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Hollow Souls [Aina/Cala] - Page 5 Empty Re: Hollow Souls [Aina/Cala]

Fri Oct 14, 2022 3:38 pm


Enter Aina's Post

Aina's instincts were in pure survival mode right now. So, her plum eyes glanced backward at most of the attacks being dealt with; she noticed a few wasps and spiders coming forth to pounce on her. Then, after getting bit by a single spider, her body reacted out of instinct to release an explosion of plum energy as she let out a yell. It wasn't a powerful blast, but it was enough for the bugs to at least be dealt with before she started running faster.

So, after having enough of this and in attack mode, Aina's dread and anxiety turned into a fighting response as she gritted her teeth, hoped for the best, and just threw a scattershot of attacks at trees nearby. The hope was to have a series of trees around them shatter and collapse on top of the attacking hollow. Unfortunately, she didn't have reasonable control of them, so some missed the mark, but others would cut down the trees so they could at least have a fighting chance.

Hence, on the half-chance that Cala got caught up, she'd form her weak shield around him as her body burned, ached, and screamed out with pain, as all of this was taxing without much training.

"Please, we have to get out of this, Cala!"

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Hollow Souls [Aina/Cala] - Page 5 WVMWLOu
Cala Paracer
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Hollow Souls [Aina/Cala] - Page 5 Empty Re: Hollow Souls [Aina/Cala]

Sat Oct 15, 2022 9:41 pm
Cala was caught in a desperate fighting retreat as the Hollow caught up to them, lashing out at Cala with fearsome swipes of their bone-like claws. Their assault rending the air a flurry of attacks Cala struggled to deflect. Cala was, noticeably, more skilled than the Hollow but the Hollow possessed much more raw, physical power than the Arrancar and it was only due to said skill that Cala was able to turn blows that should have torn Ceniza from their hands into workable parries and ripostes. Slashing and hacking back at the Hollow where they could when a particularly lucky parry would cause the Hollow to weaken their own posture.

As a nearby tree came crashing down near them Cala hissed, timidly venturing to expand their senses from their opponent as they realized what Aina was doing. Leaping back from a particularly powerful dual-slash from the Hollow Cala once more peppered them with Bala to egg them onward, a nearby tree beginning to creak and come crashing towards them as they taunted the Hollow into attacking once again. As the Hollow leapt forward, the two now fighting perilously close to Aina, Cala blocked the slash that was aimed at them. Cala's legs nearly buckling as the enraged Hollow drooled blood from it's skull-like face, and Cala used the force of the Hollow's slash to fall backwards bodily, rolling over themselves into a crouching position as the Hollow turned to look just as the tree came crashing down upon them.

Cala, however, took no solace in this. Now kneeling directly in front of Aina Cala gathered what energy they could fit into one Cero, their mouth opening wide as a sphere so dark it was a rent in reality tore into existence. A screech of Loss and sorrow emanating from them as a corona of soft, white light began to spiral around the sphere, energy arcing of of Cala as the Hollow burst through the tree with ferocious, hateful anger directly at Aina as it seethed.

"You DARE turn my forest against me!?"

It barely got the sentence out before Cala unleashed their Cero, the Hollow's hateful words turning into a howl of pain as it's body was scorched, seared and tossed backward into a flipping, injured mass. Cala coughed once, twice, before staggering to their feet and turning to Aina. Taking her hand Cala would use what energy they had left to begin to Sonido the two out of there, the bloodied but not beaten Hollow grunting in rage from behind them as Cala only stopped once the two were clear of the forest. Kneeling beside Aina and panting heavily as they grimaced, turning their senses down to their leg, and noted the odd fungal infection that currently warred with their regeneration to either worsen or heal the wound. A quiet murmur directed at Aina as they sighed.

"We should.... keep moving. You are.... alright?"

Cala stood, took a step, before staggering and dropping to a knee again. Harshly digging Ceniza into the ground to support themselves as they snarled, fangs bared, and heaved themselves up into an unsteady standing position.
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Hollow Souls [Aina/Cala] - Page 5 Empty Re: Hollow Souls [Aina/Cala]

Mon Oct 17, 2022 8:56 pm


Enter Aina's Post

Exhausted wasn't even a word best fit to describe the state of Aina's mind. Her body felt ragged as it ached out with deep-rooted pains from rapidly using an undeveloped power. It felt as if the woman's skin was burning, her lungs filled with ash, and her whole body felt fatigued as if this was a crash course in forcing something to awaken in herself.

Yet, despite this, the strength of Cala indeed showed. With their combined efforts, they could keep the hollow back at least, as everything was moving so fast for her that it was tiring to keep track of all the details that were happening for Aina. At this moment in time, her entire perception was mostly static, functioning on instinct of a left-over life before the hand of Cala had touched her. In that instance, she was dropped back to reality. Then, they were gone in a flash, and the hollow seemed to be dealt with for now.

Eyes turning down to the leg of Cala, she gasped a bit and looked at him with a bit of worry.

"My body hurts and burns, and I'm scared out of my mind, but I think I'll be okay. I'm more worried about you...."

Catching her breath, Aina's breathes weren't as rapid as Cala's; but there was a thick tiredness to them as she felt out of wind herself. The exhaustion didn't lower her concern for him, however. Normally hollows should regenerate by now, so the fact that it wasn't meant this was something out of her league.

...should she call for assistance? No. There was nothing Verdada could even do with it. No sense in dragging her into this.

"I'm scared...for you. So...what should we do? Should we keep going until we find somewhere safe? You look hurt..."

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Hollow Souls [Aina/Cala] - Page 5 WVMWLOu
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Hollow Souls [Aina/Cala] - Page 5 Empty Re: Hollow Souls [Aina/Cala]

Wed Oct 19, 2022 9:04 pm


Enter Cala's Post

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Cala slowly regained their balance, at least to the point they could stand without leaning on Ceniza, and ignored the pain in their leg for the moment to tilt their head vaguely in Aina's direction as she mention her worry for them. Cala would then turn their head, Fade creeping down their body to begin absorbing and breaking down the lingering energy the Hollow had left in them. A small, somewhat relieved sigh would leave Cala at this and they would shake their head.

"Do not worry for us, you are safe, that is what matters."

While Cala's Fade continued to work at breaking down the fungal infection inflicted upon them they cast their senses back behind them, scanning relentlessly for the Hollow that had just assailed them, and caught the briefest traces of it retreating back into the depths of it's forest. Now that Cala knew what they were looking for, and had tasted it's energy, they were more than confident that the being was truly retreating to lick it's wounds and gave a small nod. Their regeneration, meanwhile, began to slowly win it's war as the energy sustaining the infection ravaging them was sapped away, used to fuel Cala's own regeneration even, and once it was gone they sighed a long, slow sigh. They still bore wounds, ones that healed slowly but steadily, and gently took Aina's hand in their own as sheathed Ceniza.

"We wish to find you somewhere safe, this is.... the most active this part of us has been in some time and we grow weary. But we will keep our promise to protect you as you rest. But you are weakened and in worse condition than we. Allow us to bear your burdens, if only for a while."

Bearing her burdens:

Assuming Aina did not object Cala would turn and, gently arcing out their Fade would use it to pull Aina onto their back and begin to walk. Their gait now much more steady, their hold on her firm and comforting, and they draw as little energy from her as possible until she was safely situated on their back as they walked her towards the small inn they had sensed earlier. This form of Cala's was a bit more.... underhanded or savvy and instead of going inside with an injured girl on their back they leapt up onto a the neighboring building, used their Fade to unlatch the windowsill into a locked room, and brought Aina inside of the cozy, if somewhat small and quaint, room.

Setting Aina down on one of the two beds available Cala then slowly braced a chair against the door and seated themselves on the floor, their back to the remaining bed, and closed the window before locking it again. They did not possess the means to light the few candles in the room, nor did they necessarily want to turn on the light on the ceiling. Instead they simply lowered their head, senses outstretched, to allow Aina to rest however she wished. Taking rather well to the role of silent guardian.

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Hollow Souls [Aina/Cala] - Page 5 Empty Re: Hollow Souls [Aina/Cala]

Wed Oct 19, 2022 10:08 pm


Enter Aina's Post

Shock overflowed the face of Aina as she witnessed Cala beginning to heal himself. Maybe the worse of this was over, and they could start moving ahead, as Aina knew that there were more creatures in this forest, and she wasn't interested in sticking around to find out if they were all as peaceful as Cala happened to be. But, a sudden burning pain ignited across her body as she let out a small whimper of pain before wincing her eye.

"Trust me; I'll be fine...I think. I'm just happy you are ok!"

Although she was winded, the woman was sincerely content that their situation didn't turn lethal. They were both banged up, but they'd live. For now, her thoughts were distracted as her face turned cherry pink at the sight of Cala picking her up on his back. At first, she didn't know what to say, yet Aina did not reject him. Instead, she accepted it and leaned her head to rest since her body was tired.

"Uhm, thank you. nice."

Aina didn't mind being protected. For the moment, she just wanted to feel - safe. But, she'd chuckle and chime up one more time before briefly nodding off.

"Hopefully, I'm not too heavy."

With a quiet snort, she'd slumber for a bit before being awoken to the scene of him leaping upwards into an inn and thrusting them both in the window. Eyes wide open, she was surprised at the dark room they were thrown into. Yet, when the softness of the bed hit her back, it all felt nice. Security, protection, and shelter; these things were nice to have. But -- there was another question lingering out.

"....did you pay for this room? I can pay for us. But I don't want to attract unwanted attention."

Blinking like an innocent child, Aina didn't need any extra attention or troublesome circumstances at the moment. So, she just wanted to make sure everything was on the up and up. But, she'd eventually sigh with a sense of relaxation before saying.

"But thank you...for saving me. I appreciate."

Slowly standing on her two feet, the woman limped over and gave Cala a warm hug as she embraced him with her kindness.

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Hollow Souls [Aina/Cala] - Page 5 WVMWLOu
Cala Paracer
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Hollow Souls [Aina/Cala] - Page 5 Empty Re: Hollow Souls [Aina/Cala]

Sun Oct 30, 2022 4:24 pm


Enter Cala's Post

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As Cala had picked up Aina the last thing they would call her was heavy, even if they were far from strong, and as they were currently it wasn't until Aina sked if they had payed for the room they would come to rest in that they had another contradictory thought. On the verge of answering Cala instead stopped as Aina felt something was worth getting up for, and so the Arrancar simply surveyed her from their seated position. Their voice a rather impassive, quiet murmur.

"You should be careful, you will only exhaust yourself furth-.......

Cala went quiet as Aina hugged them, seated as they were it was a rather awkward thing, the warmth of her body seeping into Cala almost intrusively and though Cala did not return the gesture they did sigh quietly, their own form slightly cold now, and their voice was ever so slightly softer than before.

"Thank you. You are.... warm.... and we do not require your thanks for that. We feel..... we would like to make you our friend, something inside tells us it is good. You are good."

Cala paused abruptly, their lips pursing, before they shook their head.

"Perhaps.... however, it is more correct to say you are not like us.... not good.... you are simply choosing not to be bad. But is such a thing the same as innocent, or good? Perplexing....."

Lost in their own thoughts for a moment Cala would shake their head, careful that their horned mask did not hurt Aina by accident, before they would slowly stand and softly pull Aina's arms from them. Taking her hands in their own and asking gently.

"Do you require assistance returning to bed? If so we shall give it, do not strain yourself unnecessarily."

There was the tiniest, briefest hint of concern there, not in Cala's tone of voice, but in the barely perceptible tilt of their head as they asked Aina if she required assistance.

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Hollow Souls [Aina/Cala] - Page 5 Empty Re: Hollow Souls [Aina/Cala]

Wed Nov 02, 2022 2:47 pm


Enter Aina's Post

Aina could feel the coldness exuding from the body of Cala in contrast to the heat her own body generated. Nevertheless, the embrace the two shared showed that the physical touch was needed to bring some sense of warmth into the male's life. Or at least, what she perceived to be a male, anyway. So, with a reassuring hum, she responded to him.

"I wouldn't worry about exhausting myself. I think this moment is nice since you feel cold to the bone. I guess you are hollow, hehe."

Patting the bottom of his chin, the plum eyes of Aina continued to gaze upwards at him before deciding to answer the bit about them being innocent.

"Maybe actions matter more than thoughts. I don't know much about this world, but if you can be a monster yet choose not to, I suppose that has to count for something, right?"

Nodding, Aina figured that's all that mattered. Cala was a hollow beast, yet he was doing what was supposedly the right thing. So there had to be hope in some growth of the soul, or this whole reality was hopeless.

For now, she closed her eyes as she felt herself growing worse for wear, given her body's shape. So, she spoke out once more:

"Yes~ You may take me to bed now. My body is far too exhausted..."

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Hollow Souls [Aina/Cala] - Page 5 WVMWLOu
Cala Paracer
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Hollow Souls [Aina/Cala] - Page 5 Empty Re: Hollow Souls [Aina/Cala]

Wed Nov 02, 2022 7:54 pm


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Cala was slow to respond, their slender fingers idly squeezed, touched, caressed and otherwise busied themselves with Aina's hands as she spoke. Whether out of subconscious habit or not was impossible to say but as Aina touched their chin Cala's skin was.... soft, smooth, and cold enough to chill her fingertips. Despite their idle studying of her hands it was evident that Cala's senses were wholly fixed upon Aina as she mused back, nodded, coming to her own conclusion on the matter.

Cala, as they were now, appreciated this notion. Though they had barely a moment to ponder it before Aina spoke in a manner that was... interesting. Causing the Arrancar to hum quietly, barely audibly, before their left hand released Aina's, their right softly drawing her closer, before their right hand slid past Aina's hand, down her arm, along her back, and with a single motion they knelt just a bit, their left arm hooking behind her knees, and lifted. Scooping her up beneath her back and knees Cala cradled her with as much gentleness as a monster could. Their clawed hands teasing soft, princess-esque skin that the Arrancar was certain not to mar, and with the bundle of warmth that was Aina securely held they would murmur softly.

"Were it that we were capable of being more than a monster..... I fear even now we deceive you, no matter how we may wish otherwise. We tell ourselves that we wish to see you safe, as a friend, and yet something unbidden coils in our stomach at your presence..... and your tone.... you speak as if you are accustomed to being obeyed..... it is.... odd...."

Cala took a step toward the bed, their grip on Aina firm but not painful, and in a use belying it's nature and purpose they would use their Fade not for combat but, instead, to pull back bedsheets and blankets. Holding Aina carefully over the bed their features stayed perfectly neutral as Cala commented.

"We thank you, for who you seem to be as well. It is......"

That particular thought went unfinished as Cala instead inhaled and went on.

"No matter. Are you prepared for us to let you go?"

After lifting Aina Cala's senses had, admittedly, been entirely focused on getting her to the bed and their own little speech. Not wanting to drop her or bump into anything only now did Cala turned their senses back to Aina as they questioned her. If Aina stated she was prepared then Cala would place her in bed, cover her, and resume their post seated across the room.

Should Aina not wish it, or have otherwise fallen asleep in the short trip across the room, Cala would purse their lips in contemplation before, deciding not to disturb her sleep, simply move into the bed themselves and draw the covers about them. The beginnings of subtle warmth from where the Arrancar's heart should be going unnoticed as they helped Aina fall asleep.

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Hollow Souls [Aina/Cala] - Page 5 Empty Re: Hollow Souls [Aina/Cala]

Fri Nov 04, 2022 4:14 pm


Enter Aina's Post

Their flesh dancing together in a mixture of cold and warmth was nice to Aina. To bring warmth to something cold is what she desired to do in this life. However, that sentimental thought drifted as she witnessed him begin to gradually let go after the sounds of the Arrancar's odd humming had left his mouth.

Cala felt fit to pick the woman up, secure her in his grasp and comply with her request. Yet, in doing that, a small, soft happy smile came across the face of Aina. It was nice to be cared for and tended to in a time of need. Her body felt like crap, but that didn't matter as she felt safe, and she wanted that feeling to last a bit longer as this world could be cold, scary, confusing and isolating.

"That feeling of obeying orders, I think, is a leftover from whoever I was in my previous life and her commanding tone. That life doesn't matter to me now, however. I want to be in the moment and embrace who I am now, and I'm happy to have you on that journey, Cala. You make me right now."

With a slight blush, the woman chuckled gingerly while saying sappy stuff, but it felt good to do so.

In moments she was back in her bed as fade gently took care of Aina and kept the woman warm under the blankets. But, despite that, not content with how things were, the plum eyes of the woman held onto Cala before she answered his question about her being prepared for him to go.

"No. I don't want to leave. This is weird, and you can say no if it's uncomfortable, but I wanted you to stay with me and sleep with me. Not anything...sexual...I want someone to hold tonight to feel safe. I feel hurt and tired, and it was nice being carried and held like that."

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Hollow Souls [Aina/Cala] - Page 5 WVMWLOu
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Hollow Souls [Aina/Cala] - Page 5 Empty Re: Hollow Souls [Aina/Cala]

Sun Nov 06, 2022 4:14 pm


Enter Cala's Post

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Cala's senses roamed over Aina passively, their masked visage staring ahead, unseeing, with no discernable reaction to Aina's very sappy, very flirty, comments. The blush did not go unnoticed and as Aina further explained she wishes for them to cuddle and sleep together Cala's head would tilt down, the mask roughly looking into those plum eyes as the obsidian darkness of where their eyes should be stared impassively back. Listening to Aina for a long moment Cala's lips pursed just a tiny bit, their ashen skin barely shifting at the minute expression of emotion, as though Cala were so deeply lost in their thoughts they couldn't get their body to really react.

Finally, in a soft tone that was flat, level and rather matter-of-fact Cala's left hand would move and very slowly, with a gentleness that betrayed a supposed 'monster' such as themselves, their claws softly tickled Aina's cheek and neck, the beauty of the woman before them was not lost on this form, and they understood things they otherwise wouldn't, so it was with cold, methodical certainty, with no room for misunderstanding, that Cala leaned over Aina and used that hand to cup her cheek. Those masked eyeholes now gazing directly at her eyes as Cala stated.

"Let us trade truth for truth......"

There was a slight pause, a deep inhale, before Cala stated softly.

"You are.... attracted to us. It is.... an odd feeling. You are a treasure, an enigmatic wonder of emptiness and virtue both, and yet we are a devourer of that which incites hopelessness, a reflection of a piece of a lie, of which none of us, not a one of ourselves sees the truth. I am as much a lie as a sunrise that claims it would last forever."

Cala's hand gently, VERY gently, gripped Aina's chin. Not a commanding grasp, but one that tested her surety as it made her hold their gaze.

"Our other self is Innocence of a capital I, of separate heart and mind, for reasons we cannot know for we have tried all our existence to plumb the secret from the world. We say this..... not to frighten you.... not to harm you..... simply so you know what we are. A monster, a beast, a Hollow, we feed and claw and fight, butcher and devour..... and yet your soul, shining like amethyst in your eyes, quells this bestial nature if only a bit..."

Cala had climbed into the bed with her, at some point, and their free arm hooked under Aina's back to hold her with a firm, tender security to reinforce their words.

"If we are mistaken, then we will still keep you safe this night, your soul is young and blank and we would not force a decision upon it."

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