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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Soul Of The Night [Aina/Kenichi]  Empty Soul Of The Night [Aina/Kenichi]

Tue Sep 27, 2022 12:24 pm


Enter Aina's Post

Location: Gran Paradiso National Park (Italty)

Night brought within the darkness of the soul. Gazing at the shine of the full moon, the plum eyes of a blank spirit looked up toward the infinite cosmos with a profound emptiness reflected in her vision. Days felt like distant worlds as the search for something of meaning in this world was rather -- difficult. Lacking purpose, people, and things to otherwise attach herself to this realm, the deep sense of loss, confusion, and aimlessness made her soul downright rancid.

Walking alone in the mountains, the winds of this cool evening blew the woman's pale white dress against the breeze as waves of indigo miasma flew across her body. Was there a lingering for her old life, or was this just adjusting to her new one? Was she Algos or this new person? It was hard to tell, but the person Algos was seemed like another person; yet her memories felt like bitter poison. So Aina gripped her head to shake it off before she found herself in an opening gazing down at a flock of hollow beasts.

Hidden in their cloaks, these massive creatures looked down upon the twisted soul of Aina as their hungry spirits started to groan, creak and come to life with reddening power. There was no doubt they were attracted to whatever grief this woman was going through. Yet, instead of showing fear, the lone woman's face turned into a scowl as she did not appear to fear death at this moment. No. She was always prepared for it after the recollections of her prior mind flowed through.

Whatever happens -- happens.

So, among that, it was pointless to run, and she held her ground as that purple miasma around her body grew, and her distaste for the circumstance continued to rise.

"What? Do you see yourself in me?"

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Soul Of The Night [Aina/Kenichi]  WVMWLOu
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Soul Of The Night [Aina/Kenichi]  Empty Re: Soul Of The Night [Aina/Kenichi]

Tue Sep 27, 2022 2:09 pm


The full moon shined brightly, casting a bright view over the mountaintops. Among those mountains, Kenichi relaxed into a meditative stance, marveling at the majesty of the stars, those graceful pinpoints of light dancing in the cosmos.

It was a pristine view from his current vantage point. Of course, any aim of meditation was certainly compromised when his eyes traveled down towards a peculiar sight. It was a host of hollow who seemed to be following an otherworldly source - a miasma colored in indigo hue.

Countless years of training his senses to their utmost limit would allow him to gaze towards that source. It was a woman adorned in pale white dress, standing bravely before that score of mindless beasts. The impassioned martial artist certainly admired that bravery. However, from the way things appeared, she did not seem to be well-equipped to take them all on her own.

Thus, the Rising Dragon set into action. There was no wasted movement as he shot forward, soaring amidst that wave of ravenous beasts. Of course, Kenichi was no fool to assume he could take out an entire wave of massive hollows. He merely needed to cause enough of an uproar to force them away from their current source of intrigue.

Offering no moment of hesitation, Kenichi drew his arm back, as though he were loosing arrow from bowstring, striking forward to launch an atmospheric wave of air towards the hollows, creating a distance between them and Aina. Landing before her, he raced forward, executing techniques within a seamless flow. Some resembling the movements of Ulv Auber, others creations of his own ingenuity.

Strike after strike felled the lesser beasts, but Kenichi was well aware that there were still more than enough that he could feasibly combat all at once. Even so, he had achieved his aim, . The distraction had been created. Their balance and focus were now centered on two sources rather than one, and half of their forces had been lessened.

Kenichi turned towards Aina, pulling the woman into a princess carry, aiming to outpace the hollows, avoiding them at any direction they might seek them out. In a few moments, he reached a clearing in the mountains where the hollows would not pursue them unless they humored the idea of being cleansed by a shinigami. If she had chosen to be whisked away, Kenichi would set her down, so she could stand on her own two feet.

"To stand before a host of hollows and face them down with a stare is quite the remarkable show of bravery, miss. I was wondering if you had the ability to take them out on your own, but I didn't want to risk watching you die, either. We're far enough out of their range that they shouldn't be disturbing you any longer. Of course, for now... I'll stay here as support until I'm sure they're gone."

Kenichi would turn towards her with a bright grin, offering his hand.

"Name's Kenichi. How about you, miss?"

stand unrivaled| END POST

Last edited by Iori on Tue Sep 27, 2022 6:32 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Soul Of The Night [Aina/Kenichi]  Empty Re: Soul Of The Night [Aina/Kenichi]

Tue Sep 27, 2022 6:21 pm


Enter Aina's Post

Location: Gran Paradiso National Park (Italty)

The next moments flew by rather quickly. Sensing another being arrive that seemed to have a sustainable enough power to deal with these threats, Aina relaxed as she exhaled, coating herself with a plum aura to prepare herself if things should get ugly. However, when this individual came, there was a slight shock. When the male started striking the hollows, his stances and attack style reminded him of the way Ulv used to train and combat.

Aina was on guard and prepared to attack herself, but she seemed in a daze for a moment. Well, before she was whisked away rather quickly from the gruesome group of hollows. Luckily, her senses could perceive some of that could happen, yet it still felt like a quick blur to her. As streaks of plum energy blew against the gusts of the nighttime air, the woman's eyes darted back to the location as she briefly pondered what would have happened if no one had arrived. Perhaps such thoughts are better left shelved.

For now, she didn't seem much phased by being this close to an individual. To feel a person's warmth, heartbeat and breathing could make other souls gush or flustered; yet touch is something that did not bother Aina. So, when she let go of him and was on her own two feet against solid ground, she gave a bow and smiled as she seemed more grateful that she could escape that circumstance without meeting the fate of death on this day. It always lurked around every corner for everyone, but it wasn't something she was in a rush to re-experience.

"I appreciate the save, Mr.Kenichi. Truth be told, I was uncertain of how I'd deal with the circumstance, but it seems it's not something I have to think about. Perhaps my luck is greater than I give credit for if such a thing happened in the middle of the night."

With each of her plum eyes set on the male, she continued.

"So I take it fate has brought this encounter for a reason. Because of that, you can call me Aina."

After a brief pause, she followed up:

"Do you believe in fate, Kenichi?"

Code By:

Soul Of The Night [Aina/Kenichi]  WVMWLOu
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Soul Of The Night [Aina/Kenichi]  Empty Re: Soul Of The Night [Aina/Kenichi]

Tue Sep 27, 2022 7:10 pm


Kenichi tilted his head in vibrant curiosity, maintaining his bright grin as the woman bowed before him, introducing herself as Aina. She seemed to be sociable enough to interact with, seemingly unfazed by his last minute entrance. It was always a relief to meet those with a welcoming presence. It made interaction far easier in the eyes of the passionate martial artist, although a little bit of fire was always welcomed, too.

"Of course. Who would I be to allow someone seeking a respite in the mountains to die? You weren't bothering them, and while I do have a grasp of how hollows can develop an attraction towards a source, I couldn't stand idly by and let them continue to be a source of discomfort. A pleasure to meet you, Aina."

Bright amber hues observed the woman inquisitively, matching her gaze with his own. Kenichi rose an eyebrow at her next question. An interesting question, to be certain. Fate, huh? Even for the man who willed his own path, the metaphysical notion on the alignment of fate and crossing paths was certainly not lost on him. His experience with Hvit had erased any doubt he held towards the notion of fate. As such, he nodded his head, a soft smile lining his lips.

"Although I confidently believe in willing my own path into existence, I would be foolish to ignore the concept of fate and how it manifests in one's life. I'm a man full of dreams and aspirations that transcend this mortal shell of mine," Kenichi would remark with a hearty chuckle, flexing his arm in a humorous manner before continuing his part of the conversation.

"It isn't entirely something that is lost on me. After all, perhaps it is more than mere coincidence that we happened to be spending our time in the mountains on the night of a full moon and that we crossed paths right when you were in need of assistance.""

Kenichi would lean his head forward, a playfully inquisitive gaze observing the woman with curiosity.

"What about you? Do you believe in fate, Aina?"

stand unrivaled| END POST

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Soul Of The Night [Aina/Kenichi]  Empty Re: Soul Of The Night [Aina/Kenichi]

Wed Sep 28, 2022 6:43 pm


Enter Aina's Post

Location: Gran Paradiso National Park (Italty)

The woman's eyes locked on Kenichi as he spoke of the acts. From what she gathered, he seemed like the heroic type, given how the male carried himself with his energy, mannerisms, smile, and tone of voice. So, if nothing else, there wasn't much to fear from the aspect of being betrayed, kidnapped, or other gruesome events. The analytical minds of Algos's former insights provided worthwhile in incidents like this, and she could loosen her guard around him as a result.

"Fate can be irrational and cruel, and those in the world around us can be even colder. So while it may not be a no-brainer to you, the gesture isn't lost to me given how vicious creatures of the dead can become."

There was a pause for a moment as she then digested the man's following words. Forging one's path through fate can be a trying ordeal. However, when a turn of fate is too cruel, perhaps it is necessary to force a way forward. As fate can indeed pave a path for you, but all the experiences gathered from one's journey can give you the assets to change the tides and alter destiny. That certainly was in the realm of possibility, given their supernatural world. To Aina, however, it was a matter of holding yourself through the currents of the world to gain that insight, knowledge, power, resources, or even people to help with that.

"I see. You seek to attain the power to alter clashes of fate that are too cruel. Not everything fate has to offer is good, and it is at those moments we are tested to see if we have the capacity to alter the outcomes the gods and the universe bestow upon us."

With a chuckle of her mouth, the woman turned her head back up to the moon as she tapped her chin in response to what he had spoken of regarding believing in fate. It took her a few moments, but she came to an answer.

"Fate exists, but we have the potential to alter our paths so that a more tolerable outcome is created for ourselves, the people around us, and perhaps even the world itself for those who lust after such grandiose pursuits. Yet, it all comes with a price the grander the ambitions become."

Eyes now locked back with him, she continued.

"You seem like you have a sizeable amount of power in your body. And to change our fate and others around you so viciously certainly requires a sacrifice of some kind. So, wouldn't you agree there has been a price to pay to become what you are now?"

Code By:

Soul Of The Night [Aina/Kenichi]  WVMWLOu
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Soul Of The Night [Aina/Kenichi]  Empty Re: Soul Of The Night [Aina/Kenichi]

Wed Sep 28, 2022 8:38 pm


Kenichi was amused by the woman's graceful diction. Despite the youthfulness of her features she seemed to possess a wisdom about herself that seemed far beyond her years. Of course, there was no proper way to discern her age. Kenichi concluded that there were simply those who possessed levels of wisdom that defied the concept of age, those who had lived through difficult times and altered their destiny, forcing their predestined path to bend to their will and their will alone. He didn't particularly envision a discourse on fate yet he welcomed it all the same, listening to Aina with quiet contemplation. She posed another question. The sacrifices that came with altering one's fate, of fighting against the tides of circumstance and ill-fortune.

He wondered. What had he sacrificed in his pursuit of martial prowess? He was still a man of youthful age, well within his twenties. If anything, he felt as if he hadn't sacrificed enough. Perhaps the best he could offer were those few times in his formative years where he allowed himself to impose a restriction in the form of self-isolation. He rarely interacted with his peers as a child, nor did he pursue the affections of a women when he was older. He had always set his eyes on the one unwavering path. To become one of the greatest martial artists that ever lived...

Did he regret that? Of course not. Most of what he missed out on in the past was well within his grasp now. Friends. Men and women to look out for in their time of need. The only thing missing now was that special someone to share his side, to traverse this vast expanse known as the living realm in search of grand adventure. Someone to love.

"Yea, I would. The price was.. lots of broken bones," he quipped with an amused grin, a dash of lighthearted humor to elicit a chuckle from the woman. Whether or not it was successful, he would continue nodding his head to show that he genuinely understood her words.

"Humor aside, I would agree there has been much sacrifice to gain this level of strength and prowess I have now, and even then, I'm not as close as I truly desire. There were moments I missed out on my youth I can never feasibly get back, countless days where I isolated myself in the mountains to mold my body into peak physical condition... and certainly much more that I cannot recall at the moment. Be that as it may..."

Kenichi grinned brightly as he gazed at the woman, presenting his fist towards the moon.

"If given the chance, I'd make those sacrifices all over again. I do not regret the path I've chosen. That is my one indomitable principle. I can struggle, I can lament, I can despair... but I will never regret the path I've chosen."

stand unrivaled| END POST

Last edited by Iori on Mon Oct 10, 2022 4:02 am; edited 3 times in total
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Soul Of The Night [Aina/Kenichi]  Empty Re: Soul Of The Night [Aina/Kenichi]

Thu Sep 29, 2022 12:14 am


Enter Aina's Post

Location: Gran Paradiso National Park (Italty)

"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me."

A chuckle escaped the lips of Aina as she flicked her hair in the cool night breeze. Afterward, she nodded her head when she heard more of the male's point of view regarding sacrifice after his sarcastic quip. Broken bones, youth lost to time, and isolation were pieces of his sacrifices. Yet, despite that, he'd desire to do it all again as there was no use in lamenting the path already chosen. It was something the former self of Algos would dare even speak. With so much blood and bodies piled up to the heavens, there was almost nothing that couldn't be thrown to the wayside to become a total divine god. So, Aina dared to peer deeper into this exchange with delight as that line of thought ran around in her head.

"You have a good level of power; what desire is there to go beyond? Time is finite, and it is hard to tell when the reaper will find you. So if you seek more strength, how far are you willing to go to achieve a state behind what you are now?"

Her eyes seemed dulled over with a faint glare of plum behind them; while the aura around her body flowed with blood and lilac hues as she observed the male. If nothing else, her interest was peaked, even if they were mere strangers who happened to meet on the whims of a bunch of murderous hollows. Picking the minds of others always brought amusing insights to Aina as it helped piece together the puzzle of her own life so she'd continue to engage.

"Or perhaps, are these questions too intense for someone you just met? Hard to tell if I come on too strong when life is so...fragile. Sometimes you have to get thoughts, words, and expressions out before you have the chance to regret the opportunity."

Code By:

Soul Of The Night [Aina/Kenichi]  WVMWLOu
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Soul Of The Night [Aina/Kenichi]  Empty Re: Soul Of The Night [Aina/Kenichi]

Thu Sep 29, 2022 1:27 am


Kenichi's grin brightened, pleased to see the violet-haired woman take his humor in stride. She even followed up with a classic quip of her own. That was the spirit. Even if they were engaging in a serious discourse, a splash of humor every now and then always kept the soul at ease. Another question... no, two questions, were posed this time. One regarding his future and why he chose to go beyond his current precipice of power, the other an inquiry on his level of comfort towards being asked thought-provoking questions in general. To be sure, Kenichi was a loveable moron. He wasn't entirely bereft of knowledge but it wasn't as if he automatically leaped headlong into philosophies concerning metaphysical notions such as death, time, or even fate.

Even so, precisely because it was out of his comfort zone, Kenichi found the woman to be all the more engaging to speak with. What had she experienced to be so inquisitive? What lied beyond those plum-colored eyes? How long had she traversed the world? What did she experience? How were those experiences? There were a myriad of wonders and curiosities floating through his mind, but it was only proper that he answer hers first. First, it was time to alleviate any worry she may have held about overwhelming him with her inquiries.

"Life is indeed fleeting. There are so many things we desire in the moment, things that can pass us by if we lose sight of them and allow them to fall from our grasp. A question you didn't get to ask. A person with whom you failed to share your feelings. A leap of faith you never took because you feared the depths. Precisely because its fleeting, that is why I want to live it to the fullest until my time comes, but I digress..."

Kenichi smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head. God, he really had to fix that habit of going off on his own little grandiose tangents.

"No question is too much for me, Aina. You may ask me whatever your heart desires. I'm an open book. Now, to answer that first question... I guess you could say the desire to go beyond my current strength is one rooted in a sense of competition with myself. If I feel there is something greater that I can achieve, I wish to pursue it. I suppose it isn't entirely rooted in strength. What I desire to achieve can certainly be done by your average human..."

Kenichi would gaze up to the moon, hazel eyes fondly dancing across each pinpoint of light.

"Beyond strength, I want to know that when I pass away, I laid it all on the line. I want to take solace in knowing I fought the mightiest foes, I want to recall the tastiest meals that ever graced my lips, and I want to know that I loved the finest woman this realm had to offer - or any realm beyond that, even. My philosophy... is that life ought to be lived to the fullest. Be proud of the life you lived. You can reflect, but never regret the decisions you made. Some might consider it naïve, but hey, I've always been something of a fool," he remarked with a hearty chuckle, his gaze returning towards Aina.

stand unrivaled| END POST

Last edited by Iori on Thu Sep 29, 2022 1:26 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Soul Of The Night [Aina/Kenichi]  Empty Re: Soul Of The Night [Aina/Kenichi]

Thu Sep 29, 2022 1:06 pm


Enter Aina's Post

Location: Gran Paradiso National Park (Italty)

Kenichi had a habit of rambling on about things, but it wasn't off-putting. Aina had that same trait, but she was aware there was a time and place to be concise and when not to care about such restraints. That is where reading the room comes into play. And judging by how this man carried himself, there was no harm in indulging in a bit of back and forth with exchanging ideas, pursuits, and philosophies of the world.

"That is correct. If you fail to capitalize on the moment, it may never come again. Regret is the one thing I have no desire to acquire in this life, so action is needed even if it feels uncomfortable."

A bit more to the point, while not as long as before, the lack of enthusiasm wasn't lost in her tone of voice. She kept observing Kenichi as he soon expanded upon why he even desired to acquire further strength. Fighting against himself, seeking to find the grandest spoils this world had to offer; the more power he attained, the greater he assumed this life's pleasures would become to him. To lay everything on the line and leave something behind, many men desired to leave a legacy of sorts and would give everything to have a grasp at that glory. Above that, to find love and have a life you can be proud of was an ambition he held in his heart.

So, Aina peered further in

"And what happens when you win that competition with yourself? What happens when the world's weight falls on your shoulders or your previous pursuits seem uninteresting? Again, I do not doubt your capacities, but are you truly prepared for such a reality that comes with daunting power and strength? It is lonely at the top, after all."

Curious about how to handle such a circumstance, Aina sat on a rock nearby, giving herself time to rest while also observing his response to such a potential outcome. Indeed, life was always a series of challenges, progressions, and feats of evolution. And much like unwrapping the present at Christmas, once one attains a goal, it gives you quite the sense of high and elation. Yet, much like a fading comet, the euphoria burns to nothing, and all that is left is a hunger for the next goal to fill one's gut.

Was this such a reality for the male? Was there another way to live with such strength? Aina was intrigued, and she'd find out soon enough as she pieced together the pieces of her shambled mind in silence.

"Will you grow bored of this life if you get all you desire, Kenichi?"

Code By:

Soul Of The Night [Aina/Kenichi]  WVMWLOu
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Soul Of The Night [Aina/Kenichi]  Empty Re: Soul Of The Night [Aina/Kenichi]

Fri Sep 30, 2022 12:24 am


Another interesting question to muse on. The philosophical content layered within this particular thought had rendered Kenichi silent for a spell. Kenichi stroked his chin as he found a seat a few meters beside Aina. His eyes followed the unwinking stars as he slowly processed the meaning behind her words. To be certain, Kenichi had always wondered about the conclusion to it all, of reaching the precipice he had set out for himself in his mind. He even wondered if he would reach it in one lifetime. The passage of time was unkind, after all. A man or woman could spend countless years striving towards their aspirations only to be left broken and bowed by the omnipotent foe known as time.

Even then, as Aina said, someone could achieve their goal and still find themselves longing for more, experiencing the elation of a dreamlike high only to slowly but surely be felled by the hands of tedium. It was a harsh reality. Lonely at the top was certainly an apt way of summarizing how one's life could unfold once they reached a dream, to say nothing of the exhaustion an individual could accumulate along the way. He wondered for a moment if she had experienced it herself. Dreams achieved at the cost of everything else held dear, that left her aching for a thrill far greater than the last. Would he truly grow bored once he achieved everything life had to offer? For a moment, he wondered. He truly did.

He imagined countless scenarios within the span of a few minutes. In the end, he concluded that he would never grow bored of this life. He would never feel lonely. For his journey was not one he intended to go at alone. It may have been true that things could get lonely in the pursuit of universal aspirations, but Kenichi was a man who would always find something to keep him entertained, to keep striving for even when tedium threatened to ruin his spirit. Indeed, his philosophy would remain the same. Live life to the fullest. Achieve one dream, and then pursue the other, and many more thereafter.

Kenichi pointed his fist towards the skies as he grinned, turning towards Aina. He had come to a conclusion and felt she ought to hear it as they traded questions and answers under the illuminating eye of the full moon.

"Nah. I'll never grow bored of this life. I trod but a path of dreams. When one is achieved, I'll simply pursue another, and then another one after that, and so on and so forth. True, the strength I seek is something that requires sacrifice but must I be the only one to enjoy the fruits of my labor? There are those who sincerely believe that... to be powerful one must sacrifice the joys of life. "

Kenichi sighed softly, chuckling, his determined gaze never wavering in the slightest.

"They believe that there is no room for pleasantry for a man who seeks strength and yet... I am of the belief that you can share your strength with others, you can encourage those who might doubt their path in life, and enliven their spirit with your own determination. I'll never grow bored of this life when I have what I desire, because I'll never stop desiring something in the first place. If I reach my peak, I'll simply help that next person reach their peak. If I find love, I'll help others find love. You get the idea, no? I'll keep going until death decides its time for me to retire. And even then, I still won't go down without a fight. Living life to the fullest means pursuing everything the world has to offer. There is no end to a dream. There is no boredom unless you wish to sit around... and be bored. Life is full of endless possibilities, and I want to see how many I can rack up, ya know?"

stand unrivaled| END POST

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