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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Cracked Glass, Broken Mirrors [Asami, Lerna] Empty Cracked Glass, Broken Mirrors [Asami, Lerna]

Mon Oct 03, 2022 10:39 pm

Cracked Glass, Broken Mirrors [Asami, Lerna] QBwp8R0

Furukawa Asami | Officer of the 5th

It was pretty easy to notice that something was a little off about Asami if anyone bothered to look just a little beneath the surface. Most of her students were not quite that intimately familiar with her, though. Perhaps that was because she did not exactly cultivate an atmosphere of closeness and approachability. She was the type of teacher that got the job done regardless of who came through her door, she certainly was not here to make friends.

That hadn't stopped her from picking up Lerna. Asami would be lying if she said that it had been intentional, but the strange girl had grown on her. She had issues all of her own, and it was her duty as a teacher to help her work through those problems with her. Or just be a soundboard that she could vent at and bounce words off of. At some point perhaps it had gone a little further than a professional relationship, something like a friendship if you would.

So there Asami was, at her little pancake shop, waiting for Lerna to show up. She'd already made a start on some food, hopefully Lerna wouldn't mind too much, but right now she was enjoying just a few moments of peace and quiet amidst all the pandemonium.

Burning the midnight oil | END POST
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Mon Oct 03, 2022 10:49 pm
Cracked Glass, Broken Mirrors [Asami, Lerna] HEADER_8525271

How long had it been since she last spent a bit of time with Asami?

It had been...quite a year to be honest. Man....had it really almost been a year since she became a Shinigami? Her work down in the world of the living made things fly by, and the classes at the shino academy only furthered that feeling. Learning to communicate with her Zanpaku'to had been .... crazy and a half. She hadn't....quite made as many friends as she had hoped. But frankly, the friends she DID have were pretty solid.

When she arrived there was.... a pretty immediate pause as she made her way into the shop, her head canting to the side. Repressing the urge to flick her tongue. The sound of cooking already hitting her ears as she poked her head in and spotted her teacher working away. A big smile spreading across her face, despite the sliver of concern about the with which the woman worked. IT wasn't quite the .... calm, that Asami usually conducted herself with. And it had her a bit on edge.


[color=orchid]"Long time no see! You shoulda told me to come earlier I woulda helped ya." She greeted the woman with a gentle chuckle, slipping inside and watching as the woman worked, taking a moment to move off to the side and wash her hands. Fully intent on helping of course. All while in the back of her mind she tried to ....figure out what was up with her teacher.
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Cracked Glass, Broken Mirrors [Asami, Lerna] Empty Re: Cracked Glass, Broken Mirrors [Asami, Lerna]

Tue Oct 04, 2022 12:13 am

Cracked Glass, Broken Mirrors [Asami, Lerna] QBwp8R0

Furukawa Asami | Officer of the 5th

Lerna was certainly right that Asami seemed on edge. She was the type to savour each bite, take it slow with some precise little cuts and movements, but there was a little less care to her today. It wasn't like she was wolfing it down, or being particularly ravenous, and yet it was all a little too fast.

"Oh, Lerna, hey. Sorry, I got a little carried away and well, you know me aha."

She laughed and shrugged her shoulders a little as if this was some typical behaviour. Again, it wasn't. She flashed a smile as if nothing had happened and gestured for Lerna to take a seat, sliding the plate towards her a little.

"You look good. Back with the blonde again, huh? Purple was quite the drastic change, I suppose, but it's an easy thing for you to alter right?"

Burning the midnight oil | END POST
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Cracked Glass, Broken Mirrors [Asami, Lerna] Empty Re: Cracked Glass, Broken Mirrors [Asami, Lerna]

Tue Oct 04, 2022 12:27 pm
Cracked Glass, Broken Mirrors [Asami, Lerna] HEADER_8525271

The blonde tilted her head just a little, and furrowed her brows as the ...rather unnatural-sounding line spilled out of Asami. "Yea... it was.... uh....not really my style... Also the staring at my chest got a little old fast." She murmured softly, her brows furrowing as she herself sounded very clearly distracted as she stared at her teacher.

She was quiet for several long moments before finally she made her way over to Asami and gently set a hand n the woman's shoulder, moving in beside her, not restraining her but still trying to get the woman to hold still for just a moment as she took a moment to look the woman in the face. "Asami..... is everything alright?" She asked softly, her voice firm, but gentle as she did. Maybe it would have been more ....polite to sortof let things shift at their own pace. But well, subtlty was never Lerna's strong suit. SOMETHING was up, and so, she wanted to figure out what it was.
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Cracked Glass, Broken Mirrors [Asami, Lerna] Empty Re: Cracked Glass, Broken Mirrors [Asami, Lerna]

Tue Oct 04, 2022 12:59 pm

Cracked Glass, Broken Mirrors [Asami, Lerna] QBwp8R0

Furukawa Asami

Asami bristled as Lerna's hand landed on her shoulder, but she also didn't go to shake it off or anything. Most people might not have been so blunt about it, her being just a little weird, but she could do little but respect the directness of the confrontation. For a moment, maybe, it seemed like she was just going to brush it off. Say it was nothing and try to get back to her usual self.

Then she stopped and sighed.

"I messed up."

There we go, that was something. Her head sunk at that admission though, her fascinator drooping along with her as she inspected the table in front of her with an idle stare.

"I had something good and I ruined it. Let it slip right through my fingers."

She was mumbling her words, loud enough that Lerna could hear them but barely anything more than that. For someone that was always so composed and together, it was entirely antithetical to her usual self to be so outwardly emotional and gloomy. But Asami didn't much care for her principles right now. She had assumed Lerna would be the one to care the least about that anyway, out of what few options there had been. She just wanted to tell someone before she burst open from the rising pressure.

Burning the midnight oil | END POST
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Cracked Glass, Broken Mirrors [Asami, Lerna] Empty Re: Cracked Glass, Broken Mirrors [Asami, Lerna]

Tue Oct 04, 2022 1:13 pm
Cracked Glass, Broken Mirrors [Asami, Lerna] HEADER_8525271

Lerna noticed that bristle, but she was entirely unphased by it. No flinching or anything like that, pretty understanding if Asami tried to just shake her off or whatever. If nothing else, she knew Humans could be like that. But thankfully that wsn't the case. She watched the tension slip off of those shoulders and the woman infront of her sighed and seemed to capitulate.

She messed up? She raised a brow slightly at that and furrowed her brows. At first she was a little confused, that was.... until the woman elaborated.


She'd heard that phrasing enough times before to know that this was one of those mating problems. Frankly, the gusto and relentlessness of how horny Shinigami were had been something of a surprise to Lerna. And she thought Hollows had been degenerates. But she wasn't gonna say some crazy shit like that, rather, she nodded in understanding. "I see.....I see. I guess that kinda stuff happens to the best of us." She murmured. Briefly, she considered a line like 'Well this is pretty common, right'? but that felt a bit .... too soon. Throwing the fact that this had been very likely from the start of .....whatever she'd been engaged in, probably wasn't the move.

"So this thing you messed up with. You uh... want me to beat his or her ass?" She ventured. If it was some of the students she probably COULD. Frankly she kinda felt like she could probably take some of the teachers even. Especially that Henrex guy, guy looked like he'd fall over from a stiff breeze, heh. Oh man, she hoped it wasn't THAT guy that she was all torn up about. All the same, she gently guided Asami to the nearest chair so she could sit down, Lerna herself just squatting down and resting her elbows on her thighs.

"Whatever happened it wasn't just YOUR fault. Whats that saying.... it takes Two to Tango? So it's half their fault too. So come on, lets see at least half of that frown turn into a smile huh? You take a seat, get some uh.... booze? Milk? To calm you down. And I'll handle the cookin for the evening. That sound alright?" She asked with a big confident grin. Did she think she could cook nearly as well as Asami? Hell no. But she could at least make something simple.
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Cracked Glass, Broken Mirrors [Asami, Lerna] Empty Re: Cracked Glass, Broken Mirrors [Asami, Lerna]

Tue Oct 04, 2022 3:14 pm

Cracked Glass, Broken Mirrors [Asami, Lerna] QBwp8R0

Furukawa Asami

The judgement was certainly something Asami had expected, at least at first, and so she gritted her teeth and bore it. Was Lerna even capable of properly understanding her? She could process a lot but these were feelings that she might never have. Perhaps this was a mistake. But she was making plenty of those these days.

"No, I don't want you to beat him up." She collapsed into the chair that was offered to her, locking Lerna with a firm enough gaze to tell her that she was serious about that. "But this was all me. I was the one that dared to wonder about what it could be. Not like I expected it to hurt just to think about it."

She sighed again, rolling her body a little as if she was trying to get it all out of her system. There was no immediate response to Lerna's offer. Just sitting there in silence for a little bit. And then her head slowly began to bob up and down.

"Alright, you're on. More food sounds good right now. And somewhere to just lie down too."

Burning the midnight oil | END POST
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Cracked Glass, Broken Mirrors [Asami, Lerna] Empty Re: Cracked Glass, Broken Mirrors [Asami, Lerna]

Tue Oct 04, 2022 3:32 pm
Cracked Glass, Broken Mirrors [Asami, Lerna] HEADER_8525271

Shit that usually worked. She paused....watching Asami as the woman spoke about this little....altercation. IT still wasn't very clear what happened but there were...hints at least. 'What could have been'? IT sounded like the woman was thinking about the future or something? What, offspring? Or just ... making things serious? It definitely SOUNDED like she aughta cave this guy's face in. But well, Asami made her feelings clear on all of that. She rubbed the back of her head, entirely unaware that Asami wondered if Lerna had such feelings. Which well, while rude, was kinda reasonable. She didn't have much of a response to that. She just...watched Asami roll around a little, before her own head started to bob in unison with Asami's. Typical snake behavior.

"Alright, food it is." She noted, grinning just a little as she promptly stood up and held her hand out to help Asami get up and off her feet. Even letting the woman lean on her shoulder as she promptly paid for what Asami had already eaten and tipped before helping guide the woman out. "I know you got like fancy noble kitchens probably, but we're gonna go to my place, got it? I got JUST the thing that's gonna cheer you up." She pointed out with a roguish grin. Heh, she may not have been very good at cooking in general, especially unfamiliar dishes. But there was one food she absolutely EXCELLED at making. After all, it was what she enjoyed most. The very first dish she'd ever learned to make. Her secret weapon. Heheh~
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Cracked Glass, Broken Mirrors [Asami, Lerna] Empty Re: Cracked Glass, Broken Mirrors [Asami, Lerna]

Tue Oct 04, 2022 11:52 pm

Cracked Glass, Broken Mirrors [Asami, Lerna] QBwp8R0

Furukawa Asami

It wasn't like Asami needed help to walk or anything, she was perfectly capable of getting up by herself, but she took ahold of Lerna's hand anyway. Maybe, just for a little while, she was tired of going it alone. It was a little strange, the way Lerna's head seemed to move in tandem with her own, but there was more to think about now than that. Chief among those was how exactly she had fallen this low, but the answer to that would only bring her more pain she reckoned.

"If you say so, I'll hold you to that."

Despite everything, there was some vague level of interest in seeing exactly how Lerna lived. That was a little distraction, but a welcome one all the same. So she followed after Lerna as she led the way, taking note of where they were heading.

Burning the midnight oil | END POST
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Cracked Glass, Broken Mirrors [Asami, Lerna] Empty Re: Cracked Glass, Broken Mirrors [Asami, Lerna]

Wed Oct 05, 2022 12:28 am
Cracked Glass, Broken Mirrors [Asami, Lerna] HEADER_63756146_p5

Lerna perked up when she felt Asami's hand snare her own,a nd certainly she was happy to grasp it back, even sortof pleased that she had the assistance accepted. It felt nice that she had somewhat formed some kinda friendship .....thing with Asami. Despite the dynamic logistics of her being her teacher. But well, she wasn't too worried about that. All she cared about was getting Asami to her place. It was just like Asami might have expected. Maybe?

It was fairly spartan. No real personal belongings to be seen. There was evidence of having been lived in. A few things out of place here and there, certainly a uniform or two off to the side rather than properly put in a hamper or something. But by and large, it just seemed like a ...lightly lived in space. Once inside, Lerna would grin and gesture around. "Welcome to the casa! Here we have a LOVELY tenth century lounge sofa." She regaled, gesturing to what was very obviously just some cheap couch she'd gotten shipped here from the world of the living. Definitely not antique, but it would be pretty clear this was a bit.

"Perfect for resting one's head whilst dinner is prepared." She noted, making sure Asami got a chance to lay down before promptly she scooted off to the kitchen! Grinning from ear to ear as she got to work, plenty of gusto behind her as she started. It wasn't anything insane, but soon the smell of rice and meat filled the small living space. It was nothing special. Or even all that insanely flavorful. But Asami would get a nice comfy seat to see little flashes of Lerna moving around, hunching over the stove, or rummaging around for things. It wasn't anything that took very long, and before Asami could say 'Montage', Lerna emerged from the little kitchenette with a serving platter of cooked rice and Beef Stirfry, grinning as if she'd prepared something on a Five Star menu. Proud as all hell of herself as she promptly set the platter on the coffee table and made plates for both of them. So that if they wanted seconds they wouldn't have to get up. Promptly, Lerna would ....settle next to asami, in whatever....laying or sitting configuration the woman had chosen. Watching eagerly to see how her meal was accepted!
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