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Time to Exorcise a Hollow? Left_bar_bleue0/0Time to Exorcise a Hollow? Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Time to Exorcise a Hollow? Empty Time to Exorcise a Hollow?

Fri Nov 18, 2022 5:42 pm
Location: Greece

It was a dark night, a quiet night. No cars driving by, honking their horns. No sounds of little kids yelling. No dogs barking. Just peaceful and quiet. A gentle breeze blew with an occasional smell of winter in it. The air was just right, a blend of the cold and still air that let a majestic chill fill the uncovered land with its fresh essence. As the tired heads went to bed on this cold winter night. The wind races toward them, weaving and flowing against the stone walls of their homes. Their concrete structures of smooth and strong foundations without a crack. Carefully placed windows pressed against openings that revealed the soft light blue glue of the sea. Glowing to engulf the still darkness that tethered to arrive from above.

Crackles and pops could be heard, fire pits held in homes to give a warmth. Parents in the bed rooms, climbing into bed wishing each other good night and thinking sweet dreams for their children. The same mischievous youths quietly laying on the floors of living rooms. Reading books and sneaking about for one cookie out of the cookie jar. Their shush giggles filled with joy.

A two sided down appeared out above this, a light shining as a black silhouette stepped out with out a word. A hell butterfly, black and red flapped its wings, leading the figure out into the world. A hand on their hip, the face turned to gaze below, letting a soft sigh come out with the light pale hue of his breath against the cold air. "So...this is Greece huh?", he said to no one but himself. Taking in the sight and all.

Time to Exorcise a Hollow? Tentos10
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Time to Exorcise a Hollow? Empty Re: Time to Exorcise a Hollow?

Sat Nov 19, 2022 8:15 pm


Enter Cala's Post

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In the gentle night of snow and wonder, of a winter just barely peaking into existence, the night was not just filled with emotions of joy and warmth, wonder and whimsy, as the cold of winter was just as much a time of death and loss as the tradition and merriment mortal kind had imposed upon it. As homes darkened and streetlights became the primary caretakers of light and safety among the otherwise crushing darkness, a spike of spiritual pressure would meet the senses of the investigating Shinigami. Beyond the homes and streets, along the ancient stone pathways Greece was known for, and down to near the seaside an amusement park sat. A small, local thing really, with rides and games aplenty for those who wished to come and attend. Rollercoaster and roundabouts forming the landscape to their design, under-lit for a brief moment by a pallid red light. Just enough to make the populace believe that perhaps there was a small light malfunctions going on, or a safety light from a construction crew had been briefly lit up.

As the moon cast scarcely any light in it's nearly non-existent phase an answering flare of white light would briefly arc out across the sky, flickering in the moonlight in a similar hue to what the heavens offered, before vanishing. Naturally there was another spike of spiritual pressure to accompany this energy, a brief exertion of energy that caused the air to warp and whip a bit more fitfully around the Shinigami would follow, before silence would descend once again. The gentle fall of snowflakes now filling the air with a sense of tranquility and peace, enough to only highlights the brief, tense moments of action that just barely preceded them.

Should the snooping Shinigami descend down into the amusement park they would find themselves met by the sight of an Arrancar, blade in hand, withdrawing said blade from the carcass of a Hollow. Bits and pieces of the Hollow's flesh dripping from the Arrancar's blooded lips as they turned a skull-adorned head to look in the Shinigami's direction. The otherwise blackened clothing of the Arrancar making the bone-white of their mask stand out all the more starkly in the darkness, as if it were a floating specter among the night-time dark. It would be only a moment before the Arrancar spoke, their tone oddly and unnaturally muted, as if their very voice was the color grey itself.

"Greetings, Shinigami, have you come to hunt as well?"

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Time to Exorcise a Hollow? Left_bar_bleue0/0Time to Exorcise a Hollow? Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Time to Exorcise a Hollow? Empty Re: Time to Exorcise a Hollow?

Sun Nov 20, 2022 12:28 am

The Unrefined Paragon

Tentō Zefā

Time to Exorcise a Hollow? 6EdIfMt

Indeed. Little did Tento and the world know that on this gentle night, under a shadowed veil, there was something creeping in the background of life. A coldness and stiffness under the warm bustling that was slowing down. Tento looked down, turning his side in a soft swivel as he took in the sight. Beautiful stone and concrete homes, curves and interesting choices, with simple characteristics as well that fully served their purposes. The streetlights turned on with a flick, giving a distant light in the paths and walls of homes, but made long shadows of the unknown in the corners of mortal comfort.

His head would suddenly snap as this tranquil observation ended, his eyes scanning as he felt out the source. There was a spike, brief, but it was a change. A presence of spiritual pressure hitting his senses through the darkness. It was far, thankfully away from homes; away from lives? Away from the streets; away from construction and foundation. This was also curious, why there? What was this and was it only now appearing and was planning to make its way to here? Well either way, he had to go check it out. He was assigned to do a random causal patrol here, there was no real expectation of anything appearing, but, expectations were always made to be broken in his eyes. Off he went, softly running against roof tops and spaces of air as he made his way through the ancient stone paths of beautiful Greece, down to the seaside where he saw something he did not expect. An amusement park! If he was off duty he would have had a half of mind to get a Gigai and test some rides out when the amusement park was open.

On top of a pole he stood, gazing down as the lights flickered, the short sight of roller coasters and roundabouts coming to his brown eyes by the pale eerie red light. The people alive, even the ones with spiritual ability and awareness, took it as a small harmless malfunction. Something to be fixed at a later point. But Tento didn't believe this, he could feel a spiritual pressure here after all, much different from any of the living souls away from here. A pulse again, as if it was a beacon, and once again he followed. The spike acting as some string pulling him by his arm.

Fully descended down he saw the source of this. Well, what was. A figure with a Hollow mask on their body, blade in hand drawing it out of a killed Hollow. Tento let his body stay some distance away, stance lowered as he held his hand on the hilt of his blade. It...couldn't be. An Arrancar?!?! This was far beyond something transpiring here. He had read about such levels in his studies but seeing one... What was it doing here? Hunting? It looked like so, and if it was a Hollow hunting its own kind in its survival it was no real issue to him, mostly. Ah...actually he did not know. No living creatures were attack and eaten...that was the whole point of his job. Protecting the balance of the realms. He was still learning, but he thought that a Hollow doing this to another Hollow wouldn't impact this scale at all. could let that Arrancar get stronger though, which realistic was a whole another matter to think and worry about.

Drip drip drip

As Tento thought of all this, pieces of the defeated Hollow's flesh and blood dripped from the Arrancar's lips, the consumption of a fellow hunter giving strength, survival, and an illusion of purpose in their existence. Consume. Consumed. Such was the cycle that they lived in. The skull adorneded head looked at him, their eyes meeting each other. A reaper seeing a floating specter ghost, an interesting situation. But....boy was this serious in his head when thinking of the Hollow hierachery. He had only faced a regular hollow. ONCE. And that was when he had his 3rd seat with him. This was am Arrancar, a being four classification beyond that time.

His eyes stayed trained on the figure as his ears peeked and listened. A quiet and soft voice. Feminine. And unfortunately for the voice time he felt a woman's voice to feel a bit chilly. "Hmmmm, who knows Arrancar. I felt something and thought to check it out. You did well to use only a little of your power so briefly, I thought you was just an ordinary Hollow at first", Tento said in a warm lighthearted tone. As bright as his voice had sounded coming out, his face showed a tranquil seriousness with the underlying spark of a trickster.

But this was odd. He....he couldn't feel anything from her. It was like she had no powers...or was so far beyond him that he could not feel her energy. Was she concealing her power? Or....was she showing more right now?

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Last edited by Ottozeo on Sun Nov 20, 2022 12:35 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : adding more writing)

Time to Exorcise a Hollow? Tentos10
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Time to Exorcise a Hollow? Empty Re: Time to Exorcise a Hollow?

Sun Nov 20, 2022 10:48 pm


Enter Cala's Post

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The eyeholes of Cala's mask gazed back at Tento more around his chest area than where his actual eyes were, the Arrancar in question slowly and fully withdrew the weathered-looking blade from the Hollow's corpse. Cala's form was slightly knelt, studious and inquisitive, but alert with knees bent and musculature tense. They had, after all, just finished a meal and hunt. To say that Cala was on edge and prepared for combat would be an understatement. Cala's features did not chage, their lips did not move, their posture was like that of a statue, and with their mask to hide their eyes to read any emotional intent out of the Arrancar was going to be very difficult, never mind the unnaturally muted tone their voice carried.

"You seek to train yourself against those who would call us 'kin' then? To fulfill the duties of a Shinigami?"

Cala's body straightened slowly, the blade in their hand moving with a quick flick-snap brought about by only their forearm that flung a smattering of gore along the ground nearly to Tento's feet. The Arrancar's hand bore claws wicked enough to shred skin if they wished it, though now even standing before Tento passively there was a quizzical lack of distinct focus in the Arrancar's gaze. Now trained somewhere around his sword arm as their lips moved in a very tiny, minute motion, like they were pressing together to form a syllable, though they paused mid-motion before continuing.

"We are afraid we cannot be delayed here, there is another we must meet again, to be with and feed from, and our presence here is to garner our ability to reach her again."

There was the shortest, most silent of pauses, before Cala's masked eye-holes flicked up to lock onto Tento's, the silent, yawning darkness of that animalstic mask meeting his eyes without a single shred of emotion.

"Perhaps you have Loss as well you wish to cast aside? We would not fault you discarding it however, be warned, we will not brook interference in our task. Stand aside."

By comparison to Tento's participation in the tournament or his confrontation with on Edelo the Arrancar before him radiated..... none of the same zeal or desire, the heart or passion, that he and Edelo had done in their encounter. Merely a cold, unflinching, and precise condemnation of Tento's interference. Like a verbal, prompt slap to the face by a superior if their flesh was crafted from ice.

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Time to Exorcise a Hollow? Left_bar_bleue0/0Time to Exorcise a Hollow? Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Time to Exorcise a Hollow? Empty Re: Time to Exorcise a Hollow?

Mon Nov 21, 2022 10:25 pm

The Unrefined Paragon

Tentō Zefā

Time to Exorcise a Hollow? 6EdIfMt

The eyes...eye-holes, peering at him felt like; nothing. That was a bit of the jarring thing. No wicked joy, no hunger, not even a anger or desire of greed. Need. It felt lifeless like a void of abyss. Scanning, phasing. Looking THROUGH him as if it, she, was looking for something. Slowly the Arrancar looked casually as she drew her character filled blade from the defeated Hollow's corpse. Agile was what her body looked, knelt, studious, and cautions. Ready to react if needed; Tento noticed this and wondered. Was she preparing to strike him, or was she ready to retreat if needed? It was amazing how deer like her form looked, and how much of a frozen statue in time. The eyes at his chest, their blackness hard to read for any emotion or intent.

"I would be a liar if I said seeing an Arrancar not that far from the living is not a concern that could be needed to be handled. But I also wonder, why here for your hunt? Why a Hollow and not a weaker prey?", he asked in his still stern calm voice. As much as it was his duty to kill Hollows to protect the shift of souls in the world of the living and the after life; he also felt that it was his responsibility to be aware and seek information about the enemy.

Tento's body shifted, his blade shifting in a slowly tick to be placed in front of his body. Mid level. He jumped down from his heighten position on the lamp, landing a little bit closer to the Arrancar. As he did this she flick snapped her hand; smearing a layer of gore, organs, and blood along the ground that nearly touched Tento's feet. He heard the splatter but kept his eyes trained on the unknown factor before him. Slim frame, sharp claws, an invisible energy hard to read, and yet an quizzical curiosity that came off as childish as well as dangerous.

Her next words confused him, made him wonder. Dazed. We? Who...what? Was she?? What was this enigma, who was it seeking out and why? Revenge? A need? A calling or instinct? Whether it was one, all, or none. Tento knew if he fully took her words at face value this; she was seeking someone from her past. And her goal was to acquire the strength needed to defeat and feed upon her body and spirit. Anything else would be an after thought and side effect of the paths she took towards this.


A stillness came over again. Not calm and tranquil, but heavy as the weight of boulders on Atlas' shoulders.

His hands tightned on his sword. A quick thought flashing in his mind before being focused.


"Loss is not to be casted aside. It is to be remembered. Pushed pasted, eventually. It is a part of what makes the living living", he then pointed the tip of his sword towards her in a challenge. "No can do. It would be dishonorable to my duty if I let a hunting Hallow move as she willed....".

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Time to Exorcise a Hollow? Tentos10
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Time to Exorcise a Hollow? Empty Re: Time to Exorcise a Hollow?

Wed Nov 23, 2022 9:09 pm


Enter Cala's Post

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Cala's demeanor remained stoic, yet prepared, a tense feeling just below the surface that mutely hissed from their sharp, predatory fangs. Tento's words were eloquent and well-spoken, staying true to his duty even as Cala stayed true to their own. As Tento questioned their reasoning for traipsing so close to the living and why, of all things, Cala fed on another Hollow and not something weaker. After Tento finished speaking and shifted his blade's position Cala spoke in a low, yet somehow forceful tone like a buffeting wave of lightless grey. They held not true authority over anyone but lacking emotion to the extent the Arrancar did it had the unintended side-effect of drawing attention when they did feel the need to exert their stunted emotions and speak.

"A Hollow because they are competition in a manner I cannot allow and benefit may still be gained from their removal......"

Cala elaborated no further and as Tento readied himself for battle Cala levied Ceniza for a moment in one hand, before turning their body to present their left side to Tento. That blade of theirs vanishing behind their slender form. Though the blade was rough, a chipped grey and ragged Cala wielded it with ease befitting a Shinigami's Zanpakuto, equal to Tento themselves. Their expression remained neutral, prepared and expecting, and it was not until Tento retorted on his interpretation of Loss that Cala's head tilted forward slightly, and if those eye-holes could actually see, it would be quite the harsh stare. Cala's voice, as they responded, was a fairly drastic shift from the purely neutral tone they had uttered before. While it still did not carry emotion, per say, it was stated with the force of a parent or teacher emphatically, without question, denying a child something they should not be doing, or something beyond their ability to handle. A forceful, rebuffing wall of grey neutrality that strangely carried force and authority without emotion.


With that said Cala's Sonido tore them through the air at Tento at a speed to match the Shinigami's own, a vicious mixture of a half-stab and slash being delivered one-hand at Tento's neck. Cala's off-hand remained prepared, claws sharp and threatening, and the hand twitched to draw Tento's gaze as if it would attack. As Cala's blade swung, the smooth, lightless obsidian of the blade well-hidden in the night-time environment. Even as the attack sailed through the air, their hand twitch, and blade dully whistled it's promise of death as it arced closer, Cala continued to their reprimand.

"Loss is to the individual. It is as much a force of learning as it is pain and annihilation. Could you really continue to call yourself who and what you are, if everything about your mind, your spirit, was ripped away from you against your will?"

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Time to Exorcise a Hollow? Left_bar_bleue0/0Time to Exorcise a Hollow? Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Time to Exorcise a Hollow? Empty Re: Time to Exorcise a Hollow?

Thu Nov 24, 2022 1:08 am

The Unrefined Paragon

Tentō Zefā

Time to Exorcise a Hollow? 6EdIfMt

The figure remained the same. Empty, emotionless, unfazed. The unchanging vail of their being staying tightly up in its concealment. The cold demeanor only being shifted by the tense realization below this dance of life and death. Prey and hunter. The tightening muscles, the blood flowing through expanding veins and racing organs, Widening iris' in focus and the hinting sound of the start of the contest of skill, abilities, and luck. Duty, nature; either way it seemed that there would be a clash today. One from destiny or choices yet to be seen. Cala spoke in her low tone once again, challenging but not forceful. It was such an ear catching thing. New.

Well she gave an explanation. And he thought it made sense. Hollows wanted to eat energy, the most they could. Why hunt a hundred and take the chance to draw attention, when you could eat one and gain the energy of a hundred? Also, at this point, with her being an Arrancar, he figured that perhaps it was also a hierarchy thing. A survival against other Hollows taking more than just hunting Soul Reapers or living mortals. ...that did not take away them as an option for her though. If given the chance she would feast. She did not need to give further detail, that small amount was enough for him.

Cala was ready it seemed, her body shifting her sword to be level with his. One hand holding the sword the other her sharp claws ready to strike if able. Body turned to hold her left side facing him. Not truly open due to the weapons on her hand, but there was an issue, her real weapon, was hidden behind her slender girly frame. A cloak and daggers waiting to stab at the blind. A snake slithering in the grass. A careful care in the handling of the blade, Tento focused his eyes and mind, reading and waiting for the threads of Cala's body to form.

And then she spoke a curious and different...feeling coming from her.

"Yes", no cheerfulness. No anger. Just a determined certainty. It was all that could be given to her. If her words were that of a guardian reprimanding with denial to a child, then his voice was a teenager coming of age into adulthood making their own choices. And facing the consequences. Even if it was something that in this moment he should not be doing or talking about. Even if it was out of his ability right now. He would grasp it, hold it in his hands, and if he couldn't truly be able to handle it. He would learn! He would learn as he pressed forward again the forceful wind and walls blocking him.


She moved to attack as he spoke his response. Declaration. The sound of her movement ringing out clearly. Tento's eyes followed her, with a quick shift her threw his sword forward, slashing at Cala's sword at an opposite angle, the strength of his strike restrained; aiming to feel out his foe as he attempted to block her aimed strike to his neck. Seeing a slight movement his eyes quickly shifted to Cala's claw hand before pushing off, aiming to cause a little bit of distance before he dipped low and let out a horizontal slash going left to right. Flowing in an arc aiming to distance her approach as he slowly and carefully shifted his footing. His movement speeds were held back as well, carefully matching Cala's as he waited to see more signs of her technique if he was able to distance himself.

"Loss is to all. And to the individual. It is giving it is taking. It is learning as it is a painful course. But it is a fact that cannot be escaped. Doing so will only make one empty and afraid, unable to....", it felt stupid. Talking about this....when he himself was having this issue.

Her. Her. HER.

She kept coming to his mind. They kept going to his mind.

Hanako....and his wife.

Ex- wife?

AAGAGAHA. He wanted this to go away.

He missed her. He longed for Hanako. These feelings...distracting, painful. Confusing.

"...move on".


Tento was starting to get grumpy here. A well of issues within him that he did not know was there. No....issues...that he did not want to accept, think about...feel.


And guilt.

"....I already have", for once, the voice of Tento would match Cala's. Cold, emotionless and empty. But, still determined. And a bit fired up.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Time to Exorcise a Hollow? Tentos10
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Time to Exorcise a Hollow? Empty Re: Time to Exorcise a Hollow?

Thu Nov 24, 2022 2:35 am


Enter Cala's Post

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Let it never be said Cala was not a cunning hunter. Untold years of survival against entities more powerful than themselves, along the Arrancar's raw skill and wit, had honed them into a being that could be dangerous when they wanted to. They knew of the Shinigami and, in a way, respected them as hunters. Thus it was that Cala brooked no risks with Tento and had made the first move of their encounter before they even made the first swing, before they had ever approached their opponent. Tento had done exactly as Cala expected, but whether their preparation would pay off remained to be seen.

Their opponent had failed to notice, as the blade sang toward his neck, the distinct change in color and complexion of Ceniza and it was no trick of the eyes. When they had moved the blade out of Tento's sight Cala had coated the blade of Ceniza in Fade and the moment Tento blocked the blow, the conversation and flexing of Cala's claws were all a deception. The brief moment Tento's eyes flicked toward Cala's clawed hand and intercepted their blow the blade would, out of the corner of Tento's eye, look like it kept moving..... but the reality of the attack was that the Fade along Ceniza speared out in that brief moment, the tip of the ash-like substance condensing into a spear-point that struck at an odd angle compared to Ceniza's actual point.

If Tento Avoids the Fade:

If Tento takes the blow:

Regardless of which path the fight took Cala would halt their pressuring assault on Tento and scoot back in a defensive motion. Tento's soul would begin to sing with Loss and Cala's lips pursed for a moment. All the tense ferocity, all the hostility, bleeding out of the Arrancar as they frowned a small, distinct frown at Tento and, Fade inside him or not, would not siphon further from Tento. Instead Cala would draw all of their Fade back to themselves and, grimacing softly, speak in a tone still grey and emotionless, but also soft and curious.

"We see..... We did not expect a Shinigami to be, like the people here, one who may require our aid..... how odd you are. "

Lowering Ceniza slowly Cala would nod at Tento briefly before extending their hand and, with it, a small tendril of Fade into the air.

"Taking the energy of others is not all we are capable of. Within our Fading Embraceeven painful memories may die. We cannot quell the emotions of others, but we can remove the source, like a cancer. Are you.... one who requires this Shinigami?"

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Time to Exorcise a Hollow? Left_bar_bleue0/0Time to Exorcise a Hollow? Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Time to Exorcise a Hollow? Empty Re: Time to Exorcise a Hollow?

Sat Nov 26, 2022 2:38 am

The Unrefined Paragon

Tentō Zefā

Time to Exorcise a Hollow? 6EdIfMt

It was a mess. What Tento thought he understood he did not. The true essence of Cala's hidden in the darkness and moonlight. The concern of being aware of this Arrancar's body falling into her hands. The slight deliberate movement of her hand distracting him, the singing blade of loss aimed at his neck. Blocked, but when his eyes shifted to her clawed hands, falling to falling to the moving Fade anonymity that would be soon known to him. Ceniza speared out, shifting and moving like a snake; the tip moving into a powdery ash like substance that condensed and extended. Striking out from an unexpected angle with a further reach than what the sword held.

Dang it... Was all Tento could think as the Fade borrowed into his body. It felt like it was burning and drowning at the same time. Suffocating. He groaned and grimaced as the ash like substance drilled into his chest. This was bad, very bad. He felt like it was close to initally hitting a vital spot. That was dangerous, it may be just between his heart and shoulder, but how long would that keep up? "UUuUUugh", he gripped his hilt tighter, the essence within intruding in his body hardening and expanding like it was concrete. It felt draining, heavy. And the fact that she caught his arcing strike to create distance in her hand did worse of how he was feeling. Arrancars were really no joke. His energy. It was fading slowly, leaving his body and feeling like it was going some where else.

But it was only the start.

From her defensive position, she frowned at him. Gave him some pity; or at least the illusion of such in his eyes. Her look of disapproval digging into him deeper than her attack could. Her ferocity, their tension, hostility, her plots and ideas even perhaps. All in that small little frown of her as she dug her Fade deeper into him before suddenly coming out. Drawing all of the invading being out of his body and stopping the sense of his energy being drained. A fact that had him surprised and concerned, she had him; what was she thinking?

And as she spoke in that soft emotionless voice, he wished she kept it in and didn't talk to him.

"...everyone was alive once. Everyone has a similarity to another", that all he said in response at first. A heavy sigh; not from pain but...his heart. Feelings. He was indeed an odd man, he wondered how common his issue really was. Moving on with one's life when they came to the afterlife. Memories, heart, attachments all attached. It was a wonder he did just become a soul stuck unable to pass on when he died. Require her aid huh?....

Her hand holding her sword lowered, her claw hand extending out open, welcoming. A black tendril of Fade slithering in the air, a dark embrace.

"Taking the energy of others is not all we are capable of. Within our Fading Embrace even painful memories may die. We cannot quell the emotions of others, but we can remove the source, like a cancer. Are you.... one who requires this Shinigami?"

The already dark sky felt like it grew darker. The somewhat serene air feeling cloudy and stiff. The night. The darkness. Life. Felt heavy, oppressive, almost supernatural; other worldly . It was darker than vantablack, if that's even possible. An essence that choked at Tento's throat. Horse. Strained. Threatening to swallow the vibrant red color of his blood within to be covered in a black despair. One inching closer and closer I soon found myself swallowed up in the nothingness, it felt like he was not even able to see his own two hands in front of my face. What was before him? What was...he? That man that was once alive, beginning a life with a wife hoping to build a family and grow old? Was he the lost soul looking for a home and new purpose within the Soul Society; the Gotei United; the 4th Division? He could not see, it felt like a blur, a picture out of his vision that he could not correct. It felt like his eyes were wielded shut, and his teeth gritted and his knuckles purple as he held on to the one thing he had right now for his life and identity. His sword that refused to give him its name; to even speak to him for all these years. He could try to open his eyes, but in his heart it felt like it would just be failure; a failure realizing that he knew it was open all along. He knew his issue but couldn't face them. A cloud on his mind and soul. Most night skies were the darkest of greys, but this one was pure black. It was like someone shut off the stars and moon. The Spark.

"No...". Uncertain, helpless. Unsure.

Would it be better....would it make him whole? If...he just...let it go. "N--", his voice quivered. What if he let it be forgotten, he could move one and focus on the here and now. What it could be.

And as Tento faltered and seem to give up for a first in his life, he raised his left hand and began to reach out. "Maybe...".

A new start wouldn't be bad. He reached otu closer, his sword hand lowering with no feeling of fight.

" hurt?", it was an odd question. Wondering of pain, but he wasn't asking about physical pain. But the possible pain of letting it go, be removed from him. His past.


He stopped.

That was right...memories. All the times he had in his life that made him who he was now. The foundation. Those times; were the best memories. He felt something, a shift within. A curse being lifted, an energy.

A face, Hanako when she explained the recovery of her memories and the joy of her smile and eyes. The part of her that was gone for so long that made her feel...her again. How...could he even think of forgetting. His love for his wife, even if it hurt to not be with her now in the afterlife. What would she think? What would Hanako think...would they see him as the same man they respected and cared for if he did such a thing?

"No...". He knew that answer pretty well. Heck...they both would clobber him for even being in this situation...

He looked up, his eyes and face looking down at the floor the entire time without him know. If voice grew, louder, stronger, more deterimed as a flame was re-lit in his eyes. His spirit and energy swirling. He would not give up his memories of her, he would not submit and throw it away like it was trash...and his cry as his energy burst in a brown cloak around him made sure the Arrancar knew before him of his answer; hear, body, and soul.


His hands went back to his sword, lifting it up as it sung out in harmony with Tento's spirit. As if to say,

...proud of you young Shinigami.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Time to Exorcise a Hollow? Tentos10

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Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Time to Exorcise a Hollow? Empty Re: Time to Exorcise a Hollow?

Sun Nov 27, 2022 3:08 pm


Enter Cala's Post

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To see the pain etched into Tento's face and spirit as he grappled with such a familiar question told Cala what his answer would be long before the Shinigami answered for himself and also set their own decision on whether they would be willing to take those memories away even if he wished it. Cala had not come here to devour mortals, to prey upon them as Hollows did, perhaps they had... once but now they did what they could to be more benevolent. In a manner of speaking.

Who Cala tended to were children huddled, crying in their beds with vivid abuses still fresh in their minds, ex-soldiers haunted by the dying face of a comrade they could not protect, those for whom a single event marred their soul beyond saving and all but guaranteed their corruption into a Hollow upon death. It was due to this reason Cala was, in their own muted way, pleased to see Tento reject their offer for a memory he obviously cherished. Their head gently shaking as Tento asked if the process would hurt as their answer was, simply.

"For you.... it would."

Truly, however, Cala knew this answer mattered little. Tento was far too expressive and open with the battle taking place within himself to give any answer but no and, strangely enough, despite feeling a Shinigami's spirit sing with newfound purpose so close to them.... Cala did not feel threatened any longer. Instead the Arrancar would put away Ceniza, finding the blade's purpose finished, and seat themselves casually on the ground as Tento roared his answer in finality and Cala... smiled. A faint ghost of a thing, truly, but it was at least emotion to break the marble stoicism of the Arrancar for a brief moment. Only once Tento had returned to the present did Cala motion at the ground closer to them and offer.

"Sit with us, if you would, for your answer is the correct one."

Cala would solemnly shake their head.

"Those who require what we offer never come with souls burning over the issue. It is always the defeated, the hopeless, the empty and the downtrodden. Those with no other recourse but to forget as they are so haunted as to be doomed without it. Do we, perhaps, mean something different to you now?"

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