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Short Stacking (Hiroi/Hiroe) - Page 2 Empty Re: Short Stacking (Hiroi/Hiroe)

Sat Dec 03, 2022 4:55 am
Short Stacking (Hiroi/Hiroe) - Page 2 VSIrd1G


"Threaten you..."

For a second, all that malicous energy faded, the world stilled by a deadening stillness. Nothing moved, nothing breathed, nothing lived. The natural state of death formed between the two as Hiroi's head slowly lifted. Gone was the little girl from before, her face now a twisted mask of deranged creatures mashed into one horrible monster, hybrid, a Cthulhu-like abomination. Teeth of all shape and sizes grinded and mashed into one another, swimming in fuming sludge that barely held onto the poor girl's visage. Eyes sprouted everywhere, red beady orbs that blinked and fell onto the floor before melting with a sizzling hiss. The floor about the Danava was consumed by the woman's sickly black Reiatsu, seeming to delve the home in zone of eternal darkness.

"No. It'll... kill you."

That twisted mask of disgustingness twitched violently back and forth until it stopped and stared. All eyes turned, its focus on the one person that had created its source of torment. A sickening pop, and then wet sloshing noises crowded the space in the room as Hiroi's estranged maw slowing opening, teeth spreading with no rhyme or reason as the Danava's mouth emerged, an endless drop into an abyss that seemed just as eternal as the energy that swallowed the room. Words that did moved no lips, that seemed to come from everyone echoed through Hiroe's head.

"Feed me~"

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Short Stacking (Hiroi/Hiroe) - Page 2 Empty Re: Short Stacking (Hiroi/Hiroe)

Sun Dec 04, 2022 5:59 am
Short Stacking (Hiroi/Hiroe) - Page 2 XmZbQZY


The atmosphere of death was so palpably abnormal that the mere notion of movement had been rendered unfathomable. The thought of action itself was questioned. The cold sense of fear she felt had chilled the woman to the bone. Her hand, once poised around the hilt of her Asauchi, remained frozen, terrified at the idea of unsheathing her blade. The ghastly visage that now dawned Hiroi's face was nothing short of sickening, forcing Hiroe to bite her lip hard enough to draw blood. Desperately, she wished to face this terrifying existence - to cut it down with her blade. Yet, what would that achieve?

Any attempt at harboring the idea was undisputedly snuffed out the moment her home had been transformed into a territory of darkness. The malicious form did not grow any less horrific, the nightmarish spiritual pressure did not grow any less malignant. Was she going to die here? Merely contemplating the inkling of her demise had caused her to step back, forcing her body to move on its own. Her legs trembled, her lips withered in fear, and her body stumbled back until she slipped on the ground.

The ineffable collection of eyes pierced her soul. Words that belonged to no one seemed to assault her mind in short order. The sickening maw gazed back at her in nightmarish detail. Commanding that she feed her. No. No. No. This wasn't fair. There were so many memories to create. A future to grasp. Someone to love. A dream to achieve. Would it truly be snuffed out like that? As if she were truly so inconsequential in the cog of her own destiny? Tears poured out from her eyes as she covered her ears, closing her eyes. Hoping... praying... that this would not be the end.

End Post | Dreamer

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Short Stacking (Hiroi/Hiroe) - Page 2 Empty Re: Short Stacking (Hiroi/Hiroe)

Sun Dec 04, 2022 12:40 pm
Short Stacking (Hiroi/Hiroe) - Page 2 L0Imfce


As Hiroe sat trembling upon the floor, eyes shut and hoping, praying that this would not be the end; she would feel a warmth. It would be like an embrace as she felt warmth spread from her torso throughout her entire body. She even felt a small weight upon her shoulders as something wrapped around her shoulders. If she opened her eyes, she would notice the sudden appearance of a small dragon that calmly put itself to rest around Hiroe's neck; as if he was there to protect the woman. A small crack, the smell of ozone and the sensation of heat, and then fire had exploded in between the two woman in a torrent.

The fire seemed to have hidden the arrival of a woman Hiroi and Hiroe knew, and the one their little altercation was all about. The soft tap of a sword on the wooden floor, and the fire seemed to part and reveal Kimitsuki to the pair of women. That same fire would soon waft towards Hiroe and, as if Kimi herself was embracing the woman, Hiroe would feel herself liberated of enough fear to prevent her from being paralyzed by it; but she didn't remove it. It would be a bad idea to do such a thing. After all, fear could be a useful tool if wielded correctly. After a second of looking towards Hiroe, the one fiery orb that focused on the woman full of badly suppressed concern, Kimitsuki returned her flaming gaze to Hiroi; her hair alight, billowing around as if her very hair was on fire. In this moment, both women would know why, even if Hiroi already knew, Kimitsuki was was the Danava of Fire; the embodiment of such a primal element.

"I'm disappointed in you, Hiroi... After trying so hard to improve yourself after all this time, you come here and threaten one of my students; and you even were going to follow through and eat her. No words, no phrases, could characterize how deeply disappointed I am in you... How ANGRY I am at you… Not to mention, in just this little incident, you have given me more than enough cause to wonder if I can trust you not to make the same mistake again. How am I supposed to know, however? You've always had a supreme lack of control that could only be kept in my presence; if that."

Kimitsuki was staring at Hiroi like she was seeing the other Danava clearly for the first time. She would have killed a student, a fellow living being, without batting an eyelash; treating her as a simple meal. Something to be rid of as if she was an obstacle to having Kimitsuki. Frankly speaking, Kimitsuki couldn't honestly fathom the reasons as to why. She just knew now that, in this moment, Hiroi had disappointed her beyond all measure; and Kimitsuki wasn't sure if this breach of their friendship could ever possibly be repaired. After all, Kimitsuki had a deep caring for Hiroe that she couldn't easily explain, and Hiroi was going to snuff Hiroe like a candle. As Kimi stared, the dragon around Hiroe's shoulders, Kagutsuchi, quietly assured Hiroe that she was safe; his presence radiating the same warmth that Kimi herself seemed to radiate.

"Explain yourself, Hiroi... Otherwise, I'm afraid we may have to part ways. Abalia was perfectly clear on one thing, that if you didn't behave, your death would be swift. But, the last thing I could do for you is to get you out of the Soul Society. Otherwise... we both know what awaits."

Kimitsuki stood there, her arms crossed, her sword held loosely in one of her hands as she kept her arms crossed. There was one obvious intention on her visage. She would protect Hiroe from Hiroi, no matter what she may have to do. Because, harming such a young soul, one with so much potential and life… it was unforgivable.


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Short Stacking (Hiroi/Hiroe) - Page 2 Empty Re: Short Stacking (Hiroi/Hiroe)

Sun Dec 04, 2022 2:08 pm
Short Stacking (Hiroi/Hiroe) - Page 2 VSIrd1G


Fear. It swelled her natural instincts like a buffet of fresh flesh and succulent meat. The very idea of wet warm blood coating her lips, stinging her tongue, quenching her thirst; it brought the Danava insatiable desire. It hurts. The pain of denying one's very existence has always pained the small creature, always keeping her teetering on the brink of insanity. She moved from place to place, eating, wondering if she'd ever find salvation. Then, she found something, someone who gave her hope, who liberated her. Only one thing kept her sane. She had lost it once. The very idea of losing it again, of being left all alone once more, it toyed with her consciousness. Every waking moment she found herself waiting, wondering, guessing; she could only ponder on if the day would be the last she knew of such warm flames.

She found herself feeling that warmth yet again. However, the anger, the disappointment; Hiroi couldn't help but find herself pause and listen. Then, it came, thoughts that attacked her humanity, two sides of her existence at war. One reminding her that she is not a monster. One letting her know that a monster is all she's ever been. It hurts. Those fiery words hurt. She's going to be cut up again, left to rot by her brethren. She's going to be discarded just for being what she is, just for fulfilling her purpose for even existing. Hunger is nothing if not fed.

But eternal hunger could never be fed.

"Again! Again! Againagainagain! Kimitsuki will leave Hiroi again! All alone! Hiroi can't! I can't! We can't!"

Hiroi's words came out distorted, rotted by a darker male tone that resonated around the room. Kimitsuki would feel it, the presence of another creature beyond her and Hiroi. This splotch of ancient pure malice and contempt wasn't Hiroi. It's what came before her: the true Danava of Hunger.

"Left by my own kind. Left to rot and die. Left to starve. Fire? Kagutsuchi? Here to do away with me again?"

Practically falling apart, Hiroi fell to her knees, gripping her head as that voice splintered from her form, sludge separating and forming tendrils between the two Danava that launched forward to drive their sharp ends into the redhead. That voice raged again, bringing up torment from long ago.

"I'll never let her be alone again!"

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Short Stacking (Hiroi/Hiroe) - Page 2 Empty Re: Short Stacking (Hiroi/Hiroe)

Sun Dec 04, 2022 2:38 pm
Short Stacking (Hiroi/Hiroe) - Page 2 L0Imfce


Anger waned and faded as Kimitsuki watch Hiroi suffer at her words, at her disappointment. Her disappointment at the small woman before her was still palpable, but the anger had faded, and all that colored Kimi's face was pity. Pity as the Danava stared at her only friend for a long period of time, at the woman who she left, and then came back for; who she promised to never leave again. She made that promise to Hiroi, and she should keep it, even if Hiroi's nature caused her to perform acts that were completely inappropriate. Perhaps... Perhaps it was time to try something Kimitsuki had refused to try due to its very nature. She would try to liberate Hiroi of her infinite hunger... but the very nature of that thing wasn't safe. It could completely nullify her identity as the Danava of Hunger... But was it worth the risk? Kimitsuki didn't want to lose Hiroi, nor did she wish to lose Hiroe. However... her desire to save Hiroi, to save the Danava who had lived with and been with her for much longer than most of the people KImi knew... she wouldn't lose her.

"No... you're right. I've left you alone too often... not again. Never again. I should remember my promise to you, Hiroi. I've refused to try this because I've been afraid of what it would do... But why not try now? I won't lose you now..."

Kimitsuki started to move towards Hiroi before the presence of another being caused the danava to freeze; her fiery eyes wide with surprise as she felt a rather different presence. It was ancient, male, and clearly not of Hiroi; the first Danava of Hunger. Behind Kimitsuki, Kagutsuchi growled, growing around Hiroe until he had completely covered the woman in his warm body; protecting the woman from almost every angle; giving her the smallest of a viewing point through his sinuous form. He growled still, but left the speaking to Kimitsuki. After all, she was the Danava of Fire now, not him.

Kimitsuki raised an eyebrow at the presence that seemed to be tearing Hiroi apart as he spoke. She blew a small puff of flame from her mouth and raised an eyebrow once again, uncrossing her arms as she spun her sword around, her fire burning a bit hotter; even if Hiroi only ever felt Kimitsuki's comforting embrace the entire time despite how hot the flames became.

"No... you will leave her alone. She's coming back to me, First Danava of Hunger. Just because I am disappointed in Hiroi's actions does not mean I care for her... She will never be alone as long as she has me; she. Doesn't. Need. YOU."

Kimitsuki made to move towards Hiroi at a sprint, but was soon occupied by the mass of tendrils that shot towards her. She brandished her sword and immediately cut a swathe of the tendrils down, hesitating only slightly. However, that slight bit of hesitation caused a tendril to slip past her guard and impale her in the shoulder; blood oozing out of the deep wound before Kimi wrenched out the tendril and cut that one off too. She panted, clearly put off from being injured.... but soon her fire started to burn even hotter; her determination mounting as she stood tall, her wound bleeding freely as she moved closer still.

"It's time for you to go, First Danava of Hunger... Hiroi is MINE."

She charged towards Hiroi, at the masculine splotch that was the first Danava of Hunger, fighting her way through the tendrils, using her fire to try and try to get closer with desperation; not caring for the injuries she accumulated. She was foolish, honestly. Too occupied with her own work and problems to realize how badly Hiroi was doing. Well, despite how foolish she was, Kimitsuki was determined to do right by Hiroi once and for all; no matter what injury she sustained, she would save Hiroi. She wouldn't leave her alone ever again.


Last edited by darkfunnel on Sun Dec 04, 2022 6:30 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Short Stacking (Hiroi/Hiroe) - Page 2 Empty Re: Short Stacking (Hiroi/Hiroe)

Sun Dec 04, 2022 5:42 pm
Short Stacking (Hiroi/Hiroe) - Page 2 VSIrd1G


"Kimitsuki," Growled Hiroi, as her body shook on the ground. Hearing and feeling Kimitsuki injured left the Danava writhing in agonizing pain as she relished in the taste of iron while hating every second of her split existence.

"A pact made, conservation of life. I was first!"

The aura of darkness around Hiroi twisted more as tendrils shot from the floor around the girl, creating a barrier of sorts. Hiroi let out a scream as she felt her body becoming further enveloped by the fury of the first Danava of Hunger. Her mind slipped into the depths of her being, becoming one with the very thought of fulfilling her reason for being. As Kimitsuki neared, that barrier of tendrils opened, but it revealed nothing but a deep void as teeth grew around the opening's edges, looking to bite down on the redhead and bring her into the void that is Hiroi's stomach.

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Short Stacking (Hiroi/Hiroe) - Page 2 Empty Re: Short Stacking (Hiroi/Hiroe)

Sun Dec 04, 2022 6:49 pm
Short Stacking (Hiroi/Hiroe) - Page 2 L0Imfce



Kimitsuki saw the briefest flash of Hiroi's writhing form, clearly in deep pain before she was cut form her view by a wall of tendrils. The Danava snarled, charging even closer before the tendrils suddenly broke open and a void-like mouth appeared before Kimitsuki; fixing to bite down upon her. There was more than enough time to react. Kimitsuki used a quick burst of fire in front of her, using the sudden change in air pressure to launch herself backwards; away from the maw that had just recently tried to engulf her. She snarled again at the first Danava of Hunger.

"So what? You are HURTING Hiroi! You call that helping her? No... You're harming her. And I'm done with it."

Kimitsuki took in a deep breath, her chest expanding. At the same time, she utilized her liberation flame in order to try and liberate the First Danava's hold over Hiroi; allow her to fight back and possibly, for once in her life, resist the unfathomable hunger that had plagued her for her entire life. With a roar, Kimitsuki's mouth opened wide and heatless flame poured from Kimi's mouth in a directed torrent towards the being that was both Hiroi and not Hiroi; it's intent only to convey the liberation flame. And Kimitsuki would hold the fire breath upon her enemy for as long as she possibly could, trying her damnedest to get the highest possible exposure to her liberation all with the hope that Hiroi could find some purchase; assuming her liberation flame took hold. All the while, she sent a silent plea towards Hiroi, hoping, praying, the little Danava would find the strength to resist. If not for herself... For Kimi.


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Short Stacking (Hiroi/Hiroe) - Page 2 Empty Re: Short Stacking (Hiroi/Hiroe)

Mon Dec 05, 2022 4:22 pm
Short Stacking (Hiroi/Hiroe) - Page 2 VSIrd1G


"You know nothing. Nothing of her," It spoke, opening its maw wide as those flames crashed into it. The power of liberation would prove fruitful if it wasn't for the empty void that those flames were sucked into. Kimitsuki's hesitancy to harm Hiroi would be her downfall as the engulfed fire was sent into an endless void, slowly empowering the creature as it feasted on the energy. Its form grew, darkness encroaching outward and snapping reality as it seemed the room was being eaten. Suddenly, parts of its body shot free from around it, tendrils transforming into monstrous snake heads lurching forward to bite down on part of Kimitsuki's body.

"What do you know of our pain!?"

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Short Stacking (Hiroi/Hiroe) - Page 2 Empty Re: Short Stacking (Hiroi/Hiroe)

Mon Dec 05, 2022 7:10 pm
Short Stacking (Hiroi/Hiroe) - Page 2 Xan1c0y


Damn... FUCK. Her fire had no effect, of course it didn't. The giant maw had simply eaten it all up, swallowed it whole and further fueled it in a way that Kimitsuki knew relatively well. She cursed from her hesitation out of concern for Hiroi's safety. She had to be a bit risky if she desired to save Hiroi from this First Danava of Hunger. However, it's voice made the Danava stop in her tracks again, striking a chord against her being. She bit her lip, refusing to speak for a few moments as she observed the blob that began to grow in power. Even as the snake heads approached her, aiming to sink their teeth into her, time seemed to slow for the Danava, allowing her enough time to consider her options, and even speak a bit to be able to evade injury at just the right time.

"You're right. I know nothing of your pain; but I know enough about Hiroi. You have done naught but cause Hiroi pain. Her endless hunger has almost isolated from me TWICE now; and she has no way to control it. Not even my presence is enough to tame it. I can only imagine the torture... What she needs right now is to be rid of you... and what I need to have is faith in Hiroi..."

The Danava swung her sword in swift arc, using the back of her blade to bat the snake heads away before she used a buffet of fire to force the heads backwards. Afterwards, Kimitsuki let her sword drop to the ground, where it clattered and slowly faded. For a second, it looked like Kimi had given up. However, her hair had started to glow even brighter, hues of red and orange swiftly brightening to white. She snarled at the being that was holding Hiroi captive, placing herself completely between it and Hiroe while also preparing to save Hiroi at the same time. An incantation seemed to be falling from the Danava's lips as the temperature in the room became rather sweltering; even if Hiroe felt no honest difference.

"You fucked up, First..."

A column of white fire erupted around Kimitsuki, a draconic roar echoing from the flames themselves as Kimitsuki was completely enveloped by the torrent of blindingly hot fire. Despite it's temperature, everything around Kimi stayed blissfully undamaged; unless it was snake heads trying to close in for an attack. The flame soon cleared, revealing what appeared to be Kimitsuki... but quite changed. The same red tattoo seemed visible on her left leg, but her outfit had changed, her eyes were blue, and her hair had turned snow white. The Danava raised her hand, a greatsword appearing in her hand, which she soon impaled into the ground behind her; as if to protect Hiroe and Kagutsuchi.

"Gimme Hiroi back..."

Another torrent of fire burst around Kimitsuki, white fire tinged with red, blue, green, and yellow hues; her liberation flame taking over swiftly as hues of black swiftly intermingled with the torrent. She gave the blob before her a bit of a sneer before she punched her fist into her open palm.

"Ever wanted to try and swallow a Liberation firestorm~? I hope not!"

Kimitsuki yelled out, creating an even larger torrent of liberation fire. Larger it grew, further and further did her giant torrent of liberation flame grow until she was consuming everything but Kagutsuchi and Hiroe in it's tempered embrace; the fire bearing down full force on the beast and Hiroi. She yelled even more, a wordless command to her liberation flame as she once more tried the same feat, using the liberation flame to liberate the First Danava of Hunger's control over Hiroi, liberate her of her endless hunger, allow her to fight back, and bring Hiroi back... alive and stable. Or, well, as stable as any being could be after nearly getting taken over by the being who was the first Danava of Hunger; or any 'first' being at all for that matter. Over all, the fiery torrent was likely more than could be easily consumed; especially because it completely surrounded the Being that was both Hiroi and not. Kimitsuki would save both Hiroi and Hiroe, she knew she could. After all, all the heat in the room had been removed in the complete take over of the Liberation Flame.


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Short Stacking (Hiroi/Hiroe) - Page 2 Empty Re: Short Stacking (Hiroi/Hiroe)

Thu Dec 08, 2022 9:08 pm
Short Stacking (Hiroi/Hiroe) - Page 2 VSIrd1G


Some know nothing yet claim everything. The Danava could see history repeating itself before its very eyes, understanding the demise that befalls life. It preyed on the weak, fed its hunger by any means necessary. Then it became the prey as time went on. This is but the same. However, it felt a necessity to resist deep within itself, a desire for more than it's ever known in its life. As the world became nothing but heat and pain, it kept its mouth open, eating at it, devouring all that it could. However, it's not enough. It's not strong enough. It doesn't want to be strong enough.

"K-Kiga... Please. Stop."

A voice in its head, calling it a name it has only heard from one before. The scene around became nonexistent, frozen in time to the creature's consciousness. All of a sudden, it's in a forest, feeling its life fading as it had before. It remembers the long days of being alone, slowly starving, slowly losing itself. That is, before she appeared, and, just like that, she is here. A young girl stood before the beast: white hair, blue eyes, and a sickly pale body. It's as if time only moved for the two of them, a slideshow of the days they shared until their last day together finally came. It could remember her slowly fading, and it remembered the pact it made so that they could always remain together, friends till the end.

"It's okay, Kiga. Thank you, for everything. You don't have to protect me anymore."

That's right. She proved its light in a dark world. She was its warmth when its body grew cold. This feels exactly like that, that liberating flame overpowering the creature's attempts at eating it, slowly letting itself be consumed in the ungodly flames, baptized in true heat. The darkness that held the world around them broke, cracking and splintering as those flames danced through the room, causing the world to return back to the way it was. Those flames would spread until diminished, revealing a young woman where Hiroi once lied, her hair white as snow.

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