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Fri Oct 14, 2022 2:39 pm


Enter Aina's Post

Location: Turin, Italty

It was one of those days when everything was relaxed. As autumn consumed the country of Italy, the skies were drenched in endless grey as the air remained calm, still, and comfortable for most people. However, when all was glum n' cloudy, it made for the perfect time to stay indoors or go about a walk in the woods. For the likes of Aina, she just found herself in a house that overlooked an endless row of fields and homes, sitting on a swing and sipping a warm cup of black coffee.

Snug as a bug in her jacket, the woman had a serene smile as she took in the sights, the comfy atmosphere, and the slower change of pace the outlands of the country had. Then, her plum eyes shifted to a small wooden table beside her and another chair as she waited for someone to arrive. Knowing that the likes of Verdara would be here today, she made sure to have a choice of water, green tea, or coffee with her own selection of creams or spices and lots of sugar.

Humming to herself for the moment, the woman started to lean back and rest her feet on the railing of her home before closing her eyes and waiting.

"Any moment now~."

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Autumn Chatters [Aina/Verdada] WVMWLOu
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Fri Oct 14, 2022 5:52 pm
Autumn Chatters [Aina/Verdada] HEADER_82-16

"Well well, don't you look comfy." Verdada murmured as she made her way over to the girl, relaxed to say the least as she approached the table and took a seat across from Aina, a cigarette already in hand as she leaned back in her chair and offered a friendly flourish of her hand to the other woman. "Not bad eh? Italy. Not a bad choice. Not too big a city, but still nice." She sighed, pleased to say the least in Aina's choice of location. It had been....fraying to say the least the past few weeks. That conversation in the City of Lights, however, did have her in a better mood.

Which she much preferred.

It helped her feel sane. Pushed away those darker thoughts. She hated getting angry around Aina, she didn't like that feeling of losing control.
But here, she didn't have to feel any of that shit. Here she could just relax. They could enjoy a bit of tea. Verdada might not even have to smoke later on in the day, especially with how nice and fresh the breeze was. Not only that, but she could tell Aina was thinking about something. That kinda ...expectant look on her face just before she'd arrived.

"You're looking mighty happy. What's on your mind kiddo?"
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Autumn Chatters [Aina/Verdada] Empty Re: Autumn Chatters [Aina/Verdada]

Fri Oct 14, 2022 9:19 pm


Enter Aina's Post

Location: Turin, Italty

"Hey, you said to find somewhere remote; I think this fits the bill~."

There was a slight chuckle to her voice before Aina took another sip of her coffee, breathing in and out for a moment to ease herself before following up on Verdada's comment.

"Italy is nice. It has good people, great food, amazing sights; it was the right choice."

Even if she had something on her mind to share, this still was cozy. The autumn weather was beautiful, the coffee was great, and she could feel her body getting satisfied. It was an odd sensation to be content with things at the moment, considering the memories she had from Algos were anything but that. Save for her acts of savagery or lust; there wasn't much to gather from that but a pool of darkness that seemed to be fading. So, she looked at Verdada for a moment before nodding her head.

"What's not on my mind is a better question."

Tapping her chin with her right index finger, Aina thought of how to word what she would say carefully before moving ahead.

"Well, you know I'm the evolution of Algos's soul. However, I feel her memories becoming more....faint? It's hard to explain, but after a few encounters with different people, I noticed the experiences were helping to figure out who I am. And in that process, I think the remnants that remain of her dissolve and are depleting."

A silence hung in the air before Aina pressed a question of her own.

"Do you think...she is coming to terms with things? I feel like I'm becoming my own person, and she may find this life preferably."

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Autumn Chatters [Aina/Verdada] WVMWLOu
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Mon Oct 17, 2022 12:16 am
Autumn Chatters [Aina/Verdada] HEADER_82-16

Verdada nodded along. Watching Aina as she ....listened to what she had to say. Those eyes, watchful, cautious as ever as Aina spoke. That was.....certainly.......interesting. She wasn't sure what to think about that. Algos' memories were just...fading away? She was glad that it was happening. The more solid that bitch's demise, the easier she'd rest. But she would always be cautious. Because she knew that bitch Mana was still holding onto all that power. These damn demons were all fucking psycho. And she couldn't shake the feeling that one day, the scent of that power would bring that woman back.

"Hm. That so..." She watched Aina closely. This was awfully....convenient.... wasn't it? Especially so soon after that fiasco in the city of lights. What was Algos' memories listening in and felt she wasn't wanted? It all felt too good to be true. "Sorry but I honestly have no clue. Algos was a demon. And as far as any of the stories I've heard about demons went? They do whatever they fuckin want. I have no idea why her memories are even still in you. Let alone why they would be fading. I don't even know why her fucking Mom is still alive." She gritted her teeth. It had never sat right with her. True, she didn't miss Mazda perse. But as fucked up as the guy apparently was, he'd had a sense of purpose. He'd given himself up FOR that purpose. It wasn't a redemption, but he had given basically his everything to ....well, to be honest she still didn't fully understand WHAT he did.

Supposedly, Mana had also done something to help that process. But what had THAT bitch given up? She got to still be around. She got to EXIST. Talk. Fuck around. And of course...
Verdada narrowed her eyes, and gently touched the center of her chest, where she remembered being punched. She seemed perfectly fine, somehow. And that was exactly why Verdada did't trust any of this. Demons were just built insane. And if she was being honest? She didn't know if she'd EVER sleep well and think for a minute that Algos or his crazy mother were ever fully gone.

"That said.... I'm glad to hear it, though." She faked a smile, and reached out to rest her hand on Aina's. "I dunno what it means. But we can' hope right? We cross our fingers and see what happens." She noted with a hint of hope in her voice. A hint that made her want to puke. She ddn't WANT to lie to Aina. But what else could she do? Tell her this meant nothing? Tell her that she was one Mana visit away from having everything she was erased? Replaced with that psychotic bitch? Or that some OTHER part of Algos's psyche might show up? Or her twin sister. OR her daughter. Or some other fucking member of the demon family might just smother everything that Aina was? Or worse. Beat her and torture her until she was what they wanted her to be. Acutely remembering the damn voice Mana had used. Casually talking about beating Algos, for nothing more than to fufill some fucked up ...WHATEVER she'd been made to accomplish.

But she played along, and encouraged the hope she saw in Aina's eyes. Because Aina deserved better than fear. Verdada would bear all of that for her.
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Autumn Chatters [Aina/Verdada] Empty Re: Autumn Chatters [Aina/Verdada]

Mon Oct 17, 2022 4:46 pm


Enter Aina's Post

Location: Turin, Italty

Verdada always seemed tense and on guard. Aina was becoming sociable, so it was easy to pick up on the glances, the cautiousness, and the overall tired and burnt demeanor that Verdada had given off in their time together. A part of her wanted to take that pain away from her, but given how much had happened to her in this life, that was a tall order. So, perhaps just being there may be enough? It was a thought that was interrupted for the time being by her analysis of the memories of Algos fading.

After blinking for a few moments to process everything that had been said, Aina could feel the pain radiating from Verdada with the gritting of her teeth and the tone of her voice when speaking of Mana and Algos. They were terrible people and could leave a bad impression on Aina's soul because of the hell that followed these demons. It was a deep-rooted fear that seemed written all over Verdara's face.

So when she spoke next, the only thing that came to her mind was -- lies.

That single word was the only thing repeated in Aina's mind as she heard Verdara speaking about things going okay. And, in response to that, Aina had to shake her head. Life is terrifying, and that was just a fact. However, if their last encounter was anything to go on, you had to accept that and find a way to cope and live your life without it consuming you. Isn't that what she had told Aina back then? Perhaps a reminder of that encounter was needed to help Verdara in this uncertain time.

"You don't have to put on a brave face for me. They are terrible people, and I feel you are scared of their influence perhaps harming me or still lingering in me."

Spoken with care, the face of Aina relaxed into a soft smile. In a few moments, she started to share her warmth with Verdara by holding her in a gentle hug. Holding her tight, Aina made a slight squealing noise before she looked into Verdara's eyes. At that moment, it was as if there was life or someone else beside Algos within the plum gaze she held.

"And it is scary what may or may not happen, but you told me that there are many things we don't have control over, and we have to figure out how to live our lives. So, because of that, I want to be able If you love and care for someone, life can seem scary, and it's not a promise you will make it out okay, but at least you have someone willing to look out for you, share your burdens and make it seem not as scary."

A slight blush on her face as Aina felt like she was saying a lot of sentimental thoughts, but it wasn't the time to worry about her awkwardness. If she were to become her own person, she had to keep doing things her way and deal with whatever mixed feelings came of it.

"So please, don't lie to me to protect me. That hurts. We are in this together, okay?"

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Autumn Chatters [Aina/Verdada] WVMWLOu
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Autumn Chatters [Aina/Verdada] Empty Re: Autumn Chatters [Aina/Verdada]

Tue Oct 18, 2022 2:07 pm
Autumn Chatters [Aina/Verdada] HEADER_82-16

Verdada blinked for a moment as she watched Aina. A little sigh escaping her as she watched the girl go in for a hug. For a moment she just sat there, but after a moment, she reached up and rested a hand on Aina's back, closing her eyes and trying to just.... ugh.... deal with this damn... mess.

"Hey, who said I was putting on a brave face? I think I'm more just resigned to the fact this shit will never end than anything." She murmured tiredly, sighing just a little and rubbing her eyes. "I've come to accept that even IF that stupid cunt Mana dies, that some OTHER mysterious figure from Algos' past will somehow cause trouble. But I appreciate thr thought kiddo." She murmured, patting Aina. Who we......SAID she was scared. But always....wasn't really showing that. Sigh.

"But yea, Sure I'll be more blunt about the subject. Now cmon girly enough with the hugs, you're gonna drown me in your tits." She noted giving a firm pat to Aina's shoulder as she waited for the girl to peel off the hug. Not that she minded the affection, but she really felt ....weird hugging her. Some small part of her wondering if she'd suddenly just get erased or something.
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Tue Oct 18, 2022 2:59 pm


Enter Aina's Post

Location: Turin, Italty

"Then we will deal with it as it comes. It's as simple as that."

Assured of herself, Aina just nodded as there wasn't anything either of them could do but endure it. She didn't want to live in fear, but she knew the hazards of not caring enough about the fear and getting sloppy with things. Maybe they could even call on that Santa or Ajora figure that Aina vaguely recalled from Algos's life. That was something she would bring up before she was blindsided by the comment about her breast by Verdada.

Looking down, then looking up, then repeating a few more times resulted in Aina feeling flustered as she blushed for a moment before pulling back. She hadn't realized the asset she was carrying around and just nodded her head a few dozen times.

"S-sorry! I don't even know what I got down there."

After coughing for a second, she cleared her throat and got a bit more serious before asking the question.

"But, before I forget, what happened to the other two girls you were part of? My memories are fuzzy, but wasn't there a person called Santa and Ajora? Maybe they could help if things get super tough?"

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Autumn Chatters [Aina/Verdada] WVMWLOu
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Fri Oct 21, 2022 7:56 pm
Autumn Chatters [Aina/Verdada] HEADER_82-16

Verdada relaxed, nodding along and pausing as Aina peeled away from her and gave a flustered little reaction. Causing Verd to chuckle just a little as she leaned back and folded her legs. Taking a moment to rub her eyes before raising a brow when Aina brought up ....well...two people she didn't quite expect to hear about from her. She was quiet for just a moment, thinking before she pointed to her left.

"Santa. Is probably in America. No idea where Ajora is. I'm afraid that I was severed from the Garden. We're not quite so connected. Santa' is just kinda doin whatever. But well, I didn't really get any word from Ajora since she decided to go off on her own after Santa punished her." She noted casually enough, rolling her shoulder and tapping the table before looking back to Aina.

"Kinda surprised to hear you asking about them. Not like you really interacted with them all that much. What has you curious?" She ventured. Certainly there was....SOME reason for Aina to be interested. She DID have Algos's memories. But there was still some level of ...intrigue as to why she would care about either woman.
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Autumn Chatters [Aina/Verdada] Empty Re: Autumn Chatters [Aina/Verdada]

Sat Oct 22, 2022 11:45 am


Enter Aina's Post

Location: Turin, Italty

Huh? So they all were disconnected? Aina was intrigued by that since she thought maybe they all were on good terms. But, of course, many memories from that previous life were becoming hazy and confusing to sort through with how much of Algos was fading away by the day. Still, she wondered how Verdada thought of them all.

"Do you like being away from them? I'm sorry if I sound annoying or if I'm bringing up things you don't want to talk about, but my brain thought you all were together from what I can recall of Algos. It's just's getting hard to remember anything from that life now the more I become me."

Sounding a bit uncertain and not wanting to annoy Verdada, Aina started to play with her hair for a moment before she blinked at what was spoken of next. Why was Aina curious? That was an easy but uncomfortable answer to give.

"Algos seemed alone at the end of her life. I think she wanted her own demented form of love, and maybe she was reaching out to Ajora or Santa or anyone that would."

Trying to think of how to word this caused Aina to seem a bit unsteady in her words, as a bit of reservation was held in her voice. Finally, after fidgeting with her hair further, she let go of it and decided to keep speaking.

"I'm not Algos, but perhaps one day I can see Ajora or Santa and ask them if they are happy with what that demon did and how I turned out. Maybe that would also help put more of these memories to rest as Algos did care for Santa I believe."

After resigning herself with a sigh, Aina looked at Verdada and then down at her feet.

"But that's probably stupid and may cause problems. Maybe I'm just looking for approval or something stupid and putting it on her."

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Autumn Chatters [Aina/Verdada] WVMWLOu
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Sat Oct 22, 2022 1:37 pm
Autumn Chatters [Aina/Verdada] HEADER_96-01

She fell silent for a long moment as Aina finished speaking. Certainly it was not what she'd really expected, but then again what really HAD she had in the form of expectations here? She closed her eyes and rubbed a bit at the bridge of her nose, adjusting her glasses before giving a shrug of her shoulders.

"It's not like we were ever sisters or anything. Ajora created me in order to deceive Santa. Santa punished her for that." She murmured gently, and then smiled, raising her hand, showing off that hole in the middle of her palm. "But even Santa didn't really see me as a person. I was just a little shred of Her Soul. She's a nice woman, and very principled. So she granted my request for separation. But that doesn't mean she sees me as me. I'm just a victim in her eyes, a product of Ajora's schemeing." She waved a hand and chuckled a bit.

" And well.. as for Ajora. She's my Mom, in some sorta way. She gave me life and a purpose. But she was still a psychotic bitch." She pointed out and sat up a bit more in her seat. Staring at Aina for a moment. Considering.

"You may have had fond memories of Ajora from Algos. But that's because Ajora wanted it that way. When we were connected through the garden, she hid all her thoughts and motives from Santa. But not from me. She's.....different. She cared about me. She cared about Algos. But not because of who we are. We were useful to her. In her own freakish need to learn everything. She didn't tell Algos to kill herself because she thought Algos would benefit from it, even if maybe ultimately she did. She did it because she wanted to see if she could do it, and then learn from whatever was left of her." She noted simply enough, then pointed up above them. To the sky, bathed in daylight, but with only the faintest whispers of stars, still waiting for night to fall.

"That is the only thing she cared about. The big picture. The Universe. Every time even someone like Algos showed up. She thought of them as nothing but a research subject. I could FEEL it in her head. Every time Algos flexed that power of hers. All Ajora could think about was how insignificant it was on the 'universal scale'. The only thing she valued was how 'interesting' or 'useful' someone was. And well, she gave up on being able to properly 'use' Algos. So she put on a whole show of being concerned. And Algos believed her. Or at least believed in the arguments she was making." She shrugged, closing her eyes and lightly itching at the side of her neck. Even now, she thought back, and remembered those intrusive little run-offs from the woman's mind. Some part of her even wondered if maybe Ajora showed that side to her intentionally. She'd named her Verdada....did she REALLY want Ver to know the whole truth? Or was this also just some little experiment to Ajora?

The only reason she bothered making me was because she needed Santa happy to keep her own psychotic depression at bay, but even then, she still sacrificed Santa's happiness for her own interests." She murmured, and peeled a cigarette out from her pocket, lighting it, and then taking a slow, steady drag. Taking just a few moments to close her eyes and enjoy the small little shred of catharsis it had to offer her. A sigh slowly escaping from her before finally opening her eyes and looking at Aina directly. Knowing that this would be a lot to take in. But well..this talk had been a long time coming.

"If there's one thing I'm glad for it's that that crazy bitch vanished. Though I'm not so naive to think that it'll be for good. "
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