Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Two Knight's Meal (Sigurd/Rafaela)  - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue0/0Two Knight's Meal (Sigurd/Rafaela)  - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Two Knight's Meal (Sigurd/Rafaela)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Two Knight's Meal (Sigurd/Rafaela)

Mon Oct 03, 2022 7:27 am
Two Knight's Meal (Sigurd/Rafaela)  - Page 2 Sigurd-banner

SIGURD | Hired Pay

It wasn't that his back was turned to her. It's the fact that him having his back to her is exactly what he wanted because he understood that someone like her would take any advantage they could get in a situation like this. Her charging in recklessly is exactly what he wanted, and the slight turn of his head in her direction signaled such. The sand on her body suddenly felt heavy; her leg, arm, and back suddenly weighed down by a sudden growth in density.


Thinking that his sand attacks were only mere distractions would prove fatal, but how would she know that her opponent could prime anything and cause anything to explode? Either way, as Reishi filled the sand particles on her body, she'd have only seconds to brace herself until her body felt those growths of energy explode on her person, blowing wind and sand all around. However, the truck continued being cut into, the results inconsequential to the man. He knows she won't die to that. He made sure of it, but he has a task to get done, and no time to waste.

What Matters | END POST
God of Love
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Two Knight's Meal (Sigurd/Rafaela)  - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue16000/1Two Knight's Meal (Sigurd/Rafaela)  - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Two Knight's Meal (Sigurd/Rafaela)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Two Knight's Meal (Sigurd/Rafaela)

Mon Oct 03, 2022 7:48 am
Two Knight's Meal (Sigurd/Rafaela)  - Page 2 JPHMciH


Rafaela knew, even before she understood exactly what was happening, that she'd made a grave error in charging so confidently through the sand that had been thrown into the air. She hadn't considered it would be anything more than just a distraction, or some sort of cloud to reduce visibility, but as she felt the swelling of energy around her, she grimaced to herself.

She could try and guard, but that wasn't an option right now. She had to stop him. The small woman gritted her teeth, held her sword tight, and without any hesitation, pulled her arm back for just a moment. Her violet energy coursed around the weapon in a much greater concentration, and then with her final step before the sand detonated, she threw the weapon with all her might.

The detonation itself hurt. It wasn't the worst injury she'd ever faced, but it was definitely close. Her coat was torn to shreds, and she was bleeding in more than a few places. At least her modesty was still intact, but that was a small reassurance when she could see her blood dripping onto the ground below her.

"Turn around and face me, you coward! Or are you such small fry you don't want to face a real warrior head on!?"

Well, at least her makeshift spear had gone off. Taking up a combative stance, even with her sword thrown toward her opponent, Rafaela wasn't going to give up yet. He might have had a job to do, but so did she, and she wasn't going to shirk from this fight just because she was injured.

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Two Knight's Meal (Sigurd/Rafaela)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Two Knight's Meal (Sigurd/Rafaela)

Mon Oct 03, 2022 8:38 am
Two Knight's Meal (Sigurd/Rafaela)  - Page 2 Sigurd-banner

SIGURD | Hired Pay

Hmm? His head turned slightly back again, but he didn't even attempt to block the sword flying in his direction. Her makeshift spear hit, digging itself into his left shoulder. Admittedly, it did hurt. In fact, he found himself grunting and buckling under its weight, taking note of her weapon now in his shoulder. However, that simply told him a bit about it. For one, it's not even metal, its only power being the energy she had given it before letting it loose. Another, it seems she's not as capable with her abilities, seeing how the worst of it was only from the initial impact. He can barely feel her presence in his shoulder anymore. Though, that still left it numb.

Either way, he ripped it free from his body, holding it in his hand for a second. His right arm became heavy then as he jabbed it into the caravan and forcible ripped out his target: a small package that seemed of no importance. However, he knows exactly what it is and what it's capable of. Technology has evolved too much for civilization to use responsibly, but he's uncaring of why he's hired to get it.

Well, he has it now, so there's no reason to keep entertaining his opponent. However, he threw her sword back at her, hoisting his sword from the caravan and onto his shoulder. Now, he's just staring her down, almost challenging her to continue being in his way.

What Matters | END POST
God of Love
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Two Knight's Meal (Sigurd/Rafaela)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Two Knight's Meal (Sigurd/Rafaela)

Mon Oct 03, 2022 8:48 am
Two Knight's Meal (Sigurd/Rafaela)  - Page 2 JPHMciH


Despite being outclassed, and despite her opponent so casually shrugging off her attack, Rafaela didn't waver, and she didn't back down as he stared at her with the empty eyes of that helmet he was wearing. She simply grabbed the sword he'd thrown back toward her, leveling it once more and wreathing it in crackling energy again.

"You'll regret that one, you know."

Her bravado was present even now, even after she'd been all but entirely bested. She wouldn't let anyone see her confidence falter, even if she was defeated. That much was simply not an option, and while she didn't have the strength to go on the offensive, it was abundantly clear that she had no intention of letting this man leave.

"Now put that down before I make you put it down."

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Two Knight's Meal (Sigurd/Rafaela)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Two Knight's Meal (Sigurd/Rafaela)

Mon Oct 03, 2022 9:21 am
Two Knight's Meal (Sigurd/Rafaela)  - Page 2 Sigurd-banner

SIGURD | Hired Pay

The only way to match bravado is with better bravado. She can spout all the nonsense she wants, but she won't get far with words alone. Sometimes, not talking is for the best, and with that reasoning, Rafaela found herself being approached. With no attempts at readying a stance, she'd find herself being walked up on as if she didn't matter in the end. The mission's almost a success anyway. The only issue is the woman standing in the path of freedom. He will leave, whether she liked it or not. She's lucky that killing her would prove a bigger hassle, not accounting for the fact that killing was always a last resort. Having Germany after him for killing an official would just be annoying.

Though, with that thought, what could this woman do that'd stop him from simply walking past her? He's already so close, already looking down at her with soulless eyes.

What Matters | END POST
God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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Two Knight's Meal (Sigurd/Rafaela)  - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue16000/1Two Knight's Meal (Sigurd/Rafaela)  - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Two Knight's Meal (Sigurd/Rafaela)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Two Knight's Meal (Sigurd/Rafaela)

Mon Oct 03, 2022 10:53 am
Two Knight's Meal (Sigurd/Rafaela)  - Page 2 JPHMciH


Rafaela tended not to give things her all most of the time. She'd been an officer of the peace, after all, and she didn't like to use lethal force. Even during the war, she'd taken far more prisoners than lives. But right now, she knew that holding herself back wasn't an option.

Her pride was on the line. Her life was on the line. Her duty as a knight was on the line. And Rafaela, for all her overconfidence, wouldn't let any of those go to waste. Her grip tightened, and as her muscles tensed, the sword in her hand hardened tremendously, her energy coursing through it now rather than simply over it. If nothing else, this was something she was good at.

She swung once, no longer holding herself back, and most people might not have even seen the blade move for how quickly it cut through the air. They would, however, certainly feel the shockwave that followed, such a swing more than enough to crumple the vast majority of foes.

She didn't even speak. Her eyes simply glared at the man who had dared to underestimate her.

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Two Knight's Meal (Sigurd/Rafaela)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Two Knight's Meal (Sigurd/Rafaela)

Mon Oct 03, 2022 9:18 pm
Two Knight's Meal (Sigurd/Rafaela)  - Page 2 Sigurd-banner

SIGURD | Hired Pay

A last-ditch effort perhaps? He can sense the ounce of energy being poured into this last act of defiance. This is what makes these moments so satisfying. It wasn't this act of bravado that exhilarated him at times like these. No. It was the act of beating them, this moment where he shows that he's not someone who's toppled by belief or faith. No matter how strong you believe you are, reality will come crashing down at some point. He is her reality.

However, this is but another job. There's no time for relishing in something like this. Whether he's good or evil, watching those before him understand just where they fall and how they may rise again is just another part of his job. And, always being prideful of his work, he readied himself; his body slouching as he took hold of his sword with both his hands. Her energy is purple, his red. As they both became excited, energy crackling from around their weapons of choice, Sigurd understood that he could end it as any moment. He had already charged her weapon. He could have simply blown it up and that would have been up.

Still, he brought his great sword down from his shoulder, energy spiraling from it to collide with her own. Collision, the speed of their blows creating a vacuum between them, their energy dancing with one another before his simply overpowered her own and caused an explosion in her direction, kicking up sand, dust, and debris. Then, she'd feel nothing but remnants, his energy suddenly gone like someone turned off a light switch. In actuality, he had simply replaced his necklace around his neck, the device working to seal his Reiatsu. Is he nearby? Has he already gotten too far away. It's impossible to tell.

What Matters | END POST
God of Love
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Two Knight's Meal (Sigurd/Rafaela)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Two Knight's Meal (Sigurd/Rafaela)

Tue Oct 04, 2022 2:56 pm
Two Knight's Meal (Sigurd/Rafaela)  - Page 2 JPHMciH


Rafaela scowled all the more as his blow matched his, knowing that the difference had to be coming from a spiritual gulf rather than anything physical. For all her flaws, she was a pretty exceptional combatant, and she'd trained well. But her energy was lacking, her ability to reinforce the sword in her hand couldn't compete with this warrior's.

And, most distressingly, she certainly wasn't keen enough at spiritual senses to pick out where he might be around her now. She could tell he hadn't simply disappeared, he wasn't that fast. But she couldn't see him in the cloud of sand, and she couldn't sense him. Only one thing to do, then. Frowning to herself briefly, she raised one foot, then stomped the earth as hard as she could. She wasn't the strongest person alive, by any stretch, but she could make a decent shockwave when she needed to.

It'd have to be enough to clear out this cloud, at the bare minimum.

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