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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Hollow Souls [Aina/Cala] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hollow Souls [Aina/Cala]

Thu Sep 29, 2022 5:20 pm


Enter Aina's Post

Location: Gran Paradiso National Park (Italty)

Cala was on edge as ever, it seemed. Aina was doubtful that the tension felt within the soul of this hollow would be eased ever so quickly. No, that's not how people worked. As she continued to observe the Arrancar's mannerisms, she understood frequent content over a while would be best if they were to continue to be in contact with one another. It could be an exciting experience to have this relationship unfold over time as she mulls about this world. This life to her was a means to figure out what she must do as a means to move forward, gain new interactions, and further complete herself and others along the way.

So, when they finally stopped walking, and Cala looked up at her with his starry pink eyes, she needed to answer with something of substance. It is why Aina gave him a sincere smile as her mind slowed, seeking to find a suitable response to give his question. When that answer came to her, she spoke.

"The body holds tension. As you breathe in and out, you feel out your body and bring the physical triggers of distress to ease. Lowering your guard physically can allow your mind to follow suit and a quiet mind can reflect and find the answers within yourself without so much noise."

Now moving behind the male, Aina's breath started to slow. Placing her hands over his heart, Aina's plum aura started to flow against him as she closed her eyes to find inner serenity. Meditation brought with it calmness, and these still thoughts brought insight into the soul, the past, and all things which help to produce a full person. In this way, she continued as she spoke into his ears from behind:

"I can't change you in one night. I'm a stranger to you. Despite that, you must want to open yourself to change as I can tell you are looking for something in this world. Scared, timid, and nervous, you can't expect to even understand yourself if you can't ease your thoughts, words, and body. Just relax and feel your whole body, mind, and soul, Cala."

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Cala Paracer
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Hollow Souls [Aina/Cala] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hollow Souls [Aina/Cala]

Thu Sep 29, 2022 6:17 pm
Cala's jaw tensed as Aina spoke again, understanding now the goal of what she had said, and nodded to show as such. Their eyes downcast now as they mulled over Aina's wise words, things that Cala knew to be true as well, Cala's eyelids drooped slowly as they tried to focus, tried to quiet their mind and marshal their will towards just calming down. They did take Aina's advice and slow their breathing, in and out, slower for but the briefest of moments, only for Cala to jump as Aina whispered in their ear from very close behind. This earned a bright pink blush and an, admittedly, slightly scared reaction from Cala. Their instinctual reaction to having anyone so close behind them bubbled in their stomach, warring with their other tangled emotions, Never mind the goosebumps that peppered down Cala's arms as Aina purposefully shrouded them in her aura.

Cala was a bit worse off than when Aina gave the advice, as both of Aina's actions thus far only made them MORE self-conscious and aware of.....well.... her mostly but also just how awkward and out of place they felt. The only reason Cala next snapped into focus was when Aina touched their chest, particularly, right over their Hollow hole through their clothing, right where their heart would be and before Cala really thought about what they were doing they used Sonido to rush away from Aina in a hurry! Going rather fast for their level of power, so much so that as Cala came to stop they stumbled, panting now, and clutched at their chest while looking back at Aina with wide, more fearful and confused eyes.

Fade began to spill and slither from within Cala's sweater to the ground from their sleeves and roil out from under their feet, Cala's skin growing a bit paler as they coughed and shook their head. THAT action in particular had gathered the exact opposite effect of calmness and, as a result, Cala dropped to their knees and began to puke up Fade. Whimpering quietly in distress as they began to change, their hair lengthening and eyes growing dim as they skull pin in their head expanded and grew down to cover their eyes. Genuinely scared and pained noises leaving Cala as their clothing tore and shifted, erupting out from the nice, form fitting sweater to a tattered black cloak.

Hollow Souls [Aina/Cala] - Page 3 Cala10

Cala's spiritual energy swelled noticeably, now equal to Aina's own, as a series of vine-like spirals of Fade coiled protectively around their body. Cala's spiritual energy and emotions shifted as well, their spiritual energy not only growing more potent but growing.... colder... almost feeling the color grey itself. While their emotions simply shrunk and shrunk, smothered until they simply.... vanished. None of the earnest trust from before remaining as this all-but-new Cala turned their skull-adorned head to stare roughly in Aina's direction. Their chest still heaving with the remnants of their past form's fear despite the emotion no longer being present as they watch Aina very, VERY closely. Their spiritual energy coalescing and focusing within their body as they stood there, tense and defensive as a frightened animal with no fear left.
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Hollow Souls [Aina/Cala] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hollow Souls [Aina/Cala]

Thu Sep 29, 2022 11:11 pm


Enter Aina's Post

Location: Gran Paradiso National Park (Italty)


Pulsations of change could be felt in the atmosphere around them when Aina told him to let go. Seeing the Arrancar pull away from her and taking a gaze back in fear made Aina believe that something drastic was about to occur. And, rather than let her emotions get the better of her, she kept calm as panicking about a circumstance would do nothing to change it. Slower and slower, the beat of Aina's heart slowed as the air grew colder. A thick sense of power bled out around them as darkness filled the area, and her plum eyes never left the sight of The Hollow after that point.

This transformation was the manifestation of his sin. Gazing down at the untamed spirit of loss, the woman held her arms in the air as if to signal she was of no threat to him. With her combative experience, aggressively approaching a person like this would undoubtedly lead to a clash. And while her instincts were ready to defend, the aura of her soul had no desire for such a thing. So, the cool breeze around them blew her hair against the wind as she breathed out, remaining still in her meditative stance as her face nodded forward and she began to speak.

"So, this is what you were afraid of, am I correct?"

Giving him time to speak afterward, she'd follow up promptly.

"Do you still trust me to approach? I won't do anything you aren't comfortable with."

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Hollow Souls [Aina/Cala] - Page 3 WVMWLOu
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Hollow Souls [Aina/Cala] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hollow Souls [Aina/Cala]

Fri Sep 30, 2022 2:57 am
Cala stared silently past Aina, their skulled face not looking directly at her eyes, but instead seemingly frozen in their thoughtful gaze. After a long, quiet moment Cala slowly shook their head, their tousled hair shaking gently, their thoughts silently playing behind their unseen eyes, unknown, and no doubt much different than the person she had just been speaking to. Inhaling slowly Cala would answer Aina's question of trust by opening their mouth, baring their small fanged teeth and begin to charge a rippling Cero in the depths of their mouth, obsidian energy crackling within their teeth and ablating light off of it's surface enough to create a corona of pure, spinning white light around it. After a moment of charging this attack Cala paused, their own aura fluctuating gently, like seeing a figure move under the surface of a placid lake, before they began to close their mouth. The Cero shrinking and dwindling as their focus shifted, their head turning away, and the remaining energy was fired off into a nearby tree. Only after the tree cracked and splintered in half at the point of impact and fell over did Cala shake their head again, their features not covered by their mask remaining stoic as they murmured.

"We are not...... and we do not."

Lowering their head to think for a brief moment Cala's had turned toward Aina, though a bit off from looking at her face, it was more looking at her stomach. With slow, almost sluggish movement Cala's Fade would slither across the ground towards Aina in a serpentine line of ash, flowing over the ground and ever so softly inserting itself into her aura of plum-like energy, assuming Aina did nothing to stop it. The sudden sensation of her energy being drawn away in a small, chunk, as if a part of her was.... drank like a liquid.... would be pulled into the mass of ash-like substance before it retreated back to Cala. That energy flooding into their ashen skin and Cala would consider for a moment, before nodding vaguely at Aina.

"Do we disturb you, Aina? We fear that both of us are not quite what we seem, for better or worse, and for nearly opposite reasons."

Cala frowned at this, a rather expressive motion compared to their rather stoic demeanor up until this point, before they stepped back away from Aina by a couple steps.

"You are concerned for us, why? Do you consider us a game, a puzzle to be deciphered or a thing to amuse yourself with?"

Despite their words Cala's tone was far from accusatory, instead it was quiet and almost genuinely curious, tinged ever so gently by the quietest bit of sadness. Like the faintly heard echo of a kitten's tiniest, terrified mewl in the middle of rainstorm.
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Hollow Souls [Aina/Cala] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hollow Souls [Aina/Cala]

Fri Sep 30, 2022 3:22 pm


Enter Aina's Post

Location: Gran Paradiso National Park (Italty)

Eyes locked on Cala, this new form was interesting as she continued to evaluate what will come of the encounter based on his mannerisms. Although he was charging a cero, the insights of Algos's prior life came rushing, and she knew this person already had the strength to attack her. So, if he were going to do something, he would have done it by now. Thus, while she felt unnerved by it, her cool did not erode externally before the cero eventually destroyed a nearby tree. This at least proved her suspicions correct.

So, as the blackened substance drank the aspect of her loss, Aina felt more at ease as she exhaled a soft breath before lowering her arms. Burning memories of her prior demonic self still churned around in her head. Remembering the feeding that Algos did, this did not seem too different as he seemed to at least want to consume and fill his element. Hence, she'd indulge him and answer his questions.

"The suddenness of this transformation and change of self startled me, as I'm pretty sure most people would feel some kind of whiplash from how different your base and release selves are. But no, I do not feel disturbed by you as it is And if anything was true from that prior form, then there is nothing to fear from a new companion as if you'd want me killed you'd have tried by now."

As she started to approach him, if he desired her away from him, she would oblige. But, she wanted to be closer and tried stand on the tips of her toes to gently caress his mask before speaking.

"This is no game, I'm afraid. I've known someone who treated life like a game and they were an ugly person to the core."

Taking note of the sadness in his voice, she'd continue.

"No. I'm concerned as you just seemed conflicted and hurt. And perhaps if I help you, we could both figure out how to navigate this world in the process. I don't want anything from you but to understand you so I can understand myself and this world better. If that's selfish, then so be it, Cala."

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Hollow Souls [Aina/Cala] - Page 3 WVMWLOu
Cala Paracer
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Hollow Souls [Aina/Cala] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hollow Souls [Aina/Cala]

Fri Sep 30, 2022 10:10 pm
Cala's masked visage would snap with unnatural quickness to directly stare at Aina's eyes as she approached, speaking once more of being startled now, of trying to calm them. If Cala were emotional in this form they likely would have sneered at the concept of being placated like an animal, like a monster. But as they were now they simply viewed the kind words and explanation as what they were, psychological prods and pulls to try and rip them apart. This made Cala bare their rather small fangs in comparison to their mask in a subconscious display of uneasiness. They did not, however, object to her approach. The sensation of their Pesquisa shining down onto Aina like a lighthouse in the darkness impossible to miss as it tracked her every motion with each gentle footfall.

It was not until Aina raised herself up, closer to their face, that Cala moved back. Their hand coming up to grip Aina's wrist and hold it, firmly but not tightly, their mask-clad face snapping down to meet her eyes. Black, empty holes of compressed ash staring down into her vibrant purple eyes without a word, the lower half of their face remaining expressionless as they made no motion to release her wrist, Instead their voice came out in a slow, soft murmur.


Cala would step back, releasing Aina's wrist away from them, and contemplate for a moment before their lips twitched just the tiniest bit in a gentle, unknowable gesture.

"You would make of us a tool, a servant, a shadow. It is a part that feels familiar. You wish to peel apart our soul to further map your own."

There was no real judgement in Cala's voice, merely cold observation, and Cala slowly crossed their arms as they tilted their head back to stare.... up... for no discernable reason. Their pale neck being bared to her as their throat worked in unspoken, sub-vocal syllables, only for them to lower their mask's visage back down to stare blankly in Aina's direction.

"We've obligations already. A senpai that trains us, friends, it is very little....... you would tear us away from these things? Entrap us, ensnare us to face an unknown you do not wish to seem to face alone? We would be at your beck and call, lest you would have to travel with us extensively, even to Hueco Mundo, or else bind us. This is..... unusual and only one of us trusts you."
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Hollow Souls [Aina/Cala] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hollow Souls [Aina/Cala]

Sat Oct 01, 2022 12:35 pm


Enter Aina's Post

Location: Gran Paradiso National Park (Italty)

Aina's head would tilt to the right ever so slightly as she observed her wrist being drawn away with the Arrancar's firm grip. Steadily, the woman's palms moved away from Cala's face. With a nod, she'd get the message, put both of her hands back at her sides, continue to watch him, and hear the words come forth from his mouth. There was sentiment about his concerns of being a tool, a servant, and something to be used to map out her soul by peeling away theirs. Obligations were plenty in his life, friends that existed, and a desire not to be entrapped. So, she'd take in the concerns, feel her emotions, and proceed.

"That is not incorrect, but I do not think of you as a tool, servant, or shadow. I don't have any need for that. I've lost most of everything that matters to me in this world, so I want to feel something and attach myself to people that could perhaps alter my perception. You can feel my soul; even if I haven't told you my life story, there wouldn't be a reason you'd be attracted to my soul, to begin with, if there weren't a heavy loss. So you can tell there is no deception on my hand."

With no hesitation in her voice, the woman kept her tone of speaking calm and even as she continued to tell her truth.

"You don't have to do anything. I can disappear if you wish for me not to bother you. But do not feel I cannot handle myself. I already have business in Hueco Mundo, so that realm does not scare me."

Taking a glance at his empty eyes, she'd further inquire.

"Or are you afraid trusting me and becoming a friend will result in you being hurt?"

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Hollow Souls [Aina/Cala] - Page 3 WVMWLOu
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Hollow Souls [Aina/Cala] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hollow Souls [Aina/Cala]

Thu Oct 06, 2022 7:23 pm
As Aina explained herself Cala actually relaxed their stance ever so slightly at her admission that, in a way, they were using them. Aina's following words were met with a blank stare, for the moment, until they nodded ever so softly and allowed her to continue what she wished to say. Cala was not the best at processing their emotions, in either form, but could at least decouple themselves when in this one from almost all of them. This was a boon for the Arrancar as, when Aina stopped speaking, they responded in a curious mixture of both instinct and analytical analysis of their own mental state that was just a tiny bit too fast to be entirely intentional.


Taking a moment to divert their head to the side a bit Cala gave off the distinct impression of someone who, if they had visible pupils now, they would be flitting back and forth in rapid signs of cognition before they nodded, slowly, and raised their masked visage to look directly at Aina. Now expressing their more complete thoughts.

"No we do not wish you to disappear. You are.... interesting.

Taking the briefest second to further compile their thoughts Cala almost bared their fangs again in distaste not at Aina but at themselves for struggling so much with them.

"We do not fear having friends, commitment, or pain. Trust..... Trust is more foreign, but we d trust, if not equally between us. We fear..... LOSS.... No we are ehmm....."

For the briefest of seconds their speech faltered much like it would in their prior form, before they all but hissed in displeasure and all but bit the words free from their mouth.

"You are beautiful, as are Igen, our Senpai and Arianda.... you have all LOST. Experienced LOSS, and yet you live, yet you breathe, like a set of beautiful cataclysms propelling themselves forward in time."

Not quite giving much time for Aina to mull over those words Cala took a step toward her, an exertion of their spiritual energy funneling into their Pesquisa as they truly, completely, gazed upon her as much as their senses could alight. As if putting her wholly under the microscope of their senses they stayed silent for a tiny moment before withdrawing their rather invasive perception and muttering.

"We would accept an accord, to be friends and more, that you may use us to map your soul as you wish whilst you allow us to feed in the wake of your loss. To be close would allow us to be there should it change, should it deepen, though we suspect.... we suspect somehow we may end up biting the hand that feeds.... and for that we preemptively apologize. We are, after all, a monster."
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Hollow Souls [Aina/Cala] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hollow Souls [Aina/Cala]

Fri Oct 07, 2022 12:15 pm


Enter Aina's Post

Location: Gran Paradiso National Park (Italty)

In some form, aspects of Cala's two's personas overlapped. Possessing an observation eye was the key to seeing the insights of a man as far as Aina was concerned. The soft nods, the relaxing body language, and the soft-spoken words indicated that some portion of his prior self existed in this new form. And it was cute in a way and caused her innocently smile at that sight.

"Well, I'm glad to hear I'm interesting."

Speaking with sincerity behind her voice, the woman nodded her head forward as she continued to listen to what he had to say instead of chiming in too heavily with her input. As the more he divulged, the more she learned. Even as he bore his fangs, there wasn't any fear as he had issues bringing his emotions, feelings, and thoughts into words. Cala spoke of not fearing commitment, pain, or friends. These are things in life that are enjoyable, but trust is a rare commodity. Yet, beyond that, the fear of loss drove him. And why wouldn't it? It's his element.

As Cala continued to talk more and more to Aina, the beauty of existing despite loss is what attracted him to her. To be able to breathe, live and still stand with a smile is what he saw in them, and it made her face glow with a faint blush. Since, as far as she was concerned, she was still getting by in life, trying to find people, purpose, and things to fill that void of loss within herself.

But, before she could speak, he took a step forward and expressed his desire to be their friend and more, allowing her to use the map of his soul and allowing, in turn, for him to feast on her loss. Of course, to be close is a dangerous place, and there was still risk to be had with a monster, but Aina herself already knew that life more than he could ever imagine. So, to that end, her blush faded, and she hugged him.

"Well, you know how to flatter a girl. While I do not want the worse to happen, good things in life cannot come without risk. And I want to be able to trust others again, so I still trust my instinct with you."

Now holding his hand in her warm but soft grasp, she'd continue.

"So yes, Cala, we can be friends. I'm happy you accepted my request, aren't you? We've lost so much, but we gain each other in the end. Is that not beautiful?"

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Hollow Souls [Aina/Cala] - Page 3 WVMWLOu
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Hollow Souls [Aina/Cala] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hollow Souls [Aina/Cala]

Sun Oct 09, 2022 5:32 pm
Cala stood stock still as Aina moved forward to hug them, not moving or really reacting to the show of physical affection, though their Pesquisa remained trained on Aina their masked face continued to stare ahead pensively. Strangely enough it was Aina taking their hands that made Cala turn their head down to look over her shoulder, their head slowly tilting in thought before they gave a slow nod.

"Yes, we are glad you accepted."

As Aina asked if their situation was beautiful, however, Cala thought for a brief moment before shaking their head.

"It.... is not yet. It remains to be seen if something beautiful comes of our friendship. I am.... not familiar with how things may progress, and I fear I may end up harming you."

Cala gently raised their hands, placing them on Aina's shoulders, and demonstrated. With slow, methodical motions would their Fade emerge from within Cala's clothing, spiraling out in an embracing mass of ash-like vines, softly embracing Aina and, where it touched her skin, it would cause a numbing sensation as it ripped and pulled her energy away in slow, gentle motions. Like water vanishing down a drain, like light falling into a black hole, never to escape, Cala drank from her. Not aggressively, driven by instinct, as they usually did and it would not be a lie to say Cala enjoyed feasting on Aina. Her energy was... different than that of Shinigami or Hollow, and like someone enjoying a new flavor of dish, Cala's fingers dug ever so gently deeper into her shoulders. Those clawed hands lightly stinging the skin, but not breaking it, as that tingling, numbing sensation would spread from every point the Fade touched.

Cala did not, however, drive their hunger deeper into Aina's being. Much as a small part of them may have wished to devour her they kept their hunger in check, kept that tingling theft of power reserved only to her skin without greedily attempting to smother her into nothing. During this, all of this, Cala's masked face lowered to gaze at Aina's eyes blindly. As if they were watching her for discomfort despite their eyes being useless. Like a spider softly, slowly entangling a willing prey in their web Cala studied and observed every reaction until they had taken their fill and gently, slowly, pulled away. Their hands, acting both to hold Aina in place, also supported her if the process left her too drained, holding her up as those writhing vines pulled both energy and loss from Aina's being. One smooth, dexterous hands of ashen white softly moved up her neck to cup her cheek and, softly, Cala would ask.

"You are...... still whole?"
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