, you'd be correct in assuming that I was quite aware of Mazda and that there was an encounter between us; as brief as it ever was."

Dialing things back, while there was still a placid tone of voice being used by the woman, her face took one of interest as she focused her stare on each hollow before her. It was as if she was piercing into their souls to make sense of this all.

"Algos? Calypso? Correct me if I'm wrong, but with how you've spoken to me thus far, it's almost as if you've forgotten them. IS this the case?"

There was a pause before the reflections of Algos and Calypso came to mind in her head. Tragic as it all be, if nothing else, Mana is certain of the fact that Calypso's soul was at rest. There was nothing further for her soul to do but find its peace in that violent termination of herself. Yet, for Algos, the cycle of this existence was not done with. It brought forth conflicting feelings as The Godling's face soon turned to a more lamented expression.

"Regardless, you are once again right in the fact that I have a means of communication with all who are close to my heart. Even as we speak, that fragment of myself lives on in Algos's new life in this world. I can't say the same for Calypso as her soul is truly put to rest."

Not batting an eye, however, she explained the truth of the reality. Still, she desired a more direct question, and she posed one back in return.

"I'm an open book, so what of them do you wish to know? We have all the time in the world, after all."

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Everyting Fades [Santa/Mana] WVMWLOu
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Everyting Fades [Santa/Mana] Empty Re: Everyting Fades [Santa/Mana]

Sun Sep 04, 2022 3:14 pm
Everyting Fades [Santa/Mana] HEADER_E9uU7neVUAo8QPu

Santa made a face at that, and for a brief moment, insult soured the woman's expression, before Ajora cleared her throat and gently waved a hand in response to the assertion. "Not in the slightest. It is simply that our memories of Calypso and Algos were limited. However dear we held Calypso... ours was a very brief encounter. And while perhaps not as brief, well. I didn't have to look very far to understand that Santa's understanding of Algos was incredibly limited. Who she was. The Things she had done. However soft and rosy Santa;s memories of her were, there are things that need understanding. And unfortunately, against my hopes, Aina has retained Algos's memories. Which means that her past, to some degree, will still haunt her. Santa and, especially, Verdada, both wish to understand just what sort of past haunts Algos." She explained calmly enough.

A pause at that. "If only it were so simple. Calypso was a danava, was she not? Beings such as they never truly rest. Calling her truly gone, would be a little overzealous." Ajora pointed out. Causing an ...alarmed look on Santa's face. Who clearly was not aware of whatever she was talking about. But it was Verdada who kept the subject moving.

"If you don't mind. We want to know ....what their lives were like. Even Algos.... we only saw her in her final moments. We've no idea what led up to those things. We don't know why Calypso was a hermit out in the forest. Nor why the world held such vile eyes when it looked to Algos. Simply put we ....want some context." She explained.
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Everyting Fades [Santa/Mana] Empty Re: Everyting Fades [Santa/Mana]

Sat Sep 10, 2022 1:55 pm


Enter Mana's Post

Not much escaped the gaze of the godling when her direct attention was focused on something. So it was hard for her to avert her stare from Santa for that brief moment of spite. Then, moving her gem eye toward Santa, The Demoness commented on her observation.

"That Given what has occurred with the world, many have forgotten the world of the world. I surely hope you wouldn't assume I believed they meant nothing to you or that I lack care for my own flesh and blood."

Fixing her gaze back to Ajora, her eyes of Mana began to close as even she was at a loss for where, to begin with all of this. It was a tall order shifting through the memories, feelings and biased perceptions of the lives they lived. So many emotions, sentiments and halls of thought spiraled on like an all-consuming static. Yet, just as well, she'd press forward and answer their concerns to the best of her ability.

"Fair enough. I'll dispel anything you need to understand my daughters."

Before touching upon that subject, The Demoness looked at Ajora upon the comment of Calypso and carried forth.

"Overzealous? Perhaps. But that child deserves her rest. Danava's are re-created into the world, but I've felt nothing from her thus far, and given what she went through, she deserves a period of peace before being forced out of that slumber."

Those words weren't spoken with a lack of care, but rather, a mother wanting her blood to be at ease. There was no rush to rebirth Calypso given the number of hellish memories which did lead to her slaughtering her child and herself. Who would desire to re-awaken such a soul after such a bleak ending? Not even Mana desired to be that cruel.

"If you wish to know about Algos, that child is something of a failing of mine. I did make her from the flesh of myself and the extract of our creator's heart in order to start the cycle of a child I long lost in another life. Drunk on my own power and rule, I had the desire to create something of a failsafe in the event of my own demise or being unable to take care of urgent matters in my kingdom myself. And so I birthed Neoveta. I trained her, beat her, and rarely gave her much of a decent upbringing until she aged further, learned to control her rage, and became more docile.

Whoever Neoveta was had been a loving, kind demon who was almost akin to Calypso in some ways. Despite how depraved the world around her was, she still kept stumbling in the dark to unite people until her life was taken over by what Algos was and killed."

There was then a pause before she carried on with figuring out how to unpack more of these recollections.

"Algos and Algea were two beings that were the children of Eris in a far off life. Each of them represented the aspects of suffering, grief and pain as brooding as that sounds. Algos was something that was bound to happen as they both appeared to share a body and she was the stronger of the two power-wise, so we both killed her so I could have what I perceived to be that perfect demonic asset.

Turned out to be one of my worse failings as a mother, as from that point Algos had a life of no boundaries, pure power, luxury, wealth and anything her heart could desire. And she wanted more and more because to her that power meant further love, to achieve her purpose and become something to be adored by other demons for her acts of brutality, strength and being a proper mad Asthavon."

The Demoness glazed over in thought for a moment before staring at them all:

"I'm sure you noticed that much from here, am I correct?"

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Everyting Fades [Santa/Mana] WVMWLOu
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Everyting Fades [Santa/Mana] Empty Re: Everyting Fades [Santa/Mana]

Fri Sep 16, 2022 2:01 pm
Everyting Fades [Santa/Mana] HEADER_ea9ad4552d4c4ba8ee17d653a400f23e

Santa shot a venomous look in Ajora's direction, causing the woman to fall silent before the three of them turned to listen to Mana's words. And .... it was ..... perturbing. As Mana continued to explain the ends to which she'd struggled to make children, so much fell into place. The beatings. Killing off siblings. And the distress was incredibly clear on Santa's face. Ajora listened with a calmness that she always did. But perhaps the most surprising, was from neither of them. She wasn't even the first? The notion that Mana had 'Failed' in creating a daughter. It was dizzying. That this...Neoveta had to die. And then Algea had to die as well?! Santa frowned, but understood that this was .....demon. That this was the cruelty of power and standing. And in the pit of her soul, she felt sorrow that Algos had to be born to such a situation.

But it wasn't her who spoke up.

Mana. Or ...the ghost of Mana. Or whatever she was, would suddenly feel hands LATCH onto her shoulders, if they were able, and with a sudden, frantic effort, be lifted off the ground. By Verdada. "THAT was your greatest failing?!" The woman's voice was wracked with incredulity and anger. Santa had clearly been perturbed, but she had her mind tempered by life as a hollow. But Verdada, she who had been born entirely purposed around the protection of Algos and Aina. To hear what the woman had gone through even at first. It was enraging.

"What vile joke is this? You created daughters not out of love or nature, but as a BACK-UP?! And you let the word 'Mother' be soiled in your ashen mouth! What did you think would happen?! WHY would you do it? You have so much power, you could have made her from something GOOD. Or just let her turn out as she may. But you MADE her out of Grief and suffering?! INTENTIONALLY?!" Her voice was ....shrill. Incensed. Furious! She had known that Algos had been tainted by a great many things. But hearing what had been at her very core... it made her stomach turn.

"Why did you do this? Why did you ALLOW this? You say you KILLED Algea. You called Neoveta a FAILURE, AFTER you made whatever life she had a living hell. And yet suddenly you now CARE for what has happened to Algos? WHY? What twist of fate made you Suddenly care about these creatures you've spawned from your twisted flesh?!" She demanded. Wanting.....something. Because this was clearly beyond her comprehension. How could a woman who had done such vicious cruel things claim to love them?
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Everyting Fades [Santa/Mana] Empty Re: Everyting Fades [Santa/Mana]

Sat Sep 17, 2022 5:53 pm


Enter Mana's Post

"Do not mistake me for Mazda. I am not a loving divine creature."

There wasn't much reaction from the visage of Mana as she continued to gaze into the eyes of Verdada. While the other two were indeed on her mind, the raw emotion from the other indicated that the words she spoke made this quick to anger. Of course, the wording of such past events was poor, but The Queen's prior actions weren't in the best of taste. So, the gem eyes of The Demoness just observed the likes of the angered woman gripping her body as a darkened expression soon washed over her face.

"You seem to be under the impression I'm not a devil. Let me re-rectify that."

In a matter of moments, The Godling summoned a portion of her unending aura to punch the woman straight in the gut. While there were a million gruesome ways she could have inflicted pain, this strike would be enough to feel like the wrath of a collapsing mountain was dropped on her body. Enough to leave the woman winded enough for The Demoness to speak as her eyes grew cold.

"Do you not understand who I am? Are you incapable of realizing the blood on my hands? A merciful goddess I am not. Were you not someone I could trust with my daughter? Well, I don't have to state the obvious grim fate you could have endured with that reckless action."

Exhaling and releasing her strength, Mana continued addressing her concerns now that the wrong was straight and the disrespect addressed.

"Why would I seek to create something out of the element of grief and pain? The cycle of her soul was on a loop from long before either of our current souls was created. At that time, all I was focused on was following the allure of my maddening power and finding the pieces of my former life to make me whole and further my power. I felt if I had that, I could complete my game, further liberate my people and become whole."

There was a pause to give herself time to contemplate for a few moments. Clearly, the woman held no pride in the words spoken, yet she was unafraid to address her failings. They were a part of her, and there was nothing she could do to make it right or justify it. The only thing in her mind she wanted was to make things right. Not out of trying to be a good person, but from her own will. Nothing more, nothing less. Her family deserved better.

"Hard to say when I started to feel true love once more, but I do understand the extent to which I played my game had a high cost for those around me. It was only when I grew closer to Calypso that I started to snap out of my drunken stupor. I make no excuses for my sins, but when you reach your goal and look back at the road it took to get there, I desire to mend the damage I've done even if it's impossible for it ever fully to be reverted or taken back."

Uncertain of the extent of damage done to Verdada at this point, mists of emerald energy started swirling around the woman's likes as if they were attempting to infuse more energy into her to restore some of her functions and perhaps induce a faster rate of recovery. Even if she were a devil, death was not something she desired. So it gave her something to focus on while mulling over her words.

"Did you even ask yourself why I would call it a failure? Not once through my lips did I utter the nonsense of Neoveta being a failure. It was a failure since, as a demon, I let my power keep me in a state of manic frenzy to overlook how I let some of my children rot. Her life was a failure on my end due to the extent to which the madness of my abilities consumed my mind."

After speaking, Mana began closing her eyes so that she could go into a state of contemplating. Finally, visualizing the image of Neoveta in her head, the woman sighed and carried on.

"And Neoveta represented Algea, which means she is still alive. At the time, her body was the stronger of the two. She was the one who had more of my madness, power, and thirst for strength like what I thought a good demon should be when I was drowned in the madness of my mania. So, when the chance came, I allowed Algos to take over. I didn't deal the blows that killed her, but I allowed for Algos to be born as she was and claim that body for her own by allowing Neoveta to die out."

There was no expression on her face at this point. Her eyes may as well have been a void staring into nothing, reflecting on how deprived she was at that time. To allow something of her flesh and blood to be sacrificed was nothing more than the act of the devil itself.

"Algea still exists. I can feel her soul. It is faint, but she has started her new life. I care enough to leave her be, much like whatever remains of Calypso. But, whatever life Algea has now, I feel it is better if I observe from afar."


"Even you must agree after all of what you've heard."

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Everyting Fades [Santa/Mana] WVMWLOu
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Everyting Fades [Santa/Mana] Empty Re: Everyting Fades [Santa/Mana]

Sat Sep 17, 2022 7:22 pm
It was simply no contest. The force of a mountain behind the hand that was Mana was more than Verdada' s frail frame was frankly capable of handling. Even as an extension of Santa, the woman's body was simply not up to task, and rather than actually applying much force on Verdada's body as a whole, Mana's hand in it's sudden vicious ire, simply plowed clean through the woman's navel like paper. The soft crunch and a wet noise as 'The force of a mountain' would find flesh that frankly had no business taking such a blow augmented by the woman's power, and a corresponding wet splash of viscera hit the floor. Clean through. So much force, in fact, that the rest of Verdada's body hardly felt the impact, and thus Verdada would narrow her eyes. She should have been paralyzed, probably very critically injured. Were it not for the fact...that she was not a person. She was an extension of Santa's power, and just as quickly as she'd been injured, her flesh filled back in just as rampantly.

But she wasn't going to invite a more....concerted effort to punish her. And so for just an instant, those hands clenched with a strength that could shred a train in half... and then just firmly set the woman down on the ground, blood running down the length of her chin even as she continued to glare at Mana.

"I understand more and more just what you are. And none of it makes me feel any better about you calling yourself a Mother." Verdada responded with poorly-bound contempt as she stepped back. Santa lowered her hand, having raised it in preparation to force Verdada to heel her aggression. A sigh escaping her, but Ajora beat her to the punch in speaking up. "I apologize for her disrespect. Verdada was created .... for a number of reasons. But chief among them was the safeguarding of Algos's remains. And subsequently: Aina. It is not easy for her to hear about the ...unpleasantries regarding Algos's uprbinging. After all, you would not want Aina to have a guardian who did not care deeply for her, would you?" She ventured calmly enough.

Verdada seems unimpressed, and only narrowed her eyes further when Mana began to speak about Neoveta. And then toward .... the ....dizzying complex that was the pair of them. And this time... BOTH Santa and Verdada seemed taken aback when Mana spoke about this secondary party. Or what they had presumed to be one. For just a brief moment, Verdada almost seemed like she was going to snap again, but Santa preemptively pushed her back.

"Mana.... could you...elaborate on that? You say ...Algea is alive. ....Separately from...Aina?" She asked. Trying to sus out if the woman was saying that in ADDITION to Algos taking on the new life of Aina, there was some other girl now loose on the world. Or......if perhaps Algos was truly dead and gone. And that it was Algea that now inhabited Aina's body?

Ajora simply seemed to take all of this in stride, content in allowing Santa and Verdada ask their questions. But asfor her, she had much different concerns to voice. But she said nothing. She thought about the last moments she'd shared with Algos. She remembered the last moments she'd shared with Calypso.

Speaking with Algos..... of the pain she was in..... and her ..insistence on clinging to what she was.

And....showing Calypso....the screaming .....sheer horrible truth in the sky. Giving her a glimpse...into why Ajora had set all of this in motion in the first place. Why Santa ever existed. She did not have to look up. She knew she wouldn't see the stars. But she'd know they were still there. And she could not help but think to herself. What REALLY was the extent of the woman they were speaking to? Mana was the closest thing there could likely be to a God on this realm. Mazda had also fufilled that role. But in the aching...itching back of her mind, she knew that neither of them was capable of what she REALLY wanted. She waited.....patiently.... for Mana to finish speaking in regards to Algos. All the while.... the question burned in her mind.

What had Mana and Mazda sacrificed so much for? What had TWO godlike creatures done with all of their might?
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Everyting Fades [Santa/Mana] Empty Re: Everyting Fades [Santa/Mana]

Sun Sep 18, 2022 12:22 pm


Enter Mana's Post

"There isall no answer to make any party here happy, but we must carry forth."

After being let go and finishing her sentence, a discontent sigh left Mana's mouth. It was apparent that she didn't care to invoke violence, which is why there was some relief in seeing that she didn't pass away from the damage done to her body. It allowed the demoness to then focus on what needed to be said.

"It matters not if you believe I have that right to call myself a mother. I'm aware I've failed gravely as the entity who brought them into this world. I have no delusions of ever being a "good" mother, but that does not mean I cannot attempt to mend things as best as I can. I have no desire to delude myself into some redemption quest. I feel they deserve better, so I will give it to them. It's as simple as that."

Turning her gem eye back to Ajora once those cold spoken words were uttered to Verdada, the godling observed her for a moment before coming up with an answer to her pondering.

"That is why she lives. I understand why she acts in such a way. But emotion cannot overrule your better judgment if you lack the power to back it up. So many threats exist in this dimension. Flying off the handle to anyone other than myself would result in injury, imprisonment, or even death."

Now looking back to Verdada, she continued:

"I don't care if you hate me. You can even wish to want to kill me. But at least use your head, prioritize your safety, and put protecting Aina above all else. What benefit does she receive from your selfish desire to want to disrespect me? You aren't protecting her; you are only making yourself a target. One that will leave her alone if you thrash about to the wrong enemy. So at least use the investment I placed in you better than what you've displayed to me thus far."

Done with her for the moment, Mana shook her head, believing she had made her point. There were more potent matters to deal with, after all. Santa was asking the right questions. Just what WAS Algea? She'd clear that up with haste.

"Aina contains Algos without the corruption of her soul, powers, and demonic heritage. That power that was from her body will eventually come back in some form, much like Algea currently is. Why else did you think I took that energy from that realm? They are personified spirits of pain, suffering, and grief that Eris created, so that type of power isn't just erased from existence."

There was a pause before she continued, mulling over what would become of all the demonic energy that The Demoness had taken from that day in the garden.

"However, Algea is separate from them both. I know she was born sometime after Neoveta's death, and she contains the next evolution of that girl's spirit. So you needn't worry yourself over it, though I doubt that will dissuade you. Am I right?"

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Everyting Fades [Santa/Mana] WVMWLOu
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