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Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Visiting Ari 2: Advice Boogaloo Empty Visiting Ari 2: Advice Boogaloo

Fri Nov 25, 2022 8:12 pm


Enter Cala's Post

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For the second time in a relatively short while Cala once again found themselves back at Ari's house, well, the front door of it at least. They weren't quite sure if she was home but at the very least now that they had a cell phone again they could give her their number and stay in contact more reliably. Softly knocking on the door Cala would fiddle with their hair anxiously, check their rather surprisingly finely pressed outfit, and shuffle from foot to foot.

Cala had taken quite a lot of time, painstaking effort, and several mortal salons having their appearance adjusted and clothes fitted just right. Some basic studying they had done in mortal media made one thing very clear when it came to dating and that was to look your best but after that? After that Cala had no idea what to do and that was their reason for visiting Ari today.

It was a bit odd to admit to themselves but Cala didn't quite have a lot of friends and, from those, not really any CLOSE friends besides Ari, and that was more due to what Cala perceived as Ari being kind and loving more than them knowing each other for very long. Granted these perceived traits only made Cala appreciate Ari more as a friend, almost viewing her as a sister in a way, and so they could think of no one else they could go to, or would rather go to, for advice on how to properly go about having a crush on, or 'dating' as they had found out it was called, Saiko.

As Ari answered the door Cala would smile softly, a very sheepish smile even by their standards, and fiddle with one of the buttons on their clothing as they asked quietly.

"Ummm h-hi Ari.... I was wondering if you were busy?"

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Visiting Ari 2: Advice Boogaloo Empty Re: Visiting Ari 2: Advice Boogaloo

Mon Dec 05, 2022 10:39 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Frankly speaking, it was quite reasonable to assume that Arianda had not been expecting any guests today. Simply put, she was certainly not expecting a certain Arrancar to show up at her door and come around asking for her assistance. What for? She had no honest idea! Well, actually, she had no idea that Cala was even here to ask for her assistance. As soon as Arianda opened the door and sized Cala up. Their clothing was far different from that of before. Clean, crisp, and well fitting; along with a bit of hair treatment it seemed. However, it was hard for Ari to ignore the stench of nervousness that wafted from Cala; of pure anxiety. There were a few other mingled emotions, how Cala felt about Ari, about their clothes, appearance, and something that Ari couldn't quite understand. Regardless, the demon gave Cala a warm smile after seeing the Arrancar at the door. Without a word in response, at first, the demon pulled Cala into a warm hug, humming softly as she hugged them. After a short bit, Arianda guided Cala inside and close the door.

"Nope~! Not busy at all. What's up, Cala? You seem extremely nervous. By the way, you look good."

Arianda gave the Arrancar an honest smile, walking further into the house while gesturing for Cala to follow her. After a short trip, they arrived in Ari's den, where the demon had Cala sit down, with Ari sitting down next to the Arrancar.

"So! What's on your mind, Cala?"

Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Visiting Ari 2: Advice Boogaloo Empty Re: Visiting Ari 2: Advice Boogaloo

Sun Dec 11, 2022 2:02 pm


Enter Cala's Post

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Cala would nod, indeed very anxious, and follow Ari into her house. It was somewhat familiar to them at this point and once they reached Ari's den Cala would smooth their clothing on the couch and sigh softly. Hands resting in their lap, curled up anxiously, as Cala straightened their posture and inhaled sharply, working up their courage to even ask this of their one and only friend. Their face doing it's best color impersonation of a tomato as they struggled to look directly at Ari all of a sudden.

"I-I... I umm.... w-well....."

Cala swallowed what felt for all the world like an entire softball down their throat before murmuring.

"I.... like.... s-someone.... and w-well.... I was wondering if maybe I could ask you for advice?"

Hurriedly, Cala would add.

"I-I don't have any experience dating and the way mortals do things is just... weird but whenever I am around her I feel.... I-I feel..... well...."

Trailing off, Cala would fiddle with their clothing anxiously before shrugging.

"R-Remember how I said I felt like I had lost something?"

Completely without their knowing Cala smiled a smitten, wistful smile, rocking in place without even realizing it as their voice took on a quiet, awed quality.

"She... feels like part of it returning.... l-like.... well... even she asked if I thought we met in a previous life..... I-I dunno if I seemed familiar too or even if I interest her THAT much b-but.... I just.... I HAVE to try... Ari..... please?"

The look Cala gave to Ari was a very odd, very out of place look on Cala's face, a mixture of equal parts determined and pleading with their demon friend.

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Visiting Ari 2: Advice Boogaloo Empty Re: Visiting Ari 2: Advice Boogaloo

Fri Jan 06, 2023 8:17 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Arianda blinked at Cala with obvious confusion as the Arrancar described their plight to the demon, causing a tiny bit of confusion for her. Not to mention, it also left a slightly sour taste in her mouth. Only because that Ari herself had recently found that her and relationships with anyone in this world are fraught with peril; and a lack of potential due to Ari's past reputation. She let out a tiny sigh and shook her head gently and shrugged when Cala asked for Ari to helm them. It wasn't a refusal, more of a tiny bit of exasperation.

"Cala... I swear to god if you are head over heels for a woman you just met... Nevermind, I can try. Problem is, I'm not entirely sure how to advise you, and I'm especially not certain if I should given the fact that trying to use someone else to fill the void within you is not a solution to a problem; trust me, I know all too well what can happen in such situations."

Arianda studied Cala closely, likely causing the little Arrancar to flinch a tiny bit. Her gaze was calculating, intense, and downright looked as if she was trying to put Cala under a microscope and try to figure out what made the odd little Arrancar work. However the demon simply shrugged once more, because Cala was very cute and it was hard to say no to the face they were making right now.

"Fine, I can try... But let me firstly warn you about trying to date someone that is opposite to your way of life. Sometimes, things are bound to end in tragedy, and it is best not to worry about the hypotheticals. However, I can try my best for you, Cala. Just please don't expect revelations. I am no expert, and I'm afraid my own desires of relationships with others have been tainted by recent sour revelations... I do hope you know what you're doing, Cala."

Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Visiting Ari 2: Advice Boogaloo Empty Re: Visiting Ari 2: Advice Boogaloo

Sat Jan 07, 2023 5:18 pm


Enter Cala's Post

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If someone had told Cala that they would soon consider coming to Ari for advice a mistake they would never have believed them. Ari was, aside from their other self, the closest thing to a best friend or family Cala possessed if one did not count other Hollows 'family' by technicality. Cala had expected..... enthusiasm? Understanding? A friendly face and an even friendlier explanation? The thing they usually associated with their demon friend but as Ari sighed and Cala sensed their.... anger? Frustration? Their own small, hopeful and bashful smile died on their lips. The spark of determination in Cala's eyes withering like a candleflame placed under a mountain of dirt.

As Ari leaned forward Cala did not flinch so much as simply step back from her. The feelings currently crackling out from where their heart should be made them feel.... bad. Their throat hurt, clenched, and felt a bit more dry. Their chest felt like it was filled with sand, breathing becoming more difficult, and Cala's pupils would dilate down to tiny pinpricks of worry while their irises would expand in something almost like fear. That certainly roused their other half's attention in the depths of their mind, mutually, twinned confusion emanating from both halves now at fear directed at Ari of all people would only make Cala feel worse. They had not even truly noticed they stopped breathing when Ari mentioned it was doomed to end in tragedy as this all felt... like a knife to the back.

Even as their literal other half, a second voice in their mind, pointed out with calm, though undoubtedly hostile intonations that Ari was merely overreacting from her own experienced as Ari all but said as much the present Cala... couldn't bring themselves to listen. Their blood thundered in their ears and they had begun to well and truly panic, now taking another step back from Ari and altogether failing to parse their emotions effectively. Whatever Ari's own experiences Cala had come to her with trust, with hope, and the tiniest bit of budding determination only to be told their outlook was a mistake and likely doomed to failure. They were, in a word, hurt by the only real person they trusted deeply and it was not something they could deal with.

Turning away Cala would look down at the floor, their voice tiny, quiet and shaking as they murmured.

"N-Never mind. I... I want to leave now."

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Visiting Ari 2: Advice Boogaloo Empty Re: Visiting Ari 2: Advice Boogaloo

Sun Jan 08, 2023 2:42 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Now it was Arianda who had flinched. Her sour feelings towards her recent exploits had gotten to Cala... instead of letting the Arrancar leave, the demon had reached out suddenly, with a much greater speed than expected, hugging Cala to her breast with that same motherly, elder sisterly even, feeling that Cala had felt before. She had acted improperly with Cala, and she had to convince Cala of such; hell, she even pecked Cala's forehead as she pulled the poor Arrancar out of their panic.

"No... Don't leave, Cala... I'm sorry, my dear little one. I didn't take your feelings into account... I just don't wish to see someone as adorable as you get hurt. But... perhaps you are bound to succeed where I have failed. After all, you seem smart enough to know just who you want to be with... Unlike myself."

Arianda held Cala tight, not forcing the Arrancar to turn around... but it would be very easy to hear Ari's heartbeat and voice no matter how loud or hard Cala's blood thundered through their head; as if Arianda's voice was permeating Cala's entire being. Frankly speaking, that was because Arianda was trying to use a bit of telepathy along with her own voice to speak to Cala's entirety; and not just speak to a small portion of Cala. After a small fraction of time, she pecked the young Arrancar on the cheek and then carefully picked them up, assuming Cala was accepting. After a second, she had sat down, with Cala on her lap. She was a bit nicer, her sourness forgotten as she looked upon the Arrancar before her.

"Let me reiterate... just who have you fallen for, hun? I can't promise I'll give all the answers, but I'll do my best. I've uh... dealt with my fair share of trials and tribulations in the area of love~"

Cala Paracer
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Visiting Ari 2: Advice Boogaloo Empty Re: Visiting Ari 2: Advice Boogaloo

Sun Jan 08, 2023 7:58 pm


Enter Cala's Post

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Cala tensed as Ari grabbed them, the quick grip only emphasizing how truly helpless Cala was by comparison to her, and as they were hugged close NOW it was Cala's time to flinch. Being held close, at this moment, was not reassuring as it was with Ari before. The soft embrace along with the soft sound of Ari's heartbeat did nothing but remind Cala just how much they were at Ari's mercy if she so chose. As Ari began to speak, to apologize to them, began to explain how it connected to her own hurt Cala could feel the Loss flooding out from her... and even though they should have been angry at her, or at the very least upset, to know that their current hurt came from hurt inside her.... only made Cala frown.

The kiss to their forehead would usually make Cala smile, or at least blush a little, but knowing now that Ari was hurting so much that it had spilled forth to hurt them.... it made Cala almost choke in indecision. Never mind the fact that Ari's voice was entering their mind as well, though both of them could hear it before, it at least made the communication more direct. This made both sides pause, internal communication taking place as Ari picked them up and carried them to a place to sit. What exactly they said to one-another within their own mind spoke of what they had discussed with Saiko about their powers, about what they could use their abilties, and that Ari was still their friend. At the end of the day, their choice was made.

As Ari sat down with them Cala would adjust themselves to sit facing Ari, looking at her with eyes much less bright than before, but still dimly smoldering with that ember of determination as they forced themselves to speak.

"H-Her name is Saiko, and her powers are like mine, she feels.... feels like a part of what we said we were missing and.... she helped us understand how our powers compare. Their... Th-Their use.... and... if you hurt Ari.... w-we want to help you if we can. We can.. c-can try to take those memories, the cause of those memories, a-... away...."

Cala's hands would gently grip Ari's shoulders, their lips pursing softly, even as their chest continued to ache at this.... forced determination. Their instinct was to hide, to run, but now that someone so close needed them, they made their offer with full intent to follow it through.

"I-I want.... I want to learn how to cook. We... talked for a while a-and.... she likes food s-so... if it helps make her happy then we want to learn."

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Visiting Ari 2: Advice Boogaloo Empty Re: Visiting Ari 2: Advice Boogaloo

Sun Jan 08, 2023 9:29 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Arianda was quite glad that Cala had relaxed a bit, and they had come to a form of understanding; not to mention Arianda briefly acutely felt the presence of what felt like another consciousness inside of Cala's brain. However, she didn't invade Cala's mental privacy much longer out of respect for their privacy. Afterwards, Arianda listened to Cala acutely, being quite attentive now instead of accidentally pushing her own feelings onto the young Arrancar; who she should remember was their own being and didn't need to be protected from such pain. So she listened, and thought some. Eventually, she smiles softly and carefully hugged Cala again.

"That's very sweet of you, Cala. But how can I learn from my mistakes and hardships if I don't remember them? Pain... it's a natural part of life. There are far worse things than it, and far better. But, if there's one thing I know, it's that those who do not know their mistakes, are doomed to repeat them. I'd rather learn from my past than not, Cala. To make sure you understand wholly, I thank for the offer, but no. However... as far as cooking goes..."

Arianda couldn't help but wince a tiny bit. She was far from a star chef, and her recent success was mostly due to the fact that she had a good teacher. Otherwise, however... The demon shrugged some before she gave Cala a warm smile.

"I can try my best to teach you, Cala... Did Saiko recommend you? Because, as it happens, she's my friend~ Then again, you may already have known or guessed that by now... Regardless! I'd be glad to teach you... Aafterrr I tease you~"

She sticks her tongue out playfully, tickling Cala's sides all too briefly before she carefully hugs them nice and tight. Truthfully, it was easy to tell that Arianda was honestly sorry for her previous words, and that she had deeply regretted them. However, she didn't want to spend all this time hugging Cala to express her apology. With a gentle peck on the forehead once again, Arianda carefully lifted Cala off her lap and onto their feet, humming as she too stood.

"Well, shall we? Learning how to cook is a difficult task in it's own~ Afterwards, I can try to advise on relationship stuff... Unless you just want me for cooking help~"

Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Visiting Ari 2: Advice Boogaloo Empty Re: Visiting Ari 2: Advice Boogaloo

Sun Jan 15, 2023 12:08 am


Enter Cala's Post

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Cala understood Ari's point of view all too well as she turned down having the bad memories, her Loss of faith in relationships, taken away. It was something they accepted as a good, just reason for holding onto something that otherwise hurt someone. Cala noticed the wince Ari gave and, now worried that cooking was something much more complicated than they thought, Cala nodded slowly in response to the warm smile. Only for Cala to blink quickly as Ari mentioned already knowing Saiko and, though Cala did not anticipate that fact, they were only slightly surprised by it. The teasing and tickling made Cala smile, though they did not laugh, not because they weren't ticklish, but because their heart was still mending from the earlier pain and couldn't quite.... bring itself to laugh.

Cala would stand and nod as Ari mentioned cooking being difficult, their gaze sweeping over Ari's kitchen studiously, before Cala looked back at Ari and shook their head quickly.

"O-Oh no no.... Umm.... if you're Saiko's friend then I definitely want advice!...."

Cala's voice would trail off softly, their eyes landing on an elongated box of some sort, and they would curiously pick it up and study it for a moment. Only to show it to Ari as they inquired with wide eyes that were nothing short of completely, obliviously sincere.

"Umm.... is this stuff easy to make? It says it's a..... cereal?"

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Visiting Ari 2: Advice Boogaloo Empty Re: Visiting Ari 2: Advice Boogaloo

Mon Jan 16, 2023 7:17 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Arianda hummed as she carefully pulled Cala to her side, tickling the little Arrancar carefully one last time before giving them a big ol' hug in apology for her previous attitude before the demon turned towards the daunting task of COOKING.

Okay, it really wasn't that daunting, the demon simply shrugged somewhat and gave Cala a peck on the forehead before she moved off towards the kitchen at large, humming softly as Cala definitely desired advice and then questioned the box of unopened cereal on the counter. Arianda shrugged some as Cala observed the box and smiled warmly.

"In a sense... It's just milk and the contents in the box. It is easy but Cereal's not something you normally serve someone if you're trying to impress them... Let's try something basic enough, but still really tasty that should appeal to her tastebuds... and also be easy for you to learn."

After Arianda ruffled Cala's hair gently, the demon pulled a cookbook out of a small bookshelf nearby, and flipped through the pages; eventually arriving on what she found to be simple, and only hoped Cala would feel so as well. Not to mention, Arianda hoped Saiko would be a fan of it... Only one way to find out!

"Alright then, my dear little Cala. What I am going to teach you to cook today is a dish called 'Tonkatsu'. It's nice and simple, and verryyy tasty. Luckily for us, I have all the ingredients right now; we just need to get some pork out of the freezer, and a few other things... Just help me out the best you can, and we'll figure out what you need to learn, okay~? Cooking is a lot easier than you think, hun~"

With a warm smile, Arianda carefully pulled Cala over to look at the book, so that they could see the picture, the recipe, and all the required ingredients. Arianda would help with the ingredients, but she would make sure Cala would be able to recognize each one with ease. Afterwards, Arianda would mostly just help the Arrancar do their best to cook it with some help, with little help, and then none at all. That would all be quite a lot of trial and error...

"Well, Cala... Think you're ready to learn to cook with big sis Ari~?"

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