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Time to Exorcise a Hollow? - Page 2 Empty Re: Time to Exorcise a Hollow?

Sun Nov 27, 2022 9:47 pm

The Unrefined Paragon

Tentō Zefā

Time to Exorcise a Hollow? - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Tento's energy flowed. A soft hum of energy coursing over his body after the initial roar of his energy out bursting with an weak tremble. In the grand schemes of how he knew his upper seat members, as well as his Vice Captain and Captain were far beyond him in spiritual energy. But his strength in his energy was still fierce in its own right. Its power wasn't solely base on the power within Tento's vessel, but the lion's tenacity that was within his warrior mind. For him it would. She said losing his memories would hurt him. Perhaps she knew in this moment that such a loss was a tragedy to him, his being. But even more, it made him wonder. Did this Arrancar help others from this mutual gain? She feasted on memories and others benefited with; specific, memory loss. Tento knew plenty of people who had something that would just be better of being forgotten if it never happen. Others, it would just be a false vail; a mask they were until it happened again and inflicted a fresh pain onto their bandaged mind.

But for him. Memories. Precious attachments to others. Oneself. Tento would never want to give up that. His life. Even if at times they hurt, more than any blade that could pierce and slash his flesh.That what his past was, and he would hold it with a vice grip as he took each and every step into this present and future before him. Self assured Tento eyed Cala, a strange wonder coming to his reinforced calm mind. In the end, if she did this, was it really good? Was it a solution or only a camouflage?

He was not sure, but, what he saw a bit of surprise. She lowered her sword.... As if she felt no need to fight, no fear, or sense of danger. But also as if she felt no need to be hostile to him. A Shinigami. A shinigami who's duty was to cut her down so that she could pass on and further the cycle of souls. And she sat down? Oh so causally as well, relaxed and intense like how she was for so long minutes ago.

With a smile?

Was she really smiling right now? With him flowing with so much more energy, purpose, and determination? Either she was playing a gamble or went crazy. Or perhaps she was already crazy. Seeing her motion him to the ground he stood there with his blade still drawn, finding all of this so hard to believe. He felt himself about to move-


Tento's eyes grew wide for a second. A shock as he heard something speak to him. Voices. A masculine voice and a feminine voice. Speachless he found him unable to respond to Cala's words. Questions rang in his mind, and he truly thought he was going insane. Did he really hear voices speaking to him? Was it so trick from Cala's sword?

Come young warrior. Do you not feel your spirit in our voice?, the two voices mused. A calm exposition coated in a slight irritation. The first time you are able to truly hear us and you doubt it?


No way.

Sit, listen to what this Hollow has to say.

All in all this felt like it took several minutes, but it was only seconds in reality. Slowly, Tento lowered his sword. On guard, but attempting to allow himself to heed what Cala was saying. He sat down right were he was, sword still in hand. Guarded but open to communication. "So you eat on fellow Hollows and the tortured memories of being. I do not know if one should call you a nightmare eater or an omen", he said eyeing his sword. Why...this change. Why finally speak to him now of all places and times? He looked up, gazing at Cala's face and into her eyes. "You mean the same Miss. An Arrancar that eats memories. Your preference of history to your actions are details of it", he wondered from...a goodness? Within her. Or was it due to her being smart, choosing those who would submit easiest. Effort and opposition was draining as well as more dangerous after all.

It was uneasy, talking about this. He was almost one of them after all.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Time to Exorcise a Hollow? - Page 2 Tentos10

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Sun Dec 11, 2022 1:51 pm


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Cala watched Tento for a long moment, their masked visage still staring as much through him as at him, despite their now more casual demeanor. That sense of.... distance and studiousness behind Cala's gaze as they watched Tento seat himself. Cala could feel a shift in Tento's energy, his emotions, surprise mixed with a flood of newfound power that made Cala hum. They did not really know enough about the internal workings of a Shinigami to piece together what had happened but given the tentative elation Tento seemed to have, fueling his disbelief, Cala could only surmise it was something..... fortuitous.

As Tento responded, stating that Cala did not seem much difference as of yet, Cala nodded, accepting the answer for now before clarifying.

"I believe it would provide more perspective if we informed you WHY we devour other Hollows still, despite having already become an Arrancar. It is not something Arrancar need to do, not by necessity, but rather it is a circumstance unique to our being that makes it valuable to us. You see..... our fellows Hollows were forged and created by an insurmountable, soul-crushing amount of Loss, enough to turn them from a Plus into a Hollow. Something that wore their spirit down just as it once did to our own. That is why we devour them, in part, as they are still a source of energy and power for us despite our new form and..... well.... recent events have made us much more invested in their ability to cause harm to the innocent. The.... indnividual we spoke of, that we must return to, she is.... almost entirely Loss..... and we wish to aid her. To protect her. But we are not strong enough as we are now, hence why we travel."

Cala stopped there, leaving the explanation at that, and their jaw and lips moved in a motion almost resembling a faint frown as they stared through Tento's chest.

"We feel you may understand the desire to protect or keep safe someone precious to you....."

Cala said nothing else, and instead, turned their gaze skyward as it began a gentle snowfall in the night, tiny snowflakes dancing among the scarce beams of light the Greece streetlights provided them.

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Time to Exorcise a Hollow? - Page 2 Empty Re: Time to Exorcise a Hollow?

Wed Dec 14, 2022 9:07 pm
Ottozeo wrote:

The Unrefined Paragon

Tentō Zefā

Time to Exorcise a Hollow? - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Tento's body ached as he sat across from the mysterious Arrancar named Cala. The blow oozing slight drops of blood from his chest from the injured realm between his heart and shoulder caused by Cala's Fade. A hard as he could try to relax, he did not feel good leaving such a wound to linger. Energy loss, beyond of what he felt seep out of him from Cala's touch; was not to be added on and worsen by blood loss. Unknowingly by Tento, the wound had already began to heal very very slowly, a micro level of his blood clotting and his skin healing. It was nothing to be noted, such a weak and slow pace that it could not possibly be noticed and would practically be seen as a normal recovery rate after battle. Either way, Tento raised his other hand letting a light green glow engulf his hand, hovering the limb over his chest, a gradual and long process of medical treatment began. It wouldn't close any wounds immediately really to stop any damage, but it could close it up enough to stop his bleeding.

His deep brown eyes gazed at the masked visage as it stared at him still in this tensed but relaxed conversation on their hands. A disbelief of casual demeanor as if she had only gone out on a walk into the world as if nothing happened. New. As if she had flipped a switch. Not violent but all the same hostile. A distant and studiousness gaze as if Tento was some sort of fascinating experiment before her. Paper and pen ready to make notes and break him down. His eyes seemed...weird. Confused, intrigued, sorry and yet thankful. Not for himself, but for the being before him. This was no pity though, but...still.

He was at a loss of words to describe this. All he could do was sit and take time, following the advice of his spirit to communicate with this untold mysterious gem of a life starring at him with an endless abyss. She hummed, was she musing about something he said? Well, that would have to be seen, and the start of it began with his words and Cala nodding her words. Taking it as it was before speaking her own part. A deep hum coming from his in response this time. Why she still devoured Hollows? Well, he just thought it was the same as before she was an Arrancar. The road to the end stayed the same it seemed regardless of what stage a Hollow was. They devoured to go forward. To seek more. Be more. Due to an instinct and inescapable need. More energy was needed to test fate, to see if they WERE the chosen to become more than their unbalanced hunter image. Humanoid, unbalanced, much so like humans in normal living. But less, and more at the same time. Sure, it was not a necessity, but it was an often part of their being still. Right?

If not, how was she different?

"So, you. Continue to devour other Hollows due to it being valuable to you as a person? The parts of you that started off were fueled by loss and that pain", he said begining to feel a well of surprise stir. It was a plus? Then, was this the main soul inside that controlled the others? This spirit that died, did they suffer we wondered? Chained to a past that they could not separate from. Unsaved by a Shinigami. Did they run and hide? Did they become twisted in time and become a Hollow? Did they get devoured and over time, overcame the souls fighting against their will?

He continued to listen but only found himself becoming further lost in this. This person, who seemed to be a goal to defeat. Was similar to Cala in the way of loss weighing on the spirit into nothingness. Both devouring as a need for, fulfillment? A source of energy and power for her, but, to what end? What goal? What was the desired end goal for this if done? Unity? Completeness? Wholeness? Could Cala even answer these type of things, could she even think about these things in her vision of her goal? One thing did caused a trickle of anger in Tento though. The ability to harm the innocent. That just made Tento want to seek out and stop this Hollow that Cala was chasing. He had heard of evil humans becoming evil Hollows. Demons in the term of how wicked they truly were, simply in another than the regular Hollow.

This would be something he had to keep to himself though. Due to what Cala said at the end. "It sounds like you have some what of a kin ship with her. More loss than you and yet you wish to pull her from what is sinking around her. But tell me, what if she pulls you deeper? What if you, are the one that needs protection?". He paused, offering that little though for the Arrancar to chew on. Wait....did she just frown? Kinda? He blinked as cala's face changed. Jaw, lips, and muscles shifting as she stared at Tento's chest. "....hmmm, you are not wrong.

Her head towards the sky, a wind came in the silent night. Blowing with a feather kissing touch that shifted hair and clothe in a sing song melody of stretching and relaxing. "It is not often that such a feeling comes into place within a Hollow". One gazing above, and one gazing forward. The sky seem to freeze, gentle snow fall sweeping down in the night as its small snowflakes danced on top of each other and in the descent. "But, what are you protecting her from? Death? Loss? Loneliness? What brings you to the thought of it, there has to be something more than loss no? What then if you succeed. What then if you fail?".

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Time to Exorcise a Hollow? - Page 2 Tentos10
Cala Paracer
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Sun Jan 01, 2023 3:16 pm


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Cala listened to Tento without much in the way of outward motion, perhaps the smallest rise and fall of their chest as they breathe in the cool night air. Their sightless eyes staring, unmoving, into the infinite sky above. The soft drift of snowflakes falling around them framing their grey-and-black form against the otherwise dark night-time darkness. It was not until Tento mentioned kinship with Aina and asked their question about potentially being pulled deeper by her, to be protected by her. This made Cala tilt their head, pondering, as Tento asked even more questions. Questions that Cala had struggled a bit with themselves since meeting Aina. Questions that, realistically, they did not possess true answers to. Not yet at least.

Once Tento was done with their questions Cala extended a hand, slowly, before softly allowing a snowflake to land on their palm, before drawing it close and lowering their gaze to stare out in front of them. Their senses, however, roaming over the snowflake studiously in thought before they responded.

"The only manner in which we may be pulled deeper into Loss now would be to lose that which we invest our heart into....."

Trailing off for a short moment Cala would softly crush the snowflake in their palm before angling their head slightly in Tento's direction.

".... thus you ask if she were to die, or forget, would it wound us more deeply? We think it would, undoubtedly, do so. But to turn from all your emotions for fear of them hurting you is, perhaps, a worse and truer essence of Loss than we are even now."

Cala would let the now crushed bits of snow fall from their turned hand, the eyeholes of Cala's mask now staring somewhere off to Tento's left, at the ground, as they straightened their head and focused their sense on Tento now.

"What we are protecting her from is a Loss rather absolute, we believe, as she remembers nothing. As there is something immutably, hopelessly wrong with the loss of potential of an entirely new existence. It is why parents will die for their children, why the elderly would put themselves between death and their younger counterparts. A life already lived is a story told, if not mostly, but there is nothing more repugnant to life than for someone to be cut down before possessing their chance to live. At the very least... this is the case among the sane."

Cala would go quiet for another moment, remembering Aina's smile and kind words, her worry and naiveté about the world, and would sigh quietly.

"Should we succeed she would be free to live her own choices. Whatever they may be. Should we fail... we suppose she would not live at all, or perhaps, be subsumed by the reemergence of that which she left behind..... Do you also, perhaps, understand the repugnance behind that, Shinigami? To not be able to live your own existence due to being subsumed, engulfed, replaced and overwritten by what is both yourself and not yourself?"

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Time to Exorcise a Hollow? - Page 2 Empty Re: Time to Exorcise a Hollow?

Thu Jan 05, 2023 12:45 pm

The Unrefined Paragon

Tentō Zefā

Time to Exorcise a Hollow? - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Ahhhhhh. It was good. Good to heal, feeling his reishi work through his Kido to mend the chipped bones, bruised muscles, and open wound on his body. Blood loss was an entire different thing though. It was something that was not fixed by the simple effort that he did. Beyond that it...felt good to talk to this Arrancar. Cala. For some reason. Perhaps it was because it was the first time he had met a Hollow on this level. Holding the ability to have some humanity and appearance that felt more...familiar. Maybe that was just this momentarily illusion of a cease fire between natural combatants; Shinigami and Hollow.

As he spoke she listened, showing no outward motions of anything being up. No real motions of her body at all really, only the smallest rises and fall of her chest from her breathing life. A calmness. It seemed his words had made her mind think and wander, the darkness filled eyes moving to gaze at the dreamy star light sky above them. The small pieces of light breaking through the foggy cold and darkness of the night as the snowflakes continued to fall in a spiral descent. Hugging and forming the frames around their grey and black form slightly, strangely not giving off a sensation of cold or chill. Just a presence such as eyes gazing around on their backs. Perhaps this empty sensation was due to the case that Tento already had the presences of this....interesting Arrancar to contest with?

Just as Cala had asked hard questions for Tento to feel and answer. Perhaps in an attempt to play some mental advantage back when he was under the believe that they would have to fight. So did he to her. One that he wondered if they truly held any weight on her mind and soul. He watched as she slowly extended her hand a piece of snow falling to land into her palm of her claw staying till and present in its coldness as she drew it close to her. Eyes following it down in a stare. Thinking of this piece of nature or perhaps at something else before her.

A response that he somewhat expected to be honest as she crushed the snowflake before looking back at him. The snow sliding out from the gaps in her hand before blowing away in the wind. Deeper into the claws of loss would come from the separation or destruction of what was in the heart. Hm....., yeah. He had to agree with that. He had memories and that person still in his heart, there was room for her there. As long as she was there and as long as he knew she was well, he could handle them being separated like this.

But for Cala, what type of loss would drive her further? Would she crumble from the closeness of existing alongside this other being? "I would have to say that is true. And this understanding you have of such an important decision to make, makes me feel odd and confused about you. Who has the power of taking specific memories, taking such a thing from beings. For in giving them to you, aren't they turning away due to fear and being hurt, resulting in a spiritual loss worse than anything else?". Tento asked finding this a bit amusing and...daunting now. Would this type of truer loss fascinate her?

"Memory loss huh?", Tento asked in a bit of wonder. This was odd. Was this a bit of kinship from a similar situation that he was feeling now? He too, had someone dear to him that had memory loss. He did not know how far or bad the memory loss Cala's friend had, but such an issue was one that tore at the mind and soul of a person. Harmed them, angered, made them feel helpless. "Trying to protect her from a loss of a new beginning hmmm? A thing that is important yes. Everyone needs a place, a journey. Identity or existence", Tento let out a sigh. " Age before beauty as the saying goes. Either way to be honest there is a challenge. One that I think you are already aware of as well. When it comes to ones own existence, the protection and creation of such a thing can only be done by the person it is for".

An interesting topic that they were on now. The priority of life depending on the stage of the road one was one. A thread cut. A pain that was furthered by the loss of one that held it greatly. This was usually youth. But what of others who still held a large amount of potential in their own way? Of Seasoned workers, warriors, people. Who were a little bit on the road of adulthood but were still, in the relative lenses of the full road before them, still infants of it all. And even then beyond this, what of others? Infancy existed in many ways after all. To be a child, a baby briefing it first breath was cherish. This...newness. Was for all of life, ones that existed for some time. Seasoned in a way, but in the relative sense of the regular life lived or journey done, had much more to be done. So much more that one could say that they were still filled with a vast amount of potential. Such a thing would sadden Tento just as much.

Cala would go quiet as they talked, sighing and quiet as a mouse. She was such a silent being really. Tento had to tilt his own head at her question. "I would have to ay no. Not truly. I live my life with my steps and hands. Minds and heart. What I am a part of is what I have chosen to join. Finding myself within it is still a journey yes. But one that I began by my own choice", Tento said truthy in honesty it was hard though. He had found a home in the Gotei United, but still felt so separated from the after life. At time it could be, empty. But that was one thing he had never really shown anyone. "Even then, subsumed, engulfed, overwritten and eventually replaced away. That exitance is still mine, for I am the one that shall go through it no?".

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Time to Exorcise a Hollow? - Page 2 Tentos10
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Sat Jan 07, 2023 5:05 pm


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Cala took in all that Tento had to say at first before replying in a tone with a tiny amount of inflection to it, just enough to give of the impression that Cala had expected this answer or, at least, heard it before.

"I believe it is true that there is a world of difference between finally setting down chains that weigh upon your soul versus tearing out the heart of your being because it can cause you pain."

Cala did not elaborate as they did not feel the need to do so. Instead they let Tento continue, passively moving their head to 'stare' over his shoulder, their lithe form adjusting their position slowly, baring androgynous, svelte motions not unlike a cat as they move onto their toes and hands, before righting themselves onto their feet. Crouched now with knees bent and elbows resting on their knees. As Tento questioned them about memory loss Cala pursed their lips subtly.

"Yes, though quite a bit different than a fairy tale would have you believe. The memories are removed from you. Not buried, not suppressed or hidden. As far as we have seen once we take them and break them down they cannot be reclaimed. Though, perhaps......"

Cala would tilt their head softly.

" ....perhaps if someone were extremely sadistic they could fabricate horrible memories we removed from a person and put a copy of them back, should they have the capability to do so. We shudder at the machinations of someone so vile."

Cala would go quite, caught in their own reverie, until Tento said something that made them truly, honestly react. A frown, stark and deep, would crease Cala's ashen skin as their masked head twitched down to stare at the center of Tento's forehead and they shook their head, twice, in firm motions.

"A dangerous mindset. A death, we suppose, could be considered YOURS but by that same token it would also be considered the kill of someone or something else, and they are still around to experience the aftermath. "

Cala went quite for a short moment before standing and murmuring softly, their Pesquisa narrowing down on Tento harshly, roaming over him with magnified intensity before Cala exhaled sharply out their nose in a very.... sharp noise.

"You may not know the sensation now, but we feel you will."

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Time to Exorcise a Hollow? - Page 2 Empty Re: Time to Exorcise a Hollow?

Mon Jan 09, 2023 1:45 am

The Unrefined Paragon

Tentō Zefā

Time to Exorcise a Hollow? - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Hmmmmmm. How old was Cala? Or more accuratly he guessed, the wisdom in the accumulated souls with in her? She had listened patiently before speaking back. Her voice having that same empty calmness that had a hint of emotion. Tiny. An emphasis in that showed that she had already reached this point. Coming to it by herself as well as possibly hearing this before. Which....with the whole thing of being an Arrancar that ate memories; which would give some interesting conversations often he would bet. It was no surprise. He just wished he gave him more there beyond the agreed, yes, I do see and note the difference between setting down and healing from the challenges of the mind or soul. And ripping it out or off before it can heal.

If anything it would just make him more confused about Cala. Even more so a little bit frustrated and mad. She knew this important difference and yet still did this to people? It may be presumption for him to think so, but most likely in his mind. More people would fall into the ripped and not into the settle down category from having their memories taken away of their trauma and challenges in the long run. Although the short embrace of freedom would be sweet and alluring.

Wait...the hell was she doing????

He blinked, contining with what he was saying as Cala just. Looked on. Shifting and looking over his shoulder. At him? She was adjusting her body, had they really been talking and siting for that long? Time could- they hell!?! She was crouched over and stretching like a cat. She was slender and he supposed flexible but this was just another odd tick to the Cala belt. Hands and toes before getting back onto her feet. Crouched, knees bent and elbows on top. He had finished talk but. Yeah. "....".

Can I stop talking to her yet? No. Was all that was even thought about as Cala pursed her lips ever so lightly. Puckered up as if someone had just given her something sour. Distasteful. "Yes that is true. And I hope no one with such an ability and desire ever exists with someone you have taken their memories. But, I meant. In what end do you do good actually? In the times of the human deals with those memories that haunt them due to their environment. You taking them away does nothing. If anything, it would harm them more, as it is a fresh blow of pain every time. And the first piece of trauma is always the strongest. You are essentially multiplying it in those situations don't you think?". Tento said offering up a thoughtful, hopefully, challenge that held a bit of emotion from him. Calm. But defintly feeling a need of critical thought here.

She would go quite, a frown. Well, that was something he did not expect. It held. A lot. Emotions and a humanity that was not present before. A stillness. A deep disapproval and rejection. Negativity sure, but something. Firm. "Hmm. But. What is death. What is life. Beyond the vessel", Tento said shifting in his own position now. Holding his blade towards the ground as he somewhat just, twirled it. "What is inside is what also makes a being. If one is broken you are no longer you in the same sense as before. That itself is a death. If you have nothing to replace the body or person from within. You would stay 'dead' I think. To kill someone or something, that somewhat happens then when you take a memory funny enough. They are around after to experience the aftermath. But they, are not the same they". Strangly, when Cala stood and murmured murmured, her Pesquisa narrowing on him coldly, hasrhsly. He didn't falter he just continued to look on. At her. Meeting her intensified gaze before she let out a sharp exhale through her nose.

Okay that may have been cute a little.

"Maybe. The future is foggy to all in the world after all".

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Time to Exorcise a Hollow? - Page 2 Tentos10
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Sun Jan 15, 2023 6:46 pm


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As Cala stood and considered Tento's musings for what was likely the final time tonight the Arrancar tilted their head forward in a look that was almost..... teasingly disapproving? It was less stark than the frown from earlier, at least, before Cala would cross their arms over their thin chest. A small bunching above their arms indicating... breasts? Or perhaps just the fabric of their cloak being caught up in the motion. Regardless Cala shook their head slowly and replied only with:

"We feel you are, perhaps, attempting to use our understanding to glean something of yourself. Something you do not possess answers for yet. I am afraid we cannot act as a mentor, or a shortcut, for you Shinigami. "

Cala would incline their head gently, seemingly in apology, before continuing.

"We are far from some sort of oracle, so whatever future you are attempting to clear the fog from we are afraid we would be little help. For now, Shinigami, this is goodbye. We still have much to do, more power to obtain, more Hollows to hunt. No doubt your future contains much of the same hmm?"

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Time to Exorcise a Hollow? - Page 2 Empty Re: Time to Exorcise a Hollow?

Wed Jan 18, 2023 8:44 pm

The Unrefined Paragon

Tentō Zefā

Time to Exorcise a Hollow? - Page 2 6EdIfMt

The slim figure stood. His gentle firm words musing out into the world with each syllable of his words. The Arrancad titling their head during the process with her face having an, I threshing gaze as he wrapped up his thoughts. It was some look, a...teasingly disapproving perhaps? A distant allure. Very gamine.

It was a lot less heavy in sadness or disapproval. A weird, positivity in it. Not one that was like a yes. But more of a calm exposition. Still a cold unwelcome body though with the crossing of her arms over her chest. Guarded. Reserved. The body gave its signs. The shaking of her head coming before her voice. A very truthful one as well.

He nodded his head. "Yes. Yes I am. But how much I don't know. Understanding of one self and having an identity happens with every interaction, every challenge. With the flow of time that makes us one second different than the last", Tento said with a bit honesty. Interaction person to person always made an individual growth. Some situations and people just had a thing about hitting a core that spurred physical growth or internal development

"Then again. I am also just speaking from my point of view. Mind and soul about what you are giving me. Answers to questions. Mentor or shortcut. I don't know if such a thing is what I am looking for. I'm much too concentrated on finding my place here and doing my best to give my all". Ah this was difficult. This conversation. Really, it somewhat felt like he was looking sideways into a mirror. Looking and not looking. Seeing and yet not seeing.

Head bowing in a gentle movement that was returned by Tento. A smooth and carefree response to her honesty being listening to her more. He stood up now, finding his wound healed and his sword softly sheathing away. Silent to its wielder once again but giving a gentle cool touch on his hand as he let go of its hilt. "The future is such an annoying thing. Not one but many. Wide g branches and paths, changing; dynamic in a scaring way at the smallest thing. I expect no oracle. At least a perfect one~", he said in a very light hearted voice as he did his motion. More than normal as this conversation came to an end. "Goodbye then Miss Cala. I trust you will stay out of trouble. Less you wish to see me again. Perhaps we shall run u to each other again. Once our connecting habits have gone through their rotations".

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Time to Exorcise a Hollow? - Page 2 Tentos10
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