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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth] - Page 3 Empty Re: Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth]

Thu Nov 24, 2022 6:30 pm
Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth] - Page 3 JDjkMEo


There was relative silence as a trio of Hollows seemed to be gathered at one side of the warehouse. What exactly they were doing would soon be lost to time, though, as the room suddenly erupted into chaos. None of them saw it, or anything beyond a blur of bladed limbs and gore, as Sabertooth burst through them in a calculated burst.

The intended target was caught entirely unawares, bisected cleanly, as the top half of the body flew across the room and smashed against the far wall with a sickening impact. Their two companions were stunned for a moment, and then the whole warehouse burst into life.

There were ten distinct presences, as best Saber could tell from her motion sense. Three more were barrelling towards them down a hallway to the north, whilst the other five were out on the main floor but now clearly on high alert. But the two left with her did not simply lay down and wait to die, no. Instead, they spread out and began to stalk through the shadows too. They had not seen exactly where she had gone, nor did they have any way of tracking her easily, instead they simply swung wildly into the dark to see if they would find any purchase.

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Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth] - Page 3 Empty Re: Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth]

Fri Nov 25, 2022 12:33 pm
Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth] - Page 3 HEAD_the_last_white_knight__frostfang_barioth_by_aeflus_de11wg5-350t

Simple. She was getting better. Watching the upper half of the hollow flung across the warehouse was certainly satisfying. They were weak. But numerous. That was good. Culling these would be a good step toward making sure that the cargo wasn't overrun. Sure, she could murder them quickly, but if they all rushed the cargo she was protecting, especially while dealing with some other threat, that might have been an issue.

But there was another reason that she'd chosen this particular group to ....cull ahead of time.

She'd learned much in her scuffle with that human. Killing that one troublesome hollow, she had had to admit that the man's....fancy little move, however simple and ...well... uninspiring. Had given her plenty to consider. She was weak. She'd grown in strength since devouring so many hollows and her own ....practice manipulating humans into suicide so that she could eat them. But the abilities inherent to her kind weren't quite what she was looking for. A cero was too.... noisy. But these little martial arts that Kenichi had employed? Perhaps these could be useful to her. And so as those creatures began to wildly fling about and search for her. She promptly closed in, and even before she arrived. Her spiritual pressure BELLOWED out, a brief roar before her arrival, to get the hollow's attention. She didn't want to sneak up this time. She wanted it's full attention. The water she'd collected along her frame suddenly SURGED, abandoning her body and dropping her camouflage as she SLASHED, a horizontal sweep of that bladelike wing at high speed before the water surged forward. Keeping her own general shape as no less than five wings made from water suddenly flashed forward, unleashing a series of slashes outward and forward.

She wasn't a martial artist. There was no way she could directly emulate the sudden flurry of blows Kenichi had unleashed in their fight. But she was VERY apt with her powers. And so rather than her body, a sudden barrage of manipulated water followed her own deadly slash, condensed into thin wing-like blades which followed up on dicing the hollow she'd run into, intent on ripping it into chunks and then launching it's diced body at it's nearest ally in the flurry of cutting water.
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Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth] - Page 3 Empty Re: Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth]

Mon Nov 28, 2022 7:45 pm
Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth] - Page 3 JDjkMEo


The strike of Sabertooth was not quite deadly, but the five watery slashes that followed were able to finish the job as the Hollow was chopped up into a few choice chunks and tossed in the direction of their comrade. But perhaps comrade was too strong of a word, as the other creature barrelled on unperturbed by the disembodied pieces of Hollow being tossed at it. These creatures were small, yes, but that did not mean they were helpless as it finally rounded on the Sabertooth with a sudden burst of speed now that the camouflage had dropped.

With arms like clubs, it swung in a windmill pattern looking to quite literally hammer Saber into the ground. Not to say that an individual blow was staggeringly strong but if she simply sat there and tried to take it then it would probably be problematic. There wasn't a particular elegance to the attack, it was a beast simply trying to beat its opponent to death as best it could.

That was not the only challenge facing Sabertooth though, for there was a trio of Hollows that were nearly on top of her as well. In a matter of moments, they would be bursting into the room, ready to wreak havoc. So what was her next move going to be?

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Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth] - Page 3 Empty Re: Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth]

Tue Nov 29, 2022 7:37 pm
Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth] - Page 3 HEAD_the_last_white_knight__frostfang_barioth_by_aeflus_de11wg5-350t

Satisfaction. She watched as the hollow was promptly cut to pieces, but those pieces were promptly ignored. Her eyes widening slightly as another was suddenly rushing towards her, not only that but more hollows were closing in. She narrowed her eyes and shifted her attention toward the incoming thrasher. The water around her suddenly condensed, swirling around her body before forming little needles and fired them in a sharp spray toward the rushing beast. Aiming primarily for it's eyes as she ducked down. Her insides liquifying, sljimming herself down as she flattened against the floor and rushed between the hollow's legs, narrowing her profile while it was, hopefully, blinded by the water needles, before LASHING upward with her tail once it had passed her. Intent on cleaving all the way up it's spine, a thin sliver of water lashing out to extend the cut, hopefully cleaving the hollow ionto two clean pieces as thespray of water that had been the needles flowed back to her frame.

As the new trio of hollows arrived she fought the urge to just camouflage again. NO. She needed to face them head on. If she couldn't fight these small fry directly then she'd have no chance of fighting anything stronger. She bared her teeth and SNARLED menacingly at the incoming hollows, a low roar bellowing out as she flared out her wings, making herself look bigger as she waited for the new arrivals to make their move. And get within range of her water's reach.
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Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth] - Page 3 Empty Re: Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth]

Thu Dec 01, 2022 11:31 pm
Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth] - Page 3 JDjkMEo


The shower of water needles shot out towards the thrasher, showering them in a barrage of spikes. The onslaught was halted shortly after it had begun, as the creature began to claw at the injuries to its face and eyes. Though the attack did not entirely blind it, the vision was impaired enough to allow Sabertooth to slip past them and deliver a deadly blow. The slice along its back was not quite sufficient to tear it apart but it collapsed forwards onto the floor and seemed to grow still.

But then the trio of fresh faces burst onto the scene. Not an iota of concern for their fallen comrades, for compassion was hardly something these creatures seemed to have much time for, instead they focused on the single new threat. The roar was enough to give them a pause, a certain respect given to it as they perhaps weighed up whether they could take it. But there were more rumblings below, the others had been alerted too, and it would only be a matter of time before this beast could be swarmed by them. But that would mean sharing the spoils.

There had been a lull, and then suddenly it had passed. Two of them charged straight towards her, arms flailing much like their compatriots though certainly not lacking in force, whilst the third flanked around to the right looking to force Saber into a fight on their terms. They were fast enough to keep up with her if she wanted to stay at a leisurely pace, so the question really was how much she wanted to exert herself.

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Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth] - Page 3 Empty Re: Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth]

Fri Dec 02, 2022 5:11 pm
Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth] - Page 3 HEAD_the_last_white_knight__frostfang_barioth_by_aeflus_de11wg5-350t

Her eyes narrowed when she saw her tail didn't bisect quite as cleanly. She made a split second decision and LUNGED down, aiming to rip the head clear off of the creature and try to scarf it down as the others were rushing in. Not only replenishing a bit ofg energy, but also aiming to ensure that it was completely dead.

She was thankful for the brief moment of uncertainty in the hollows, it gave her a moment to sense and count the other incoming threats. A good ammount. But nothing too bad. They were staggered by having to navigate the warehouse for one. But it was still a relentless fight. As the creatures charged her, she flourished. LASHING out with her tail, but a little too soon. Rather, she used the motion to RIP the water out of nearby pipes, stabbing watery blades into them from the side before she CHARGED. Once again slimming herself down and lunging, attempting to clamp those saverfangs onto the lead hollow's face, and rip it clean off, along with their mask, aiming to crunch and swallow it down as she slipped past the group, intent to try and skid past as a ripple of water would lash out, slicing around her frame and aiming to ward them from trying to attack her as she passed and get a chance to chew and swallow the chunk of hollow mask and face if she'd succeeded in her attack.
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Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth] - Page 3 Empty Re: Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth]

Tue Dec 06, 2022 10:26 pm
Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth] - Page 3 JDjkMEo


The creature at Sabertooth's feet, clinging briefly to a slender spark of existence, was quickly snuffed out as the head was ripped clean from its broken body. But that only gave more time for the trio to close in on her. The two coming straight at her were harassed by blades of water, though seemed to take it better than the first few victims she had claimed, and pressed on until Sabertooth latched onto the frontmost of the pair and began to tear at the mask. It wasn't as clean as she likely wanted, as the creature desperately began to club at the beast that was trying to decapitate it.

Once, twice, three times it bashed into her with all the might that a creature in its death throes could muster. Then, in a pleasantly gory display, the face and mask were ripped apart and the husk collapsed to the ground before her.

The two other creatures pressed in, hampered by the ripple of water that they had quickly learned was as dangerous as her teeth and claws. She would get her chance to savour that snack for a moment, then they were pouncing on her in turn. Clublike appendages hammering down as they sought to rain down a barrage of blows that would beat her into the floor if they could. There was no holding back, the previous reservation was now replaced by that base desire to survive.

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Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth] - Page 3 Empty Re: Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth]

Sat Dec 10, 2022 9:30 am
Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth] - Page 3 HEAD_the_last_white_knight__frostfang_barioth_by_aeflus_de11wg5-350t

She narrowed her eyes, and as those fists rammed in, they would simply sink into her body, liquifying her insides by turning them into water. The same trick she used to slip through tight spaces was used to tank the blunt strikes from the hollow, Gritting her teeth as her frame rippled with the strikes, until at long last, she pried that mask and a chunk of their face from their body, leaping back from the hollow as her insides resolidified, and she chewed and swallowed the hunk of the hollow's soul. But there was no rest. Just as quickly, those hollows CHARGED at her. But this time they slammed into a sudden watery barrier.

The pipes were now constantly gushing water into the room, all of which Saber was dragging in, and promptly shoved in the path of the thrashing hollows. It wouldn't stop them, but quite suddenly, they were dragging through the water, slowing their moves, ESPECIALLY as the water contracted and compressed, CRUSHING down on their bodies with the strength to break bones. And in that moment, Sabertooth SLASHED with one of her wings, a high cut aimed to cleave through the hollows masks and skulls, aiming to execute them on the spot as her own bash wounds healed, regenerating some of the damage from being clobbered by that first hollow.

Already her reikaku was focusing elsewhere. Checking on the situation around the dock. Were any of the other hollow groups moving? Any of them near curry and the cargo? Had any buzzed off? These ones had been cut down a fair ammount, but she had to still split her attention. It didn't matter how many of THESE ones she killed if some others snuck in and destroyed what she was trying to keep safe. She needed this job, dammit.

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Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth] - Page 3 Empty Re: Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth]

Wed Dec 14, 2022 11:16 am
Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth] - Page 3 JDjkMEo


Thrashing again against the water that tried to restrain them, the two hollows were unable to make much forward progress. They had driven Sabertooth back but they were losing what little momentum the expiration of their comrade had bought them. So they struggled on, as withering slashes began to reign down upon them whilst they struggled through the barrier. Both were injured, cut up and torn, but they were not yet beaten.

Reaching out to sense for what else was going on would reward Sabertooth with a few nuggets of information. Firstly, that the other swarm of creatures was all but on top of her too now. Secondly, that one of the groups she had detected had disappeared and the other seemed equally disinterested. Going on the offence had perhaps proven fortuitous in dissuading further investigation of Curry’s shipment.

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Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth] - Page 3 Empty Re: Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth]

Thu Dec 15, 2022 11:04 pm
Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth] - Page 3 HEAD_the_last_white_knight__frostfang_barioth_by_aeflus_de11wg5-350t

Too damn fast.
If there was one thing she hated in moments like these, it was how it all felt. every motion rushed in the mess of information and sensations. The way her wing failed to cleave through the hollows and properly kill them off, their bodies flailing withing the slow compress of crushing water that threatened to break them. Nothing that was too much of an issue. They flailed, and hissed, and tried to beat at her, but they would take a moment to break their way through the water that locked them in place. Long enough, at least, for her to get a sense of the rest of the area,
Why couldn't they just fucking die?

But she had other things to focus on. The other groups were gone. Had they fled at the sound of a fight? Or had her employer dispatched them? No way to be sure. But at the very least, nothing was closing in on, or was currently around the cargo. And in some , small corner of her ming, she couldn't help but sneer. This felt pointless. POINTLESS! Why was she even DOING this?! That was a simple answer. Resources. She'd been attempting to rough it alone for quite some time now, but she wasn't a menos, nor was she on the way to breaking her mask. And that damn humans had shown her ....benefits to operating in a group. It stood to be to her benefit to stomach this situation. After all, the promise was worth it.

But would he keep good that promise?

A question that harried her, even as she leaps back from the pair of hollows, water twisting in toward her body as the hollows thrashed in her direction. A brief moment of pause, refocusing. Before she lunged. Her frame slimming as she liquified her insides. And she tore her wing across them. This time, a thin blade of water compacting along the edge of her wing. Adding to the strike as she aimed to lash out and launch a thin line of water, ripping clean through the surrounding hallway as she sought to cleave clean through both hollows, as well as the section of warehouse behind them. A quick, vicions finisher. Better to waste a bit more energy than take damage. But she was starting to feel it. She'd been using her powers far more than usual. And she was FEELING the edges of fatigue crawling in. She'd not done anything grand or massive in terms of attacks, but even so, she'd been fighting for quite a while now. IT was wearing down on her. Her eyes darted to the corpses. If she could kill these two quickly, she could eat them. The hollows she'd eaten before had provided a lot of fuel, but she had to keep this up.

All the while, she felt the slow, twisting anxiety. Why should he keep his little promise? He could stand to benefit, was the natural thought. But then, would he trust a hollow? Would she trust herself? A question that drove a hot, burning sear of disgust and frustration through her body. HAtred... and resentment for her station burning through her.
To Shinigami they were prey. To humans they were threats. To arrancar they were throwaway soldiers. And behind it all, the hot, burning claws of hunger ripping through her insides. This was more than just about safety. this was more than just about food. She was trying to escape. Fighting. Hunting with that human. It had been.....different. She wasn't sure how. It wasn't just the extra food. The protection. OR even his inane little...eyeballing of her. No. Something had been nagging her ever since. Something...... she couldn't quite explain. A Feeling in her skull.
A feeling that drove her to this.

That drove her to yet another human.
If the deal went sour, she could always eat him, or run.
She always had a backup plan at least.

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