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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Soul Of The Night [Aina/Kenichi]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Soul Of The Night [Aina/Kenichi]

Sat Oct 01, 2022 2:01 pm


Enter Aina's Post

Location: Gran Paradiso National Park (Italty)

Hmm, so his means to move ahead was endless goal progression? That is one way to get around the empty hole that comes after achieving an ambition. But was it sustainable? That thought flowed in Aina's head as she nodded along with what he said, chewing more on his words as she tried to digest its contents. At the root of it, perhaps assisting others could have a long-lasting meaning in life. That is what a former version of herself wanted in the heart of Neoveta. If things had gone differently, perhaps Aina wouldn't even be sitting here talking if that girl had a better life.

Regardless, she felt perhaps he was a good spirit. Yet, as they say, the path to hell was paved with good intentions. All of it sounded good until the end of his speech as Kenichi mentioned racking up as many endless possibilities as possible. As hazy emerald memories of The Demon Queen came into her mind, she knew pretty well the likes of her former mother from another life spoke of something similar Save, in her case, life was nothing but a game to rack as many experiences as possible before the game ended. So, with a worried look, she'd press forward.

"Do you believe it is a game to be played then? It can be an...interesting mindset to have. Just be careful not to let it consume endless chasing after something. You seem like you have a kind soul, but it can wrap the best of ourselves up when temptation turns our life to hell, souls to rust, and our core empty."

Speaking more earnestly at this point, she patted his shoulder and continued to talk.

"I barely know you, but from the feel of your spirit, I don't believe you'd fall for that path. But, I'd keep in mind that endlessly chasing after the next thing and not taking time to be in the moment can change you more than you'd think. And before you know it, you wake one day uncertain of what the pursuits of these goals have even turned you into."

There was a pause before she'd turn around and look at him with a small smile.

"So it's good you are also interested in sharing that spirit with others. As I'd like to believe that perhaps looking for others like you did with me may save our souls from that fate."

After speaking, she'd then look back at the distance before inquiring:

"And speaking of fate, what even brought you out here? It's so late that perhaps it is best to start moving back to society and toward the city."

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Soul Of The Night [Aina/Kenichi]  - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Soul Of The Night [Aina/Kenichi]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Soul Of The Night [Aina/Kenichi]

Wed Oct 05, 2022 7:05 pm


A soft grin marked the relentless dragon's features as Aina patted him on the shoulder, offering her point of view towards his words. She was undoubtedly correct. Treating life as a game could certainly lead one down a regrettable path if they weren't careful. He did not wish for there to be any misunderstanding between them. Kenichi knew what he desired out of this life. To encourage others to seek greatness, to cultivate his skills, to stand at the mountaintop of glory with his companions. That was his aim in life. Life was a blessing, something to be cherished until his time finally came to pass on. That was his universal truth.

"Sound advice. I don't particularly wish to treat it as a game. It isn't any fun if I'm not living in the moment and savoring the memories that I experience. In this, I believe you needn't worry about me too much. In fact, sharing a night under a full moon with a lovely woman by my side, speaking on the philosophies of fate and life in general - is something I won't soon forget," he quipped, a playful grin radiant in his bright futures.

Playful flirting aside, he knew exactly what Aina meant to imply. Live in the moment. He agreed with that notion as well as anybody. He understood her words and certainly took them to heart. She posed another question, though this one, compared to the others, was far more simple to answer.

"Well, solitude in the mountains is something I've grown accustomed to over the years. I find that meditation and isolation away from the public can be quite the remedy for an unsteady spirit, giving your thoughts an ideal sense of balance. A measure of peace and quiet is good for the soul, no? Those are the moments where you can truly find your best thoughts. What about you, what brought you out here, Aina?"

stand unrivaled| END POST

Last edited by Iori on Tue Oct 11, 2022 6:56 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Soul Of The Night [Aina/Kenichi]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Soul Of The Night [Aina/Kenichi]

Thu Oct 06, 2022 1:25 pm


Enter Aina's Post

Location: Gran Paradiso National Park (Italty)

"Then I have faith you will find the right way in life. To live in the moment is the right way, so I can see that spirit lives well in you after that flirty comment."

The words of Aina were rather coy as she played along with things. However, her eyes were sharp like a hawk, and she knew when someone was hitting on her. Fortunately for Kenichi, the woman wasn't bothered by it. As talks like these were a part of the finer thing in life. Speaking of the notions of the soul brought with it understanding, insight, and a means to see a way forward as two spirits exchanged ideas, experiences, and thoughts in pursuit of a better tomorrow. It is why her sight turned back to the city ahead as she felt more exciting things could be found there than sitting in the darkness of nature waiting for more hollows to be attracted to them.

"An isolating life like that needs the contrast of company to keep it novel and sublime. So, I think coming to the city will be entertaining for both of us."

Seemly taking the lead, the woman hummed quietly as her head gently moved from side to side when pondering how to respond to why she was out here, to begin with.

"As for why I'm here? It's simple: nature is beautiful. You can find yourself in the quiet, or sometimes life has a means of finding you, such as when you saved me from those hollows. I come out here regularly, but I suppose fate has a way of sending a sign when you need it the most, correct?"

Looking back at him, she'd smile and say:

"Have you not had moments like these in the past where things just clicked? Leaving your soul open to the world can sometimes make magic like this happen in a supernatural world such as ours."

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Soul Of The Night [Aina/Kenichi]  - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Soul Of The Night [Aina/Kenichi]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Soul Of The Night [Aina/Kenichi]

Thu Oct 06, 2022 7:07 pm


"Of course it does, though I wouldn't have made such a comment if it weren't true, Aina."

Maintaining his bright smile, Kenichi chuckled at Aina taking his flirtatious words in stride. He hadn't exactly set out a map of how his night would unfold, but spending it with a woman as beautiful as she was inquisitive was a welcome reprieve. It was better than isolation. Two people sharing ideas about their path moving forward, contemplating their approach towards the future.

His soul felt enlivened, challenged to pursue his endeavors with poise now. He knew so little about her, but her words seemed to come from a place of experience. He wondered if he ought to pose a question about that, but he held no desire in pressing his nose into her business unless she desired to relay such information on her own. He erred on the side of caution, listening to her with fond curiosity glowing in his amber eyes.

She wasn't wrong in her assertion of sharing company even if one embraced isolation. He was a man who wore his friendly disposition on his sleeves. His charisma certainly made him an approachable man. Gazing out towards the city, Kenichi nodded his head. Perhaps it was best to enjoy the city. He didn't particularly wish to fight a mass of hollows tonight. He wanted to live in this moment, continue listening to her advice, her experiences, enjoying this night for what it was worth.

"Fate does indeed work in mysterious ways. I certainly didn't expect to cross paths with someone with such a wise mind about them. That makes this moment even more special in my eyes. A remarkable chain of events transpired here, and It definitely fills my heart with joy to know I was able to help someone out, but gain so much more in return. Perhaps I ought to leave my soul open to the world even more now."

He'd look towards the city once more, rising up from the ground, casting a curious gaze towards Aina. He was could use a bite to eat, now that it crossed his mind. A visit to the city would certainly add to the mysticism of this fated night than remaining here, where they might well risk the return of that score of hollows that antagonized her earlier.

"Well, you've convinced me, Aina. Let us make our way to the city. Might I carry you again or do you wish to walk on your own?" A question of jest. There was no particularly urgency to it. However they got there didn't really matter to him. The bright lights were becoming all the more enticing by the moment.

stand unrivaled| END POST

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Soul Of The Night [Aina/Kenichi]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Soul Of The Night [Aina/Kenichi]

Sun Oct 09, 2022 7:19 pm


Enter Aina's Post

Location: Gran Paradiso National Park (Italty)

Kenichi was right to leave his soul open to the world in her mind. Of course, not everyone deserves goodwill, but most people who aren't docile in their thought patterns can pick up on when a spirit is up to loathsome intentions. And the vibe between the two of them was clear enough that neither one had any evil intent, so adding more friends to one's life couldn't hurt. To that end, she'd comment:

"Of course, it'll be my treat since you saved me. I know a lovely little spot to pick up a drink, eat, and be surrounded by others. I want to breathe in life as there are many sights for me to experience."

As the city's lights reflected in her rich purple eyes, the woman smiled and couldn't wait to make her way back into civilization. But, before she could entirely process that train of thought, her gaze turned back to Kenichi before she chuckled.

"If it'll get us there faster, it doesn't matter to me. Just make sure to aim straight for the city center and make sure not to drop me. Can't say how my body would fair against that."

With a playful tone of voice, she was game if it got them there faster. But that was food for thought: just how durable WAS this body? It hadn't crossed her mind if this body could endure a fall from a great height. So, she may have to shelve that thought for later as she didn't want to end up a useless blood splatter on the side of the road. That reality unnerved her. Though, she hid that from him for now.

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Soul Of The Night [Aina/Kenichi]  - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Soul Of The Night [Aina/Kenichi]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Soul Of The Night [Aina/Kenichi]

Mon Oct 10, 2022 6:08 am


"Ah, say no more. Food and drink are but music to my ears. The promise of enjoying the event with a beautiful woman filled with her fair share of wisdom makes it all the better," Kenichi remarked, a bright grin offered in Aina's direction. He wasn't a difficult man to please, truth be told. Offering him food and drink was equivalent to reeling a fish in with pinpoint accuracy. It didn't require much. HIs excitement was rapidly growing at heading into the brightly-lit city. Turning towards her entirely, Kenichi stretched his arms out, walking over towards her.

He tilted his head in curiosity. He didn't particularly know how to quantify her durability, though he highly doubted he'd drop the woman at all. Kenichi was strong enough of body and frame that he wouldn't even humor the possibility. It was simply wondering about her strength and capability as a whole, if she possessed such attributes at all. Chuckling softly, he would once again envelope the woman into a princess carry, gazing towards the city.

"Don't worry. I'll see to it that my new friend's transport is a safe one. Now boarding, the Kenichi express. Make sure to fasten in your seatbelt. There'll be a little bit of turbulence, but things should go quite smoothly during the flight."

Engaging in some lighthearted humor, Kenichi bent down ever so slightly, propelling himself forward through the momentum of his knees and his feet, leaping from each slope on the mountain until the city grew ever closer. His initial leaps would lead them to the city as he landed on one of the buildings.

Gazing at the center area, Kenichi would gaze towards Aina to make sure she wasn't overwhelmed. Short observations complete, he would take a mightier leap this time, catapulting himself through the air. It was a sensation that would likely feel akin to flying for the two of them. He couldn't help but to offer a comment during their airborne flight.

"Enjoying the view from here, Aina? Hold tight. We're nearly there."

Eyeing the center of the city, Kenichi would brace himself, maneuvering his body enough to ensure a safe landing. His feet would land softly on the ground, the woman in pale dress held safely within his arms. Setting her down, Kenichi would flash a wink and grin before his eyes went towards their surroundings.

"And here we are. Now, I'll follow your lead."

stand unrivaled| END POST

Last edited by Iori on Mon Oct 10, 2022 1:23 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Soul Of The Night [Aina/Kenichi]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Soul Of The Night [Aina/Kenichi]

Mon Oct 10, 2022 12:22 pm


Enter Aina's Post

Location: Gran Paradiso National Park (Italty)

"Let's fly away then, but you are responsible for any medical damages incurred on this flight."

A small, playful laugh echoed from the plum-eyed woman's mouth. Well, if worse came to worse, maybe her abilities would save her if the worse happened. But, since Kenichi had faith in his capabilities, she'd trust him for now.

Many things brought the woman excitement from this flight. From the gust of wind flowing against her hair to the rapidly changing sights above, with each heartbeat, her senses felt a familiar sensation of making their way through the world at such incredible speeds. With the city below, lights reflecting even brighter than before in her eyes, Aina seemed happy at that moment as she continued to marvel at the sights above. She knew at that moment she needed to work herself back up to this super-movement and flight, but that was for another day.

"Huh? I heard you, but the view was so fun that I was lost in it. Thank you for this; it awakened something in me just now."

Those nagging memories of Algos swirled in the mind of Aina at the moment to tell her to lust for more power than that, but Aina's contentment at the moment made her happy as they dulled, numbed, and eventually turned into a forgotten memory; leaving an intense sense of nostalgia as her smile grew as they got closer to their destination. Tonight was for fun; she was Aina, and there was no need for whatever person she was in her previous life.

"Good, no jet lag. I can safely say that was a comfortable flight."

After moving herself away from Kenichi, she'd pat his shoulders, not taking much note it was the second time she was in a man's arms. After all, touch for her wasn't an embarrassing subject. Or maybe she was too caught up in her body's adrenaline at that moment to process everything fully. Nevertheless, after her heart rate started to slow, Aina took a slow breath in and out until she pointed at a bar down the road. Serving Italian food, drinks, and outdoor eating, it was the perfect place to settle in for the evening.

"I've already got a table set for us on the rooftop. Let's waste no time getting there~."

Pointing at her phone in her pocket, the woman reserved their spot thanks to this little marvel of technology. It side-steps all the boring stuff of arranging the bill, seats, and all that, and she'd motion for him to follow so they can sit down, relax and enjoy the open air and warm temperatures and get down to chatting.

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Soul Of The Night [Aina/Kenichi]  - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Soul Of The Night [Aina/Kenichi]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Soul Of The Night [Aina/Kenichi]

Mon Oct 10, 2022 4:01 pm


The visible joy in Aina's smile during their airborne flight was a fine sight to behold. Kenichi wondered. Could she fly? Did she possess any supernatural abilities? There was a miasma surrounding her body that stood out like a sore thumb, something potent enough for a host of hollows to crowd and surround her. She was wise, but seemed equally enthralled with the idea of experiencing each aspect life could offer to her sensibilities. Kenichi tended to attribute wisdom with stoicism, but there was nothing but playfulness and mirth in the way she conducted herself, as if her own excitement seemed to grow once they landed into the city. He could hardly contain a chuckle at her quips about their "flight.". Bowing somewhat humorously, Kenichi offered one more humorous comment to conclude their witty exchange.

"Thank you for the feedback, Miss Aina. Feel free to fly with us again in the future."

Chuckling softly, Kenichi would look towards the bar, nodding his head. He would walk beside her, following her general direction as they made their way towards the establishment. Come to think of it, had he ever tried Italian cuisine? He was certainly curious to see what type of meals and drinks they would provide? He had heard stories of Italy, of how it held an air of romance for those who eagerly desired to fall in love.

"A table already, huh? You work fast. It'll be nice to enjoy the view of the moon again."

stand unrivaled| END POST

Last edited by Iori on Mon Oct 10, 2022 8:02 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Soul Of The Night [Aina/Kenichi]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Soul Of The Night [Aina/Kenichi]

Mon Oct 10, 2022 7:41 pm


Enter Aina's Post

Location: Gran Paradiso National Park (Italty)

After finding their seat, Aina was ready to finally rest, sit down, and have time to breathe. It had been a long, exciting night, so to have some downtime was much-needed. And, after the shots of adrenaline between the hollows and the flight, her stomach was growing ravenous with hunger. So, when her eyes glazed back over at Kenichi commenting on her swiftness, the loud grumble of her hungering body gave that away.

"Uhm, hunger makes you do crazy things."

A blush came across Aina's face as a nervous laugh escaped from the woman's lips as she was still getting used to this flesh-and-bone body. Thankfully, as more of herself started to take over, the memories of Algos were fading and dimming the more she experienced new things. So, this distorted thought process was mending itself together with each positive interaction she had with a person. Losing yourself in the moment was the best way to avoid getting stuck in the shadows of the past.

Hence, when a waiter came, she instantly ordered a big plate of Pane Pugliese, a crunchy-crusted domed loaf bread. Then, afterward, she'd add a fat stack of lasagna to her order, red wine and then leave the tab open; monitoring for Kenichi to order:

"Anything special you'd like to try? We are probably going to pig out as I'm starving."

Seeming more intent than before, the woman wanted a quick answer!

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Soul Of The Night [Aina/Kenichi]  - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Soul Of The Night [Aina/Kenichi]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Soul Of The Night [Aina/Kenichi]

Mon Oct 10, 2022 8:21 pm


The audible belly rumble was quite adorable, the nervous laugh equally so. He could certainly relate. Fighting tooth and nail with those mindless beasts had worked up an appetite on his end, too. She wasted no time when the waiter arrived, placing in several orders in rapid succession. Kenichi gazed at the woman in awe, laughing heartily as the waiter turned towards him. To be sure, he was far from familiar with Italian food.

There was no real reason not for him to order the same as she did. Although, he was curious. He wished to know how two dishes tasted compared to what he had. Spaghetti and Pizza. Simplistic, but he cared little for the choices. He was a simple man. Thus, on top of asking for everything she requested, he placed in his own request to have pizza and spaghetti.

"Honestly... this might be the first time I'm eating authentic Italian food. However, pigging out is what I'm all about, so I'll take what you're having! And.. on top of that, I'd like to try the pizza and spaghetti here. Hell, give me anything on the menu you guys think are good!" He'd turn to the waiter, patting him on the shoulder, grinning brightly as he placed his order in.

"I wonder how much you intend to eat. Where I'm from, I tend to leave a stack of several plates wherever I go. It is nice to see one with an appetite as voracious as my own," he quipped lightheartedly. It really was fun to see a woman so carefree in her environment, so honest with her emotion.

stand unrivaled| END POST

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