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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Find Your Way [Kaito/Yuri]  Empty Find Your Way [Kaito/Yuri]

Tue Sep 27, 2022 9:19 pm
Find Your Way [Kaito/Yuri]  RDG0N5T


Kaito had been finding himself in the courtyards more and more frequently these days. For some reason, he had been struck with a sudden urge to practice more, to learn more, and to get away from the glacial pace that his time in the academy had been turning to. Perhaps he just wanted something different other than the same monotony, but, he knew that he needed...something.

So, he found himself considerably early in the courtyard, waiting for his new tutor, Yuri Aiban. At least being early alleviated the stress of travel time, and gave him some free time of peace and quiet. In the meantime, however, he had his Asauchi set by his side, and a book in his hands. He had some time before his tutor would likely arrive, so, why not enjoy himself a little bit? He hadn't given himself much time for that lately, after all.

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Find Your Way [Kaito/Yuri]  Empty Re: Find Your Way [Kaito/Yuri]

Tue Sep 27, 2022 10:03 pm
Find Your Way [Kaito/Yuri]  HEADER__ishtar_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_yaoshi_jun__sample-9cf2a6236ca6e880e92edb2883b5ef11

Yuri had a warm, jovial smile on her face when she made her way to the training grounds to find her newest student~ If there was one thing that put a smile on her face it was helping out with the Shino academy. It was an absolutel drag to actually SEE what sort of individuals were so scuffed and scrapped that the shino academt just shit them into the gotei. In truth, some of the unseated members flat out made her sick.

And THAT is where SHE came in~

Arriving to the courtyard, it didn't really take her long to discover why the man wasn't doing well in his classes. His posture, his expression. what was that, a book? Well at least this monkey could read. Making her way toward the young man, she gave some small, fleeting hope that he would get up and give her a greeting of respect. But frankly that was probably asking too much of the students these days. She didn't allow her disappointment to show as she smiled at him.

"Tomoyuki?" She ventured, her voice actually warm, pleased. And GENUINELY so. She liked what she had to work with. He was, well, OBVIOUSLY not doing great, he needed tutoring. But for all of the lackluster before her, She saw POTENTIAL. Those eyes hadn't QUITE dulled over with the funk of 'Just put me in Fourth Division with the other apes'. There was hope for this one yet!

"I'm your instructor. Squad Six's Seated Officer Aiban. A pleasure to meet you." She'd chime, with a small little nod of respect in his direction. Hardly the type to skip formalities. At least when she was on duty.
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Thu Sep 29, 2022 11:12 am
Find Your Way [Kaito/Yuri]  RDG0N5T


His head perked up at the mention of his name, quickly sliding the bookmark in place and setting it down next to him. He got to his feet, returning the smile, giving a small wave in response. He wasn't too sure about how this would go, but, he'd at least try and stick it out for the sake of breaking through that glacial pace. Perhaps he'd be like those lucky few he heard of and be able to graduate early. Nevertheless, Kaito extended a hand in greeting.

"Good morning, it's nice to meet you."

Whether or not she would accept the gesture, Kaito would quickly turn around to retrieve his Asauchi and face her again, giving his book a gentle nudge to make sure it stayed out of the way. He wasn't sure what to expect from this tutor, but, he would certainly do his best, no matter what ended up happening.

"I don't mean to be rude when I say this, but, I'd like to make the most of my time here, so, I hope we can start right away."

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Thu Sep 29, 2022 1:39 pm
Find Your Way [Kaito/Yuri]  HEADER__ishtar_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_yaoshi_jun__sample-9cf2a6236ca6e880e92edb2883b5ef11

Yuri's brows raised ever so slightly as she noticed his extended hand. One of those western types? Strange, he looked Japanese, but then again things were so damn mixed in the world of the living these days. She reached out and shook his hand in response. Taking a moment to note the texture of his palm. He had a book, was he one of those soft types? Hmmm.

"Likewise." She chimed, watching him retrieve his Asauchi before blinking in surprise when she heard the stipulation he presented. She smiled calmly, even as internally she giggled to herself. In a hurry was he? What a poor time to schedule things with your Tutor. She'd certainly have to hammer home a sense of scheduling into the young man. Though she was vaguely curious as to what was so important that he'd rush his Tutor. Did he have a pig wrangling contest to rush off to? Que lindo.

"If you need to reschedule we can do that. Though I really do need a bit of heads-up ahead of time for these kinds of changes. I DO have other students I work with, as well as Squad duties to tend to." She noted gently, waving a hand. "I'm here to help you succeed in the Shino Academy. But I need to know what you need help with first. What classes are you having trouble with? What aspects are getting in the way of your learning? This is a process of not JUST supplementing your learning, but also to fix whatever issues are getting in your way. I don't want you to JUST graduate, Tomoyuki. I want you to THRIVE. So if you are in a hurry, we can just go over these basic things and then we can go into actual training next session." She explained. If he thought she was going to cut out THIS stuff just to do some sort of spar session, esta en la casa equivocada.
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Mon Oct 03, 2022 10:00 am
Find Your Way [Kaito/Yuri]  RDG0N5T


Only after Yuri commented on it did Kaito realize how he had worded it. His expression shifted, giving an awkward, embarrassed chuckle as he shook his head softly.

"Oh, no, nothing like that. I'm just...a bit eager, and I don't want to end up spending a lot of time talking instead of practicing. Sorry, I didn't mean to make it sound like I was in a hurry."

Though, he wouldn't mind trying to spend time with Hiroe after this. They had both been busy with their classes and invested so much time in their studies that they hadn't been able to spend much time with one another. But, then came the question of what was holding him back, what was making him struggle. He glanced at his Asauchi, and thought for a moment.

"Mm...there's a few things I'm struggling with. In Zanjutsu, compared to others, my movements, footwork and posture looks and feels awkward and unstable. It's a similar case with Hakuda."

He was about to continue, but, he quickly stopped himself. He wanted to see what her thoughts were before anything else. Hopefully these were things that she could help with, and not just him announcing incompetence that wasn't capable of being fixed with a tutor. He wasn't...too sure how to vocalize these things, but, above all, Kaito wanted to cultivate more progress, to learn more, and to correct the imperfections that were holding him back.

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Find Your Way [Kaito/Yuri]  Empty Re: Find Your Way [Kaito/Yuri]

Mon Oct 10, 2022 2:31 pm
Find Your Way [Kaito/Yuri]  HEADER__ishtar_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_yaoshi_jun__sample-9cf2a6236ca6e880e92edb2883b5ef11

Yuri quirked a brow a bit at that and couldn't help but smirk slightly. Ahhh, always so impatient. Academy students.....well actually no now that she thought about it. It kinda seemed like just about everyone liked to find some easy way through these situations. Which well, she supposed she couldn't really blame them. But blaming and looking down on someone were two very different things~

All~ The~ Same~ It was still something to listen to his explanations. Posture huh? It was certainly a challenge for some students to get that kind of thing right. "Really? Well that's not too bad of a thing to be hung up on. You just have to find your center when it comes to those things." She closed her eyes, folding her arms across her chest and waving one hand to the side as she ..... thought it through. Eyes opening back up as she looked him up and down. Hmmm.

"Alright then. Let's see. Stand up nice and straight. Why don't you show me some basic stance work. We'll start with your zanpaku'to." She decided, promptly peeling her own blade from her hip and thengetting into the simplest of stances facing the young man, gently lowering her blade to tap against his own sword. "Don't worry about getting it perfect. Just face me in whatever stance feels most natural." She commanded. Naturally, it could simply be a matter of whatever was comfortable for him. Sometimes trying to conform a bit too hard to taught standards could cause issues. Or maybe he really DID just need some simple corrections.

Regardless, those bright red eyes would watch Kaito closely, curious to see just what his stance was like and what she had to work with.
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Find Your Way [Kaito/Yuri]  Empty Re: Find Your Way [Kaito/Yuri]

Tue Oct 18, 2022 3:42 pm
Find Your Way [Kaito/Yuri]  RDG0N5T


Kaito felt only a little relieved as Yuri noted that it wasn't something too bad to be concerned about. But, when she asked him to face her in whatever stance felt comfortable, Kaito felt...a little confused. The only formal stance he knew as of now was the basic one that was taught with Zanjutsu classes. It was a relatively simple stance to start in, holding the sword in front of one's self in a pose similar to the basic stance of Kendo, with a foot prepared to move forward and strike.

"Alright then."

Without another word, he draw the weapon from its sheath. Kaito took the weapon in both hands, holding the weapon in front of him, the sides of his hand pressing tightly against the protective tsuba. He remembered the movements to the stance as one of his feet tilted upward, placing pressure on his toes. He tried to keep his foot from being flat on the ground, to try and make sure that he had leverage to push forward and generate momentum right from the start.

From a first glance, the stance might not have looked bad. But, looking closer, one could easily see the small shifts in his body as he stood there. Small movements to keep his sword in the original position, his foot tremoring lightly from being kept held too high. Ultimately the base stance was easy enough to reach. It was maintaining it and everything that came after which had become a problem of concern for him.

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Find Your Way [Kaito/Yuri]  Empty Re: Find Your Way [Kaito/Yuri]

Tue Oct 18, 2022 5:23 pm
Find Your Way [Kaito/Yuri]  HEADER_12-88d20258bae3cb12aff2bb8963a79df1

Hmmmm. She eyed him closely, those bright red eyes searching over his frame as he got himself into the position. Yea... she could see the issues as it were. "Alright I see what's going on." She tapped her chin and then moved in, letting her blade point to the side and then sheath, taking a moment to walk around him and gently adjust his frame manually. Adjusting his footing ever so slightly and tapping her chin for a moment. "Doesn't seem too bad. Just a bit of footing adjustments here. And your arms are a little shaky. What did you do before you joined the Shino academy?" She asked, any semblance of derision briefly gone as she focused on his body and eyed his arms, checking to see how it was trembling, looking up the length of them to his shoulders. Then circling around to gently place her hand on his mid-back. There were a couple of reasons his stance could be so shaky. His arms, his shoulders, his core muscles. Maintaining a stance used a lot more muscles in more ....constant tension than most activities.

"How are your arms feeling? Any soreness or pain?" She asked calmly, gently taking a moment to glance up and meet his gaze, an expectant look on her face. "I think maybe trying something with a bit more....weight to it might help. Your Zanpaku'to will feel weightless, it's a part of you after all. But your arms aren't very steady. So maybe something with a bit of weight to it will help build up the muscles if that's the issue. Otherwise, it would just be a matter of drills to make sure your body is doing what you want it to." She mused, taking a step back to see how he held up with the corrections.
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Thu Oct 20, 2022 2:36 pm
Find Your Way [Kaito/Yuri]  RDG0N5T


He wasn't expecting her to ask about what he did before the academy, and frankly, it was a bit embarrassing. There wasn't really any sugar-coating it, he didn't really do much. A look of shame passed over his face as he turned his attention to the floor, his fingers readjusting their grip on his Zanpakuto.

"Well, uh...about that. I didn't really do much before coming to the academy. I mostly just used a wooden sword to try and stand up to the criminals that plague the district I grew up in."

He let Yuri make the relatively small changes, adjusting his frame and footwork. It was a slight improvement, but, he attributed that to mainly being inexperienced and also not exactly being the most built guy in the academy. His leg wasn't shaking as much, though it did twitch and tremor slightly, once again, likely just because he wasn't experienced enough.

It felt strange to think that the weapon in his hands, one that he would be carrying so often would feel weightless. Even if it was a part of him, a reflection of himself as he was told, it was still a physical object. Would it not have some kind of weight, even after learning the spirit's name?

"Not really a lot of pain, but a little sore. I have my wooden sword over by where my book was, if you think I should use it instead."

Her mention of drills made him think of what else he had observed when he was practicing on his own. He remembered that whenever he swung, Asauchi or bokken, that his movements always seemed to curve to the left, going diagonal instead of straight, as well as him struggling to stay upright after committing to a movement. He'd probably bring this up after they had finished working on the current issue.

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Fri Oct 21, 2022 11:53 am
Find Your Way [Kaito/Yuri]  HEADER_12-88d20258bae3cb12aff2bb8963a79df1

Yuri raised a brow, glancing up and tilting her head slightly as she listened. Oh? Something he found embarrassing? His body language seemed to say as much. However, her brows raised just a little, when he ACTUALLY gave her the answer. She snorted, giving a playful little smirk and tilting her head. "Well isn't that adorable? I wouldn't act so anxious about that though. Sure there's the Rukongai Police and Sixth Division, but those groups can hardly be everywhere all the time. I think it's perfectly reasonable to have wanted to keep yourself and others safe." She noted with a soft smile. Frankly not even really lying at that. There were plenty of reasons to think less of someone, and that certainly wasn't one of them.

She grinned as she noted the changes to his stance and took a step back. Nodding a little as she eyed him up and down. He seemed to be holding up better, a few little things here and there, but practice honestly should iron all those out. Al the same, she gave a nod as he explained what he was feeling. She paused, glancing around for a moment as though to spot the wooden sword if it was around before glancing back to him. "You could certainly start with that. Or maybe find something a little heavier. I can get in contact with Academy's Materials department and get a few different ones for you to get a feel for. Just be careful about going and trying to get your own superheavy sword or anything. We want to train your muscles, but if you get too used to something way heavier then it might bite you in the ass when you get back to using your normal zanpaku'to. And definitely, at least at first, you should only use the weighted or wooden swords no more than just for a few hours every other day. We don't want you getting TOO used to something so heavy, right?" She pointed out. Smirking slightly.

After all. She knew how boys in the academy worked. They'd try to do extra training on the side so they could grow faster or impress her during the next session, sometimes winding up doing nothing more than just fucking themselves up. Best to just nip that in the bud early.
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