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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Visiting Ari 2: Advice Boogaloo - Page 2 Empty Re: Visiting Ari 2: Advice Boogaloo

Tue Jan 17, 2023 5:16 pm


Enter Cala's Post

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Cala nodded slowly as Ari explained about cereal and how it was easy, but not overly impressive, and Cala pursed their lips. Humming in thought before putting the box back. They would have to come back to try and cook cereal it seemed. As Ari prepared to show them something else Cala would watch and listen as directed, focusing as much as they could as they really did not want to mess up learning how to cook! As Ari showed them the book of ingredients a lump of uncertainty formed in their throat as it all seemed so... much. It definitely wasn't as simple as Cala had hoped it would be!

Thankfully for Cala Ari was more than patient showing them the ingredients, which Cala thought they understood well enough. Pork, Salt and pepper, flour, egg, panko, oil and sesame seeds.

Taking a deep breathe Cala would try their best to prepare the meal and, with Ari helping, was at least able to follow the instructions. Though in truth Cala obviously had a lot of trouble with the process of cooking, at least currently, they seemed very easy to overwhelm and though their first attempt with Ari's help was a success they definitely seemed to freeze up when left more to their own devices. This left them... disheartened. They were far from a natural chef or some sort of prodigy at cooking, in fact their nervous demeanor was almost the opposite, but still they continued to try until they could at least make it with only occasional reminders from Ari.

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Visiting Ari 2: Advice Boogaloo - Page 2 Empty Re: Visiting Ari 2: Advice Boogaloo

Wed Jan 25, 2023 7:35 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Frankly speaking, Arianda was ready for Cala to be an absolute travesty at cooking, and for the most part she wasn't disappointed. At first, Cala needed as much help as a child cooking meals, after a few iterations of attempts, in which Cala froze up like a deer in headlights, Cala had gotten the recipe down well enough to be able to cook it with only a few reminders from Ari here and there; like when Cala forgot to transfer the flattened pork between the proper coatings. Otherwise, the demon was quite proud of the little bean that was Cala. She smiled warmly and ruffled Cala's hair carefully, not wanting hair to get in the food. Even though Ari had been snacking on the fruits of their labor, she gave Cala a warm smile and another headpat.

"You should feel proud of yourself, Cala. That's a lot of improvement in such a short time. I'm sure, eventually, I'll be able to get you to a point where you can follow any recipe you see on your own~ But, for now, how about we cover one more thing?"

Arianda smiled and left Cala at the finished pile of Tonkatsu, and soon reemerged from the pantry with a rather basic-looking rice cooker and what you normally cook in a rice cooker; rice. She placed the appliance on the counter and also put the container of rice on the counter. She smiled at Cala and gently gave the rice container a pat.

"Now, normally, Tonkatsu is served with rice. The Japanese really like their rice, you know. Anyways, this should be a lot easier. All you gotta do is wash five cups of rice, put it in the rice cooker, and then add enough water to fill the pot for the rice cooker to be just about between the five and six lines. Let me show you~"

Arianda did a short display of washing just a single cup of rice, showing Cala how, after two thorough washes, the rice would begin to have less gunk come off of it and end up in the water. Afterwards, she showed Cala the inner pot of the rice cooker and about where they needed to fill the water to. Afterwards, Arianda put the one cup of washed rice into the pot and then handed Cala a measuring cup, the bowl she was washing the rice in, and a towel for their hands.

"Take it slow, okay~? And show me what you can do~"

Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Visiting Ari 2: Advice Boogaloo - Page 2 Empty Re: Visiting Ari 2: Advice Boogaloo

Wed Jan 25, 2023 9:21 pm


Enter Cala's Post

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Cala's chest swelled with pride and happiness as Ari told them they were making great progress. They certainly did not feel like it as they felt like the moment they didn't have her guidance they would just freeze up again but the kind words made Cala's cheeks go rosy and a happy smile alight their features. But as Ari suggested trying something else Cala blinked and nodded slowly. They felt good, happy even, and a far cry from how Ari's initial reaction had made them feel. They were willing to try, for Ari anyways, and as Ari brought out the rice cooker Cala actually vaguely recognized it from their time in Japan. A simple fact that, in and of itself, made Cala happy. Something about becoming familiar enough with the living world to recognize things in it made them feel.... whole.

As Ari went about explaining the rice cooker and rice Cala stared up at her like a lost puppy, eyes wide and all but unseeing, as they drank in her words and nodded slowly once she was done. As Ari handed them the materials to cook with Cala copied the actions Ari had done to wash the rice, though Cala was obviously still nervous and not as thorough as their big sister, their rice was not quite entirely clean but as they looked down into the cooker they did realize this and wince gently. They paused, glanced at Ari, before glancing back at the cooker. They made sure it was off before scooping the not quite clean rice back out and finishing cleaning it, their small tongue poking out in concentration as they continued.

Once all the rice was washed Cala nodded and turned to get the water, mumbling to themselves quietly under their breathe each step as they did them, only to pause as they hovered the cup of water over the cooker. In their embarrassment of having gotten dirty rice in the cooker they had forgotten what numbers to fill the pot up to. This made Cala frown, pout even, and glance back and forth between the cooker and Ari in distress. Like a puppy anxiously waiting for their owner to open the door for them to go outside, to help them, and their distress was self evident.

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Visiting Ari 2: Advice Boogaloo - Page 2 Empty Re: Visiting Ari 2: Advice Boogaloo

Fri Jan 27, 2023 8:14 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Arianda couldn't help but smile as she watched her newfound little sibling work their hardest at trying to properly wash the rice; especially after looking like a deer in headlights once again when listening to her instruction. As the demon washed, Arianda was very impressed to see that they weren't asking for a whole lot of direction. They did pause a bit here and there, gave Ari a glance, and returned to cleaning the rice again. Arianda simply nodded in encouragement as she watched them.

Eventually, however, it seemed that Cala had reached a bit of an impasse, a barrier that could not be passed by recollection or glancing at Ari in an attempt to recollect their thoughts. With a gentle chuckle, and a well meaning smile, the demon reached forwards and carefully ruffled Cala's hair; pecking the little Arrancar on the forehead.

"Breathe Cala, it's okay; relax~ Genius cooks aren't born overnight~ Between the five and six lines, hun."

Arianda smiled, patting Cala on the head once more before she resumed her perch on the island in the kitchen; waiting for Cala to resume their efforts. Luckily, the final step was the easiest. All they had to do was put the lid on, the right way of course, and turn the rice cooker on bake. Which was, aside from the on switch, the only other switch the rice cooker had; which made it even easier for Cala. So, the demon waited as Cala cooked what was essentially going to be a dinner that they shared first before Cala went on to cook it for Saiko.

Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Visiting Ari 2: Advice Boogaloo - Page 2 Empty Re: Visiting Ari 2: Advice Boogaloo

Sat Jan 28, 2023 2:44 pm


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Cala was relieved at Ari's words, her touch, and the gentle peck to the forehead. Instead of going right back to cooking, however, Cala fidgeted softly and looked away. Almost something resembling a.... tiny pout(?) on their face as they mumbled in embarrassment

"G-Geez Ari, at this rate my forehead w-will have lip marks on them all the time...."

Still, Cala was not truly complaining about the kisses, far from it. The simple act of affection and care was being shown so repeatedly by Ari that Cala was truly, genuinely embarrassed. Shuffling to the cooker Cala poured water to the spot Ari indicated, put the lid on backwards for a moment, then realized their mistake and sheepishly corrected it. With that done Cala turned the cooker on and held their breathe, as if waiting for something to go wrong, before turning to Ari and hugging her gently. Snuggling into her with genuine affection as they sighed.

"Th-Thank you Ari. I-I... I really appreciate it."

Cala nodded and pulled back, no doubt after Ari displayed her own affection, before fiddling with their hands and looking down at them. Trying to think of how to word what they wanted.

"Ummmm.... Ari? I-I think maybe next time.... err... do you think we could maybe see about making burgers? Saiko really likes them s-so... I-I mean.... it seems like a good idea to me."

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Visiting Ari 2: Advice Boogaloo - Page 2 Empty Re: Visiting Ari 2: Advice Boogaloo

Wed Feb 01, 2023 6:47 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

"That could be arranged, Cala~"

The demon smiled, placing another, but prolonged, kiss on Cala's forehead before the demon smiled and hugged her little sibling carefully; humming softly as she rubbed their back. She let Cala nuzzle into her quite easily, humming some as the Arrancar likely ended up buried in her chest, because Ari cheated somewhat and floated up a little bit so that Cala could be soothed by the sound of Ari's heartbeat; and by her warm embrace.

"Any time, Cala. Really~ I was glad to help you. But we should have a good dinner, I would think. Because Tonkatsu is amazing just about no matter what~"

Arianda smiled warmly, letting Cala pull back as the demon quietly, and somehow subtly, lowered herself back to the floor. Arianda soon tilted her head at Cala's next request, before giggling softly and petting Cala gently; once more pecking them on the forehead.

"Anything for my little sibling~ Now, let's go rest for a bit while the rice cooks, hun. Once it's done, we can chow down~"

Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Visiting Ari 2: Advice Boogaloo - Page 2 Empty Re: Visiting Ari 2: Advice Boogaloo

Thu Feb 02, 2023 5:42 pm


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Cala's reaction to Ari further taunting them about the forehead kisses was met with a soft cherry blush and a reaction much like a distressed cat. Their lips forming into a pout as they let out a highly embarrassed, choked sound only to sigh and mumble into the hug they gave her.

"I-I'm not a baby ya know? I'm... I'm going to work on my cooking a-and my other skills....."

Ari was far from as a subtle as she thought she was, floating basically a foot off the ground to put Cala level with her breasts. Someone more worldly might have suspected some sort of lewdness behind the action, about Ari all but forcing Cala's face into her breasts, but Cala was entirely unaware of every bit of context they would need to feel that way. Cala accepted the hug and held it regardless, thinking nothing further of the affectionate embrace due to their simple inability to do so, and wondered if Ari truly thought he floating down an entire foot so that Cala was looking down at her was.... subtle?

Regardless Cala cared for Ari onee-chan and wasn't going to say anything, though they were going to give her another pout at the petting and forehead kisses, before nodding at her suggestion to rest while the rice cooked. Giving the rice cooker only a single worried glance Cala would move into Ari's living room and sit on the couch, taking off their shoes, and drawing their knees up to their chest as they leaned back into the cushions. Staring up at the ceiling, lavender eyes wide and thoughtful, Cala would feel the butterflies in their stomach spike as they thought of their upcoming date with Saiko. An entirely different kind of flush peppering their cheeks as goosebumps peppered their skin and Ari, of all people, as a demon of all things, would be able to sense the pure infatuation radiating off of Cala.

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Visiting Ari 2: Advice Boogaloo - Page 2 Empty Re: Visiting Ari 2: Advice Boogaloo

Wed Feb 08, 2023 9:19 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

"You're right, Cala; I'm sorry. I promise to help you however I can, okay~?"

Indeed, it was anything but subtle, but the demon ignored it. She didn't care. Besides, it was better she did that instead of literally yanking Cala down to bend over just so they could fit face first into her chest. Regardless, the little demon hummed pleasantly as she followed Cala over to the living room and took a seat next to them; humming still as she kicked off her boots, and pulled her feet and legs up onto the couch, holding them casually as she leaned her head back somewhat, looking upon the ceiling. Eventually, however, the demon looked at Cala; seeing the faint goosebumps, a flush to Cala's face, and could feel the emotions that burned through them. She smiled gently, lowering her legs and gave Cala's shoulder a careful pat.

"You'll do fine, Cala. Try not to overthink, be courteous, and speak from the heart. Do you have a phone, hun? If you need, I can give you my number and if you panic, call me~ I can try and advise you."

The demon leaned over and gave Cala a reassuring hug before she returned to contemplating the ceiling; humming once again. Truthfully, this was a twisted web of love. However, she wasn't going to discourage Cala doing what they felt was best. Even if Arianda was rooting for Henrex, because of his failed escapades into love, Arianda still desired success for Cala too. After all, that's what big sisters do; they support their younger siblings.

Cala Paracer
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Visiting Ari 2: Advice Boogaloo - Page 2 Empty Re: Visiting Ari 2: Advice Boogaloo

Sat Feb 11, 2023 1:03 pm


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Cala nodded slowly as Ari agreed with their assessment, drawing in a shaky, nervous breathe as they swallowed, still staring up at the ceiling in thought. It was not until Ari looked at them that Cala would copy the motion, all at once wrestling with that squirming pit of emotions in the depths of their tummy while simultaneously trying to think of what to do on the date, listen to Ari AND not forget about the food cooking. If this was what mortal life was like then Cala somewhat began to understand why many Hollows preferred the simplicity of the hunt and the kill. These emotions, at times, felt all too strong, all too raw, and it made them uneasy.

Ari's advice did them well, however, and Cala nodded quickly, a few times really out of sheer anxiety, and would quickly begin to fish out their old Nokia flip phone before offering it to Ari. Asking in a small voice as they ducked their head.

"Please? I-I dunno if I will call, b-but just knowing I have the option will make me feel better."

Cala smiled gently and leaned their head forward, keeping their legs curled up nice and close, knees supporting their chin as their arms held their legs close and they exhaled heavily. Not quite able to fully shake their mixture of excitement and anxiousness as they waited for Ari to put their number in their phone. Whether for the date or not it was most definitely a good idea to have Ari's number just in case they needed her. She was really strong for the first thing and the chance of them dying, even now, remained a strong possibility. Secondly just being able to contact and plan with their big sister made them a good deal happier than they had been.

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Visiting Ari 2: Advice Boogaloo - Page 2 Empty Re: Visiting Ari 2: Advice Boogaloo

Sat Feb 11, 2023 4:16 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Arianda gave Cala a pat on the head as she nodded at what Cala said, and took the phone that Cala had presented to her. Truly, it was an old phone. A Nokia, which was basically invincible in its own right, and it was also a flip phone; with a tiny LCD that was quite dim, another feature showing it's age. She smiled gently, finding the fact that Cala had such an old phone quite entertaining... however, the demon soon entered her own phone number into her contacts; entering her name just for Cala. After a few moments, the demon pulled out her own phone, which appeared to be one of the latest model of a popular smartphone line. Arianda waffled for a bit before she used Cala's phone to send herself a test text, saved the Arrancar's number into her phone when the text came in, and then closed the Nokia; slipping it back into Cala's hands before the demon gave Cala a gentle kiss on the cheek, and a warm hug.

"There... Call me if you ever need me, alright? And I'll come running. Your big sis won't let you come to harm, alright~?"

Arianda smiled before she slid next to Cala, slipped an arm around their shoulders, and then pulled Cala into a tiny cuddle, humming as she caressed the Arrancar's head and hair with her fingers. Eventually, the demon had Cala lay down and place their head on Ari's lap, where Arianda idly ran her fingers through Cala's hair. In those moments, Arianda exuded such a calm, soothing, even protective energy, that Cala would likely find it hard to resist the desire to relax; albeit, it wasn't absolute. After all, Cala was free to resist all they wished. However, Arianda wasn't going to hurt them, and was going to keep them safe.

"Rest if you wish, Cala. I'll write down the instructions to make rice and Tonkatsu later, so you have the recipe on hand. But for now, relax your eyes, and rest in your dear Onee-san's safe presence."

A warm smile before she continued to caress Cala's hair carefully, humming a gentle tune; one that was oddly calming. Even if Arianda and Cala had no relation by blood, the demon was determined to be the best big sis Cala could ever ask for.

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