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Knock Knock [Saiko/Arianda]  - Page 3 Empty Re: Knock Knock [Saiko/Arianda]

Sat Oct 29, 2022 5:13 pm


Enter Saiko's Post

At least Arianda seemed to be taken care of at the moment. Despite the gravity of the conversation, smiles were still able to be had by the two women as they realized the reality of their circumstances. So, when the demon put her hand on the shoulder of the half-blood, Saiko chuckled and patted the top of her hand.

"Don't worry about it. As I said, fate makes things happen. I'm sure things will work out in the end for us. So don't worry about the Soul Society, me, or Henrex. We will figure out a way to make things work with time. So I'm glad you have faith in us to make it happen."

At ease at the moment, Saiko's face softened over into a small smile as she glanced outdoors and heard Arianda excitedly reclaim her desire to make this arrangement happen between herself, Saiko, and Henrex. So, with a nod in response to those wants, the hybrid couldn't do anything but accept such an earnest request.

"When I arrive back in the Soul Society, I'll be sure to let Henrex know we all need some kind of meeting, and perhaps we can go somewhere fun."

After a brief pause, the woman tapped her chin and cemented the idea further.

"If you want, I can make it happen in the next few days. You have the means to communicate with me, so I'll touch base and let you know what he thinks. Deal?"

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Knock Knock [Saiko/Arianda]  - Page 3 Empty Re: Knock Knock [Saiko/Arianda]

Sat Oct 29, 2022 11:02 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Arianda couldn't help but smile a tiny bit, hearing Saiko say not to worry about her or Henrex. She could easily not worry about the Soul Society, no matter how nice it may be to visit; she was more worried about the safety of her friends. Frankly speaking, it was impossible for her not to worry about Saiko and Henrex. She couldn't help but smile a bit more and rub the back of her head, slightly abashed.

"Me worrying about you and Henrex probably will just be an occupational hazard. But I know the both of you can handle yourselves, so I won't get overly worried. I just look forward to the day where I'm not considered such a dubious individual to the orgs of the world. And, I think I'll always have faith in the two of you."

The demon couldn't help but give Saiko a big ol' grin. Even if Arianda's emotional state was always a moving scale of what the fuck even, she definitely had honest joy at the forefront of her being; something that was flowing out quite well with the prospect of the three of them getting together. Arianda soon gave Saiko a gentle nod, agreeing that somewhere fun would be nice; and partially wondering how surprised Henrex will be to find out that Saiko and Ari had become friends. Eventually, the demon tilted her head slightly at Saiko's last statement, eventually straightening her head and nodding again.

"Deal~! Hopefully he's not too busy. I'll get some rest in the meantime, I need to sleep this last little adventure off. I'm sure I'll be doing much better tomorrow though~"

Arianda gave Saiko another smile, glad to see that Saiko was smiling a bit more often now. Even if it's a tiny bit of a smile, the demon would take any she could get. After all, Arianda did think that Saiko looked a bit better when she was smiling. Not only because it lit up her face, but also because Arianda knew that a woman like her actually smiling meant something truly genuine. And Arianda hoped she could one day see that face lit up with honest joy. That would certainly make Arianda's day, whenever it happens. After all, Saiko deserved some measure of joy in her life.

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Knock Knock [Saiko/Arianda]  - Page 3 Empty Re: Knock Knock [Saiko/Arianda]

Wed Nov 02, 2022 2:46 pm


Enter Saiko's Post

Ah. Things were winding down in the mind of Saiko as she felt that Arianda could handle herself at this point. Seeing the woman retain her smile and hope amid a black situation was the assurance the hybrid needed to know she'd be fine on her own. What was more important was getting this meeting arranged when she went to the Soul Society to see Henrex and discuss the circumstances around Arianda.

With that in mind, she'd nod and reply to Arianda:

"Perhaps that day will come when you won't have to worry about this, but as I said before, I will at least allow you some type of group to call your own when I see Henrex in the soul society."

Standing up and looking out the window, Saiko knew it was her time to go. So, she pats Arianda on the head before speaking:

"And rather than having you wait, I think I better head back to the Gotei so I can make this happen more quickly for us. I'm sure you'll be fine by yourself."

Letting go of her head, the mistress of glum started to walk toward the door before waving and saying these words:

"If you need anything, you can always call me. But I'll be back for you."

And if not stopped, she'd step out that door to move onward to the horizon and find a place to vanish to handle her duties safely.

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Knock Knock [Saiko/Arianda]  - Page 3 WVMWLOu
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Knock Knock [Saiko/Arianda]  - Page 3 Empty Re: Knock Knock [Saiko/Arianda]

Wed Nov 02, 2022 7:20 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

It seemed, at least recently, that all their meetings, which there were only two of so far, had ended in Ari being extremely tired. It was no big surprise, given Ari still needed to fully sleep off being beaten around by a Dracolich. However, that didn't make it any less irritating for Ari as she felt herself getting more and more tired as time wore on. Frankly speaking, if she hugged Saiko again, she may fall asleep on the hybrid! Which was exactly why the demon was refraining from such behavior; aside from Saiko's own reasons. However, despite the lack of hugs, Arianda was still very happy with everything currently. Saiko and her seemed to be getting closer, and Ari was on the start of making steady progress towards redemption; much like Saiko. It may not be a road they were walking on together, not exactly, but it was hard to deny that they were walking the same road. And it would be a struggle no matter what may come or go. However, Arianda was glad to have friends like Saiko and Henrex to rely on if she was ever in need. Especially since it seemed like the demon had a friend group of her own now, even if it was rather small. Soon, the demon felt her gaze steal towards the windows that displayed the outside skies, and the advancement of time. The demon hummed softly, which increased in volume a tiny bit when Saiko patted her head.

"I'll be fine, Saiko; much like how I know you will be as well. Albeit it isn't on the same scale~ Thank you again for reporting this stuff for me. I'll make sure to give you a ring if I'm ever in over my head. Promise~ And I look forwards to meeting you and Henrex somewhere nice~"

Arianda gave Saiko a dazzling smile, one that was honest and true despite her obvious, and growing, exhaustion. Arianda soon walked Saiko to the door, giving the woman a gentle pat on the back before she left. And Arianda watched her go until Saiko had vanished from sight, and Arianda closed and locked her front door. She already missed her friend but knew very well this wouldn't be their last time together. Not to mention, she could see Henrex soon too; sooner than expected at least. Afterwards, especially after she mentally took a few notes on where to take her next searches to next, the demon let out a rather large yawn; one that spread to the confines of the lonely house. Afterwards, it wasn't too long after Arianda had retired to her bedroom upstairs, where she almost immediately crashed onto her bed. Pleasant dreams were all that followed, filled with pleasant futures filled with her friends and hopeful futures too. Frankly speaking, it was the best sleep Ari has ever had.

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Knock Knock [Saiko/Arianda]  - Page 3 Empty Re: Knock Knock [Saiko/Arianda]

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