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Sat Oct 01, 2022 8:40 pm

Substitute Teacher 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 314

Well... teaching wasn't typically a job Hono did. Though somehow this task got thrown on her, the other members of her division were busy! Well what was the job? Shin'ō Academy had asked some of the members of various divisions to show how the divisions functioned. A student would be paired up with a member of the Gotei. A mentorship of sorts. Hono had some... interesting memories of the Academy, hell it felt like just yesterday she was in attendance. Getting yelled at by the teachers... it was kinda nostalgic... wait could you be nostalgic for something so recent?

Well regardless, Hono stood in a courtyard, among other members of the Gotei, one for each division, in front of her was a teacher, shit Hono recognized him! She and him had always gotten into scuffles. Each Gotei member standing in a line as said teacher walked down the line checking off names from a clipboard. Upon reaching the Sixth Division representative, he glanced up from his clipboard clicking his pen. "Miss Kaen..." He sounded as if he was expecting someone else, as well as seeming disappointed? Annoyed? His exact emotions were unclear. Hono would quickly speak. "I'm filling in! Don't ask..." she sighed, with a sigh he would nod and walk down the line.

Around 15 minutes later, students would be called out, and were quickly assigned to a mentor. As he went down the list, he spoke out. Hiroe was assigned to Hono, she was going to learn about the Sixth Division, along with daily tasks. This would give students an idea of how a division works, maybe giving them a better idea of which they'd want to join.

The redhaired Shinigami would stand still, curious how her trainee would introduce themself. Hono was hoping to make her Captain proud! She needed to prove she was a good fit for the sixth division!

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Wed Oct 05, 2022 7:14 pm
Substitute Teacher KmbPQRq


Hiroe was elated. Getting an opportunity to be assigned to a member of the Gotei was something the upbeat dreamer didn't take lightly. There was so much she could learn. Maybe, if she wasn't pressing her luck entirely, she could make a friend, too. What type of person would Hono be like? Her name was called, and Hiroe stepped forward, her momentous stride carrying her towards Hono within a few moments. She gazed at the woman with excitable curiosity. Sixth Division was realm enforcement, right? For a moment, Hiroe allowed her imagination to float around. Hiroe Miyashiro Realm Enforcement. Making people uphold the law. Ack. No, Hiroe. Introduce yourself. Good impressions! Remember?

"...Um, Hi... I'm Hiroe Miyashiro. I'm honored to be assigned to you today, miss Kaen."

Ah, okay effort. At least she didn't stumble over her words.

dreamer | end post

Last edited by Iori on Wed Oct 26, 2022 1:16 am; edited 2 times in total
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Thu Oct 06, 2022 2:52 am

Substitute Teacher 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 216

Hono couldn't help but laugh at miss. Quickly shaking her head, "Yeah, Miss? I'm not THAT old. You can call me Hono" She folded her arms. "Well at least I got paired with a cute girl..." she spoke to herself, softly, just loud enough for Hiroe to hear. A male student paired with the second division was giving Hono looks. He was pretty large and well... ugly. Hono rolled her eyes. "I could of gotten paired with that weirdo..." she chuckled.

Clapping her hands together she'd move onto what was important! "Well. Sixth Divison is Realm Enforcement!" She really needed to sell the division! "We're pretty damn important! We make sure the laws are in order, prison..." she tapped her chin trying to think of more duties. "If anyone is acting up inside Soul Society it's our job to well... Enforce!"

Hono would step back, waving Hiroe to follow. "Let's go to the barracks we can walk and talk." Hiroe seemed nice enough, nothing for Hono to complain about. If she would follow Hono would lead her to the Sixth Division. Making small talk along the way. "So uh... ask me anything! But also, what's your deal? Where yah from? What division do you wanna join?" She would ask a few basic questions, breaking the ice.

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Thu Oct 06, 2022 11:14 am
Substitute Teacher KmbPQRq


A light tint of red was momentarily visible on Hiroe's cheeks. She took the indirect compliment in stride, of course, but she certainly didn't account for a mentor like Hono. That was interesting. Hiroe had commonly thought division members tended to represent their division in personality and disposition. With Hono, that didn't seem to be the case. She wouldn't come to that conclusion just yet, though. Appearances could be deceiving. Maintaining the appropriate level of etiquette, Hiroe nodded, listening to the woman talk about the division. Walking alongside her, she would wait until she had finished and answer accordingly.

"I'm from one of the districts in the Rukongai. Uh... Hm, my deal? Well, I'm just your classic tale of a fledgling Shinigami with big dreams. One of them is to join the Gotei United one day. I don't really have a division in mind just yet. Although, I'm a little curious, Hono. What about the Sixth enticed you to join? You don't quite strike me as the enforcer type. Then again, looks can be deceiving so perhaps I'm getting ahead of myself," she finished with a sheepish chuckle.

dreamer | end post

Last edited by Iori on Mon Oct 10, 2022 1:34 am; edited 1 time in total
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Mon Oct 10, 2022 1:27 am

Substitute Teacher 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 133

Hono took note of the soft red, it was quite funny. This was what Hono loved! Messing with people was one of her favorite past times! She would chuckle, listening to Hiroe explain her story. Well that was a pretty simple answer! But hey, simple didn't mean bad. Hono would soon look at her. "Oh! You're a lot like me! I grew up in the tenth district. I have some big dreams just like you!" She cracked a smile towards her "student". "I wanted to join the Gotei sooooo I did. I'm not super special but I wanna be a big deal someday..." her own ambitions caused her to smile.

"The sixth Division I picked so I can help the people in the Rukoganai" she would explain her reason for joining her division.

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Mon Oct 10, 2022 3:37 am
Substitute Teacher KmbPQRq


Hiroe gazed at Hono with curious awe. It wasn't as if she had said anything entirely amazing, her expression more the result of meeting a "teacher" who possessed a similar aspiration to her own. It was fairly, utterly, simple. She wasn't a big deal, but she wanted to be a big deal one day. Her reasoning for joining the division was commendable, even if Hiroe never thought much about where she was born. This information offered an extra layer of intrigue to their outing now. HIroe had so many questions to ask, but decided to keep things simple and indulge herself in the gradual increase that was her curiosity.

"That's really cool~! I actually didn't expect an answer like that. Sometimes, I'm so use to stuff like others joining for familial pride or causes I find more noble in comparison to my own. Since you've joined... how has life in the Gotei been for you compared to the Rukongai? What's it like in your division? How is your captain?"

Three questions were asked in rapid succession. Hiroe was truly engaged now.

dreamer | end post

Last edited by Iori on Sat Oct 15, 2022 6:56 am; edited 1 time in total
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Fri Oct 14, 2022 9:50 pm

Substitute Teacher 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 259

Hono laughed folding her arms. "Well, my birth mom and died were Stealth Division, but I never met em" Her folding arms would shift, to her side. How was her captain? Wow... well that was a hard question, well it was a good thing it was the last question asked. It would give Hono more time to brew up an answer.

"Well, the Gotei does take good care of me I can't lie, I got my own room and I'm fed... yata yata, Plus I got this epic rivalry with Elyss!" Hono wasn't sure if Hiroe knew Elyss or not. "I'm not much older than you honestly, I graduated about two years ago." Now, onto her second question, "Well, my division is actually pretty serious, I'd say?" She wasn't exactly sure how to describe it, so she'd keep it simple with that answer. "Makoto, the vice-captain, and Hakuyou, the captain very by the books. But they really mean well. Truth be told, I kind of get in trouble a lot, but they always look the other way." She let out a light chuckle, interesting Hono seemed to address them very casually. "Captain Hakyou is very stern, I mean the first time I got called into his office I had shivers." She explained. "Though, he means well."

"What exactly are you leaning towards right now? I mean what are you skilled at? Combat? Stealth?" She raised an eyebrow. "I will say, you do seem like a people person, maybe realm enforcement is your thing~," She said jokingly.

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Sat Oct 15, 2022 7:45 am
Substitute Teacher KmbPQRq


Hinoe's eyes were equivalent to those of a child who had been given a handful of cash within a candy store. Each answer was interesting to someone who was striving towards her own dream of becoming a member in the Gotei. Hono answered her questions with relative success, each answer providing her with profound insight. So, from the way she explained it, the captain and vice-captain were stern. She wondered how she'd adapt if she joined Realm Enforcement. What level of stern were they? Hiroe curiously allowed her mind to imagine a few thoughts. Maybe they were stoic and stern. Or were they more passionate and vocal? So many thoughts floated through her mind.

Then, Hono posed a question of her own. What was she leaning towards? Well, Hiroe didn't particularly have a real idea of what division she favored most. Of course, there was a law to being lackadaisical with that sort of thing, no? She obviously knew the first division she wouldn't be joining was research. She was no expert on any of that stuff. Earth affiliation seemed cool. She always wanted to see what it felt like there.

"Well... I'd like to think I'm pretty skilled at combat. I'm really good with a sword, although I try to focus on other aspects of my repertoire as well. I mean... if you'd be honored to have me, I'd gladly join a place like realm enforcement. I really like the idea of bringing some sense of stability to the realm, especially in the lower districts. As someone whose from the rukongai, I have pride about where I come from... and I'd like to make a change one day. Nothing too crazy I guess, but just enough to make each place a little better to live, you know?"

dreamer | end post

Last edited by Iori on Sat Oct 22, 2022 12:42 am; edited 1 time in total
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Thu Oct 20, 2022 10:36 pm

Substitute Teacher 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 145

Combat? Well Hono tapped her chin, combat was a field Hono was hoping to improve her combat skills as well! With just a few seconds she spoke up. "Well with your determination I'm sure you'll be an amazing addition to the Gotei! I'll make sure to give you a rival of sorts~" Hono pointed towards herself with her thumb. "I'm not trying to sway you, I'm just suppose to show you what the division is like and such! So don't let me sway you! That issss unless you just think I'm that cute!" She leaned forward and teased her some more.

"My Vice Captain Makoto is also one of those from the Rukongai!" Hono tapped her chin. "I'll be honest, there isn't much I can show you hands on, patrolling is pretty dull but I'd also hate for you to have to stop a crime or something..." She tapped her chin. "Plus I doubt you'd enjoy watching the prison..." She rubbed the back of her neck letting out a heavy chuckle. "I hate to admit but our job is either really busy or really slow.." That was the nature of the job, it was a little slow unless there was some murderer on the loose.

"We have similar reasons. I have some siblings and parents in Rukongai so I'm kinda proud to keep em safe!" She let out a soft chuckle. "Besides the free time I get I can train to get even freakin stronger!"

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Substitute Teacher Empty Re: Substitute Teacher

Sat Oct 22, 2022 2:28 am
Substitute Teacher KmbPQRq


Beyond being a breathe of fresh air, Hono was entirely like anything Hiroe would typically imagine in a member of realm enforcement. She had already came to that conclusion, but that didn't make it any less relevant to the moment hand. Everything that fell from her lips might as well have been music to her ears. Even the vice-captain was from the Rukongai?

Hiroe was getting encouraged by the hour, truth be told. From her perspective, she had typically assumed a lot of the finest soul reapers usually descended from some place in the Seireitei. To know that the realm enforcement possessed so many from her hometown was overwhelmingly exciting. Well, at least those two. Maybe she could be three? She wouldn't jump to conclusions and build her hopes up quite yet. She still had a ways to go, but she wouldn't dare give up on the idea, either. It did sort of suck that they couldn't do anything related to the job, though. She supposed it would be dangerous to be tied up into anything that could singlehandedly lead to Hono losing her job.

"Honestly, from hearing that you and the vice-captain descend from my home, and the fact that we share similar goals, I'd be honored to join you guys. I don't really care about whether it's slow or fast, you know? Just to know that I achieved my dream and made my parents proud and proved to them I made the right decision... that'd be enough for me. Everything else would just be icing on the cake."

dreamer | end post

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