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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Knock Knock [Saiko/Arianda]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Knock Knock [Saiko/Arianda]

Wed Oct 26, 2022 9:25 pm


Enter Saiko's Post

Well, that was a lot to digest. It seemed as if Arianda gave the woman quite the earful to digest, and it took Saiko some time to process it as she held her stare on Arianda. The Demon spoke of Mana not giving her a home, being love-starved, hungry for physical affection, and always giving hugs. It made the hybrid believe some trauma or something was going on. While the half-breed enjoyed touch, it was earned over time and not something freely given away if she considered herself a relatively kind person and wanted to help others.

So, with a ginger sigh, Saiko patted the shoulder of Arianda once she saw her fidgeting with the scissors nervously.

"Relax. If it really makes you feel better, you can hug me, I guess."

It was a bit weird, but Saiko had been in more awkward circumstances. However, before that happened, she'd have a few things to follow up on.

"But I'm pretty much assured that is a trauma response. So I'd take time to analyze your feelings, look in yourself and keep meditating on that deep-rooted need. It doesn't come from no where and I wouldn't want to see it used against you."

Then, when those words followed, Saiko gave Arianda a firm hug. Then, patting the woman's head, she just asked a question:

"Now, do you feel better? Don't get too used to this, but I do feel bad for you."

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Knock Knock [Saiko/Arianda]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Knock Knock [Saiko/Arianda]

Wed Oct 26, 2022 9:57 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

When Saiko gave Ari a pat on the shoulder, it essentially broke the demon out of her little nervous fidget. Not to mention, it had finally struck Ari that she likely could have made things awkward. That was certainly a distinct possibility that rang out quite true thanks to the emotions Ari vaguely sensed from Saiko. She couldn't help but feel awkward herself now, especially that she just kinda... blabbered on like that. It seems like this stuff just kinda kept happening around Saiko, and Ari couldn't really figure out why. Then again, it could just be because in one situation, Ari kinda lost her self control, and in this one Ari could really use an honest eight hour rest. However, she simply gave Saiko a big, warm smile that seemed to melt away a great deal of that awkwardness. It was an honest smile, and one Arianda gave after hearing she could hug Saiko. But, being careful on that front might be a good idea. Ari could hug... and a lot.

However, the demon soon turned her mind to what Saiko said that her need for affection, physical or otherwise, was likely due to trauma. Ari could understand that, given what she had dealt with as a young demon, being forced into a rage-filled killing machine; and then especially with the more recent years, in comparison, of being a chew toy and never getting honest love from a woman who used to call her "wife". Eventually, the demon nodded in agreement to what Saiko said. And then, Saiko did something that made Ari jump a tiny bit due to how locked in thought she was.

Saiko had hugged her, of her own volition. Whether or not Ari intended it to happen, it did, and Arianda soon returned the hug and hugged Saiko quite tightly. However, the demon was careful not to make the hug hurt. Frankly speaking, even if Saiko wasn't fond of the hugs, it was hard to admit that Arianda didn't have some skill at giving a hug. However, when Saiko released her, Arianda gave the woman a smile, nodding gently. She understood what the hug was for, and why Saiko did it. She definitely didn't want to misinterpret that.

"I won't... I won't be surprised if you bonk me at some point for hugging too much... But, that's besides the point. Sorry if I made things a little awkward, I kinda just... started and couldn't stop talking. And I believe you're right about that trauma response thing; it makes sense considering my past. But... only those close to me could use that against me. You're the only one I've told so much, Saiko."

Arianda smiled a tiny bit, quietly thinking to herself that this was another reason to never make an enemy of Saiko. This strange compulsion, this strange desire, to tell Saiko these things as if she was confiding in a sibling... it was odd and felt inexplicable to Ari. However, she still stuck to her guns that things were a bit awkward earlier. It was simply the truth, after all. Eventually, however, Arianda tilted her head gently, deciding it wouldn't hurt to delve into what Saiko was talking about on her own time. It would actually be very beneficial, in all truth. Eventually, the demon smiled again and soon gave Saiko a nod to her earlier question if she felt better; which was likely late coming.

"I do feel better, Saiko... I've only had a few people to confide in before, and talking about one's issues helps more than some may think. The hug did wonders as well, even if it surprised me a bit~ You're a really good person, Saiko. And it makes me sad, and mad, to know that all sorts of horrible shit happened to you. I won't beat myself up over what I could have done, it does nothing. But that doesn't mean I can't do something now. I know you've worked through your issues a bit, but I want you to know I will be there for you too; like you have been for me. Even if it's nowhere near immediate, I still want you to know that, Saiko; that I'll be there for you. It's the least I can do for all you've done for me."

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Knock Knock [Saiko/Arianda]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Knock Knock [Saiko/Arianda]

Wed Oct 26, 2022 10:21 pm


Enter Saiko's Post

Well, Arianda was squeezing rather tightly on the bare ribs of Saiko. Luckily for the two, the hybrid had supernatural strength and was a monster in her own right when she wanted to be. So, while the demon was scared of embracing her too hard, sparks of electricity erupted out of the woman's body as she chuckled at the sight.

"Good thing my body is durable. Otherwise, that would have hurt the average human."

There was a laugh from Saiko after sitting back down and looking at Arianda explain her side of things. She felt she made things awkward, hugged too hard, had a lot of trauma, and was confiding in the mistress of glum. So, to that sight, the half-blood shinigami crossed her legs as she was lost in thought for a moment. But they were genuine feelings, and she wasn't in the business of giving people half-hearted answers. So, when resolved on what to say, she'd nod and speak with certainty:

"It's ok. Don't feel weird. Friends are there to help you, point out things you aren't aware of, and accept you if you are willing to do the work. So don't feel the need to over-explain as we both share a similar link, to begin with."

And, again, Saiko found herself lost in the situation as Arianda started speaking of wanting to help the hybrid.

Help, huh?


Well, there was undoubtedly a way she could help.

"So, do you want to help me? If so, I just need a network. No, a support group. Everyone has pain, but making groups of friends or those you can endure this world with makes it easier to exist. Hell, even the demons did that, and that's why you are probably in so much pain since it's more painful for us to lose those bonds."

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Knock Knock [Saiko/Arianda]  - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Knock Knock [Saiko/Arianda]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Knock Knock [Saiko/Arianda]

Wed Oct 26, 2022 10:49 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Arianda was indeed glad Saiko was durable. Even if the demon was careful, she was quite overzealous with her hugs and affection most of the time. It's why a certain Shinigami-demon hybrid, by the name of Henrex, always got tackle-hugged by Ari every time she met the man; and especially because it was hilariously fun. However, the demon soon let herself focus on the present once again, glad that Saiko was so understanding with her. Then again, Saiko explained perfectly good reasons why Ari shouldn't feel weird about this; they were friends. It was a simple statement, but one that Arianda heard and was dearly gratified by. However, she kept that little piece of information to herself. After all, Saiko didn't need to hear everything. Then agaaain, the big smile Ari had when Saiko said that probably gave it away. Soon, however, the woman started to explain how Arianda could help.

A support group or network? Arianda understood that, especially because her powers were centered around pain for the most part; so she understood it well without being someone who experienced said pain quite a great deal. Fortunately for Ari, she both experienced pain a great deal and understood it at a level most beings could not... Or was it fortunate? Either way, the demon nodded at Saiko, gaining a general understanding of what she would need. However, came the fine points and details. She smiled at Saiko and gained a pretty damn good understanding of her meaning.

"Sometimes, it's those bonds that make the world go 'round. Without friends, I don't think I would be here now; at least not as I am. Guess I need to give a certain Henny a hug the next time I see him... But, anyways, I'd be glad to help you, Saiko; especially in a support group of sorts. I also have great experience in shaving off the top of people's pain when absolutely necessary. I understand it well enough that, if you can stand against the pain, you will come back stronger from it."

Arianda soon then let herself think of Henrex... and decided she needed to punch him and hug him for leaving without much notice. Then again, he always had been positively horrible at communicating with people even in the best of times. However, she shook herself from that line of thought and turned towards Saiko's idea of how Ari could help Saiko.

"Regardless, I'd be glad to help you, Saiko. But what kind of support group are we talking about here? I'm afraid I've never really been in one."

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Knock Knock [Saiko/Arianda]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Knock Knock [Saiko/Arianda]

Wed Oct 26, 2022 10:58 pm


Enter Saiko's Post

Huh? How did she know Henrex? Canting her head to the side, Saiko seemed confused for a moment before she figured out just how Arianda knew of that man.

"What do you mean you know Henrex? I have a relationship with him as well. I didn't know he knew you."

There was a look of disbelief for a brief few moments. After which, Saiko felt apt to address the other things Arianda mentioned.

"But yes, bonds do keep you tethered to this world when you are lost. So I'm glad you can see the value in that."

Deciding to take a chug of water, Saiko raised her eyebrow at the following words out of Arianda's mouth. Perhaps the hybrid didn't explain things well, as it was pretty clear what she needed and how these groups worked. So, Miss Mori put it differently after laughing to herself.

"Friends, silly. We are friends. A friend group does things like giving each other ideas, helping each other when they are friends, and doing things together. Yanno, friends stuff. You know how that works, right?"

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Knock Knock [Saiko/Arianda]  - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Knock Knock [Saiko/Arianda]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Knock Knock [Saiko/Arianda]

Wed Oct 26, 2022 11:41 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Frankly speaking, Ari did mention Henrex on a whim, but in retrospect, it made sense that Saiko knew Mr. Birdbrain himself. They were both Shinigami, and demon hybrids, and it’s not like people of the Gotei avoided each other. No, they knew each other well. At least that was Ari’s impression. However, the demon couldn’t help but chuckle a tiny bit that two women who were in such similar situations had the same friend.

“Yeah, I do. He’s a good friend… I met him thanks to Mirja. I’m the one who taught him how to use his demon stuff once upon a time. He’s probably also part of the reason I left Shadowfall; aside from my own health. I didn’t want to get him in trouble. Didn’t help, though. How is he doing back in the Soul Society?”

Arianda gave the woman a gentle smile, one that likely told Saiko that Henrex was someone close to her heart. Not a lover, but definitely someone of great importance to the demon. Not to mention, it was uncanny how small the world could be sometimes. However, Ari soon turned her attention to what Saiko had said. The demon soon gained a tiny blush after realizing that she had read a little bit too much into the situation. She couldn’t help but rub the back of her head, and smile nervously. Indeed, she knew the theory of such a thing… but she’s never really had a friend group. Not an honest one at least. She soon couldn’t help but grin a tiny bit and nod at Saiko.

“Yeah… I know the general idea. I would love that, Saiko. I really would. I guess I’ve lead a lonelier life than I thought. And yes… we are friends. And I’m glad to help ya however I can~ And those with us~”

Arianda gave Saiko another big grin, and then hummed softly, looking quite pleased with the entire idea. Not to mention, she still found it very entertaining to think that both she and Saiko know Henrex. It made her interested to know who else they knew, but she decided to save such things for later. Especially considering she wanted to resume helping Saiko for the moment. After all, what we’re friends for?

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Knock Knock [Saiko/Arianda]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Knock Knock [Saiko/Arianda]

Thu Oct 27, 2022 12:15 am


Enter Saiko's Post

So Mirja introduced them all together? From the reports she had of that woman, trouble always followed, so it makes sense she'd hang around Arianda at the time when she was in Shadow Fall. Still, a blink of Saiko's eyes came when the demon stated she trained Henrex. It was hard to believe someone as soft as her could do that for him.

"Yeah, Henrex is doing better than great right now. He actually became a Captain again, wouldn't you believe it?"

There was a soft chuckle before an extra joke was added.

"I guess all your training paid off."

A snort left Saiko's mouth soon after before a curious thought came to mind. Tilting her head to the side, the aqua stare of the hybrid lingered before she popped another interesting inquiry out:

"How exactly did Henrex get you to quit Shadow Fall?"

It was an intriguing thought. She didn't have much of the details on Arianda's leave of Shadow Fall, so she may as well get to the bottom of it. But, for the time being, she noticed a blush forming from Ari and was further confused by it. What was that reaction for?

Meh. Probably nothing. She was all over the place emotionally.

"You know, if Henrex is our friend, we already have a friend group. Wouldn't you agree that such a thing is starting to form?"

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Knock Knock [Saiko/Arianda]  - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Knock Knock [Saiko/Arianda]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Knock Knock [Saiko/Arianda]

Thu Oct 27, 2022 2:47 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Arianda smiled in spite of herself at hearing about the news of Henrex, and she especially felt happy that he was able to resume his position as a captain. Especially considering Arianda found out it was technically her fault for him losing it in the first place; once upon a time. Eventually, however, the demon turned her mind towards a question that Saiko had asked of her. How did Henrex get Ari to leave shadow fall? Well, it was a bit more accurate that him being her friend was part of the reason for it. And, of course, back when Ari trained Henrex, Henrex was very much not a big boi like he is now; and he also was just as soft as Ari was, if not more so. Regardless, she answered the question put before her.

"It's not like he convinced me or anything. Life with Mana was, well, abysmal, and he was essentially my only friend; and he was technically an "enemy". Shit, I didn't care. But, then he got in trouble for being my friend... The culmination of reasons are a lot more, well, self-centered and sad, but I like to think that I left for Henrex; because I didn't want him to suffer alone. And I certainly didn't want to get him in trouble again. And I believe he would become a captain again... new management has a way of recognizing the flaws of the previous leaders. Well, sometimes... and shit, I hope that training paid off~!"

The demon couldn't help but giggle a tiny bit as she thought of the bird brain again. He was quite a lot like a brother to her more than a friend, especially now; but he certainly was a bit of a dork. Then again, he did have a bird-brain. Eventually, the demon chuckled softly and smiled at Saiko. There was no blush this time, as Ari's blush before was out of slight embarrassment for not knowing what some terms meant; and that she had to admit she never had a friend group before. However, the demon soon couldn't help but nod in agreement with Saiko.

"I would, Saiko. Without our knowing, we already have a friend group. It's... It's extremely interesting how small this world can be sometimes; especially when you consider the implications of there being just about three or four worlds all locked together. But it all feels right, ya know? Regardless, I like it. And I'm glad to be able to call you a friend, Saiko."

Arianda took a moment to revel in her fun little thought, which was one about how many people she and Saiko may know but not realize that each other have that similar friend. Otherwise, the demon eventually tilted her head to the side and found a particular question coming to the forefront of her mind.

"Saiko... do you think it would be impossible for me to visit the Soul Society at all in the future; or would it be possible eventually? Would be kinda fun to spend time with you and Henrex on your guys' home turf one day."

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Knock Knock [Saiko/Arianda]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Knock Knock [Saiko/Arianda]

Thu Oct 27, 2022 8:52 pm


Enter Saiko's Post

There was a lot from that story to digest. Everything from how Arianda gave up everything to find a new life, the training of Henrex, and being happy her investment in him paid off. But Saiko couldn't help but give a low whistle before smiling and speaking up:

"Thank you for doing all that for him. I feel it will come back to you ten-fold now that he is back on his feet."

Nodding, Saiko continued to take a sip from her cup of water before listening to more of the words from Arianda. This world was indeed small, and these little miracles happened all the time if you were connected enough to the rot of these realms like they were. Honestly, it wasn't surprising to the hybrid; but it didn't make it any less magical to her. It was nice that fate was working out so nicely. She honestly didn't want a terrible end for any of them, even if she knew others weren't lucky; she had to keep using what she had to keep her friends safe.

"The strings which piece this world together are more interconnected than most like to believe. Perhaps it was fate that we were to be friends, but I'm not disappointed with this outcome. We must do what we can to ensure misfortune doesn't befall us."

Leaning back in her chair now, Saiko was relaxed until another question rang out. Arianda? Returning to the Soul Society? That was a bit of a tall order and one that the hybrid wasn't sure she could make. So, a somewhat unnerved expression briefly came over to her face before she decided to deal with it.

"I'm not sure what Murasaki or the soul society would think of it. I may bring it up, but I'm honestly scared to do that when there are easier ways for us all to be together."

After going silent for a moment, she bit her lip and continued.

"But I'm sure Henrex and I will at least talk about it when we are all together. So let's focus on us all meeting, ok?"

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Knock Knock [Saiko/Arianda]  - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Knock Knock [Saiko/Arianda]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Knock Knock [Saiko/Arianda]

Fri Oct 28, 2022 6:22 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Arianda couldn’t help but feel a little bad about asking such a daunting question after she saw Saiko’s expression. However, the demon was still gratified that Saiko had thanked her for what she had done for Henrex. Of course, she had done a lot more than that. Frankly speaking, Arianda had jumped leaps and bounds to try and keep Henrex happy; an extremely difficult task. However, she was glad to hear he was doing well. Well enough at least for Henrex. She only hoped he had someone to remind him not to overdo some things. Regardless, the demon turned her attention to Saiko’s words. Arianda could help but smile fondly as she thought of that prospect; that they were all fated to be friends.

“I like that thought, Saiko; that it was fate. And I’ll definitely do all I can to make sure that misfortune doesn’t befall us. We’ve all been through enough, and we don’t need any more~”

Arianda gave Saiko a small smile, and then she gently reached out and placed her right hand on the woman’s shoulder; a gentle gesture meant to calm and reassure. She also gave Saiko a warm smile to couple with it.

“Don’t worry about that Saiko. I should’ve remembered how difficult that would be for me in particular. Forget about it for now, okay? Such a little thing is not worth risking it.”

Frankly speaking, even if Arianda really wanted to see the Soul Society some day, she didn’t want to risk Saiko’s position over it; nor her life or their friendship. It all was far too important to throw away for such a tiny thing. After all, Saiko was right, it would be much easier for them to meet on Earth rather than in a place like that. One that was likely to be out of reach for the majority of Ari’s remaining years; which were many indeed. Eventually, the demon chuckled softly and grinned.

“Yeah. Let’s focus on that, Saiko. Maybe we should try and get together somewhere nice on Earth… That would be wonderful. And it would be fun to mess with him a little, haven’t seen him a whole lot since he returned to the Soul Society and all.”

Arianda twiddled her thumbed gently, humming for a few moments before she voiced her intentions with the tiniest bit of trepidation.

“When do you think we could do that? I need to sleep off my ordeal, and I’m sure you and Henrex have a lot of work to do. But still~! Want to make sure I’m not off tracking down some sects when you guys are ready to meet~”

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