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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth] - Page 4 Empty Re: Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth]

Fri Jan 13, 2023 12:50 pm
Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth] - Page 4 JDjkMEo


There was precious little time for Sabertooth to divine the intent behind Curry's actions. Whether they were truly to her benefit or if she was just being used now only to be discarded when an opportunity arose later. She had to focus on the matter at hand, as her pair of opponents continued to struggle against her despite the disadvantage that they were at.

Her exertion, finally committing the true strength of her body to the attack rather than acting conservatively, was rewarded with the demise of both hollows. They buckled under the sudden burst of ferocity, their injured bodies still not recovered from previous blows now collapsed and simply gave up the will to go on. But there would be no time to consume the corpses though, not unless she wished to leave herself exposed to the final wave of opponents, as the final members of the gang burst onto the scene.

Animalistic in their approach, and lacking even the fear that their previous comrades had displayed, they launched across the small and ravaged room. Numbers were the advantage they had, and it seemed they at least were aware of that as they threw caution to the wind and set about Sabertooth with reckless abandon.

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Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth] - Page 4 Empty Re: Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth]

Fri Jan 13, 2023 4:14 pm
Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth] - Page 4 HEAD_the_last_white_knight__frostfang_barioth_by_aeflus_de11wg5-350t

Worry. A notion that had Saber narrowing her eyes as she watched the last of the group starting to surge towards her. They were all that was left, no point in bothering with stealth. She narrowed her eyes and leapt back, backing away from the encroaching beasts until she was right next to the pipe she'd ripped open earlier. Immediately the water gushing from it wrapped around her body, thickening that layer that cling to her skin and wrapping around her. Only this time it ddn't thin out and warp the light around her. Instead, that water began to glow, pumping energy into it as she hunched down and crouched menacingly, baring her fangs as the water began to turn white. Coursing rapidly along her body at high speeds and pressure as it was squished against her skin, partially liquifying herself so thaty she could narrow her profile, her whole body slimming down as the water tore along her frame.

And as those beasts closed in, she struck. A Sudden, vicious burst of speed as she shot out and aimed to leap clean through the center of the first hollow. The compressed water around her body circulating fast enough to shred through stone, she aimed to simply lunge claws-first into it's chest and tear clean through it's body, skidding to a halt just behind them just to pivot and shoot toward the others. Her body was a glowing, rippling blur as she aimed to lance around. tearing her way around the open space to rip the hollows to piecesOr at the very least, bull them with her own superior speed and ferocity. Thoughts drifting toward Kenichi's own vicious attacks.
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Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth] - Page 4 Empty Re: Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth]

Sat Jan 14, 2023 5:37 pm
Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth] - Page 4 JDjkMEo


Once more, Sabertooth's exertion was rewarded with results. She launched herself forwards and impacted directly into the midriff of her intended target, tearing through it and emerging from the other side in a gory blur just as was intended. Unprepared for this sudden burst of aggression as soon as they arrived on the scene, the remaining Hollows were slow to react and by the time they had managed to reposition, they were already down one of their number.

Sabertooth darted again, trying to repeat the same trick twice, and found comparable success as she tore through another of the creatures in short order. With that, finally, the other hollows seemed to grow reluctant.

The trio of survivors were all too aware that their advantage had suddenly diminished, and so they hung back and seemed rather unwilling to meet that same fate. Finally putting some distance between themselves and the monster that had wiped out so many of their peers, they clung to the opposite side of the room and waited. Would she come for them, or let them flee?

Market Closed | END POST
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Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth] - Page 4 Empty Re: Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth]

Sat Jan 14, 2023 6:03 pm
Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth] - Page 4 HEAD_the_last_white_knight__frostfang_barioth_by_aeflus_de11wg5-350t

Saber's vicious cascade of slashes tore throughh the area. Not only was her body cleaving through the nearby hollows, but even her claws sliding along the floor shredded deep grooves along the walls and floors, leaving MASSIVE clawmarks all over he area before she at long last skidded to a stop amidst the gory remains of the hollows that had headed the charge. Panting just a little from the physical exertion. Her eyes flashed in the direction of the other hollows, and she was glad to see them hesitating. Perfect. The corpses still littered the floor. There was plenty of energy to be regained by eating. Frankly the only reason she HADN'T already collapsed from energy useage was the meals she'd had earlier consuming the other hollows that Curry had slain. A solid investment to be sure.

They were cowed by the sight of this glowing beast of rushing water, and truth be told, with them on their guard, she had no intention of closing in on them. In the span of just an instant, that veil of ripping rapids suddenly coalesced. Suddenly twisting in toward her mouth as the glow INTENSIFIED. Shining brightly in just one instant before A high pitched KSSSSS sounded! That entire veil of water pounded into a single point before it was fired, her head swept from left to right, and a thin, brightly glowing beam of reiryoku-packed water swept across the building. Cleanly slicing through the walls, the furnishing, and with any luck: through the remaining hollows as the power would promptly flicker out through the entire section of the building. Water pipes, electric lines, and any number of other things were sliced through as she fired that pressurized lance of water. Aiming to swiftly cripple or outright kill the remaining hollows.
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Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth] - Page 4 Empty Re: Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth]

Mon Jan 16, 2023 9:44 pm
Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth] - Page 4 JDjkMEo


Wary of the frankly astounding amount of damage that Sabertooth was doing to the surroundings and had done to the other hollows, the last few creatures were stalking around at the edges of the room. It was clear that their attacker was weakening, no one could keep up that pace forever after all, but it was hardly like she was down and out after a few quick bursts. Then the pressure beam shot out from their opponent.

The first was bisected quite neatly as the attack ran across its chest and then two pieces neatly collapsed afterwards, the other two were cut and scored as they hunkered down with their defences and tried to avoid the worst of the devastating attack.

That was the final straw, and the two survivors both arrived at the same conclusion to retreat using the demolition as some cover. The quicker of the pair made it back down the corridor and was already in a full sprint, but the other one was winged by the last seconds of Sabertooth's attack and collapsed to the floor. Direly wounded, it began to pull itself along the floor but had been entirely left behind. This was Sabertooth's victory, she had managed to take out almost the entire group and only destroyed some of the building in the process.

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Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth] - Page 4 Empty Re: Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth]

Tue Jan 17, 2023 6:22 pm
Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth] - Page 4 HEAD_the_last_white_knight__frostfang_barioth_by_aeflus_de11wg5-350t

Saber was panting, her fangs bared menacingly as the hollows promptly seemed to reevaluate their chances and decided to turn tail and get the fuck out. Only one of them managing to get away as the other was dropped by that stream of water. Her eyes narrowing as she promptly shot over to where the downed hollow was and stomped down. Aiming to stab her claws into the hollow's spine to cripple it, and then lunge down. Intent on closing her mouth around it's entire head and chomping down, ripping it's head clean off and crunching it in an effort to devour the hollow while it was still fresh.

Her eyes would stay locked on the fleeing hollow, in the event that it tried anything, but once it was far enough, she'd simply turned her attention to devouring the bodies. Consuming each and every one that she could still salvage. Replenishing the energy that she'd lost and feeding that insatiable void inside of her. Her payment, naturally. Though she'd flex her reikaku in the direction of the ship ment. To ensure that no harm had come to it. And once she finished eating, she'd pause. Taking just one more look at the surroudning area before wrapping herself in that thin water veil. Cloaking herself, and then heading back to Curry. A pleased smile about her.

A good workout, not to mention a CONSIDERABLE meal. Hunting hollows all by itself was something she did on occasion. But she had to admit. She ate MUCH better when something was attracting them like this. Were ALL of Curry's shipments practically hollow bait? She almost hoped so.
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Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth] - Page 4 Empty Re: Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth]

Tue Jan 17, 2023 9:30 pm
Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth] - Page 4 JDjkMEo


The downed Hollow provided little resistance as Sabertooth brutally put it out of its misery, whilst the final Hollow spared but a single glance over its shoulder before disappearing into the night. Left to its own devices, it would soon be out of range for Sabertooth to sense and had likely fled the area entirely. Perhaps it had been smarter than the rest, or luckier, either one might explain the phenomenon.

So, her work complete, Sabertooth was left to her feast amidst the wreckage.

Reaching out with her senses, she would find no further alarming presence. Just that of the human that had hired her for the night, still in the vicinity of where she had left him.

Market Closed | END POST
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Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth] - Page 4 Empty Re: Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth]

Tue Jan 17, 2023 9:39 pm
Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth] - Page 4 HEAD_the_last_white_knight__frostfang_barioth_by_aeflus_de11wg5-350t

Her meals proved fruitful, not only was she replenished, but she felt that subtle buzz that a good meal gave her. As if she were jittery as she broke down the nourishment she'd garnered from the corpses. Of course some were more .... filling than the others, but when she returned to Curry, she felt as if she could fight another dozen hollows. That thin vail peeled away from her form, dropping her camouflage as she gave a curt nod toward the man, still keeping a precautionary distance from him as she cast her attention to the surroundings.

Hm. She had kept her senses attuned to this spot, having put considerable effort into making sure that nothing had gone and went for the cargo while she was out hunting. But well...she'd soon find out wouldn't she? She didn't bother speaking up. Really all that was left was for the man to give his assessment. Either he would accept her offer of employ. Or....well....the alternative would likely be that he might try to kill her. There was also the possibility he'd simply tell her to get lost. But well. She didn't live this long by thinking the best of people.
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Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth] - Page 4 Empty Re: Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth]

Tue Jan 17, 2023 11:27 pm
Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth] - Page 4 IsBYfv4


The human's senses were still keen enough to pick her up even before her camouflage had truly dropped, his head flicking slightly in her direction as his eyes narrowed. Truthfully, he hadn't expected her to deliver. His asking price had been low, so his overheads were at a minimum, and yet it seemed she had caused quite the stir. The other Hollows nearby had begun to disperse, perhaps they would learn their lesson or perhaps they would come back stronger in the future.

"You made quite the mess. I suppose I should be thankful that was not one of my warehouses."

He didn't smile, though it seemed like the comment was meant rather lightheartedly. A hand swept through his hair, sweeping the strands off his face as he turned to face the peculiar talking Hollow. If anything, though, he couldn't fault her abilities.

"But a deal is a deal. Whatever you did has scared off the other Hollows, so it looks like we're in for a quiet morning. The job is yours if you want it. These shipments sit on this dock at the same time every week, if a month goes by without incident then we can negotiate something a little more permanent."

Cashed Out | END POST
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Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth] - Page 4 Empty Re: Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth]

Wed Jan 18, 2023 5:40 am
Balancing the Books[Curry, Sabertooth] - Page 4 HEAD_the_last_white_knight__frostfang_barioth_by_aeflus_de11wg5-350t

Saber couldn't help but smile casually at his commentary. "Damage has more to do with the opponent than myself. You were lucky these hollows weren't more destructive in their abilities. Not to mention, I don't think you mentioned me protecting anything other than that cargo of yours," She noted calmly enough. TRUTH be told, she was a little amazed that more damage hadnt been done. Hollows were usually so rash and brutal in nature, that honestly the fact that warehouse was still standing was a little strange.

But even so, she flashed a smile behind that mask of hers. She took a moment to look around and survey the area. The same spot every week hmm? That seemed doable enough. She still was curious about what was IN those containers, but she'd keep that to herself for now.

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